100 reasons to visit ARGENTINA DARIO PODESTÁ DARIO An amazing variety of landscapes and habitats... an impressive diversity of birds. Red-tailed Comet Picaflor cometa | Sappho sparganura Argentina comprises an amazing diversity of landscapes and habitats: from subtropical rainforests in the north to dry steppes and deserts in the south N and west; and from the highest peaks of the western SE N E J hemisphere in the Andes range, to the flatlowlands of ER LL the Pampas and Chaco. And everything in between. O For this reason there is an impressive diversity of MÓN M RA birds, with over 1000 species. In this brochure you will find a selection of Argentina’s bird fauna, with species significant for their uniqueness, rarity, or endemic status. They represent some of the species most sought-after by birdwatchers who visit this part of the globe. Credits. Idea and text: Marcelo Gavensky and Francisco González Taboas (Aves Argentinas). Edition and graphic design: Mariano Masariche. Colaboration: Roberto Güller. Technical revision: Alejandro Di Giacomo. Fotos: Roberto Güller; Adrián Aspiroz; Francisco Erize; Andrés Terán; Ramón Moller Jensen; Alec Earnshaw; Alejandro Ronchetti; Fernando Bernasconi; Francisco Lucero; Carlos Cuñado; Carlos Cáceres; Alberto Gurni and Luis Piovani. Ruddy-headed Goose Cauquén colorado | Chloephaga rubidiceps CISCO ERIZE CISCO N FRA ARGENTINA Bolivia JUJUY North Argentina’s SALTA 1 4 1 - Laguna de los Pozuelos Natural Monument TUCUMÁN 3 JUJUY CATAMARCA 2 - Calilegua National Park Chile 2 tourism SANTIAGO DEL 3 - Baritú National Park 5 1 ESTERO 4 - El Nogalar Natural Reserve 6 LA RIOJA 2 Paraguay regions 5 - General Pizarro Natural Reserve SALTA 7 3 FORMOSA 6 6 - El Rey National Park 8 CHACO 7 7 - Los Cardones National Park CATAMARCA TUCUMÁN MISIONES with its 4 8 - Copo National Park 9 5 SANTIAGO 8 9 - Campo de Los Alisos National Park DEL ESTERO national 10 - Talampaya National Park CORRIENTES SANTA FE 1 LA RIOJA Brasil parks 10 FORMOSA Litoral CHACO CÓRDOBA SAN JUAN ENTRE RIOS MISIONES 1 - Formosa Natural Reserve 1 CORRIENTES 2 11 2 - Río Pilcomayo National Park 9 10 SANTA FE 3 3 - El Impenetrable National Park Uruguay ENTRE RIOS SAN LUIS 4 - Chaco National Park 1 5 - Colonia Benitez Natural Reserve 6 - Iguazú National Park MENDOZA 7 - San Antonio Natural Reserve BUENOS AIRES 8 - Mburucuyá National Park 2 LA PAMPA 9 - Islas de Santa Fe National Park 10 - Pre-Delta National Park 1 NEUQUÉN 11 - El Palmar National Park 2 3 SAN juan Cuyo Córdoba RÍO NEGRO mendoza 4 san luis 1 - San Guillermo National Park 1 - Quebrada del Condorito 5 2 - El Leoncito National Park National Park 3 - Sierra de Las Quijadas 6 National Park 7 CHUBUT BUENOS AIRES CITY Buenos Aires BUENOS AIRES PROVINCE 1 - Otamendi Natural Reserve 8 2 - Campos del Tuyú National Park 9 11 LA PAMPA 10 12 Patagonia NEUQUÉN SANTA CRUZ RÍO NEGRO 1 - Lihue Calel National Park ISLAS CHUBUT 2 - Laguna Blanca National Park 13 MALVINAS SANTA CRUZ 3 - Lanín National Park 15 (ARG.) 14 TIERRA DEL FUEGO 4 - Los Arrayanes National Park 5 - Nahuel Huapi National Park 6 - Lago Puelo National Park PROVINCIA DE TIERRA DEL 7 - Los Alerces National Park FUEGO, ANTÁRTIDA E ISLAS 8 - Patagonia Austral Marine National Park DEL ATLÁNTICO SUR 9 - Patagonia National Park 16 10 - Perito Moreno National Park 11 - Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo National Park 12 - Isla Pingüino Marine National Park 13 - Makenke Marine National Park 14 - Monte León National Park 15 - Los Glaciares National Park 16 - Tierra del Fuego National Park 1 - Otamendi Natural Reserve 2 - Campos del Tuyú National Park Note: following the name of the species in English is the name of the region where it can be spotted: N (North), L (Litoral), C (Cuyo), Co (Córdoba), B (Buenos Aires) and P (Patagonia). It is also noted if the species is endangered (A), or endemic to Argentina (E). ER ER ER GÜLL GÜLL GÜLL oberto oberto oberto R R R Magellanic Penguin - P Lesser Rhea - P Solitary Tinamou - L Pingüino patagónico Spheniscus magellanicus Choique Rhea pennata Macuco Tinamus solitarius | | | W ER SHA N GÜLL AR CISCO ERIZE CISCO N EC E L oberto A R FRA A | E Elegant Crested-Tinamou - N, C, Co, P Hooded Grebe - P Royal Albatross - B, P Martineta común | Eudromia elegans Macá tobiano Podiceps gallardoi Albatros real Diomedea epomophora | | ER ER GÜLL GÜLL O CACERES L oberto oberto PAB R R A Antarctic Petrel - P Andean Flamingo - N, Co James´s Flamingo - N, Co Petrel antártico | Thalassoica antarctica Parina grande | Phoenicoparrus andinus Parina chica | Phoenicoparrus jamesi ER ER GÜLL GÜLL CISCO ERIZE CISCO N oberto oberto R R FRA Jabiru - L Southern Screamer - N, L, C, Co, B Ruddy-headed Goose - B, P A Yabirú | Jabiru mycteria Chajá | Chauna torquata Cauquén colorado | Chloephaga rubidiceps ER ER ER GÜLL GÜLL GÜLL oberto oberto oberto R R R E Spectacled Duck - P Torrent Duck - P, N Chubut Steamer-Duck - P Pato de anteojos | Speculanas specularis Pato de torrente Merganetta armata Quetro cabeza blanca Tachyeres leucocephalus | | ER ER ER GÜLL GÜLL GÜLL oberto oberto oberto R R R Black-headed Duck - N, L, C, Co, B, P Masked Duck - N, L, C, Co, B Andean Condor - N, C, Co, P Pato cabeza negra | Heteronetta atricapilla Pato fierro | Nomonyx dominicus Cóndor andino | Vultur gryphus 1 - Laguna de los Pozuelos Natural Monument 2 - Calilegua National Park 3 - Baritú National Park 4 - El Nogalar Natural Reserve 5 - General Pizarro Natural Reserve 6 - El Rey National Park 7 - Los Cardones National Park 8 - Copo National Park 9 - Campo de Los Alisos National Park 10 - Talampaya National Park 1 - Formosa Natural Reserve 2 - Río Pilcomayo National Park 3 - El Impenetrable National Park 4 - Chaco National Park 5 - Colonia Benitez Natural Reserve 6 - Iguazú National Park 7 - San Antonio Natural Reserve 8 - Mburucuyá National Park 9 - Islas de Santa Fe National Park 10 - Pre-Delta National Park 11 - El Palmar National Park ER GÜLL CISCO ERIZE CISCO N DARIO PODESTÁ DARIO oberto R FRA King Vulture - N, L Black and chestnut Eagle - N Black and white Hawk-Eagle - N, L Jote real | Sarcoramphus papa Águila poma | Spizaetus isidori Águila viuda | Spizaetus melanoleucus I N UCERO ASCO L N O CÁCERES L CISCO CISCO N PAB DO BER N A FRA N FER Crowned Eagle - N, L, C, Co, P A White-rumped Hawk - N, L Rufous-tailed Hawk - P Águila coronada Buteogallus coronatus Taguató negro Parabuteo leucorrhous Aguilucho cola rojiza Buteo ventralis | | | ER GÜLL OS CUÑADO OS CISCO ERIZE CISCO L N oberto R CAR FRA Striated Caracara - P Spot-winged Falconet - N, C, Co, B Orange-breasted Falcon - N, L Matamico grande | Phalcoboenus australis Halconcito gris | Spiziapteryx circumcinctus Halcón negro grande | Falco deiroleucus I N ER TER L ASCO SA GÜLL N N DO BER oberto N R A SEBASTIÁ N FER A Black-fronted Piping-Guan - L A Red-faced Guan - N Austral Rail - P Yacutinga Pipile jacutinga Pava de monte alisera Penelope dabbenei Gallineta chica Rallus antarcticus | | | ER ER UCERO GÜLL GÜLL L CISCO CISCO N oberto oberto R R FRA A Dot-winged Crake - C, Co, B Giant Coot - N Horned Coot - N Burrito negruzco | Porzana spiloptera Gallareta gigante Fulica gigantea Gallareta cornuda | Fulica cornuta | ER ER PREISZ GÜLL GÜLL N oberto oberto R R SEBASTIÁ Black-legged Seriema - N, C, Co Red-legged Seriema - N, L, Co South American Painted-Snipe - N, L, C, Co, B, P Chuña patas negras | Chunga burmeister Chuña patas rojas | Cariama cristata Aguatero | Nycticryphes semicollaris ER ER ER GÜLL GÜLL GÜLL oberto oberto oberto R R R Andean Avocet - N Rufous-chested Dotterel - C, L, Co, B, P Magellanic Plover - B, P Avoceta andina Recurvirostra andina Chorlito pecho canela Charadrius modestus Chorlito ceniciento Pluvianellus socialis | | | ER W ER SHA N GÜLL GÜLL EC EAR L oberto oberto A R R Diademed Sandpiper-Plover - N, C White-bellied Seedsnipe - P Snowy Sheathbill - B, P Chorlito de vincha | Phegornis mitchellii Agachona patagónica | Attagis malouinus Paloma antártica | Chionis albus ER ER ER GÜLL GÜLL GÜLL oberto oberto oberto R R R Olrog’s Gull - B, P Bare-eyed Ground-Dove - N E Burrowing Parrot - N, C, Co, B, P Gaviota cangrejera | Larus atlanticus Palomita ojo desnudo | Metriopelia morenoi Loro barranquero | Cyanoliseus patagonus ER ER GÜLL GÜLL ASPIROZ N oberto oberto ADRIÁ R R Vinaceous-breasted Parrot - L A Tucuman Parrot - N A Buff-fronted Owl - N, L Loro vinoso Amazona vinacea Loro alisero Amazona tucumana Lechucita canela Aegolius harrisii | | | I N N ER GÜLL DRÉS TERÁ BERTO GUR BERTO N L A A oberto R Tawny-browed Owl - L Sickle-winged Nightjar - N, L Lyre-tailed Nightjar - N Lechuzón mocho chico Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana Atajacaminos ala negra Eleothreptus anomalus Atajacaminos lira Uropsalis lyra | | | ER ER ER GÜLL GÜLL GÜLL oberto oberto oberto R R R Red-tailed Comet - N, C, Co Black Jacobin - L Plovercrest - L Picaflor cometa| Sappho sparganurus Picaflor negro | Florisuga fusca Picaflor copetón | Stephanoxis lalandi ER ER ER GÜLL GÜLL GÜLL oberto oberto oberto R R R Giant Hummingbird - N, C Spot-billed Toucanet - L Saffron Toucanet - L Picaflor gigante| Patagona gigas Arasarí chico | Selenidera maculirostris Arasarí banana | Pteroglossus bailloni N ER GÜLL ASPIROZ N DRÉS TERÁ N A oberto ADRIÁ R E Buff-bellied Puffbird - L Magellanic Woodpecker - P Band-tailed Eremobius - P Chacurú grande | Notharchus swainsoni Carpintero gigante Campephilus magellanicus Bandurrita patagónica | Ochetorhynchus phoenicurus | W ER ER SHA N GÜLL GÜLL EC EAR L oberto oberto A R R E Sierran Cinclodes - C, Co Straight-billed Reedhaunter - B Des Mur’s Wiretail - P Remolinera serrana | Cinclodes
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