July 23, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 17795 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, July 23, 1982 The House met at 10 a.m. and was Argentina refuses to reject the idea NUCLEAR ARMS REDUCTION called to order by the Speaker pro of acquiring nuclear weapons. Its gov­ LEGISLATION tempore (Mr. WRIGHT). ernment is repressive, and its territori­ <Mr. BENNETT asked and was given al ambitions are well known. Given permission to address the House for 1 DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO these circumstances, Argentina should minute and to revise and extend his TEMPORE not be given the means to produce nu­ remarks.) clear weapons. Yet, the administration The SPEAKER pro tempore laid Mr. BENNETT. Mr. Speaker, the is doing just that. I, therefore, am co­ speech of the gentleman from Illinois before the House the following com­ sponsoring a resolution urging the munication from the Speaker: <Mr. ERLENBORN) on July 21 brought President to reconsider this decision to my attention the great changes WASHINGTON, D.C., and terminate the sale of this technol­ made in the nuclear arms reduction July 22, 1982. ogy. I hereby designate the Honorable JIM legislation that the Foreign Affairs WRIGHT to act as Speaker pro tempore on In testimony before the Subcommit­ Committee has brought out. Like him, Friday, July 23, 1982. tee on International Economic Policy I had not realized that House Joint THoMAs P. O'NEILL, Jr. and Trade, the Department of Energy Resolution 521 included an endorse­ Speaker of the House of Representatives. promised to make improvements in ment of SALT II. I am not sure I en­ nuclear policy. We on the subcommit­ dorse that proposal because I have not PRAYER tee are still waiting for those improve­ studied that treaty in detail, and I do ments to occur in fact. not support it if it is intended to freeze The Chaolain, Rev. James David If we do not see positive nonprolif­ a superiority in nuclear weapons for Ford, D.D., offered the following the Russians. I do not approve freez­ prayer: eration action by the administration, ing a superiority for Russians in mili­ Lift us, 0 Lord, above the limited we then must move forward quickly to tary arms and weapons. Under these horizons of our lives that we may see enact H.R. 6032, the Nuclear Nonpro­ circumstances, I disassociate myself Your world more clearly and know liferation Policy Act, which I am co­ from approval of House Joint Resolu­ Your will in our daily tasks. Forgive us sponsoring. tion 521 as now drafted. from selfishness and any narrow view Sophisticated nuclear technology in that keeps us from fellowship with the wrong hands is even more danger­ people from different backgrounds. In­ ous to world peace than pipes and OLYMPIC COIN MAILING LIST spire us with Your spirit that we will valves. Unfortunately, this administra­ <Mr. ANNUNZIO asked and was see others as part of Your act of cre­ tion cannot understand the potentially given permission to address the House ation and we will share with others Earth-shattering impact of its decision for 1 minute and to revise and extend the bounty and resources and opportu­ to sell nuclear technology to the junta his remarks.) nities of a free people. Strengthen the in Buenos Aires. bond of love that You have first given Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, yes­ us that we may live in peace one with terday the Olympic coin bill became another. Amen. law. The law, however, will be mean­ MR. WATT, STOP! ingless unless the American people get <Mr. RATCHFORD asked and was behind the program and purchase the THE JOURNAL given permission to address the House coins. If all of the coins are sold, $600 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The for 1 minute and to revise and extend million will be split between the U.S. Chair has examined the Journal of his remarks.) Olympic Committee and the 1984 Los the last day's proceedings and an­ Mr. RATCHFORD. Mr. Speaker, re­ Angeles Olympic games. nounces to the House his approval grettably, the antienvironment hogs Although the first group of coins, thereof. are at the trough again. Interior Sec­ 90-percent silver dollars, will not be Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the retary James Watt has approved plans available until early next year, it is an­ Journal stands approved. to offer 1 billion acres of offshore ticipated that orders for the coins, waters-almost the entire Outer Conti­ which will cost between $20 and $25, nental Shelf-for oil and gas explora­ will begin to be accepted in the early ARGENTINA SHOULD NOT BE tion. fall. GIVEN THE MEANS TO Since many Members have newslet­ PRODUCE NUCLEAR WEAPONS One billion acres will be up for grabs over the next 5 years. Apparently, the ters, radio shows, and television pro­ <Mr. SHAMANSKY asked and was Secretary prefers to resurrect the grams aimed at their constituents, I given permission to address the House am certain that Members will want to wasteful, no-holds-barred approach to advise their constituents that they can for 1 minute and to revise &"ld extend offshore energy exploration that has his remarks.) make certain that they receive one of been rejected by the American people, the first Olympic coins by being Mr. SHAMANSKY. Mr. Speaker, I as well as the U.S. Congress. was shocked to read earlier this week placed on the U.S. Mint's mailing list. that the administration has author­ Slow down, Mr. Secretary. Restore To be placed on the list all that is nec­ ized the export of a control system for some sense in our offshore explora­ essary is for a person to send their a nuclear facility vital to Argentina's tion. Put reason back into oil and gas name and address to the U.S. Mint, 55 efforts to secure nuclear independ­ development. Keep responsible limits Mint Street, San Francisco, Calif. ence. Tl ~i s system would be used at a on offshore leasing, and maintain ade­ 94175. heavy-water plant, a critical element quate environmental safeguards. People who are on the mint mailing in the production of materials that Please, Mr. Secretary, save some­ list will automatically receive Olympic could be used in nuclear weapons. thing for future generations. coin order forms. 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 17796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE July 23, 1982 UNITED STATES REJECTS THE body-even though they skirt the CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK CONCEPT OF CHEMICAL WAR­ clear intent of the Constitution by <Mr. DERWINSKI asked and was FARE using a minor House tax bill after re­ given permission to address the House <Mr. PORTER asked and was given moving all of its language. This con­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend permission to address the House for 1 tinued defiance and low regard for law his remarks.> minute and to revise and extend his and the Constitution has been a sig­ Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I remarks.) nificant contributor to the precarious wish to thank the Members for the co­ Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker. yester­ economic and political conditions that operation they gave the gentleman day the House acted with great threaten our Nation today. from New York <Mr. STRArroN) and wisdom in adopting the Zablocki-Be­ Increasing taxes at this particular myself this week in the commemora­ thune amendment deleting funding time will prove disastrous to our econ­ tion of Captive Nations Week. for binary chemical weapons. omy. The Founding Fathers, realizing I would like to call to the attention There would be nothing to be gained that Representatives in the House of the membership that in this Cap­ from these weapons. We would never would remain closer to the will of the tive Nations Week the President per­ use them except in defense, and if people, intended that we be solely re­ sonally signed the proclamation at a Soviet and American troops are ever sponsible for originating tax bills and public ceremony, the first time in the engaged it will not be with weapons as never once dreamed that political chi­ history of this observance that this limited as these. canery would allow the Senate even to was done. I believe this dramatizes the The important point now is to publi­ offer such a bill. determination of the administration to cize around the globe that the United If the other body's version is not de­ face up squarely and effectively States rejects the concept of chemical clared null and void as a result of the against international communism with warfare-the first use of which so re­ low regard for the Constitution that the recognition that the defeat of vulsed the world 65 years ago-and the communism can come from internal Soviets not only are producing such exists in this city, at least, Mr. Speak­ er, see to it that this bill is fully debat­ collapse, as the captive peoples rebel weapons but using them repeatedly on against their Red tyrants. innocent and unarmed people of the ed and open for full amendments by Third World. the House. I cannot see how we, the The sign of an aggressive and inno­ Members of the House, can sit idly by BALANCED BUDGET vative administration is to turn a per­ condoning and acquiescing in this LEGISLATION ruthless abuse of the Constitution. ceived policy defeat into an advantage <Mr. HUGHES asked and was given for our country.
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