Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 1-8-1968 UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs East Tennessee State University WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs East Tennessee State University" (1968). WKU Archives Records. Paper 1873. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/1873 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Butch Kaufman scores two points against San Francisco In the Cable Car Classic Tournament in San Ftancl.sco. Califomla. Western vs. East Tenn. State University JANUARY 8, 1968 E. A. DIDDLE ARENA 7:30 P. M. You'll Always Find AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS NAME BRANDS AT J S The fashi()n Center ()f Svuthern ~entu(~r 400 EAST MAIN ST. BOWLT'-'G GREEN, KY. FELIX E. ROBERT C. HILLTOPP~R ALLEN MOTOR What's Your COMPANY BASK~TBALL Favorite? Your Basketba ll CHRYSLER-PL YMO UTH­ VALIANT Dealer 416 11th Phone 843-4387 • MOST DEPEND ABLE NAME IN THE BUS INESS PROGRAM CONTENTS Page Western in Review ................... .. ....... 2 Basketball Coaching Staff ........... ..... .... 3 "QUALITY TESTED" Meet the Hilltoppcrs 4·5 Hilltopper Hot Line ........... .. .................... 7 HiIlloppcr Scoreboard ....... 8 Or Vi sitor's Roster & Scorecard '" . 9 Football F'rcshmall Roster & Scorecard .. 10 PURE MILK Freshman Picture & Schedule ............ 11 COMPANY Basketball in Review .................... 12 Hilltopper 100 Club ................. .... .. .. 13 Basketball Records ................................ 14 Supreme Ice Cream Western Team Picture ...... ........ .... 15 Athletics Looks to the Future 16 Past AII·Americans .................. .. ....... Ins ide Back Cover Hilltoppcr Schedule Outside Back Cover Always Shop IULLTOPPER TIP·OFF ILLUST.RAT. No Matter What L€On'S ED is the orticial souvcnir program for You May Prefer all 1967·1968 home basketball games at Western Kentucky University: P repar ed It Will Be Covered Your Fashion Store by the Orrice or Public Affairs and P ub· lic Relations, Robert G. Cochran, Dean ; On Our Sports Pages Written by Allen W. Stilley; Distribution, L1rry Dykes. DailY.~News Everything Photographic for Bowling Green and W!'stern THE CITY * * * WH1CH BACKS CA~llm AS EDUCATION FOR LEADERSHIP THE TEAl\f IWJ)AK FILM WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY THAT lIAS THE * ... IS IOCHll'd in l10wling Green . ... \\'AS founded in 1906. MOVlE & SLIDE .. !TAS a student bod)' of 10,197. PROJECTORS ... IS a multi-purpose university orfcl'ing- cllrricula in teacher, POW E R liberal arts and sciences, pro­ fessional and pre-professional ~ducation. ... OFFERS a joint doctoral pro­ * gram in cooperation with the l'niversity of Kentucky and GO FAMILY Geol'l(e Peabody College for Teachers. PORTRAITS ... OFFERS 8 Master's degrees . HILLTOPPERS ... OFFERS 32 academic majors, :17 academic minors, and 13 SENIOR PICTURES areas of concentration in its undergraduate program . ... OFFEIlS 10 special two-year prop:rams . • * * * ... IIAS served the ed ucational interests of the Common­ wealth of Kentucky and the nation for the past 60 years. CHES ... HAS a focus on the future. JOHNSON Electric Plant Photo Center Board 928 State Street Dr. Kelly Thompson Ted Hornback 2 Official Basketball Program Oldham, Sydnor Form Solid Coaching Nucleus Head Basketball Coach JOHN OLDHAM In three seasons as head coach at Western . John Oldham has posted an impressive 66·15 record and has guided the Hilltoppers to a post-season tourna­ ment berth every season . Oldham. who coached nine seasons at Tennessee Tech. has an enviable 12-year coaching record of 184·98. Now in hi s 13th season as a collegiate coach, Oldham is recogni zed as onc of the nation's top basketball strategists. Oldham graduated (rom Western in 1949 after a spectacular athletic career. before playing profes­ sional basketball. and coaching on the high school STAY TUNED TO level before reaching the collegiate level. Oldham succeeded E. A. Diddle following the 1963·64 season. Royal C rown Assistant Basketball Coach BUCK SYDNOR Diet Rite Wallace B. (Buck) Sydnor was a veteran of 15 years of high school coaching before returning to Western in the fall of 1964. Sydnor's main responsi· Sports Network bility is to develop the potential of the Hilltoppcr w ith freshmen in addition to his usual coaching, scouting, and recruiting duties. ~e was an outstanding guard WES STRi\OE I ~ on the first two Western teams to play in the NlT in 1943 and 1944, He is a well-versed instructor in for the fundamentals of basketball. HILLTOPPER SPORTS-IN-ACTION Assistant Basketball Coach Graduate Assistant on JERRY L. PARKER MIKE KlTClIENS University of Tennessee, 1963 Western Kentucky University. 196.'> WKCT For All Your Drug Needs 930 KC PLAZA ,~ • ALL WESTERN GA MES PHARMACY • PRE-GAME SHOW FOLLOW THE CALL • PLAY-BY -PLA Y OF PLAZA SHOPPING POST GAME SHOW CENTER • MUSTANG 10 FRESHMAN GA MES 31-W By-Pass • Nearest Western Campus WALLACE • MOTORS FREE PARKING INCORPORATED • 901 LEHMAN AVE. Owned and Operated By A. RAY DOUGLAS New and Used Cars and JOHN HENRY Western Kentucky University 3 ]U-WAYNE CH,\ Pl\ t A~ ... Senior .. {j~(j ... 186 ... 22 . OWl:l1sh[}I'O, i';;y. Top returning scorer on squad, Iw~ impron·tl ~ll':ldil:: onz' past iwo years has p1:tYI·d most of \'urslty ("an't'\' at guard. but moved to forw:\l"d at mid-s('a~(>n last yNH' unc! did solid job his height makes him particularly (.'ffcctivc on dC'f('I1"t: ,It g'uard posilion, {'sp(·t:ia!!y in zone nlign­ mc'nts Ill'cds to impro\'c off(.'n<;i\'c rehounding if hl' ~tays at forw<\rcJ post this season has j:!nocl jump shot. is p11l,ticulnrly (lffcdive scor'N on fast hreah: hns hf'pn something of a "streak" shooler. hut 5ho\\'('0 Illnl'l.' consistC'Il(,Y in l<ltt('I' half of ] !)G6-fi7 C'ampaign II-CHAR LES SELVY .. ,Sophom ore, ,ii-I l iS , ' . 19 , , . Corbin, Ky, L(!d scoring for last y(>'\1"s freshman club. has great shoot.ing touch fl'om out­ side good ~peed. bnll-h<.lndling ability, ,should be valuable :H;set 011('(> 11(: iJc('umes :1.ccustomed to playing with \'ar. ..;ity h'nmmatt's :lnd !its his piny into overall team p:lltel'ns is quick enough to become outstnndins.{ d(,fendel' youngest memhc·r of famod ScIvy family of bflsIwthal\crs _ ('Ide)' hrothel' Fl"1;1nk set NCAA single-gnlll(' scoring reford with 100 points in 195,1 at Furman, whpl'(> hc's now hend c:oarh anolh{'r 1))"001('1' M:lryin, r'ul'rrntI:-' plnying with Uni­ Vallto,," VOl' Ita/ian n:~r~;ity of Louisvill('. I:i-RJCH HENDRICK " JuniQJ', ,6-1 .. 180 .. and 20, ,Bristow, Ky. Should be baWing for starling gU<.ll'd berth this seaSon after year of seasoning A mer'£rnn Foods great shoolel' from almost any distance quick re­ flexcs, good hunds led all Kentucky prep pi flyers :n scoring his junior and senior years, earning All­ State and All-Amerira honors ut Bdstow High. same srhool which produced former We~tcrn All-AmCl'ican Darel Carrier, now playing for Louisville Colonels of ABA . paced scoring for Hilltoppcr freshmen two • :-'l'<.1I'<:; ago with 26.1 averRge one of reasous he chos(' Western for coI!egiate career \\,~lS to nllow him to hl'lp out on family farm dul'ing spare time 20-JOHNNY RUSSELL .. J unior, .. 6-2 ... 180 , , ' 20 . Hardyville, Ky. Played all lnst season as FOR FAST DELIVEllY reserve guard after playing both the back and front COUl·ts as fr('shm:\n good scrapper. hustler improving steadil:- in bal! control and pnssing docs good job on defense should improve in abilit.y to dri\'c und start. offensive patterns as he Complete Carry-Out Service gains experien('c has good shooting touch from outside. 842-9834 21-BUTCH I(AUFMAN .. _ Senior. , ,5-10. , . 163 . ' . 22 . ' . Louisville, Ky. Prime example of what desire and dclcnnination can accomplish came to Western "on his own," earned grant-in-aid with fine play during freshman year, leading yearlings in scor­ ing with 17.8 avernge played as key reserve dur­ • ing sophomore year, then earned spot on starting five last season good ball-handler, clever playmaker . always willing to givc up his own shot to get the ball to teammate nearcr bash:et extremely con­ sistC'nt outside shooter dependable at foul line offsets lack of size on defense with aggressive play, MARIO'S continually hounding opponents, • 22-WALKER BANKS, ' , Sophomore . , 6-9 . , . 205 Italian , .. 19 . , . Clifton Forge, Va. More consistency and dri\'c in his performances could make him one of top "big men" for Hilltoppcrs in recent years was Restaurant something of an "iIHmd-out" player for frosh last season. but has all physical ability for front-liner good shoole)' from short and middle distanccs surprising quickness and agility for size has good 3J-W By-Pass jumping power to go with height, more aggressive~ ness could mal{c him real factor on boards, ,Virginia high school All-Stater " l-uns well cnough to fit into Western )'unning game should be contender fol' regular front-line role. 4 Official Baskethall Program 24-NORMAN WEAVER ... Senior . G-;; ... 205 · .. 22 ... Scottsville, Ky. Extremely vAluable Illst two years as front-line reserve should make big push this season to become regula r . was p:trticu- larly effective last season in relief rolcs f't LaSalle (l2 points. 4 rcbounds) and at Austin Peay (12 points, Complete 8 rebounds) when other Hilltopper front-liners got into foul trouble ..
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