WILLIAM WOOD (BORN 1656) OF EARLSFERRY, SCOTLAND AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS BY J. WALTER WOOD THE TUTTLE, 1\1 OREHOt:SE & TAYLOR CoMPA~Y 1916 CONTENTS l'AGE Preface . 7 THE ,v·ooD FA~IILY Chart I . ~ . facing 9 Chart II . ........ " 8 Chart III . " 8 Appendix & chart . ~ . 51-57 Chart VII . 'J.ac1ng . 58 .Chart IV ......... -............................ facing 8 List I . II-24 REDMOND AXD HOYT CONNECTIONS Chart V .......... -. -. facing 24 List II (Redmond) ............................... 27-31 List III (Hoyt) .................................. 35-38 WILl\!ER AND DE CHAZOliRNES CONNECTIONS Chart VI . facing 38 List IV . ..........•....................•.. 41-43 List V . 47-48 Index . 61 ILLUSTRATIONS Wood Arms ...•.............••.........•....• Frontispiece \Vood Homestead at Elie, Scotland ............. facing page 7 John Wood ( 1779-I821 ) .............. bet,veen pages 58 and 59 Elizabeth Dennistoun (1787-1837) his ,vife " " " \Villiam vV ood ( 18o8-18g4) . • . " " " Harriet Amelia Kane (1809-1846) his ,vife ·' " " John ,valter \Vood (1831-1905) . " " " Sabina Redmond ( 1836-1905) his ,vife • . " " John Kane ( 1734-1~) . - . - . • • • • - • • • • " " .. Sybil Kent ( 1738-18c6) his ,vif~ . " " John Kane (1759-1819) ............ - . '~ " " itaria Cod,vise ( 1775-1824) his wife .. " " " Goold Hoyt (176g-1841) ............ " " " Sabina Sheaf ( d. 1859) his wife ...... " " " \Villiam Redmo~d ( 18o4-1874) ....... " ,, Sabina Hoyt (1812-1870) his wife .... " " James \Vilmer ( 1775-1831) .......... " " " Ann Emerson ( 17~1865) his ,vife ... " " " John Ringgold \Vilmer ( 1813-1886) .. " " " Nathalie de Chazournes (b. 1827) his ,vife " " " ERP..ATUif Date of birth cf John Ringgold \Vilmer on the photogravure is printed 1814 instead of 1813. - . - . '1-/.// · -?/L/ . OJ/. ,~ CY ~/ /ioo-d~o->:; ,c:1 Cea~aC 0t~c,,Y.xj~._ZaJ/ta,;;1,~ ~uued/4-e,L/~§ tJ ~Yfftt:a»;J:.lb~!:&/'Y2:J/. ~~/.ii'?l/9/o/~if'~~~n~v.J kY:, PREFACE This book is the result of ,vork done because of the ,vriter's desire to obtain a knowledge of his o,vn ancestry, and that he might be in a position to hand down facts on this subject to his children. The main f ~mily tree is found in Chart I and that tree for recent generations only is complete in all_ its branches. Notes as to the probablt__ancestry of \Villiam \,\iood of Earlsferry will be found on pp. 51-5j. Charts II to VI contain trees ,vhich are supplementary to the \Vood tree, and in some cases those charts are follo,ved by lists ,vhich further supplement the \Vood tree by furnishing a com­ plete statement of the descendants of certain colla~~~l ancestors._ These lists follo,v the charts to ,vhich they ·respectively refer, and they contain in full the descendants to the end of 1909 of the following individuals : List I. John Kane (1759-1819) and his ,vife Maria Cochvise (b. 1775). List II. Samuel Redmond ( d. 1825) and. his wife Anne Ramage (d. 1848). List III. Goold Hoyt {1j6g-1841) and his wife Sabina Sheaff. List IV. James '\Vilmer ( 1775-1831) and his wife Ann Emerson. List V. Jacques Benoit Felix de Chazoumes (Ii95- 1868) and his ,vife ?viarie Louise de Brugiere (18o4-1864). In preparing the charts among the authorities ,consulted were the "East N euk of Fife" by Rev. \V'alter \Vood, second edition published in 1887; "Biographical Dictionary of Eminent 1Ien of Fife" by M. F. Conolly, published 1866; "Autobiography of William \Vood," printed for private circulation 1895 ; "Hoyt, Haight and Hight Families" by Pavid '\V. H~yt, pri~ted 1871; "Historic Families of· America" by \Valter \V. Spooner, printed 1907; "Old Kent; the Eastern Shore of Maryland" by George A. Hanson, printed 18j6; ''.A.merican Genealogy" by Jerome B. Holgate, published 1848; "Distinguished Families in America descended from '\Vilhelmus Beekman and Jan Thomasse. Van Dyke" by \Villiam B. Aitken, published 1912, "Notice Gen- 8 THE ivooD FA~IILY ealogique sur les f am ill es du F evre et Ar~is de Chazoumes en Forez et Lyonnais" by A. Steye~, besides public documents in the New York Public Library, the British Museum, in Edin­ burgh and many private documents and letters _in the possession of members of the family. The lists of collateral descendants ,vere prepared partly from the authorities above mentioned, but largely from data obtained from various members of the family as the result of an active correspondence involving the writing of many hundreds ·of letters. The great importance of accuracy in such work wa_s cons_tantly kept .in vie,v, and every effort was made to avoid errors. It may be~ ho,vever, that mistakes ,vill ·be found, due either to the writer himself or· to inaccuracies in the sources upon ,vhich he was forced ·to depend, although ,vherever practicable he· has obtained a statement of the same facts from t,vo or more sources. __ No individuals appear, in either charts or lists, ,vho were born after the end of 1909, that being the end of the period covered. For the purpose of identification of individuals of similar name, and for other reasons, the years of birth have been given as far as the writer has been ab.le to obtain them, but a complete state­ ment of the dates of deaths has· not been attempted, only those ,. dates of deaths being included which were obtained f ram sources readily available. In cc;>nsulting the lists it will be observed that each individual bas a number in the column at the left of the name. This number ,vill be found again in brackets at the right of each of his or her descendants, thus making it· easy to follow any single line_ direct from parent to child. Thus, for example, on page I I in the First Generation ,vill be found the name "2 Oliver Gren­ ville Kane." In the Second Generation appear the· names ''16 John Grenville Kane (2)" and "17 Pierre Came Kane (2)." ·The individual numbers of John Grenville Kane and Pierre Came Kane are 16 __and 17, respectively, whi.le the number (2)­ to the right of each shows they are the children of Oliver Grenville Kane, his individual number being 2. Gathered merely for the. information of his children, it was not the writer's intention to p~blish this material, but. he has been asked by so many members of the family for copies of the facts obtained that he decided to seek the assistance of the printer. -JA~ES \\"oc.o (a) CH.-\RT I 1 r781-18c6 l died unmarried ,-bv. ,,. .,,_!.YJ:2 '\Vc-oD j lf:A:i1.\" ',\",::;;:, :=) ' J:81.;:-:~8:: ,._ _ u, ,~--------· ,., ,.,,, ,, , m. (a} Asnes Scott zu..11:X.\....._D....,. n 00,., 8 .,.._ 1 (b) ,, B 'f 1-Dx. T110M:AS GRAllAK BRows ,r b. 17 .:::s m. i>:-. Ta.roes \Vood (h,·r cousin. m. ..a.rs::-rct rGau ooc ' L!:Etl'T. COll!CA.S'DU DA\'[D THOJUl.:'R.."I' I m. (ci) Ann ~airne of th~ \\"oods of \\"a,riston) . (He w:15 atr::hor uf "The East ,-DR. Jo11is ]AllES GRAR.\1' BROV.lli- GRAH.,),[ BROWS i m. (ir) Catherine Specs 1-Joa:s \VOcD- (a) ! Xcc.k cf Fii..:") l b. 1S53 i At.t:XAY::>ER \Vooo GltAH.UC BROWS 17ss.-i.StJ 1 )[d;I.\!'O;x \\"00:,,---------!. m.Janc Pasley Hay Thorburn -]A5E p..,SLEY HAY GRA.aAK Baowx I died ".:.llmarrie,i b. iSr-i: I 11 m.. Rev. Thomas Bro\rn 1-RE.v. ]A?i,u:s \YooD BRowx----- l>L .-\.I.Ex.,:s:ntt \\'oon b. 1S56 l-YARIA!t':Jl>- S1."111L \Voou BaowN .-JAKES \\"oo,,,____________ -THO:\tAS \Vooo ' 1817-1SS4 m. Louisa Caroiittc Grah:ain 17.zr-1:;83 I b, 1775 m. Rebttca l[a~eey Stewart -Ro•DT STat:Yll:tRS m. Mary Chalmers ~Y A:ss \\"oou (He lh--ed i.i Edi~?mrgb. and b. 1sn 1721-1804 AliXA \'Voo•D------------, b. r;;S invented the prc-cesr. o! hn:•o· m. Helen Jackson 1756-1;9~ I JESstE: \\"001> dermic i::ajection) JoaN \\"ALTER ,,..ooo SnC'THERS m. \\-alter Wood-of the \\'ood.s b. 1;8r LcciA H.u.L \\"ooo b. 18S3 of \Varriston -D.K. JA!>US \\~oo<>---------: ·i819-1886 m. - ,,s,~-1so,~ I-...-.XOJt --- \\"OOD UJNA R.ro~o-..~.. v.•oo•~------i·- D rMCA:!i S lltJ"THDS b. 185; b (of the \Voods o! \Yar:-i~ton) m. Robert Struthers • 1s.s 5 m •.Mary \\"ood, his co'l~l!l m. - •-:JoH~ WOOD '\V1u.1.,~ '\\'oot, Sn.CTHER!. 1760-1788 b. 1887 dted unmarried m.- -S.UISA \Vooo SntrTs:ns b. 11S8g m.- lLui:Y RF'J~ON'D 1iAllTl!f 1880-190::? l unmarried F:R..... N'li:LI!i :\f..UTI!f MARY REDJJ.oso \Vooo-------1 b. i88i 1-Fu..~cu B.ui:Tow b. 186::, m. - . b. 1907 (twin) F k SAlllYA RED!illo?.-D ~All.TIS----- m. -- m. ran E. Martin b. I88J 1 m. Francis D. Bartow 1-ctJ..RE:l"CE B.•.xrow I-John '\'\"alter ,Yood -CH.\.RLES JACESOX )fa.R.Tt!i -b. 1907 (twin) I b. in Glasgo,'", 16 Oct. 1831 b. 1885 m..- d. 29 June 1905 m.-- I naturalized ~2 No\". IS.5~ m. (2..,th. Sept. 1S35) Sabi~a --CYRIL Ho.YA.."I' HosKID. Redmond ! 1889-1894 I 0 b. 18 N°oT. I836 \\ .U.T£R HAROLD HOSE.ID I d. 15 Ai.:;r. I9c.5 I b. 1892 HARRIET A!o!t:L!A \VooD------·1 m. -- For her an.::estry and con­ b. 1865 Ros-.u.o Woon Hosx:n:Jt nections see: pages ~::- to 3!. m. Hermln Charles Ho.;:icicr !:I. t896 m.-- -F:R...\Sli: RoY BYRx:r,: Hos:&:IU b. 1900 I m.-- i-NATRALtS \\"ILYEa \YoOl'.l i ~- 1895 I ! \VALTE.R \Yoon I ' 1899-1890 .
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