Despite the dramatic rise of these regions Grocery retail market Metro Cash & Carry signed a in 2018, the leader of market share was The grocery retail business in Kazakhstan memorandum of cooperation with Almaty, with an indicator of 28.4%. The is divided into two main types: modern Technodom company. So the last greed MODERN TRENDS IN top three also included such cities as trade and traditional trade. Apparently, to open their household appliances Nur-Sultan and East Kazakhstan Region the main trend over the past five years selling departments in Metro shopping KZ RETAIL BUSINESS with indicators of 11.4% and 8.9% was an increase in the share of modern centers. Thus, both players are planning respectively. trade. Since 2013 the share of modern to increase their market shares. Last In the period of 2013-2018, the average trade has slightly raised by 14% Today year, convenience stores were the most marketGrocery share retail of modern market trade is 31%. It is Metro Cash & Carry signed a Retail market in Kazakhstan non-groceries goods – 8.2%. up to 5.8%, and 5.3% respectively. Based annualDespite growth the dramatic rate was rise 14% of. tTherefore,hese regions Grocery retail market dMetynamicro Cash distribution & Carry signedchannels, a showing anticipatedThe grocery that retail the business average inannual Kazakhstan memorandum of cooperation with In 2018, Kazakhstan’s GDP reached However, in 2018 the indicators were on the results of these six months, it was topin 2018, five growth the leader leaders, of market in mo sharenetary was The grocery retail business in Kazakhstan salesmemorandum growth of 107%.of cooperation As result wi ofth last 58.8 trillion tenge, of which 16% is retail significantly different. The growth of concluded that retail business growth terms,Almaty, for with this anperiod indicato are:r of 28.4%. The growthis divided rate into over two the main next types:five years modern will year,Technodom the market company. structu Sore wasthe laasst greed Almaty, with an indicator of 28.4%. The is divided into two main types: modern Technodom company. So the last greed business.MODERN In 2018, Kazakhstan TRENDSgroceries goods field increased upIN to indicators are in advance of the economy 1)topNu threer-Sultan also –included 18% such cities as reachtrade 6%.and traditional trade. Apparently, follows:to open their household appliances MODERN TRENDS IN top three also included such cities as trade and traditional trade. Apparently, to open their household appliances Inthe 2018, main completely trend over new the pastformats five inyears the selling departments in Metro shopping witnessed the tendency for modern 6.6%, non-groceries – 5.2% and the total as a whole. 2)Nur-SultanJambyl Region and East – 17 Kazakhs.1% tan Region the main trend over the past five years Overselling the departments past five years in Methet rtopo shopping 5 players trade development. Consequently, this growth in retail business reached 5.7%. 3)withSout indicatorsh Kazakhstan of 11.4 Region% and – 8.9% 16.4% grocerywas an increaseretail business in the fieldshare began of modern to hcaeventers. increased Thus, bothmarket players share are from planning 25.5 KZ RETAIL BUSINESS Regional growth with indicators of 11.4% and 8.9% was an increase in the share of modern centers. Thus, both players are planning analysisKZ was carriedRETAIL out in order to AccordingBUSINESS to analysis in 2019, there was 4)respectively.Mangystau Region – 15.8% formtrade. in Since Kazakhstan. 2013 the Therefore, share of modern one of toto 43.5%.increase In their fact, marketat the en shares.d of 2018, Last the respectively. trade. Since 2013 the share of modern to increase their market shares. Last thetrade largest has slightly grocery raised retailers by 14% Today year, convenience stores were the most show how trends affected the retail anticipated trend of steady rise. Thus, In 2018, the overall retail growth rate 5)In Akmola the period Region of 2013-2 – 15.5%018 , the average trade has slightly raised by 14% Today totalyear, trading convenience area of stores groce wery rretailerse the most business.Retail market In 2018, in accordi Kazakhstanng to the data theno ng-groceriesrowth rates goods in Januar – 8.2%.y reached up to 5.8%, and 5.3% respectively. Based annual growth rate was 14%. Therefore,МАГАЗИНЫ market share of ПРОДУКТОВОГОmodern trade is 31%. It is d ynamicРИТЕЙЛА distribution channels, showing Retail market in Kazakhstan non-groceries goods – 8.2%. inup Kazakhstan to 5.8%, and was 5.3% 13%. respectively. Thus, 2018 Based top annual growth rate was 14%. Therefore,МАГАЗИНЫ market share of ПРОДУКТОВОГОmodernИсточник: trade Euromonitor is 31%. It is d ynamicРИТЕЙЛА distribution channels, showing of NationalIn 2018, StatisticalKazakhstan’s Com GDPmittee reached of the 4.4%,However, and duringin 2018 next the indicatorssix months were this on the results of these six months, it was top five growth leaders, in monetary anticipated that the average annual sales growth of 107%. As result of last In 2018, Kazakhstan’s GDP reached However, in 2018 the indicators were fiveon theleaders results in termsof these of sixgro months,wth, in it was top five growth leaders, in monetary anticipated that the averageИсточник: annual Euromonitor sales growth of 107%. As result of last 58.8 trillion tenge, of which 16% is retail significantly different. The growth of concluded that retail business growth маГаЗИНЫ ПРОДУКТОВОГОgrowth РИТЕЙЛ rate overа the next five years will year, the market structure was as Republic58.8 trillion of Kazakhstan tenge, of which reta i16%l turnover is retail indicatorsignificantly increased different. till 5.4%.The growth However, of monetaryconcluded term that are: retail business growth terms, for this period are: growth rate over the next five years will year, the market structure was as wbusiness.as 549,657 In tenge2018, perKazakhst capita.a nMoreover, thesegroceries indicators goods werefield loweincreasedr than up for to the indicators are in advance of the economy 1) Nur-Sultan – 18% reach 6%. follows: business. In 2018, Kazakhstan groceries goods field increased up to 1)in dNorthicators Kazakhstan are in advance Region of the-18.8% economy 1) Nur-Sultan – 18% 17%reach 6%. follows: 31% witnessed the tendency for modern 6.6%, non-groceries – 5.2% and the total as a whole. In 2018, completely new formats in the Over the past five years the top 5 players thewitnessed average the growth tendency rate reforcorded modern 7.2% same6.6%, period non-groceries last year. – Last 5.2% year and growth the total 2)as Aa tyrauwhole. Region – 17.5% 2) Jambyl Region – 17.1% 17%In 2018, completely new formats in the Over the past five years31% the top 5 players ptradeer year development. in period between Conseque 2009-2018.ntly, this rategrowth recorded in retail 5.7%. business At the re sameached time, 5.7%. a Современные3) South Kazakhstan Region – 16.4% СУПЕРМАРКЕТgrocery retail business field began to have increasedСУПЕРМАРКЕТ market share from 25.5 trade development. Consequently, this growth in retail business reached 5.7%. 3) South Kazakhstan Region – 17.3% 3) South Kazakhstan Region – 16.4% СУПЕРМАРКЕТgrocery retail business field began to have increasedСУПЕРМАРКЕТ market share from 25.5 analysis was carried out in order to According to analysis in 2019, there was Regional growth Современные form in Kazakhstan. Therefore, one of to 43.5%. In fact, at the end of 2018, the Canalysisorrespondingly, was carried the out growth in order rate toin the gradualAccording increase to analysis was identi in 20f19,ied therein was 4)R egionalShymkent growth – 16.4% 4) Mangystau Region – 15.8% form in Kazakhstan. Therefore, one of to 43.5%. In fact, at the end of 2018, the gshowroceries how goods trends field affected reached the 5.5%, retail and garnoticipatedceries goods trend and of non-groceriessteady rise. Thus, goods 5) Akmola Region – 15.5% the largest grocery retailers total trading area of grocery retailers show how trends affected the retail anticipated trend of steady rise. Thus, 5) AlmatyIn 2018, – the16% overall retail growth rate 5) Akmola Region – 15.5% МАГАЗИНЫthe largest grocery ПРОДУКТОВОГО retailers total РИТЕЙЛА trading area of grocery retailers business. In 2018, according to the data the growth rates in January reached in Kazakhstan was 13%. Thus, 2018 top МАГАЗИНЫ ПРОДУКТОВОГО РИТЕЙЛА business. In 2018, according to the data the growth rates in January reached in Kazakhstan was 13%. Thus, 2018 top МАГАЗИНЫ ПРОДУКТОВОГОИсточник: Euromonitor РИТЕЙЛА of National Statistical Committee of theTOP-5 4.4%, REGIONSand during next six BY months RETAIL this TRADE IN 2018, МАГАЗИНЫGROCERY ПРОДУКТОВОГОGROCERY Источник:STORES Euromonitor STORES РИТЕЙЛА of National Statistical CommТОП-5ittee of the РЕГИОНОВ4.4%, and during next ПО six РОЗНИЧНОЙ months this five leaders ТОРГОВЛЕ, in terms of growth, in Источник: Euromonitor five leaders in terms of growth, in маГаЗИНЫ ПРОДУКТОВОГО РИТЕЙЛа Источник: Euromonitor ТОП-5TOP-5Republic ofREGIONSРЕГИОНОВ Kazakhstan retaBY ПОil turnoverRETAIL РОЗНИЧНОЙ TRADEindicator IN increasedТОРГОВЛЕ, 2018, till % 5.4%.% OUT out 2018 However, of OF Гtotal., TOTAL % ОТ ОбщЕГО Объёма маГаЗИНЫ ПРОДУКТОВОГО РИТЕЙЛSource:а Euromonitor Source: Euromonitor Republic of Kazakhstan retail turnover2018 indicatorг., % от Source:increased общего Ministry of till National 5.4%.объёма Economy However, of the розничнойRepublic of Kazakhstanmonetary Statistics торговли committee term are: РОЗНwas 549,657ИЧНОЙ tenge per ТО capita.РГОВЛИ Moreover, these indicators were lower than for the monetary term are: GROCERY STORES was 549,657 tenge per capita. Moreover, these indicatorsИсточник: were loweКомитетr по than статистике for МНЭ the РК 1) North Kazakhstan Region -18.8% 31% 1) North Kazakhstan Region -18.8% 17% 31% the average growth rate recorded 7.2% same period last year. Last year growth 2) Atyrau Region – 17.5% 83%17% 31% Average annual growth rate, 2) Atyrau Region – 17.5% СУПЕРМАРКЕТ17% СУПЕРМАРКЕТ69%31% per year in period between 2009-2018.
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