September 2014 EXHIBITS In the Main Gallery 12 FRIDAY 17 WEDNESDAY 24 WEDNESDAY KARIN BATTEN: New York Aerial View SANDWICHED IN: The Star Spangled Ban- FRACKING: Patti Wood, executive director “JOE” (2013-117 min.). Ex-con Joe (Nicolas Paintings, September 3 through 30. The Art ner. September 14, 2014 marks the 200th of Grassroots Environmental Education, Cage) becomes an unlikely role model for Advisory Council hosts a reception for the anniversary of our national anthem. It was hosts a screening and discussion of Gasland 15-year-old Gary (Tye Sheridan). Screen- artist on Saturday, September 13 from 2 to written by Francis Scott Key following the (2010–107 min). This award winning film fol- writer Gary Hopkins adapted Larry Brown’s 4 p.m. Story in this issue. AAC British naval bombardment of Fort McHen- lows filmmaker Josh Fox on a cross-country novel for director David Gordon Green. ry during the War of 1812. Pianist Linda odyssey to uncover the facts behind the Recommended for adults. 7:30 p.m. In the Martin Vogel Photography Gallery Pratt and baritone Frank Hendricks will controversial new natural gas drilling tech- PORT WRITES: The group meets on the SUNDAY perform songs and musical compositions nology known as “fracking.” Early start time. ALAN M. RICHARDS: Get the Picture? from the era, concluding with a rendition of 7 p.m. Story in this issue. HAC fourth Wednesday of each month to discuss 7 their work and how to get it published. Fa- September 6 through October 31. These NEW YORK CLASSIC FILM CLUB: Dr. Dan the original version of “The Star Spangled image composites often take on a surreal- Pompa selects influential films and invites Banner.” 12:10 p.m. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES meet. cilitated by Michael Chaplan. 8 p.m. istic feeling. Meet the artist at a reception speakers who have been affected by them, or The public is invited at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 13 at 2 p.m. Story who have relatives or friends who witnessed “WATCHTOWER” (2012-100 min.). A man in this issue. the making of these films. Today’s selec- and a woman seek refuge from the world — tion is Double Indemnity (1944-108 min.), Nihat (Olgun Simsek) at a remote forest fire In the Reading Room & in which femme fatale Phyllis Dietrichson tower, Seher (Nilay Erdonmez) in her room Community Gallery (Barbara Stanwyck) lures insurance agent at a rural bus station. When their lives col- lide, each has to fight a battle of conscience FRIDAY Walter Neff (Fred MacMurray) into a plot to THURSDAY 26 CONNECTIONS, a new photographic por- kill her husband. Director Wilder and author in the presence of the other. Pelin Esmer 18 trait exhibition that will open in September. Raymond Chandler adapted James M. Cain’s scripted and directed this Turkish drama. Book Discussion: A discussion of My Be- The theme is the relationship between novel. Refreshments will be served. 2 p.m. Also, a Greek village comes together to loved World by Sonia Sotomayor, facilitated individual Port Washington residents and invite a visitor to stay in Althea C. Avramis’s by Lee Fertitta. 1:30 p.m. short, The Foreigner (2012-17 min.). Both original artworks that are part of our unique 3rd THURSDAYS @ 3:30: Florence: City of films are subtitled. A Film Movement re- archival collections. Story in this issue. Art. Florence is home to great art patrons lease. 7:30 p.m. including the Medici, Tornabuoni and Stro- zzi families. Professor Thomas Germano MONDAY discusses the art, architecture and history REGISTRATIONS 8 of this Renaissance city. 3:30 p.m. AAC Tai Chi from the Arthritis Foundation: In progress Registration begins September 8 for a series Google Webmaster Tools . See Sept. 8 of seven Thursday classes from 12:45 to 1:30 SATURDAY SANDWICHED IN: Living, Out Loud: Writ- p.m. Payment of $20 is due at registration. 13 ers Riff on Love, Sweat & Fears. A diverse Resume Workshop . See Sept. 13 Classes meet September 18, October 2, 9, 23, RESUME & COVER LETTER WORKSHOP group of writers shares their passion for Google AdWords . .See Sept. 15 30 & November 6, 13. Port residents only. with Karen McKenna. Free but registration the personal essay format. Sponsored by is required. Sign up at the Reference Desk, FRIDAY Friends of the Library. 12:10 p.m. Story in Google Analytics . See Sept. 22 VIRTUAL VISITS: The Barnes Foundation. or by calling 883-4400 Ext. 111. 1 p.m. 19 In 1922, Albert C. Barnes established the SANDWICHED IN: Two Family House this issue. Job Search Strategies . .See Sept. 27 Barnes Foundation, which holds a remark- NEXT CHAPTER: Join us for a discussion (2000-108 mins.). An unseen narrator looks LIVE@PWPL: Crosby, Stills & Nash: A Cel- of current events. Bring your opinion! 10 back to 1956, on Staten Island, when Buddy, Organize Your Home Office . See Sept. 29 able collection of Impressionist, Post-Im- ebration with Gathering Time. 7:30 p.m. pressionist and early Modern paintings. The a.m. to noon. an Italian guy with big dreams, buys a house Beginning September 2 collection also includes Native American art, planning to live upstairs with his wife Estelle African sculpture, and decorative objects and ART & PHOTOGRAPHY RECEPTIONS: and run a bar downstairs. Based on writer Driver Safety . .See Sept. 2 Meet the artists in the galleries. 2 to 4 p.m. and director Raymond De Felitta’s uncle, it Yoga . See Sept. 2 antiquities from the Mediterranean region and Asia. Join Ines Powell for an exploration won the Audience Award at Sundance 2000. Beginning September 8 of this venerable institution. Sponsored by Many of the film’s actors later reached na- Friends of the Library. 2:30 p.m. tional prominence as part of The Sopranos, SATURDAY Tai Chi . .See Sept. 8 including Michael Rispoli and Katherine 27 JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES WORKSHOP: GOOGLE WEBMASTER TOOLS FOR BE- Narducci. Fred Craden will discuss the film. GINNERS with Inna Bosikova, Ph.D. Web- Karen McKenna gives tips on how to opti- 12:10 p.m. master Tools is a free Google service that SUNDAY mize your search. Free but registration is 14 required. Sign up at the Reference Desk, helps users understand how Google views THIS IS RAGTIME with Terry Waldo. In 2 TUESDAY a particular website. Free but registration is memory of Beverly Halm. Sponsored by the or by calling 516-883-4400, Ext. 111. 1 p.m. EMPIRE SAFETY COUNCIL: Registration required. Sign up at the Information Desk, Friends of the Library. 3 p.m. Story in this begins September 2 for a class for all ages or by calling 883-4400, Ext. 136. 7 p.m. issue. on Saturday, October 4 from 9:30 a.m. to ROBERT WISE CENTENNIAL: Film his- 3:30 p.m. Your check or money order for SATURDAY torian Philip Harwood will discuss the life 20 $28 made payable to Empire Safety Council and career of the Oscar-winning filmmaker, LIBRARY FOUNDATION GALA: Stories in is due at registration. No cash. Late arrivals who was born on September 10, 1914 in Win- this issue. The Library will close at 1 p.m. SUNDAY will not be admitted or fee refunded. For Port today so that we may prepare for the event. 28 chester Indiana. Tonight’s screening will be ENSEMBLE SCHUMANN: 3 p.m. Story in Washington residents only. the science fiction masterpieceThe Day the MONDAY this issue. MAC YOGA: Registration begins September 2 for Earth Stood Still (1951-70 min.) in which an 15 AFTERNOON AT THE OPERA: Madama alien named Klaatu (Michael Rennie) and his 6 Wednesday classes (October 22 to Novem- Butterfly. Set in Nagasaki, Japan in 1904, powerful robot Gort land on earth on a vital ber 26) at 6 p.m. With Karen Carter. For all Giacomo Puccini’s opera tells the story of mission: to prevent earthlings from waging levels. Bring a mat. Cash or check for $35 an arranged, temporary marriage between nuclear war. Edmund H. North scripted, and for the series is due at registration. Lieutenant F.B. Pinkerton of the U.S. Navy SUNDAY Bernard Herrmann provided a theremin- 21 and Cio-Cio-San, a naïve 15-year-old geisha TOD BROWNING DOUBLE FEATURE: CHESS: All levels welcome. Tuesdays from laced score. Early start time: 7 p.m. MONDAY 2 to 4 p.m. girl. Join Professor James Kolb for this au- Two silent rarities by the Edgar Allan Poe 29 ST. FRANCIS HEALTH VAN will be in the dio/visual lecture. 3 p.m. MAC of silent cinema. In The Blackbird (1925-86 library parking lot for breast and prostate min.), Limehouse criminal Dan Tate (Lon GREAT BOOKS DISCUSSION GROUP: cancer screening. The van will be here again Chaney, Sr.) lives a double life, as a feared A discussion of Stendahl’s Charterhouse of on Monday October 20 for general health underworld figure The Blackbird, and as his Parma. New time. 3:30 p.m. screenings. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. HAC imaginary brother, the Bishop, a crippled GOOGLE ADWORDS FOR BEGINNERS preacher who runs the local mission. Direc- ORGANIZE YOUR HOME OFFICE with TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 9 with web analyst Inna Bosikova, Ph.D. Ad- tor Tod Browning scripted with Waldemar Cynthia Braun. Free but registration is 3 COMPUTER CLASS FOR ADULTS: Getting Young. The Show (1927-76 min.), takes HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALAN LADD! We re- started with e-mail. Registration begins Sep- Words is Google’s online advertising service required. Sign up at the Information Desk, place in the Palace of Illusions, a carnival member the actor (born this day in 1913 in tember 9 for a class on Saturday, October 11 that lets users reach new customers and or by calling 516-883-4400, Ext.
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