<<1>> Board of Education Muscatine Community School District Monday, July 13, 2015 Meeting Location: City Hall Time: 7 p.m. AGENDA I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II. Recite Pledge of Allegiance III. Welcome to Visitors and Media Representative and Introduction IV. Citizens Speak V. Consent Agenda** The following items are considered to be routine by the Board of Education and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Director so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence from the agenda. A. Minutes (VI-A-1-a) p. 5 B. Employment Recommendations (VI-A-1-b) p. 11 C. Bills and Claims (VI-A-2-a) p. 126 VI. Board Goals A. Action/Possible Action 1. Board Goal: Student Achievement a) The minutes of the June 8, 2015 Regular Meeting and the June 12 and 24, 2015 Special Meetings – action ** (p. 5) b) Employment Recommendations – action** (p. 11) c) Recommend the approval of the purchase of 1,350 Chromebooks from Tierney for a total cost of $410,400 – action (p. 16) d) Approve the Middle Schools and High School Student Handbooks – action (p. 17) 2. Board Goal: Financial Stability a) Bills and Claims – action** (p. 126) b) Request to Seek Bids for Purchase of Buses and a Van – action c) Approve the 2nd Round Early Retirees of: Teachers- Paul Hein, Anne McNelly, and Norberto Ibarra, Jr.; SCAP- Terri Curry, Elaine Alberding, Trina Curtis, and Janie Swailes; Food Service- Jeannie Neipert and Janet Iwanoski; <<2>> Drivers- Neil “Ken” Greenwald – action d) Contract Settlements – action SCAP – 2.75% (year one); +$0.40 (year two) CM – 1.89% (one year) FNW – 2.77% (one year) Drivers – .43% (year one); 5.73% (year two) Classified Professionals – 3.5% (one year) Administrators – 3.5% (one year) 3. Board Goal: Manage Capital Projects and Maintain Facilities a) Approve the Award of Bid for the West Middle School Boiler Replacement Project – action (p. 128) B. Discussion and Information 1. Board Goal: Financial Stability a) Review of FY 16 Budget b) Garfield Elementary c) Food Service Pizza Bid Information (p. 136) d) June Financial Statements (p. 137) VII. Announcement/Meetings/Events July 13, 2015 Regular Board Meeting at 7 p.m. at City Hall July 13, 2015 Online Student Registration Opens Today July 30, 2015 Board Candidate Papers Due at 5 p.m. at the Administration Center August 3, 2015 Student Registration Day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. All grades and buildings at Muscatine High School (for those that have not registered online and new students). August 10, 2015 Regular Board Meeting at 7 p.m. at City Hall VIII. Adjourn <<3>> ACTION/ POSSIBLE ACTION <<4>> Board Goal: Student Achievement <<5>> UNOFFICIAL MINUTES MUSCATINE SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR SESSION June 8, 2015 The Board of EduCation of the MusCatine Community School DistriCt, in the County of MusCatine, State of Iowa, met in regular session on Monday, June 8, 2015 at 7 p.m. at City Hall. President Nathan Mather Called the meeting to order. Directors Tim Bower, Tammi Drawbaugh, Brenda GarCia, Tom Johanns, Randy Naber, and Mary Wildermuth were present. Also present were Superintendent Jerry Riibe and Director of FinanCe Jean Garner. The board reCited the Pledge of AllegianCe. President Mather welComed visitors and media representatives. Autumn Harris, 819 Cedar Street, spoke regarding the potential issue of laCk of parking for her property should the board/City deCide to make 9th Street a one-way. A motion was made by DireCtor Naber and seConded by DireCtor Bower to approve the consent agenda which includes: the minutes of the May 11, 2015 regular meeting, the bills and Claims dated June 8, 2015; the field trip as submitted by teachers Reade and Joslyn for German students to travel to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and LiChtenstein on June 8-22, 2016; and the following employment recommendations: Certified Resignations: Brooke Tisue – MHS SCienCe, Cassie BurbaCk – WMS PLTW, Paula Lofgren – Grant 3rd Grade, Carol Pustell – Elementary Art, Kyle SustiCh – Franklin 3rd Grade, RaChel YoCum – MHS ESL, Debra Osborn – MHS SpeCial EduCation, Elizabeth Levai-Baird – Madison SpeCial EduCation, Brad Nord – Elementary Art Administrative Resignations: Diane Campbell – McKinley PrinCipal Schedule C Resignations: Linda Steele – Head Girl’s Tennis, Erin Fox – CMS 8th Grade Girl’s Basketball, Elena Bobay – MHS Student CounCil 2015-16 New Hires – Certified Staff: Suzanne Christenson – CMS ELA, Stacy Beatty – WMS ELA 6th grade, Ashley Alons – CMS ELA 7/8, Kathy Degner – MHS At Risk (.5 FTE), RaChel Gute Brisker – Grant 1st Grade, Kristie Bagwell – CMS Math, Sonya Ziegenhorn – Mulberry SpeCial Ed, Micaela Haight – CMS At Risk Math, Kelly Harder – Franklin Kindergarten, Megan Doane – Grant 4th Grade, Ashley Houk – WMS ELA 6-8, Amy Matteson – WMS ELA 6-8, Andrea Hogenson – WMS Math 6-8, Kelsey Mohapp – MHS Biology 2015-16 New Hires –Administration Staff: Jillian Bourquin – Human ResourCe SpeCialist 2015-16 New Hires - Schedule C: MaCkenzie Bisby – Head Pom Pon CoaCh, Jason Stoltzfus – Head Softball CoaCh All ayes; motion Carried. <<6>> Superintendent Riibe explained that the City of MusCatine’s TraffiC Committee along with sChool distriCt personnel felt that making 9th Street a one-way from Mulberry to Cedar Street would allow for better traffiC flow. One lane would be used as a drop-off lane for students and the other lane as a through-lane for traffiC. He noted that the City and Bi-State ContraCtors would be responsible for re-surfacing the road after ConstruCtion and the distriCt would then paint the lanes. He noted that it is his understanding that the City determines on-street parking for residents. A motion was made by DireCtor Bower and seconded by Director Drawbaugh approving asking the City of MusCatine for the realignment of E. 9th Street between Mulberry Avenue and Cedar Streets making it a one-way from Mulberry Avenue to Cedar Street as supported by the City’s Traffic Committee and that the distriCt’s FaCilities Supervisor work with the City of MusCatine and the Harris family to determine a parking situation that will be good for all. All ayes; motion Carried. A motion was made by DireCtor Bower and seConded by DireCtor Naber to approve the 2-year tentative agreement with the Muscatine Education Association for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 sChool years with a total package inCrease of 3.5% in both years. All ayes; motion Carried. A motion was made by DireCtor Drawbaugh and seConded by DireCtor GarCia to approve the 28E Agreement between Louisa-MusCatine Community SChool DistriCt and MusCatine Community SChool DistriCt for shared Counselor position. All ayes; motion carried. A motion was made by DireCtor Bower and seConded by DireCtor Naber to approve the 28E Agreement between Louisa-MusCatine Community SChool DistriCt and MusCatine Community SChool DistriCt for shared industrial teChnology teaChing position. All ayes; motion Carried. A motion was made by DireCtor Drawbaugh and seConded by DireCtor Naber to approve the distriCt seeking Competitive quotes for Chromebooks for the middle sChool 1:1 laptop projeCt. All ayes; motion carried. DireCtor of FinanCe Jean Garner provided information to the board regarding the Revenue Purpose Statement that the distriCt would like to bring before the voters this September. She noted that this is not a tax increase but a statement in how the district will use the funds from the state’s “SAVE” 1 Cent sales tax fund. Voter approval will extend the revenue purpose statement through 2029. A motion was made by DireCtor Bower and seConded by DireCtor Drawbaugh to approve the Resolution Approving Revenue Purpose Statement and Ordering an EleCtion on a Revenue Purpose Statement to Authorize Expenditures from the State SeCure an Advanced Vision for EduCation (SAVE) fund. Roll Call: Ayes: Bower, Drawbaugh, GarCia, Johanns, Mather, Naber, and Wildermuth. There were no nays. Motion passed. <<7>> Superintendent Riibe asked that the Board approve a resolution recognizing the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust for all they have done for the students of MusCatine. A motion was made by DireCtor Johanns and seConded by DireCtor Naber to reCognize the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust as a valued partner in the eduCation of children in our community. SinCe 1988, the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust has provided $1,444,750 in scholarships and support for students and staff in our schools. This generosity allows students the opportunity to take one step closer toward their dreams and goals. All ayes; motion Carried. Mrs. Garner reviewed the finanCial statements for the month of May. Alisha Eggers, Food ServiCe Supervisor, updated the board on the year-end food serviCe budget. President Mather announCed the following upComing meetings: July 13, 2015 - Regular Board Meeting at 7 p.m. at City Hall August 10, 2015 - Regular Board Meeting at 7 p.m. at City Hall Secretary Mosier Bunn provided information on the upComing sChool board election on September 8, 2015 noting that board candidate packets are available to be picked up at the administration Center. There are four direCtor seats that will be open. Fifty signatures are required in order to be plaCed on the ballot. The nomination papers Can be acCepted at the Administration Center starting July 5, 2015 with the deadline of July 30, 2015 at 5 p.m. A motion was made by DireCtor Johanns and seConded by DireCtor Naber to adjourn the meeting. All ayes; motion Carried. Time: 7:39 p.m. Nathan Mather, President Lisa Mosier Bunn, Secretary <<8>> UNOFFICIAL MINUTES MUSCATINE SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL SESSION June 12, 2015 The Board of Education of the Muscatine Community School District, in the County of Muscatine, State of Iowa, met in special session on Friday, June 12, 2015 at 12:20 p.m.
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