GALL, THE SAN FR^CISCO TUESDAY, AUGUST 18,. 1908. 9 they.. their, Attorney for. the prosecution. - but when discovered that Webb It CLAIRVOYANTS—•ContiBned _ _\u25a0 '.... ATTORNEYS—Continued FURS \u25a0was argued own countrymen were supplanting -the for the defense that in a - medium; "complete:, careful, ; TITLES NO furrier, formerly Petaluma case the -appellate court MRS.- :SHAFFER. *test and business "restored." aecu- B. XANTNER. mannf aetnrinc ' - yield pf;the Kentish hop fields for that the ? had clairvoyant;, sittings •dailr.'-^SOT.' Bnchanan st. _rate wort: send -for circular.- Realty Title Co.. 122 Stnckton »f*. now.171S Van Ne*» »». SHOE decided sthat slot -machine VvWas '\u25a0' CLERKS grown California, ' ay.. / REVEL HOP CROP SHOWS "in .Oregon.andVWash-, game ; ..CCS Golden. Gate- room 3. \u25a0_\u0084 . aigambling: and Ington, an cry:for not a' lottery, WANDA.'jpalmist. 'astrolosUt. clairvoyant; —don't . there was immediate but that there was no as need big.ads. Room 3, 1139 Market St.. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law: W. T. CONTRACTORS protection, part cigars violation He*s. AND. BUILDERS and a demand on the of were distributed: instead of : noUry pabllc. Rooms 407-409 Call ballging. government to\place a tariff on money. : This .view -.was i-adopted by MISS- E..HALL.*card reading,*: ©97. Golden- Gate FLATS and eottase*: lowest prices; plans free., the ; ;' y. ; 1: ' ;\u25a0 _. :\u25a0 _ 1,. NATIONAL Law v Co.. J. S. MALLQCH. 1710 Call > to 8 p. IN the American product. "':.'_ • Judge Shortall .in":dismissing :the case". a hours \ to S;room 23. \u25a0-. --•:< -\u25a0\u25a0 A— and CoUection 2SQI Sntter. m. NEW \:\ . St. Flllmore; HEAVY DECREASE Pine corner phone West ISOft. QUARTERS Hop Twelve other ..:• defendants." ay., growers on the. Pacific coast \: whose MISS BESSIE ILILL.997 Golden Gate room . cases were similar to •; JAPANESE \u25a0•LAUNDRIES took alarm, as also the hop men in that of Zacha-* . 20. palmist:,hours 1-IQ.-....--' \ MARC ANTHONY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. did rias, had their cases -dismissed, but t>C6 Market st.. room 1. Tel. Franklin 35C2. laundry, New York state, and the result is that' Isaac; CALLBRANCH OFFICE, Fillmore near JAPANESE waists aad curtain* spe-Hal- two ,others, Benas and Arthur .'..\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0'•IKI.- st. ty. Lanadry. Celebrate Removal by crop year light. '- -\u25a0\u25a0-•---.'\u25a0 ---... CHARTER Company; legal Asahl 1401 Pn. We^t CJ9«t. With Smoker Figures Gathered Railroad* the this will be AVyman, who offered \u25a0\u25a0, an. -'\u25a0Post.'-': .... ' Collection all' v- matters.*- ' Scott. overcoat %a> Dean rmnrlinc.' 9Cft Market st. \u25a0 ; Hop picking this week, an to COLUMBUS 1627-37 PwweU st. near "commences^ Inducement players,- had their ' ' _lfr2*Tjtr_t»t^LAUNDRY. and House Wanning and a railroadman who has handled the cases continued -till.,today. '. -: SPIRITUALISM \u25a0 T>n«t:rUni 43ft- »n wnrfc- gna.ninf»«ti.- in men Indicate Curtailment on — . ;/ DETECTIVES crop for sevoral'years has received esti-' A Mrst"? J. •J. Whitney.- trance medium and life v _.- mates of the crop from the principal SHORT CHANGE JAILED reader; fsittings dally; full readings $1. at her WEST COAST DETECTn'E' AGENCY: civilaad VETERINARY COLLEGE Associated Building Coast and in East Decker, home. 1104 O'Farrell: by mall, 4 questions. ?1. criminal cases conducted secretly; commnnica- growers in the country, which are ,as \u25a0 Rose a;notorious woman 'of • S. F-'.Veterinary'CoDege— Night »e*- J ; tions confidential (always cpcuK s'.ui Fillmore eatatng. *ela«a now la follows: . underworld, who by YO-STEERS, circles slow: An. E. J. Creelv. iwc.. ISIS Mkt. the --was convicted MME.• C..MA psychometrfst. ft. Tel. I'ark .">38.- THOS.' C' GRAY." prlnelnal. California: 60.000 bales, .as against Police Judge Corilai on Saturday |of SunJ,Tnes.,FrL.S p.ni.,TbnrB..2 p.m.; readings 90,000 110,000 .was.; .11-5;. by mail 3 ques. .777 -McAllister at. Labor Leaders Address Union Agitation in England Against bales for 1907 and bales petty larceny, sentenced yesterday ... fl. PATENT ATTORNEYS EDUCATIONAL in 1906. to serve three months in the county jail. MRS. L. H.\KINXIARD; circle Sun.. Mon.. MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ada heln ta bales, against p. 10-4.1433 DEWEY..STRONG & CO.—Founded 1SCO: U. S. Oregon: SO.OOO as OnvAugust 10 she; made a small:pur- Wed..,FrL. ST m.;readings daily. foreign make it. Advertise your wants; make them 190,000 \u25a0*-'Flllm6re;Bt.*y: "'..' "-\u25a0"' and patents: Inventors' guide; 100 me- to the-publlc Men on Plan to Close Stores American Product Said to 130.000 bales for 1907 and for \u25a0 Mrs. Helena Newman, 4246 \u25a0--.'\u25a0:-.''\u25a0•.-''\u25a0"'.-.\u25a0>.:-'..\u25a0-\u25a0:• chanical movemeats free. 1105 Merchants* Ex- known throarh a Call Want Ad. - :; chase from - . Aa investment, not an expense. 1906. \u0084..-": out MRS. SEAL. spiritual medium: readings daUy. change building. San Francisco. For fall par- Nineteenth Vs^eet^and:! tricked: her Thursday.^ p. tlcnlara read -Call Want Ads dally. at 6 Washington^ growers decline to fur- ofJ5 i>y the sho"rt-.change:method.: :\u25a0 756 McAllister st. Circles S m. o'Clock Have Scared Growers 1 J NATLINVENTORS* CO-OP. ASSN.. SOI First rO 1 Scholarship nish any .estimates,^ but content them- to Flllmore; foreign ? "aSe^cieap— la the Coyne N*- Fr.• HOWLAND—Moved 1230 . - - 25c Xafl Bank. Oakland: V.S. aad r«ateats. tioniil Sehoul; selves with saying willbe a hAlf circle tonight: 50 readings dally. \u25a0\u25a0 : — sraie .. cood for any «f th« ; that.it trsde«: oristaal cost $125. 1 \u25a0 - SONNTAG Agency 1122 Address box crop. \u25a0 '--•• \u25a0. :\u25a0-\u25a0'.;\u25a0.-.' -/;Xi-,yj.- Patent Est. 1«9». Mar- 4500. -.•-\u25a0• .\ \u25a0 ' •: Vf \u25a0fcfrt »t. Ann. Ith: tel. Market 29*2. Call office. Oatlaed. ,\u25a0 ._ v Retail shoe clerks' There will be a marked decrease in . 30,000 as . New' York state: . ;bales,i 'CALIFORNIA chapter Sit 5. IJ. A. M. X3S&T PALMISTRY "."•..'..'•'\u25a0'-' FOR HZilS^rZS*,.cs»~.s»~. union. local No. the hop crop in the United States this against'.sO,Obo bales in previous years; ) .stated mcetin? THIS (TUESDAY) E^f*§S sale— Ctean: Sfholarshlo la Coyne Trad* :J1 a EVENING. Aum-t I*. at 7:30 MME. BUSHNELL. expert palmist; 20 yrs.. lo- ACCOUNTANTS— Certified Pnhllc fchool, s. F. : promhlag. electririty. brtrk . 410, held smoker compared make "somewhat V*^Jf p.m.. layoff. year as with former years., To. the situation o'clock, 2130 Sutter st. cated 209 Kearny: 9 a.m.-5 ci. Sundays. rU««riax. drafting. ALEX and house warming worse growers, it Is that at. 1vßli JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. 300-308 Call BulUHns— Stockton. BRIONEd. t!l as;s this is for the said FRANKLIN.11. -DAY, Sfcretarr, Ktjjkf «Ac«*onnting system*: fnvyaUgatiftrm: \ <>ciated clerks' building, at and confined not only to Cali- 18,000 Tt., - andlt*. 3-1Ji ? fornia, Oregon Washington, there are bales left over 'from 110 Gutter roim 40s. ISSEa AA—BANJO. VIOLIN, Van Xess avenue, last night to and but year in the which will not *"GUITAR.* - m.ndolia lea- last state - 16, : 131 ad \u25a0dTmace<i FUaque-Manro. mark also New York. 1 GOLDEN GATE commandery No. K. REMY, PENSIONS the removal from the old quarters to market. • - -Offlcers;"and i-_«_ PROF.. DE "the "renowned astrologer, who be able to find a . ;-Tj,- 2135 JJutter^Bt-- : Sir jrVF has read very successfully for royalty and peo- lMO^nt In tfteiner street There Railroadmen have paid patent atty.. to the new. close It will.requirejln the neighborhood of Knights are courteously, requested tn as-" J2sj ple of high rank in this country; at 1102 Fill- M. HARRIS." pension. aad 34 KilM "was a large attention to the hop crop are some- asylum ' - references, many ENGINEERING—Civil, electrical, mining,mech.. attendance of members of I,7oo'. to move .the crop .from;the fwmble at th« THISDAY(TUES- more st.. room 1. • st.: 'the thousands for whom survey, assay, rvaaide; est. what puzzled as to They cars:. .DAI") at p/m.. purpose of at- -Ihave secured pensions ; 21 years* practice; day, eve.: 1961. the local and of members of the reason. coast, naturally the the 2 o'clock for the Vaa <ler Nai'ea and other retail and decrease In tending frater, \u25a0 income or property no bar to.widow's pension. ScnooL Slst TeL. Oakland. tlerks* meet in the same do not pretend to say that It Is due railroad people, the funeral.' services of our late unions that output- Interests the \SIR WILLIAM GARDNER STAFFORD. By THE LYCEUM. 2500 Plae St.— Prepares 3 -all. an address welcome to to beer becoming less popular, nor do having "been PENSION Attorney— E. A.BULLIS.1541 Steiner' versity. for-«ol- After of the hop movement .re- ' order of the commander.' REAL esUte-^-Wanted, nartnership in good busi- >.t.: r»«*t G. A. R. law. medical colleges: teachers' ex's; they prohibition \u25a0 coTntnarxier Ttwraaa Post/ admit that the wave \u25a0 nere yog the visitors by Max E. Licht. vice pres- garded as one oMhe great crop move- ;-.... THEO-FROLICH, Recorder. ness that will stand strict Investigation; adver- . can save time &money: eicell. teaoh. now sweeping j over the country has ' tiser,' satistied; ident of the retail clerks* international ments'of tbe year. -.. MISSION, commandery - i would bny half share If no SPANISH—Complete conr-spendenr* union, prompted hop grower to put in No. 41. K. T.— « . agents. Box 4»50. Call office.' - ; BAR AND STORE FIXTURES course of there were talks along the less asst-mbly (TUESDAY) lor scholsrs labor acreage than In previous years. ." Stated THIS TOf advanced aad lastractors. 1204 lines by J. \\\ Sweeney, president of the 'EVENIXG at 8o'clock.
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