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1_rar.L_ri,rLar2ss2,17-17._[3 r_7-] JO. r-] THEliNid' -Jr r-] ,_, A -IE r-i rt-] Ili L E_-] -i ,........, ri e<°. '... 44<1/4., .......3::<: .".'; ',,-'14'"V'''' LA[_-] El -] 1i, 1/ r[] _.2, J----- /-7. r'l p PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE F.] AMERICAN INSTITUTEOF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 1 33 WEST 39TH ST. NEW YORK CITY. i_J-21--J-1._ri._r_r_ri,....rzriu-Lre._r=,....re.r..rei" American Institute of ElectricalEngineers COMING MEETINGS Midwinter Convention, New York, N. Y., February 8-1 I Annual Business Meeting, New York, N. Y., May 2 I Annual Convention, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., June 21-25 Pacific Coast Convention, Salt Lake City,Utah, (Dates to be announced in sub- sequent issue) Regional Meetings Middle Eastern District, Cleveland, Ohio, March18-19 Great Lakes District, Madison, Wis., (early inMay) Northeastern District, Niagara Falls, May26-28 MEETINGS OF OTHER SOCIETIES New York Electrical Society,Engineering Societies Bldg., New York, N. Y., January 6 Convention of Institute of RadioEngineers, Engineering Societies Bldg., New York, N. Y., January 18-19 Annual Meeting of AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers, Engineering Societies Bldg., New York, N. Y., January20-22 JOUR\AL (,vTHE AmericanInstituteofElectricalEngineers PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OFELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 33 West 39th Street, New York Subscription.$10.00 per year to United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaiiand the Phillipines, $10.50 to Canada and $11.00 to all other Countries.Single copies $1.00. Entered as matter of the second class at the Post Office, New York, N. Y., May 10, 1905, under theAct of Congress, March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917,authorized on August 3, 1918. Vol. XLV JANUARY, 1926 Number 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS . Papers, Discussions, Reports, Etc. Notes and Announcements 1 The Line of Maximum Economy.(Kirsten Theory of the Autovalve Arrester, by Joseph and Loew) 55 Slepian... 3 Improvement in Distribution Methods. Carrying Capacity of 60 -Cycle Busses for Heavy 9 (Hood)..56 Currents, by Titus G. LeClair The Study of Ions and Electrons for Electrical Motor Band Losses, by T. Spooner 14 Engineers.(Ryan).. 59 A New Edition of A..I. E. E. Standards, by F. D. Some Features and Improvements on the High - Newbury. 18 Wattmeter.(Carroll) 61 One IrGenuine Method of SolvingtheAuto - Induction fromStreetLighting Circuits- mobile Headlight Problem.. 24 Effects on Telephone Circuits.(McCurdy.) . 62 Kilocycle -Meter Conversion Table 24 Distribution Practises in Southern California. (Cunningham) 63 Transmission Systems with Over -Compounded Engineering Research-An Essential Factor in Voltages, by H. B. Dwight 25 Engineering Education.(Magnusson) 64 Properties of the Single Conductor-New Funda- Relation between Engineering Education and mental Relations, by Carl Hering 31 Engineering Research.(Sorensen) 64 Parameters of Heating CurvesofElectrical A New Departure in Engineering Education. Machinery, by Vladimir Karapetoff 40 (Pender) 64 Alternating Current Analysis, by Ralph D. Fundamental Considerations of Power Limits Mershon 43 of Transmission Systems. (Doherty and The Luminous Fountain in Paris 15 Dewey) 68 Analytical Discussion of Some Factors Entering Study of Time Lag of the Needle Gap, by K. B. into the Problem of Transmission Stability. McEa,chron and E. J. Wade 16 (Fortescue) 68 Discussion at Pacific Coast Convention Illumination Items 220-Kv. Transmission Transients and Flash- Interesting Aspect of the Inside Frost Lamp . 77 overs.(Wood) 52 Chapters on Light 78 Institute and Related Activities A. I. E. E. Nominations 79 Engineering Foundation Cummings C. Chesney 79 Professor Marx Succeeds Professor Derleth, Plans for Midwinter Convention Jr 86 80 Engineering Council Five Regional Meetings Planned for Coming Adequate Salaries for Federal Judges 86 Year 82 Future Section Meetings. Industrial Cooperation with War Department... 87 83 Fuel and Power Meeting Held in Boston 88 New York Electrical Society 83 Sterling Fellowship for Research at Yale 88 Annual Meeting A. S. C. E. 83 Penn State Branch Holds Electrical Show 88 Edison Medal Awarded to H. J. Ryan 84 Personal Mention. 88 Wanted 88 First Convention of Radio Engineers....Addresses84 Obituary 88 A. I. E. E. Directors Meeting 84 Engineering Societies Library 89 Standards of A. I. E. E. 85 Past Section and Branch Meetings 90 Correction in Standards Pamphlets.. 85 Engineering Societies Employment 94 Doctor Parke Rexford Kolbe New Polytechnic Membership and Application and Transfer 95 President Officers of A. I. E. E. 102 85 Local Honorary Secretaries 102 American Roadbuilders'AssociationinCon- Sections and Branches 105 vontion 85 Digest of Current Industrial News..106 1 REQUEAT FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS must be received at Institute headquarters at least ten days beforethe date of issue with which it is to take effect.Duplicate copies cannot be sent without charge to replace those issues undelivered through failureto send such advance notice.With your new address be sure to mention the oldono, indicating also any change in business connections. Copyright 1925.By A. I. E. E. Printed in U. S. A. Premission is given to reprint any article after its dateof publication, provided proper credit is given. American Institute of ElectricalEngineers COMING MEETINGS Midwinter Convention, New York, N. Y., February 8-1 I Annual Business Meeting, New York, N. Y., May 2 Annual Convention, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.,June 21-25 Pacific Coast Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah,(Dates to be announced in sub- sequent issue) Regional Meetings Middle Eastern District, Cleveland, Ohio,March 18-19 Great Lakes District, Madison, Wis., (earlyin May) Northeastern District, Niagara Falls, May26-28 MEETINGS OF OTHER SOCIETIES New York Electrical Society,Engineering Societies Bldg., New York, N. Y., January 6 Convention of Institute of RadioEngineers, Engineering Societies Bldg., New York, N. Y., January 18-19 Annual Meeting of AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers, Engineering Societies Bldg., New York, N. Y., January20-22 JOURNAL ,),,,THE American InstituteofElectricalEngineersi PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OFELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 33 West 39th Street, New York Subscription.$10.00 per year to United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii andthe Phillipines, $10.50 to Canada and $11.00 to all other Countries.Single copies $1.00. Entered as matter of the second class at the Post Office, New York, N. Y., May 10, 1905, under the Actof Congress, March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917,authorized on August 3, 1918. Vol. XLV JANUARY, 1926 Number 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Papers, Discussions, Reports, Etc. Notes and Announcements 1 The Line of Maximum Economy.(Kirsten Theory of the Autovalve Arrester, by Joseph and Loew) 55 Slepian 3 Improvement in DistributionMethods. Carrying Capacity of 60 -Cycle Busses for Heavy (Hood) 56 Currents, by Titus G. LeClair 9 The Study of Ions and Electrons for Electrical Motor Band Losses, by T. Spooner 14 Engineers.(Ryan) 59 A New Edition of A..I. E. E. Standards, by F. D. Some Features and Improvements on the High - Newbury 18 Wattmeter.(Carroll) 61 One'IGenuine Method of SolvingtheAuto - Induction fromStreetLighting Circuits- mobile Headlight Problem.. 24 Effects on Telephone Circuits.(McCurdy) . 62 24 Distribution Practises in Southern California. Kilocycle -Meter Conversion Table (Cunningham) 63 Transmission Systems with Over -Compounded Engineering Research-An Essential Factor in Voltages, by H. B. Dwight 25 Engineering Education.(Magnusson) 64 Properties of the Single Conductor-New Funda- Relation between Engineering Education and mental Relations, by Carl Hering 31 Engineering Research.(Sorensen) 64 Parametersof Heating Curves ofElectrical A New Departure in Engineering Education. Machinery, by Vladimir Karapetoff 40 (Pender) 64 Alternating Current Analysis, by Ralph D. Fundamental Considerations of Power Limits Mershon 43 of Transmission Systems. (Doherty and The Luminous Fountain in Paris 45 Dewey) 68 Analytical Discussion of Some Factors Entering Study of Time Lag of the Needle Gap, by K. B. into the Problem.ofTransmission Stability. McEaehron and E. J. Wade 46 (Forteseue) 68 Discussion at Pacific Coast Convention ' Illumination Items 220-Kv. Transmission Transients and Flash- Interesting Aspect of the Inside Frost Lamp... 77 overs.(Wood) 52 Chapters on Light 78 Institute and Related Activities A. I. E. E. Nominations 79 Engineering Foundation Cummings C. Chesney 79 Professor Marx Succeeds Professor Derleth, Plans for Midwinter Convention Jr 86 80 Engineering Council Five Regional Meetings Planned for Coming Adequate Salaries for Federal Judges 86 Year 82 Industrial Cooperation with War Department... 87 Future Section Meetings..83 Fuel and Power Meeting Held in Boston 88 New York Electrical Society 83 Sterling Fellowship for Research at Yale... 88 Annual Meeting A. S. C. E. 83 Penn State Branch Holds Electrical Show 88 Edison Medal Awarded to H. J. Ryan.. 84 Personal Mention 88 First Convention of Radio Engineers. AddressesWanted. 88 84 Obituary 88 A. I. E. E. Directors Meeting 84 Engineering Societies Library 89 Standards of A. I. E. E.. 85 Past Section and Branch Meetings 90 Correction in Standards Pamphlets.. 85 Engineering Societies Employment 94 Doctor Parke Rexford Kolbe New Polytechnic Membership and Application and Transfer 95 President. Officers of A. I. E. E. 102 85 Local Honorary Secretaries 102 American
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