MAIN ROADS WESTERN AUSTRALIA PROJECT UPDATE AUGUST 2017 Kwinana Freeway Southbound On-ramp from Manning Road Main Roads will construct a single-lane southbound on-ramp from Manning Road to Kwinana Freeway in Como to provide direct access to the freeway lanes for road users from Como, Manning, Salter Point and Waterford. For safety and efficiency, we will also: The southbound on-ramp has been part Future planning work for an upgrade of Main Roads long-term planning since to the Manning Road and Ley Street • Construct a new southbound lane the mid-1980s and was identified as an intersection and to provide an from the Canning Highway on-ramp immediate priority in the Canning Bridge additional southbound freeway through to the Edgewater Road footbridge Precinct Structure Plan (2015). lane to Leach Highway do not form part • Construct a new merge lane from of this project. the on-ramp to the freeway heading While providing access from Como, south Manning and Salter Point, the new • Close access to Manning Road from Manning Road on-ramp will also service Lockhart Street activity centres in the wider south $35m • Provide left out only access at metropolitan areas including Curtin has been allocated to this University and Bentley Technology Edgecumbe Street to Manning Road, project as part of the and Precinct and will complement other congestion busting strategies to • Create signalised access at the $2.3 billion road and rail enhance access further south for Fiona Manning Road intersection with Stanley Hospital and the Murdoch infrastructure works Clydesdale Street (including right- Activity Centre, as well as commercial package jointly-funded by turn pocket from Manning Road to and recreational development at Clydesdale Street). the Australian ($28 million) Cockburn. and State ($7 million) governments. Addressing the problem and only provide an indirect route for Canavan Crescent, Henley Street Manning Road provides an important southbound traffic accessing Kwinana and Canning Highway by creating access route for residential housing, Freeway. a dedicated ramp to the freeway southbound lanes. schools and businesses within the This project will address access, suburbs of Como, Manning, Karawara, efficiency and safety issues identified for Main Roads long-term planning and the Salter Point and Waterford. These road users on Manning Road wishing to Canning Bridge Structure plan identified suburbs are bordered by Canning travel south on the freeway by: the need for the ramp, with additional River to the south, which significantly funding confirmed in May 2017 for the • removing the need for slower moving constrains alternative regional road project to be further developed and Manning Road on-ramp motorists connections. constructed. to quickly merge with northbound Currently, access between Kwinana traffic exiting Kwinana Freeway, and Freeway to Manning Road is limited to when re-entering the freeway via the Benefits a southbound off-ramp (to Manning Canning Road on-ramp, motorists When complete the Manning Road Road) and a northbound on-ramp (from required to merge with fast moving southbound on-ramp will provide road Manning Road). Motorists travelling southbound traffic exiting Kwinana network connectivity for road users south on Kwinana Freeway from Freeway wishing to travel south on Kwinana Manning Road must currently use the • removing additional travel time and Freeway from Manning Road. existing Kwinana Freeway northbound congestion for motorists trying to The project will resolve travel time on-ramp, to loop back onto the access the southbound Kwinana inefficiencies and rat running through southbound Kwinana Freeway lanes via Freeway lanes from Manning Road by the local area by providing a more the Canning Bridge interchange. enabling direct southbound freeway direct route to commercial centres, The only alternative southbound regional access, and and will also reduce congestion and road connections from Manning Road • enhancing safety and efficiency by improve safety at the Canning Bridge are indirect links to Leach Highway and removing through traffic movements and Kwinana Freeway interchange by Albany Highway in the south-east, which on the local road network and redistributing traffic to a more direct are heavily congested at peak times residential streets such as Ley Street, route south from Manning Road. Context Concept and During construction works a Noise The project budget is $35 million, preliminary design Management Plan will be developed and jointly-funded by the Australian and We are finalising the concept road implemented to manage construction state governments. The Manning Road design developed in the planning related noise. southbound on-ramp to Kwinana phase of the project. More detail will Freeway forms part of Main Roads’ be available once the preliminary road Employment opportunities overall strategy to transform Perth’s design is confirmed and we move into It is anticipated that the project will freeways to handle economic and the detailed design phase of the project support approximately 100 direct and population growth. It also is one in about March 2018. The confirmed indirect jobs. There will be opportunities of seven major road projects to be concept design will be available on for suppliers and subcontractors to constructed in Perth’s southern the project website by approximately tender for packages of work on this suburbs. November 2017, following discussion project at the appropriate time and in Other jointly-funded road projects with local stakeholders. accordance with normal practice. include: As part of the preliminary design we are Community engagement • Armadale Road Upgrade also talking to stakeholders, assessing pedestrian and cyclist connectivity, Main Roads will liaise closely with the • Armadale Road to North Lake Road determining future residential local community through the project Bridge development demands and undertaking design and delivery stages. In the • Kwinana Freeway Northbound traffic analysis to examine potential coming months, we will engage directly Widening impacts on the wider road network. with residents at the boundaries of • Smart Freeways – Kwinana the project as well as other relevant Northbound Land and noise requirements local business owners, special interest • Murdoch Drive Connection groups and neighbouring landowners. The project’s land requirements are • Karel Avenue Upgrade In addition, the local community will be currently being confirmed, with some able to access project information in a private land identified as needing to be range of ways including project updates Project timetable acquired. Initial contact with affected and newsletters, a dedicated webpage The project is currently in the concept land owners is underway with the formal and information sessions. development phase where we will land acquisition process expected to be confirm the road alignment, format implemented during late 2017. of local road connections and land Noise assessment for the project will requirements on Manning Road be required under Western Australian between Clydesdale Road and Kwinana Planning Commission requirements Freeway. for major road developments. This Construction work is currently includes undertaking noise monitoring scheduled to begin in early 2019, and modelling that will be used to subject to land acquisition and the determine where and what type of noise competitive tender process being mitigation will be required for the project. successfully initiated. WANT MORE INFORMATION? Please contact Main Roads Customer Information Centre on 138 138 or email [email protected] Additional information can also be found on our webiste: www.mainroads.wa.gov.au For real time traffic information sign up to http://twitter.com/perth_traffic.
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