連 載 記 事 Education and Research in Assiut University Assiut University, Assiut, Research, Research Support Mohamed Nayel andria and Lower Egypt. Due to the increase of the 1. Introduction student numbers, Ain Shams University was founded in This essay gives an overview of the education and Cairo in 1950. Each University was directed by its own research organizations of Egyptian Universities and rules, since 1954 all rules was unified. In 1957 Assiut especially in Assiut University. Assiut University has a University was established in Assiut City as a first prominence among many national and international university in Upper Egypt 4). universities 1),2). In 1961 the ministry of high Education was estab- 1.1 Brief Notes about Egyptian Universities lished to serve the following items : Organized education in the middle ages was found High Education - in Egypt in the great mosque of Al-Azhar (972 AD) in International- Culture relations and Abroad Mis- Cairo, the oldest and most celebrated of all Islamic sions. academic institutes and universities all over the world. Now there are 12 State Universities distributed in In October 975 AD, Al-Azhar began to acquire and all Egypt. More than 6 private universities now were scholastic nature. Bonaparte "French Leader" wrote in founded and concentrate in Cairo and Alexandria. his diary that "Al-Azhar was the counterpart of Sor- Admission for universities is determined by scores in the bonee in Paris". Al-Azhar concerned itself with Islamic Egyptian Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent religious syllabus. Applied science faculties were certificate, according to geographical distribution, and introduced to Al-Azhar University in 19613). the acts issued by the Supreme Council of the Egyptian The high education state system was established in Universities in this respect. 1925 as the Egyptian University (Cairo University Now) 1.2 Assiut University which was based on the National University (1908) in The idea of establishing Assiut University was born Cairo. Then Alexandria University was established in in 1949 under the name of "Mohamed Ali University". 1942 in Alexandria to serve the high education in Alex- But this idea was not completed. By the end of 1955 the ン タ ー,160ベ ッ ドを有 す る大 学 病 院 な どが あ り,地 域 と密 着 「Assuit大 学 に お け る 教 育 お よ び 研 究 」 概 要 した 活 動 が 盛 ん で あ る。 エ ジ プ トにお け る組 織 的教 育 はAD975年 カ イ ロ に あ る イ ス 工 学 部 は 大 学 設 立 当 初 か ら あ り,学 部 生 数5555名,院 生 ラ ム 教 会 で 始 ま っ た 。1908年 カ イ ロ に 国 立 大 学 が 創 設 さ れ, 164名,教 員127名 か ら な る。 学 部 は5年 生 で1年 目は 基 礎科 1925年Egypt大 学(現,カ イ ロ大 学)と し て 高 等 教 育 シ ス テ 学 と数 学 の み で あ る。講 義 は2学 期 制 で 第1学 期9月 ~1月, ム が 確 立 さ れ た 。1942年Alexandria大 学,1950年Ain 第2学 期2月 ~5月 で,各 学 期 末 に試 験 が あ る。 Shams大 学,1957年Assuit大 学 が 設 立 され,現 在12の 国 立 大 学 院(post graduate)は2種 あ り,一つ は 学 部 卒 業 後 大 学 と6私 立 大 学 が あ る。 1~2年 でdiplomaを 取 得 す るdiplomaコ ー ス(ヨ ー ロ ッパ 大 エ ジ プ トの 国 立 大 学 は原 則 と して学 費 無 料 で あ るた め,そ の 陸 の 大 学 制 度 に対 応)と な っ て い る。 も う一つ の修 士/博 士 コ ー ス は 日本 とほ ぼ 同等 で あ る 学 生 総 数 は極 め て 膨 大 で あ り,ま た講 義 は 英 語 で 行 わ れ る。 。 大 学 の 研 究 費 は大 半 が 政 府補 助 Assuit大 学 は 上 部 エ ジ プ ト(内 陸 部)のAssuit州(人 口 金 で あ る。 315万 人)の 首 都 で ナ イ ル 河 畔 の大 都 市Assuitに あ り,16学 教 員 は 講 師,助 教 授,教 授 の3段 階 で,助 手 は 教 員 で は な 部,2研 究 所,学 生 総 数62,819名 か ら な る。 な お,学 生 増 加 い 。 教 員 の 最 低 条 件 は博 士 号 で あ り,講 師6年,助 教 授5年 が に伴 いE1-Miniaお よ びSouth Valleyの2大 学 が 分 離 独 立 し 昇 進 の 最 短 経 験 年 数 で あ り,こ れ に研 究成 果 を加 え て昇 進 の判 て い る。Assuit大 学 に は14,000人 収 容 の学 生 寮 が あ り,20の 定 が 行 わ れ る。 学 生 食 堂 は毎 日36,000食 の安 価 な食 事 を 提供 して い る。 また, エ ジ プ トに は 日本 へ の 留 学 希 望 者 が 多 く,ま た 日本 の技 術 へ 学 生 評 価 ・能 力 開 発 セ ン タ ー(unit),英 ・独 ・仏 の語 学 セ ン の 憧 れ が 大 きい 。 日本 の 大 学 が エ ジ プ トに進 出 しな い の が不 思 タ ー(院 生 ・一 般 向 け),未 来 学 の シ ン ク タ ン ク に相 当 す る セ 議 で あ る。 524 IEEJ Journal, Vol.124, No.8, 2004 連 載 記 事 Fig.1 The main office building in the University Table.1 Faculties and Institutes in Assiut University Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Arts Faculty of Commerce Fig. 2 Egypt map shows Assiut City Faculty of Computer Information Faculty of Education Faculty of Education (New Valley) of the staff and student population. Faculty of Engineering Assiut University has a good contact with the local Faculty of Law community, and the whole region and south of Egypt. Faculty of Medicine The University Council is the higher body of super- Faculty of Nursing vision, which draws the policy of running the University. Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Physical Education It is composed of the President, Vice-Presidents, and the Faculty of Science Deans of the faculties and a small number of external Faculty of Social Work members including the Governor of the region. Faculty of Specific Education Faculty of Vet Medicine 1.3 Assiut City Institute of South Egypt Cancer Assiut city is the capital of Assiut Governorate, the Institute of Sugar Technology Research largest settlement of Upper Egypt. It is located on the west bank of the River Nile, 375 Km south of Cairo, Fig. Egyptian Revolution had rethink the idea again and 2. The Nile water is dammed after reaching the city of studied the idea to be in ready to establishment. The Assiut and, immediately before Assiut Barrage. university had been constructed on the base of uni- The present name of the city of Assiuit originates scientific departments system without repeating similar from an Ancient Egyptian city called "Seut". Assiut departments in different faculties. This system had was commercially prominent as a terminus of caravan saved teaching stuff, buildings and tools. This system routes traversing the Eastern and Western deserts and had increased the completeness of. departments and to Darfur and elsewhere in Sudan. Returning caravans encouraged to cooperate in teaching and research imported ivory dyestuff. between different faculties. Continuing its ancient tradition, Assiut is one of the In October 1957, two faculties of Engineering and few remaining places where silver applique-work Science were inaugurated in Assiut University in the shawls, fine pottery, inlaid mother of pearl woodwork city of Assiut in Upper Egypt. Assiut University started and rugs are still made. There are also modern textiles, with 500 undergraduate students and some 10 research fertilizers, cement and petroleum industries. Recently, students. Now, the total number (including some 8048 the City has flourished and gained considerable impor- research students) has risen to about 62819 of both sexes tance after the establishment of Assiut University in during the academic year 2002/2003 in 16 Faculties and 1957 and a branch of Al-Azhar University in the nearly 2 Institutes as in Table 1. Two other universities emer- 1970. Now, the population of Assiut Governorate is ged from Assiut University's flagship campus and are about 3, 151, 871 5). now independent universities : El-Minia University and 2. Assiut University Services to Student, Envi- South Valley University. The university is a member of ronment and Society International Association of Universities. The University Campus is one of the rare examples Assiut university had inaugurated to encourage of a complete campus in Egypt, comprising both aca- reasearch, education and community services in Upper demic buildings and living accommodation for a section Egypt. This came by providing easily and cheap chance 電学誌, 124巻 8号, 2004年 525 連 載 記 事 to join university study. Also help in developing the patients in the Out-Patient Clinic and Emergency Unit. Upper Egypt area and give hand in developing surround- All beds are free except for 160 beds which are private ed society of the Uinversity. and for insured patients. The hospital presents the most For these reasons, many services and institutes are recent medical services through the Intensive Care Unit, constructed inside the university to serve the environ- the Renal Dialysis Unit, the Cardiac Catheter Unit and ment and the society 6). the Linear Accelerator.
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