OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENTPRINTING AGENGY y^jjjySH" EDl77ON j IS-+-^+-fl £+ B £M[ffittSV No. 1676 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1951 Price 45.00 yen (3) The amount of each Railway Bond Certi- CABINET ORDERS ficate; I hereby promulgate the Cabinet Order for Par- (4) The rate of interest; (5) The issue price; tial Amendments to the Enforcement Order of (6) The mode and time of redemption; the Japanese National Railways Law. (7) The manner and time of the payment of Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor interest ; This twenty-fourth day of the tenth month of (8) That each Railway Bond shall be unin- the twenty-sixth year of Showa (October 24, 1951) scribed ; Prime Minister (9) The disposition of the matter of over- YOSHIDA Shigeru subscription ; Cabinet Order No. 339 (10) The name or names of the agency com- Cabinet Order for Partial Amendments to pany or companies commissioned with the busi- the Enforcement Order of the Japanese ness of public offering, if any; ; National Railways Law (ll) The name of the registration organ as For the purpose of enforcing the Japanese Na- prescribed by the Corporation Debentures Reg- tional Railways Law (Law No. 256 of 1948) and istration Law (Law No. ll of 1942). in accordance with the said Law, the Cabinet es- (Acceptance of Railway Bonds) tablishes this Cabinet Order. Article 22. In the case where the Government The Enforcement Order of the Japanese Nation- accepts Railway Bonds or where the company al Railways Law (Cabinet Order No. 113 of 1948) or companies commissioned with the business of shall be partially amended as follows: public offering of Railway Bonds, accept Rail- Article 19 shall be made Article 29, and the way Bonds by themselves, the provisions of the numbering of the succeeding Articles shall be mov- preceding Article shall not apply to the portion down by ten; and next to Article 18 shall be of the bonds accepted. added the following ten Articles: (Special Provision for Effectiveness of Railway (Form of the Railway Bond Certificate) Bonds) Axiule 19. The Railway Bond Certificate shall be Article'23. In case the application contains an unlnscribed with coupons attached. entry to the effect that the Railway Jtonds will (Mode of Issuing Railway Bonds) be effective even when the total amount of the Article 20. The Railway Bonds shall be issued by subscribed Railway Bonds falls short of the total public offering. amount of the Railway Bonds for public offer- ing, the total amount of the subscription shall (Application for Railway Bond) be made the total amount of the Railway Bonds* Article 21. The Japanese National Railways shall (Payment of Railway Bonds) request the person who intends to apply for sub- scription to Railway Bond, for presentation of Article 24. In case the subscription of Railway Bonds has been completed, the Japanese Nation- two copies of application for the Railway Bond, entering therein the number of Railway Bond al Railways shall, without delay, have the full he intends to accept and his address, and set- amount of the issue price paid on each Railway ting his sign or affixing his name and seal Bond. thereon. (Issuing of Railway Bond Certificate) 2 The Application Form of the Railway Bond Article 25. In case the payment under the pre- shall be prepared by the Japanese National Rail- ceding Article has been made, the Japanese Na- ways and there shall be entered the following tional Railways shall, without delay, issue the matters : Railway Bond Certificate; provided that this (1) The name or denomination of the Japanese shall not apply in case the person who intends National Railway Bond ; to subscribe or accept Railway Bond has, for (2) The total amount of the Railway Bonds; the Railway Bond, demanded the registration _I ^ as prescribed by the Corporation Debentures (4) The estimated or approximate amount of Registration Law at the time of subscription or expense requiring for issuing the Railway acceptance. Bonds; 2 In each Railway Bond Certificate shall be en- (5) Other than those mentioned in item (2), the tered the matters mentioned in Article 21 para- matter or matters to be stated on the Railway graph2 items (1) to (4) inclusive, (6) to (8) Bond Certificate. inclusive, item (10) and item (ll), and the bond 2 The application under the preceding paragraph number, and thereon shall be affixed the name shall be accompanied with the following papers and seal by the President of the Japanese Na- or documents : tional Railways. (1) The Application Form for the Railway (Railway Bond Ledger) Bond to be prepared; Article 26. The Japanese National Railways shall (2) The statement in which are mentioned the keep the Railway Bond Ledger at its main office. details on the appropriation of the fund fi- 2 In the Railway Bond Ledger shall be entered nanced by the issue of Railway Bond. the following matters : (1) The matters mentioned in Article 21 para- Supplementary Provision : graph 2 items (1) to (4) inclusive, item (6), This Cabinet Order shall come into force as from item (7), item (10) and item (ll); the day of its promulgation. *v, (2) The date on which the Railway Bond is Minister of Finance issued ; IKEDA Hayato (3) The total number of the issued Railway Minister of Transportation Bonds, and the bond-numbers ; (4) Matters concerning Registration as pre. YAMAZAKI Takeshi scribed by the Corporation Debentures Regis- Prime Minister tration Law ; YOSHIDA Shigeru (5) Matters concerning the payment of prin- cipal and interest; OFFICE ORDINANCES (6) Matters concerning the acquisition of the Railway Bonds. Prime Minister's Office Ordinance (Absence of Coupon) ' No. 45 Article 27. In the case where the Railway Bond October 24, 1951 is redeemed, if there is any absence of coupon, The Prime Minister's Office Ordinance for Par- the amount corresponding thereto shall be de- tial Amendments to the Prime Minister's Office ducted from the amount of redemption; provid- Ordinance to determine Names and Locations of ed that this shall not apply as regards such Liaison Offices of Special Procurement Bureaus coupon for which the time of payment has ar- based on the provisions of paragraph 8 of the rived. Supplementary Provisions of the Special Procure- 2 In case the possessor of the coupon under the ment Agency Establishment Law shall be establish- preceding paragraph has demanded, in exchange ed n?> follows: thereof, the payment of the amount deducted, the Japanese National Railways shall comply Prime Minister with such demand. YOSHIDA Shigeru (Authorization of Railway Bond Issue) Prime Minister's Office Ordinance for Par- Articl® 28. In case the Japanese National Rail- tial Amendments to the Prime Minister's ways intends to have authorization for the issue Office Ordinance to determine Islames and of Railway Bonds, in accordance with the pro- Locations of Liaison Offices of Special Pro- ' vision of Article 42-(2) of the Japanese National curement Bureaus based on the Provisions Railways Law, it shall, at least twenty days be- of Paragraph 8 of the Supplementary Pro- fore the day of public offering, submit to the visions of the Special Procurement Agency Minister of Transportation an application men- Establishment Law tioned therein the following matters : The Prime Minister's Office Ordinance to de- (1) The reason for necessitating the issue of termine Names and Locations of Liaison Offices of the Railway Bonds; Special Procurement Bureaus based on the provi- (2) The matters prescribed in Article 21 para- sions of paragraph 8 of the Supplementary Provi- graph 2 items (1) to (7) inclusive, item (10) sions of the Special Procurement Agency Fstablish- '# and item (ll); ment Law (Prime Minister's Office Ordinance No. (3) The mode of public offering; 14 of 1949) shall be partially amended as follows: In the Attached List, " (Yokohama Special Procurement Bureau) MINISTERIAL ORDINANCES Zama JSS Team Machida-machi, Mina- Ministry of Construction Ordinance mitama-gun, Tokyo- No. 32 -To" October 24, 1951 shall be amended as The Regional Construction Bureau Organization " (Yokohama Special Procurement Bureau) Regulations (Ministry of Construction Ordinance Zama JSS Team Machida-machi, Mina- No. 8 of 1949) shall be partially amended as fol- mitama-gun, Tokyo- lows: To Minister of Construction NODA Uichi Fuji JSS Team Tamaho-mura, Sunto- In the column for Kanto Regional Construction gun, Shizuoka-ken " Bureau of the Annexed Table No. 1, "Izu Work and Office Yugawara-maehi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Ka- " (Fukuoka Special Procurement Bureau) Kasugahara JSS Team Ono-mura, Tsukushi- nagawa-ken Improvement work of prefectural gun, Fukuoka~ken " road, Odawara-Atami Route" and " Tokyo Circu- shall be amended as lar Streets Work Office Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo-To " (Fukuoka Special Procurement Bureau) Improvement work of prefectural roads, Nakano- Kasugahara JSS Team Kasuga-mura, Tsuku- Itabashi Route (Circular No. 6 Route) and Tana- shi-gun, Fukuok&- shi-Oji Route (Circular No. 7 Route)" shall be ken". deleted. Supplementary Provision : Supplementary Provision : This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force This Office Ordinance shall come into force as as from the day of its promulgation, and shall from the day of its promulgation. apply as from October 1, 1951. NOTIFICATIONS Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1769 October 24, 1951 In accordance with the provision of Article 40 item (2) of the Radio Station Operation Regula- tions, the Radio Regulatory Commission authorized the operation in port, designating the antenna power, etc. to the Tonan-maru Ship Station of Nihon Suisan K.K. as follows: Chairman of Radio Regulatory Commission TOMIYASU Kenji Antenna power : 25W Type of emission and frequency: F3 156.3 MC Person with whom to communicate : Development test stations (coast stations) of Nihon Sui- san K.K. Matters for communication : Matters relating to the preparations for whaling in Antarctic Ocean Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No.
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