m/S. BHARAT PETROLEUm CORPORATION LImITED FINAL EIA REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED CAPACITY EXPANSION OF BPCL KARUR OIL RECEIVING TERMINAL BY THE INCREASE IN TANKAGE FOR ETHANOL & INTRODUCTION OF TANKAGE FOR BIODIESEL AT ATHUR & KADAPPARAI VILLAGE ATHUR POST, KARUR DISTRICT TAMIL NADU COMPLIANCE TO TERMS OF REFERENCE BPCL KARUR OIL RECEIVING TERMINAL COMPLIANCE TO TERMS OF REFERENCE ISSUED BY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST & CLIMATE CHANGE, VIDE F.NO. J-11011/79/2017-IA.II(I) DATED 31.05.2017 A. STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE S. Terms of reference (TOR) Compliance No. 1 Executive summary Executive summary of the project is given in EIA report. 2 Introduction Introduction is given in Chapter 1. i. Details of the EIA Consultant Details of EIA Consultant’s Accreditation are including NABET accreditation given in Chapter 11 (Page No. 115) of EIA Report. ii. Information about the project Information about the project proponent is proponent given in Section 1.2 of Chapter 1(Page no. 2). iii. Importance and benefits of the The importance and benefits of the project are project given in Chapter 8 (Page No. 94) of the EIA report. 3 Project Description i. The cost of project and time of Cost and Schedule of the Project are given in completion. Section 2.15 of Chapter 2 (Page No. 22) of the EIA Report. ii. Products with capacities for the Proposed storage tank capacities are detailed proposed project. in Table 2.1 (Page No. 14) of EIA Report. iii. If expansion project, details of Existing storage tank capacities are detailed in existing products with capacities and Table 2.1 (Page No. 14) of EIA Report. The whether the adequate land is adequate land is available within the existing available for expansion, reference of terminal for the proposed expansion. earlier EC if any. Earlier Pipeline EC is enclosed as Annexure VII. iv. List of raw materials required and Petroleum products (MS, HSD & SKO) are their source along with the mode of transferred via pipeline from PETRONET CCK transportation. (Cochin - Coimbatore - Karur) pipeline distribution network. Ethanol & Biodiesel are received through Tank Lorries. v. Other chemicals and materials Petroleum products with quantities and required with quantities and storage storage capacities are given in Table 2.1 (Page capacities No. 14) of Chapter 2. vi. Details of emission, effluents, Details of emission, effluents, hazardous waste hazardous waste generation and their generation and their management are given in management. Chapter 4 of EIA report. i BPCL KARUR OIL RECEIVING TERMINAL S. Terms of reference (TOR) Compliance No. vii. Requirement of water, power, Requirement of water, power, with a source of with source of supply, status of supply and manpower requirement, are given approval, water balance diagram, in Section 2.6, 2.8 and 2.9 (Page No. 18, 20) of manpower requirement (regular and Chapter 2 of the EIA Report. contract) viii. Process description along with Details of process description along with major equipments and machineries, major equipments and machineries, process process flow sheet (quantitive) from flow sheet are given in Section 2.4 (Page No. raw material to products to be 15) & Table 2.2 (Page No. 16) of Chapter 2 of provided EIA Report. ix. Hazard identification and details of Details of the hazard identification are given in proposed safety system Chapter 7. x. Expansion / Modernization proposals: a. A copy of all the Environmental Environmental clearance obtained for Cochin Clearance(s) including Amendments – Karur product pipeline by M/s. BPCL and thereto obtained for the project from copy of the same is enclosed as Annexure VII. MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure. A certified copy of the latest Monitoring Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests as per circular dated 30th May 2012 on the status of compliance of conditions stipulated in all the existing environmental clearances including Amendments shall be provided. In addition, the status of compliance of Consent to Operate for the ongoing existing operation of the project from SPCB shall be attached with the EIA- EMP report. b. In case the existing project has not The oil receiving terminal, commissioned in obtained environmental clearance, 2002. Hence no EC was required. Consent reasons for not taking EC under the issued by TNPCB is enclosed as Annexure II. provisions of the EIA Notification 1994 and/or EIA Notification 2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent to Establish/No Objection Certificate ii BPCL KARUR OIL RECEIVING TERMINAL S. Terms of reference (TOR) Compliance No. and Consent to Operate (in the case of units operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, CTE and CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, compliance report to the conditions of consents from the SPCB shall be submitted. 4 Site Details i. Location of the project site covering The BPCL Karur Oil Receiving Terminal has village, Taluka/Tehsil, District and located about 5 km from Karur railway station State, Justification for selecting the at Athur & Kadapparai Village, Karur District, site, whether other sites were Tamil Nadu. All necessary infrastructure and considered. adequate land are available within the terminal. Hence no other sites were considered for the proposed expansion activity. ii. A toposheet of the study area of a A topo map of the study area of 10 km radius radius of 10km and site location on is given in Figure 1.4 (Page No. 7) of Chapter 1 1:50,000/1:25,000 scale on an A3/A2 of the EIA report. sheet. (including all ecosensitive areas and environmentally sensitive places) iii. Details w.r.t. option analysis for Justification of site selection is given in selection of a site Chapter 5 of EIA Report. The Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) are 10°59'51.85"N, 78° 2'25.98"E (NE), iv. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four 10°59'12.00"N, 78°2'54.20"E(SE), corners of the site. 10°59'19.09"N, 78° 2'16.53"E (SW), 10°59'52.13"N, 78° 2'4.87"E (NW). Google Earth Image of the project site is given v. Google map-Earth downloaded of in Figure 1.1(Page no. 3) of Chapter 1 of the the project site. EIA report. vi. Layout maps indicating existing The layout of the terminal is given in Figure unit as well as proposed unit 2.2 (Page No. 19) of Chapter 2 of the EIA indicating storage area, plant area, report. greenbelt area, utilities etc. If located within an Industrial area/Estate/Complex, the layout of iii BPCL KARUR OIL RECEIVING TERMINAL S. Terms of reference (TOR) Compliance No. Industrial Area indicating the location of the unit within the Industrial area/Estate. vii. Photographs of the proposed and The Photographs of Greenbelt is shown in existing (if applicable) plant site. If Chapter 9 of EIA Report. existing, show photographs of plantation/greenbelt, in particular. viii. Landuse break-up of the total Land Use break-up of the total land of the land of the project site (identified and terminal is given in Chapter 2 of EIA Report. acquired), government/private - agricultural, forest, wasteland, water bodies, settlements, etc shall be included. (not required for industrial area) ix. A list of major industries with A list of industries within 10 km radius area is name and type within the study area given in Section 3.16 (Page No. 61), Chapter 3 (10km radius) shall be incorporated. of the EIA report. Land use details of the study area x. Geological features and Geo- Geological features and Geo-hydrological hydrological status of the study area status of the study area are given in Section shall be included. 3.5-3.7 (Page No. 31), Chapter 3 of EIA report. xi. Details of drainage of the project Drainage of the area is given in Section 3.4 upto a 5km radius of the study area. If (Page No. 29), Chapter 3 of the EIA report. the site is within 1 km radius of any Drainage map is given as Figure 3.4. major river, peak and lean season river discharge as well as flood occurrence frequency based on peak rainfall data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood Level of the project site and maximum Flood Level of the river shall also be provided. (mega greenfield projects) xii. Status of acquisition of land. If the The Land is in the Possession of M/s. BPCL, acquisition is not complete, stage of Karur. the acquisition process and expected a time of complete possession of the land. xiii. R&R details in respect of land in Not applicable iv BPCL KARUR OIL RECEIVING TERMINAL S. Terms of reference (TOR) Compliance No. line with state Government policy 5 Forest and wildlife related issues (if applicable): i. Permission and approval for the use Not applicable as no forest land is involved. of forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and recommendations of the State Forest Department. (if applicable) ii. Land use map based on High- Not applicable as no forest land is involved. resolution satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site delineating the forestland (in case of projects involving forest land more than 40 ha) iii. Status of Application submitted for Not applicable as no forest land is involved. obtaining the stage I forestry clearance along with the latest status shall be submitted. iv. The projects to be located within There is no National Parks, Sanctuaries, 10 km of the National Parks, Biosphere Reserves, Migratory Corridors of Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Wild Animals is found in the study area of the Migratory Corridors of Wild Animals, project.
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