OHIO ARCHAEOLOGIST VOLUME 34 NO. 2 SPRING 1984 THE ARCHAEOLOGI 'SOQIETY 'OF OHIO The Archaeological Society of Ohio TERM EXPIRES OFFICERS Robert Harter, 1961 Buttermilk Hill. Delaware. Ohio 1984 President Mike Kish, 39 Parkview Ave., Associate Editor, Martha P. Otto, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio Westerville, Ohio 43081 Jeff Carskadden, 960 Eastward Circle, Colony North, 1984 Immediate Past President Frank Otto, 2200 E Powell Rd., Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Westerville, Ohio 43081 All articles, reviews and comments on the Ohio Archaeologist 1984 Vice President Don Gelbach, 3435 Sciotangy Dr.. should be sent to the Editor. Memberships, requests for back Columbus. Ohio 43221 issues, changes of address, and other matter should be sent to 1984 Exec Sect. Scott Haskins, 484 Stinchcomb Dr.. the business office Apt 23, Columbus. Ohio 43202 1984 Treasurer Jim Perry, 2668 Blendon Woods Blvd. PLEASE NOTIFY BUSINESS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY OF AD­ Columbus, Ohio 43229 DRESS CHANGES. BY POSTAL REGULATIONS SOCIETY MAIL 1984 fiec. Sect. Chris Olenick, 8140 Anne St S.W , CANNOT BE FORWARDED. Navarre. Ohio 44662 1986 Editor Robert N Converse. 199 Converse Dr.. Editorial Office Plain City. Ohio 43064 199 Converse Drive, Plain City, Ohio 43064 TRUSTEES 1984 Alva McGraw, 1177 Eastern Ave, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 BUS. MANAGER 1984 Jan Sorgengrei. Route 1, Pandora, Ohio 45877 Joe Redick, 35 W Riverglen Dr , Worthington, Ohio 43085 1984 Ernest G Good, 3402 Civic Place, Grove City, Ohio 43123 1984 Donald A Casto, 138 Ann Ct., Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Membership and Dues 1986 Dana L Baker, 1 7240 Twp Rd. 206, Mt Victory, Ohio Annual dues to the Archaeological Society of Ohio are payable 43340 on the first of January as follows: Regular membership $12 00; 1986 Steve Balazs, 1010 N MulberrySt.. Mt Vernon, Ohio43050 Husband and wife (one copy of publication) $13.00; Contributing 1986 Douglas Hooks, 120 Yoha Dr., Mansfield, Ohio 44907 $25.00. Funds are used for publishing the Ohio Archaeologist. The Archaeological Society of Ohio is an incorporated non-profit 1986 Wayne Mortine, Scott Dr Oxford Hts , organization and has no paid officers or employees Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832 The Ohio Archaeologist is published quarterly and subscription Regional Collaborators is included in the membership dues. David W Kuhn, 2642 Shawnee Rd., Portsmouth, Ohio Charles H Stout, Sr , 91 Redbank Drive, Fairborn, Ohio Back Issues Mark W Long. Box 467, Wellston, Ohio Publications and back issues of the Ohio Archaeologist: Steven Kelley, Seaman, Ohio Ohio Flint Types, by Robert N. Converse . $4.00 William Tiell. 13435 Lake Ave , Lakewood, Ohio Ohio Stone Tools, by Robert N. Converse 3.00 Robert Jackman. Box 30, Wellsville, Ohio 43968 Ohio Slate Types, by Robert N. Converse 7.00 James L Murphy, University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Back issues—black and white—each 3.00 Columbus, Ohio 43210 Back issues—four full color plates —each 3 00 Gordon Hart, 760 N Main St , Bluffton, Indiana 46714 Back issues of the Ohio Archaeologist printed prior to 1964 David J. Snyder, P.O. Box 388, Luckey, Ohio 43443 are generally out of print but copies are available from time to Dr. Phillip R. Shriver, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 time Write to business office for prices and availability STANDING COMMITTEES SPECIAL COMMITTEES NOMINATING COMMITTEE PROGRAM COMMITTEE PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SOCIETY PHOTOGRAPHER Robert Converse, Chairman Martha Otto, Chairman Jeff Carskadden, Chairman Len Weidner Steve Fuller Mike Schoenfeld Richard Patterson Jack Hooks John Winsch Jeff Brown FLOOR MANAGER'S Wayne Mortine Bob Hill James Murphy COMMITTEE Dana Baker Joy Jones Don Casto, Chairman MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Edith Campbell AUDITING COMMITTEE Jane Weidner, Chairman SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Dave United Don Foster. Chairman Sharon Puttera COMMITTEE Robert White Craig Ciola Mike Wilson Robert Converse. Chairman Roy Stuart Mike Schoenfeld Ken Saunders Jeff Carskadden EXHIBITS COMMITTEE Billy Hillen Martha Otto COMMITTEE TO STUDY Scott Haskins Don Casto, Co-Chairman Greg Shipley BUDGETING Wayne Mortine Frank Otto, Co-Chairman Kim Ellis Don Foster, Chairman Billy Hillen Scott Haskins RAFFLE COMMITTEE Jim Hahn James Greenlee Chris Olenick. Chairman Eugenia Kish Steve Olenick Jason Greenlee Dawn Wilson Jim Gooding Jane Weidner Jim Perry Warren Mears FRAUDULENT ARTIFACTS Doug Hooks (Joe Redick) COMMITTEE Buddy Haney Scott Haskins Dana Baker. Co-Chairman EDUCATION AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE TO REVIEW Steve Puttera Steve Fuller, Co-Chairman COMMITTEE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Doug Hooks Robert Hill. Chairman Robert Converse. Co-Chairman William King, Chairman Don Bapst Craig Ciola Don Gehlbach, Co-Chairman William Tiell Robert Converse Jeff Fruth Tom Grubb Dan Rosette Ernie Good James Gooding Jim Hahn Virginia Morelock Dorothy Good Martha Otto Paul Ford Mark Seeley Lar Hothem CONTENTS J A Remarkable Cougar Effigy 4 j President's Page Fort Miamis Project 6 j On May 20, 1984,1 will relinquish the visitation. We have enjoyed the food Fort Miamis Archaeological Excavations .9 j reins of the ASO Presidency to my even­ facility, free parking, and central lo­ Early Adena In Mahoning Valley 10 j tual successor. cation. Artifacts From Randy Kelly Collection... 12 j Desiring to enrich an educational pro­ My two years as your President have Ohio's Prehistoric Indians 13 gram, I suggested implementing our been most rewarding and personally regular meetings with amateur archae­ enjoyable. As President, I have expe­ Artifacts From Collection Of Jim Hahn .14 ! ologists and scientists who would speak rienced a few frustrations, several chal­ Two Adams County Plummets 15 ! on their special interests and experi­ lenges, and a host of gratifications. One A Shovel-Shaped Pendant 16 ! ences. of the greatest gratifications I can report Historic Powder Flask 16 I I was pleased that our membership to you is that of all the many requests I Scioto County Bottle-Shaped Pendant .17 j attended these mini-sessions in large have made of members and friends Blennerhassett Island: Participation In j numbers and was delighted to hear the during the past twenty-four months to Archeology 18 j nice things they had to say about our perform some service for ASO, I have Excavation At Edwin Harness Mound .22 j speakers and our programs. I personally had almost no refusal. This is the spirit Feelings About Your Society 22 j thank all our speakers who gave so of the Archaeological Society of Ohio! Hopewell Site In Ross County, Ohio . 23 generously of their time and effort in With this kind of dedication on the our behalf. Your attendance and support Ceramic Art: Attainment of Primitive part of its membership, the trustees, and is a clear signal to me that our programs officers, the future of this organization Americans 25 I and services are meeting your needs. is assured. Squaw Island Trade Silver 26 I I also wish to thank all peoples who In closing, may I urge your continued Examples Of Ohio Slate 29 j chaired our Standing Committees and interest and support to improve all facets Artifacts From Lamantia Collection 30 { our Special Committees, their commit­ of our society and uphold the new lead­ Broken Fluted Point 31 j tee members and for their willingness to ership as we strive toward making the Hill 1040: An Archaic Campsite 32 j serve in these capacities, our Photog­ Ohio ASO the most cohesive organiza­ Archaeology and History: Historians' rapher, Floor managerial staff, and Re­ tion of its kind in the USA. We urge you Viewpoint 34 ! gional Collaborators for their untiring to participate in ASO activities and to Summer Picnic Meeting 38 ! efforts related to their job descriptions. share your talents and ideas. Turkeytails 39 j Our new facility has given us the space Thank you for giving me the oppor­ Hopewell Wood Duck Effigy Pipe 40 ! we have needed for our growing num­ tunity in the past to serve you as Re­ cording Secretary, Treasurer, Vice- Indiana Green 43 I bers in membership. We have adequate areas for displays, business meeting lo­ President, and now President. Damaged Fluted Point Bases 43 { cation, separate mini-session station, Michael Kish Humanoid Effigies 44 j and leisurely viewing of artifacts and Engraved Vasiform Pipe 45 j Converse Award Given Carskadden .... 45 j Socketed Celt 46 , i Our Joint Mission: A Bigger And Better A.S.O. i For many of us, collecting Ohio Indian new President hopes that we never lose relics and studying the related archae­ sight of this original purpose as one of i ology are a large part of our enjoyment the reasons for maintaining the A.S.O. j of our stimulating hobby. We gain satis­ Since we are a successful organiza­ j faction and euphoria from gathering fine tion with over 2,000 members we have j artifacts and speculating on their use by an additional responsibility; that is to be the cultures who lived in various parts of a vehicle for creating interest in pre­ ~ - I the state. Some of us are students of history through education and to pass FRONT COVER prehistory who participate in research along our experiences to both the ama­ Hidden by a century's covering of ! on these early Ohioans. We might enjoy teur and professional in Ohio archae­ trees and undergrowth, the Arledge ! excavating their remains and docu­ ology. This will insure that we have a mound is one of the largest burial I menting their lifeways. Some call us vital, healthy society in the year 2000. mounds in Pickaway County. Situated a j amateurs, para professionals, or even We must maintain honesty and integ­ short distance from the banks of tiny j professionals. But in all cases, we have rity in buying, selling and trading our Scippo Creek, the mound has never : a common mission, that is to achieve a splendid pre-Columbian artforms. Our been professionally excavated.
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