55 WEST OAK RIDGE DRIVE U.S. Postaae — HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740 PAID Hagerstown, MD ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Permit No. 281 EDITORIAL Guest Editorial Dynamic 89 "You are invited to attend the inauguration of the President of the United States of America." If any of us were to receive such a notice from the Secondly, the times demand more prayer. We are liv- White House, it would not be hard to prioritize our ing in the last days of earth's history. The Holy Spirit is schedules for that day. Suddenly, our work, our duties, the "dynamic" element in this call for prayer. He is the our plans would be adjusted to make time for this power source. In our day, God wants to pour out His tremendous event. Spirit in the abundance the Scriptures describe as the We are all invited to be present for an event more im- "Latter Rain." Heaven's invitation is for us to "ask of portant, more spectacular, and more thrilling than all of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain" (Zechariah the presidential inaugurations and royal coronations 10:1)."Let us, with contrite hearts, pray most earnestly throughout earth's history. We are invited to be more that now, in the time of the latter rain, the showers of than observers, but actual participants in the Second grace may fall upon us. .If we pray for the blessing in Coming of Jesus and the great celebration called the faith, we shall receive it as God has promised" (Testi- Wedding Supper of the Lamb. monies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 509). Now is the time to set aside everything that competes Thirdly, our task calls for increased prayer. The gift of with our preparation for that great day. There is nothing the Holy Spirit in the early church, as reflected in the mystical, mysterious, or magical about preparing for book of Acts in the Bible, was granted in order to enable Jesus' coming. Basically, our preparation consists in liv- God's people to fulfil Christ's commission. He is not ing so close to Him now that there will be nothing given to decorate the church, or make us appear better between Him and us when He comes. than other people. He is not given for us to play with, or One of the most vital ingredients of our preparation is to feed our selfish pride. He is given so that we can really very simple: prayer. Like Jesus, who prayed all witness for Christ to our children, or neighbors, and our night so that He could serve people all day, we should world. pray. Like Daniel, who prayed three times a day when his To encourage us to share added prayer time together, enemies laid a trap for him, we must pray. Like Paul, we are naming one Sabbath each quarter of 1989 as who wrote to the Colossians, "since the day we heard special Days of Prayer throughout the Atlantic Union about you, we have not stopped praying for you" (Colos- Conference. These dates are January 7, April 1, July 1, sians 1:9),* we need to pray. and October 7. I am inviting you to join me in making the new year In several of our conference offices, we are inviting Dynamic 89—A Year of Prayer. those who choose to do so to gather three times each I urge you to share this experience of increased prayer day-8:00 a.m., noon, and 5:00 p.m. We are praying for for three basic reasons. First, we always need to pray you, your children, your work, and your churches. more. No matter how much we have been praying in the Won't you pray for us, as well? past, we need to pray more. Just as husbands and wives In the days of Asa, king of Judah, the people "entered may spend their lifetimes growing together, yet they into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their always have room for increased warmth, trust, and close- fathers, with all their heart and soul." The record says of ness to each other, so we need to grow in our prayer in- the results of this covenant, "They sought God eagerly, timacy with God. None of us has reached the optimum in and he was found by them" (II Chronicles 5:12, 15).* his/her prayer life. We need more time with God, and we Won't you join me in covenanting to make 1989 a year need more openness to His will. We need to know Him of more earnest, intense, and consistent prayer? better, love Him more, walk more closely in His will. We Heaven's invitation is in your hand! need to pray more. *HOLY BIBLE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION Copyright © 1978 by the New York International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible About Our Cover Photo Publishers. Cutler Baldwin of Owego, NY, photographed this beautiful bluejay feeding on Philip Follett is president of the Atlantic Union. corn. The photo received Honorable Mention in the 1988-89 Gleaner Cover Photo Contest. January 5, 1989, Vol. LXXXVIII, No. I. The Atlantic Union GLEANER is published monthly by the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 400 Main Street, South Lancaster, MA 01561. Printed by Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Third-class postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740. Annual subscription price, $6.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. HARVEST FRONT LINE MASSACHU- SETTS—Clarence BAPTIZE Grindall was bap- tized by Pastor Edward Pettit in the Framingham church. Mr. Grindall's testimony was, ' I had many hours of Bible study with Mike Coppolla and then more with Pastor Pet- tit. I came to believe the Advent message and at the age of 71 years I made my deci- sion to be baptized into the church." BRONX, NY—It looked like a block party: Decatur Ave. BAPTIZE between 193rd and 194th streets blocked off. Chairs for church members, community residents, and friends were provided. And then—at approximately 4:00 p.m. on a beautiful sunny Sabbath—the baptismal service began for six persons. More than 200 persons attended the unique gathering, including members from Pentecostal, Catholic, Jewish and Jehovah 1 i 0 . Witness congregations. Though the meeting was conducted in Spanish, some Korean residents attended. 74 - Pastor Abel Rosario of University Hispanic church and Fordham Hispanic Company led out in the service which was conducted outside the building where the company has been meeting. Elder D. Robert Kennedy, Conference Personal Ministries director, was the featured speaker. tit Emanuel Rivera, a seven-year-old boy, preached and made an altar call to MANHATTAN which nearly 70 persons responded. Among them was a Catholic priest who gave BAPTIZE CHURCH, NY— his testimony, saying that he had "never felt God in his heart as he did that even- "This baptism ing." belongs to you," Pastor Gerald Mattenson (center told his congregation as he stood next to Josephine Smith (left). "Your love has won this lady to Jesus." Josephine came to the Manhattan church when a Voice of Prophecy correspondence course led her ATTICA, NY—In Nov. 1987 four in- to meet members Herb and Nora mates of the Attica Correctional SHARE Poholka at their Revelation Seminar at Facility requested Bible Study classes. Living Springs Restaurant. "Now when After calling for volunteers to help people ask me where to find love," exults with the studies, the first monthly Josephine, "I give them the address of class began Feb. 20, 1988. Three in- my church!" mates attended the first class because of transfers, releases, "Some people are like redwoods," the etc. For one inmate this was his first Bible study, one was an pastor continued, speaking of Goldine ex-SDA, and the third had received a master's degree in Rayner (right). "A redwood takes a long theology from the penal system. The classes grew. Pictured is time to grow, but it becomes a strong and the first group of volunteers from the western NY area special tree." Goldine attended Manhat- churches to conduct the Bible studies. (L. to R.) Rich David- tan church for 14 years prior to her bap- son, Genesee Park church, Rochester; Kathleen Whitmyer, tism. "In my heart, I always considered Batavia church; Pat Fisher, Genesee Park church; Marjorie myself an Adventist," she says. Gilhooly, Batavia church; Ruby Graves, Emmanuel Temple Josephine is active musically and as a church, Buffalo; and Pastor Daniel Freedman, South Buf- deaconess and Goldine is AY leader in the falo church. church. January 5, 1989, Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 1 3 CURRENT ISSUES The North American Division president comments on Harvest 90 generally and in the Atlantic Union in particular, public evangelism, work of ministers and laity, and counsel for the Atlantic Union. Charles Bradford Discusses Harvest 90 BY TED T. JONES II 0. Jones: As President of the in mission and ministry. Please 0. What about public evangel- North American Division, how do notice, Harvest 90 begins with ism, is it dead or simply unused you feel about Harvest 90 in our renewal, personal growth. It talks by so many? In what areas of our great land? about increasing baptisms and dou- division is it working? A. Bradford: I am never satisfied bling the number of people attending A. Public evangelism will never be with our soul-winning record. We and participating in church activities dead. Public evangelism is a culmina- could always do better, we could on Sabbath.
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