--A C' SCANNED r RECEIVEDQo UgQ L05N OFF E STMINT,RY A E : , AND PHASE 1 REPORT ARBORWAY CORPORATION 3593-3651 WASHINGTON ST S JAMAICA PLAIN MA 02130 % + J • .j , ,••2 = .. = :!,= " • L I t~ A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering Potential Oil/Hazardous Material Release Site For DECE Use Only Case No. PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT REPORT File Name Dat Listed I. PROPERTY NAME AND LOCATION (See Supplementary Instructions) Disposition Property Name Arborway Corp. UTM Coordinates N M AddressAddress 3593-3651 Washington Street e 32585325850 M Latide/ Long itude IIMunicipality Zip Code USGS Ouad(s) 42 18 ' Lni" N Jamaica Plain 02130 Boston South, m 71 06' 43" w II. OWNERS/OPERATORS Present Owner * Atborway Corp. Date Specific Property Use/Activity Address: 3593-3651 Washington St. Acquired #2 Fuel Oil Storage/ Jamaica Plain Termnallic Rentalroperty Contact Richard T. Horan, Sr. Te 617 327 . 4600 3/80 SIC 0(1 Active L. Inactve Present Operatonr Arborvay Corp. Date Specific Propety Use/Activity Address: 3593-3651 Washington St. Started Same As Above contact Jamaica Plain Tel. - - 3/80 sic . 0 Act" Inactive Robert A. Baxter, Jr. 617 524 8158 Specific Property use/Activity Owner. Atlas .Oil Corp. From/To IPreviousAddress: Allied Drive Dates probably same Dedham Tel. 12/79 SICa - 3/80 Previous Operator General Oil Burner Inc. From/To Specific Property Use/Activity Address: and others Dates Not Available Te - 12/793/80 SIC# N.A. - 3/80 slc t 1Tel. - - S Additional Owner/Operator Information is: X Attached - Unknown Not Pertinent S Ill. GENERAL PROPERTY/AREA INFORMATION site Locus Map Attached ' Property/Area Use * Property Present Property Past Surrounding Area Check if property is or ever wias known: Industrial _ Refuse/Waste Disposal Area Commercial x .L Gasoline (Service) Station Residential - y Fuel Storage Depot Agricultural . Industrial Manufacturing Facility Undeveloped - Check If Property is Planned for Development I IV. REVIEW OF AVAILABLE RECORDS/INFORMATION Municipal: Date Reviewed 10 /..9 / 9y Ka3 RpTr Of ERG IInformation Source(s): Boston Fire Department Contact Person(s): Inspector Isaac Hendricks Telephone: 6177253622 State: * Date Reviewed 10/4/89 By Kay Reddy of ERG Information Source(s): DEP - Northeast Region, Woburn, MA contact Persiorn(s): Telephone: 617-935-2160 Owner/Operator 10 Date Reviewed 9/ 2 9 8 9 ey Edward J. Warner of Web EnaineerinTga Assoc. Information Source(s): Arborway Corporation I Contact Person(s): Robert A. Baxter, Jr. Telephone: 617-383-2305 Other " Date Reviewed 10/5/8%9By Kay Reddv of ERG Information Source(s): Boston City Hospital, Office of Environmental Affairs i Contact Person(s): John Shea Telephone: 617-424-596" Additional Information/Information Sources are attached: El Yes C No. OHW/SAC. Fr n PA A7- IV. SURVEY OF AVAILABLE RECORDS/INFORMATION (Continued.) .1 Based upon records and available Information, have petroleum products or hazardous matealais been used, treated, stored. Or disposed of, on the property? Yes C No . Petroleum Hazardous Materials Underground Storage Tanks: '2 Records/Evidence Present/Formeraof Use: Yes O No indicate Number of Tanka: Gasoline Fuel 011 Waste/Outer Oil Hazardous Materals Unknown Presently On-s t ._9 _ 0_ Rmoed p With Capacity 1100 Gallons 0 .S.0 _._ Over 10 Yers Old - - Total Number. O 4 S 0 Wastew s:t.Is Generated? Composition Disposal Pre..ent Yes 0 No 0 unknown C Selt 0 Indufsia 0 unicipa sewer 3 on-.le Other Past: C Yes No 0 Unknown C San y Industrial C Municip sawer C On-se 0 Other Coinmotcomm Is er currety an on-e, w sr supply well? Ye No Unknown. Act"e? C Yes C No. Other exISng means for samplIng groundwater? 0 Y es No Indikam Present or Past Federal/Stas Environmental Permis/Regulstiocs at the Property. O N.P.D.E_. 0 Groundwater Discharge 0 .c.F. Ge.nerato r C C.R TSo C Aiualityr oter Commernts DEP Case #EIB-N88-1697 s/are there any record(s) of Criminal. Civil, or Administrative Actions, at the property due to (alleged) violations of environmental statute or regu- laton? .C ye M No Commenrts: V. PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE Property Reconrmasanca by Owner/Operttor mA (Circle orne.) Date 9/29/89 By Ftwan J Warr o web ncin rinq r Evidence of a Reease of Oi or Hazardous Materials? Ye. O No Potential If Yes/Potential. Based upon: C visual 3 oftctory anaiycal/scraning Comments: See Phase I Report FOR DEQE USE ONLY: - On-site Reconnaissance Off-siat Reconnaslsance By EPA/IDECE/Comractor. (Circle one.) Data By Of Evidence of a Relea'se of Oil or Hazardous Materials? 0 Ye C No C Potwntial IICommento: .41 $4 r- N rn) tc;H ro U' wc - ..... I C Dl E I I I .. I - i - S " 4 . 1 . I U). 4J C P,4- DO4 N En PJir 4J. 4J H.A A I . - >0 1s~ n,4 T I J , i i, i . i i - i • IH I[, .. -- , . I I ... a .r >. 3t' .D TIn ~:~s II I I , . i I II I II ______________________________ I I I' VII. CONCLUSIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Based upon all available information an ta., pursuantto MGL Chapter 21E, is tere evidence that a rel ase of oil orhazardous matenrial has or Is occurring at the property? Yes C No 0 Unknown at this time Do property conditions constitute a threat of rulese? YYe No C potential If either of above Is"Ye". are Immediate ste actions necessary to abate an imminent hazard to publlc health, safety, well, or te envlronment, due to: Proximity to known potable water supplies? 0 Yes E No Potential for directhuman contact and exposure? 0 ye El No Potential for fire or explosion? O Yes " No Proximitytofliheres/crtca habstats? 0 Yea No aOther. _Ye [I a 0No Ia release has been confirmedc are InmmedLate actions necessary to initiate abatement, containment or recovery actions, in order to avoid a al4uaton wheore a delay in remedial actiorns will substantially decease the efficiency and/or degree of ultimate cleanup? 0 Y.e No Have remedial actions already been taken at the oft? Ye O o NOTE Ifimmediate actions arm needed, or If remedial actions have already been taken at e sie, append complete dtas on nature of problem and proposed/completd site actiors Operafor/Plvate PFty (Circle one.) Professional Environmental Consultant Name Trrarni 5 R n. Sr. Name Edward J. Wamer Tiein President Title Geologist company Arborway Corporation Firm Web Engineering Assoc. Inc, Date onte / - _ 90 __1 PropertyProert AilatOnAffiliation On ne Additional Information attached to Formn Indicate Nasme(s) of Environmental Assessment Report(s) prepared for Propery Preliminary Assessent and Phase I Reports prepared by Web Enqineerincr Asscc, If Form completed by Private Party and/or Professional Envimronmental Consultant pleae sign: I hereby certfy that the information furnished in and with thisFornm, to lthe beat my knowledge. is true, accurate, and complete. Signatura Signature: - 4 . / (Owner/Operator/P 'va Mat) in VIII. DISPOSITION OF CASE FOR DEQE USE ONLY: Form completed by. PRP/Consultant/DEQE/DEQE Contractor/Otter (Circle one.) Date Received: I not compled by DEQE, Is provided Information: C Adequate Insufficient C Inaccurate concluslon.- C No Evidence of Release C lease ConfIrmed 0 Potential Release - Further Invesfigation Required Disposition of Case. C No Action O Re-doP.A Perform S.L. C] Perform IRM Other Enforcement Postion: C N.A. send N.O.R. O N.O.R. sent C Oher Comrfet IDEQE STAFF: TITLE SIGNATURE DATE 185 Industrial Road Franklin P.O. Box 617 ULicensed and Permitted in the Pumping Wrentham, MA 02093 United States and Canada Service Inc. TEL 508-384-6151 FED. EPA ID #MAD084814136 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS November 22, 1988 Mr. Bob Baxter Arborway Corp. 3607 Washington Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Dear Bob: Enclosed please find our quotation and associated analytical work in reference to the contaminated soil generated from an oil spill. Upon review of the analytical work, it is determined that the soil will have to be disposed of out of state. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, (, ( Ra ond R. Franklin Sales Representative Enclosure 185 Industrial Road Franklin P.O. Box 617 Licensed and Permitted in the Pumping Wrentham, MA 02093 United States and Canada Service Inc. TEL 508-384-6151 FED. EPA ID#MAD084814136 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS November 22, 1988 Arborway Corp. Quote #1472 3607 Washington Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Attention: Bob Baxter QUOTATION Load, transport and dispose of contaminated soil. TRANSPORTATION: $ 1,000.00/trip DISPOSAL: (Includes Mass. Hazardous $ 72.00/ton Waste Transporters Fee) MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES: Liners $ N/C Loading (if required) $ 65.00/hour THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Unless otherwise noted all prices are quoted before any fees and taxes. Applicable fees or taxes will be billed separately on your invoice. Arborway Corp. hereby certifies the waste shall be in conformance with analytical data and other specifications provided to Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., prior to pick-up. To the extent the waste does not conform, Arborway Corp. shall indemnify and hold Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., harmless from all liability and damages arising therefrom and Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., shall be released from all its obligations under this agreement. Arborway Corp. is solely responsible for the appropriate DOT and EPA markings, labels, and construction specifications of waste containers. U I Arborway Corp. Quote #1472 Continued I-'Under Massachusetts "Right to Know" legislation, Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., requests that all generators supply Material Safety Data S Sheets for any aforementioned waste before any waste will be transported. All Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., transactions shall be conducted within existing EPA, DOT, DEQE, and ICC mandates.
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