St. Mary on the Hill Catholic Church Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time -- November 18, 2018 ORDAINED MINISTERS PARISH MISSION NOVEMBER 18, 2018 HYMNS Fr. Mark Ross, Pastor St. Mary on the Hill Parish, a Catholic (QWUDQFH+\PQ Fr. Vernon Knight, Parochial Vicar community, is committed to caring for God’s 2IIHUWRU\+\PQ Fr. Michael Hull people through stewardship. We are bound Fr. David Arnoldt together by the Eucharist, directed by the Communion Hymn 898 Deacon Jason Lanham Gospel teachings and the teachings of the 'LVPLVVDO+\PQ Deacon Ken Maleck Church, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and Deacon Donald McArdle CHURCH STAFF Deacon Al Sullivan are committed to sharing in the ministry of Deacon Tony Wagner Jesus Christ. As stewards, we will proclaim the Administrative Assistant Martha Kearns Gospel, promote peace and justice, and use our MASSES [email protected] Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm time, talents, and treasure Sunday 7:45 am, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, 5:30 pm to advance God’s Kingdom. Organist & Director of Music Weekdays Monday through Friday 7:00 am Andrew Barnick Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15 am [email protected] Wednesday Miraculous Medal Novena & CCD Evening Mass 5:15 pm Joan Purucker & Stephanie Ouellette Saturday Morning Mass 9:15 am RECONCILIATION [email protected] Saturdays 3:45 – 4:45 pm Mothers’ Day Out & Nursery Gina Craw ROSARY Monday 5:00 pm and Saturday 4:30 pm [email protected] PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR Senior Center Wednesday 6:00 pm Patty Lezotte SACRED HEART PERPETUAL [email protected] ADORATION CHAPEL Youth Ministry 1210 Monte Sano Avenue Michael & Missy Lammers Available to all parishioners to spend time in the Joanna Watwood presence of the Blessed Sacrament and is open [email protected] 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Secretaries BAPTISMS Mary Bowles Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays and Sundays. Karen Brooks Preparation classes are held usually each month. 3OHDVHFDOOWKHRI¿FHWRUHJLVWHU$QRI¿FLDOELUWK Finance FHUWL¿FDWHLVUHTXLUHG Dori Thorstad [email protected]. Rich Peritore WEDDINGS [email protected] Arrangements should be made at least four months in advance. Facilities Cris Edge NURSERY [email protected] Available at the 10:30 am and 12:15 pm Sunday Masses for ages 6 months to Pre-K4. A pre-school SCHOOLS religious program is offered during the 10:30 am St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School Mass for 3 and 4 year olds. www.stmaryssaints.org Laura Webster, Principal EMERGENCIES PARISH MEMBERSHIP &DOOWKH2I¿FH [email protected] $IWHU+RXUV Welcome new members! 3OHDVHVWRSE\WKHFKXUFKRI¿FH Aquinas High School MINISTERIO CATOLICO HISPANO or call to register. ZZZDTXLQDVKLJKRUJ Misa en Español: Domingo 2:00 pm, Iglesia de Saint Active parishioner status is determined by Teresa of Avila, 4921 Columbia Road, Grovetown, GA the following: You are registered with the Maureen Lewis, Principal POHZLV#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ Domingo 4:00 pm, Iglesia de Saint Joseph, parish; You attend Sunday Mass and Holy Tim Przybysz, Admissions Director 2607 Lumpkin Road, Augusta, GA Days regularly, You use parish envelopes WSU]\E\V]#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ weekly to indicate your mass attendance, You have a Stewardship Commitment Deadline for bulletin is For more information, &DUGRQ¿OHHYHU\\HDUDQG<RXKRQRU Monday at noon. Send information by email email [email protected] [email protected], fax or phone your pledges of time, talent, and treasure. 0RQRQWHWH66DQDQDQRR$YHQ$YHQHQXHXHXH$X$XJXJXJXVWVWD*$*$((PDPDPDLOLOVPVPVPRWRWK#RWK#NQRORWK#NQROK#NQNQRONQRORORJRJ\QHQHWW:HE:HEZZZVWPZZZZZZZZVVVWPWPDUDU\R\RQWKHQWKHKHKLKLKLOOOOOORRUJ 3D3DULULVK2I¿FH +R+RXUXUVXUV0RQG0RQGD\±7KX7KXUVGDGD\\$0$$00±30)ULGD3300))ULULULGDGDGD\\$0$0±3030 :HHNO\6FKHGXOH November 18, 2018 Sunday, November 18 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 'Q3V+HE0N DP )U+XOO †Paul Gallagher; †Earluth McArthur - 1st Anniversary CCD 9:00 am CAF/SMCS DP )U5RVV †Vola & Harry Jacobs Youth Church League Basketball 12:30 - 5:30 pm G Youth Choir Practice 4:00 pm C SP )U0DUNKDP †Bunny Davis Men’s Basketball 5:30 - 7:00 pm G SP )U.QLJKW Mass for the People Rev. Msgr. Marvin LeFrois & Rev. John Wright / Deacon Patrick May, Theology IV* Monday, November 19 5Y/N 7:00 am †Roy & Erni Langner SMCS CLOSED MDO CLOSED SENIOR CENTER CLOSED Rosary & Miraculous Medal Novena 9:15 am †Noreen Porubsky NO Walking Aerobics 5:00 pm SJDC Rev. Francis Higgins & Rev. Ronald Gatman, OSB / Deacon Robert Phillips, Theology IV* Tuesday, November 20 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 7:00 am †Joe, Pat & Ralph Webb SMCS CLOSED MDO CLOSED 9:15 am †Elias Anya Aniedobe RCIA 7:00 pm DC Rev. John Quang & Rev. Mike Ingram / Solomon Kaanan, Theology IV* Wednesday, November 21 Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 5Y/N 0HPRULDO=HF0W 7:00 am †Michael Kelly SMCS CLOSED MDO CLOSED SENIOR CENTER CLOSED Pro-Life Holy Hour 6:00 pm C 5:15 pm †Sara McMahon NO Walking Aerobics Spirit & Truth 7:00 pm AH Rev. Michael O’Keeffe & Rev. Patrick O’Brien / Carlos Andres Rivero, Theology III* Thursday, November 22 Thanksgiving Day .JV3V&RU/N NO 7:00 am Mass SMCS CLOSED MDO CLOSED PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Youth Holy Hour 9:00 - 10:00 pm AC st 9:15 am †Lillian Bennett - 1 Anniversary SENIOR CENTER CLOSED Rev. Michael Hull & Rev. John Markham / Nate Swann, Theology III* Friday, November 23 Memorial of Saint Clement I, Pope & Martyr; Memorial of Saint Columban, Abbot; Memorial of Blesses Miguel Agustin Pro, Priest & Martyr 5Y/N 0HPRULDO&OHPHQW3W0W&ROXPEDQ,V/N0LJXHO6LU0W 7:00 am †Joe & Verna Landrum SMCS CLOSED PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 9:15 am †All the Souls in Purgatory Rev. Alfonso Gutierrez & Rev. Kevin O’Keefe / Emmanuel Antwi, Pastoral Year* Saturday, November 24 Memorial of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, & Companions, Martyrs 5Y/N 0HPRULDO:LV0W 9:15 am †Agnes Thorstad Reconciliation 3:45 - 4:45 pm C SP )U+XOO †Kevin Mulherin - 25th Anniversary; †Noreen Porubsky Rev. Romanus Ezeugwu, MSP & Rev. Stephen Pontzer/ Christopher Awiliba, Pastoral Year* 6XQGD\1RYHPEHU Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 'Q3V5Y-QE 6KHSHDUG%ORRG'ULYHDPSPLQIURQWRIWKH&KXUFK DP )U5RVV †Noreen Porubsky NO CCD Focus on Abilities Mass 12:15 pm C DP )U0DUNKDP †Ron Schwanenberger - 1st Anniversary Youth Church League Basketball 12:30 - 5:30 pm G SP )U.QLJKW jAlyssa McArdle Youth Choir Practice 4:00 pm C SP )U$UQROGW Mass for the People Men’s Basketball 5:30 - 7:00 pm G Rev. Msgr. John Kenneally & Rev. John Lyons / Will Cook, Theology II* A = SJC Atrium BR= Bride Room MC = SMCS Media Center SA = St. Anne’s Hall UR= SJC Upper Room AC= Adoration Chapel C = Church N = Nursery SC= Senior Center *= Please pray daily for our AH=Annunciation House CAF=SMCS Cafeteria NX= Narthex SH = Scout Hut Priests & Seminarians. MR1=Meeting Room 1 CL= SMCS Computer Lab 2 2I¿FH SJC = St. Joseph Center †=Deceased MR2=Meeting Room 2 FCH = Fr. Charlie’s House PH= Parish Hall SJDC = St. Joseph Day Chapel j Living YC=Youth Center st)ORRU G = School Gym R = Rectory SMCS = St. Marys Catholic School St. Mary on the Hill November 18, 2018 We are approaching the start of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is less than a week away and if the advertisers are to be believed, the Christmas shopping season is already in full-swing. Today’s readings stand in stark contrast to all this worldly merry-making, warning us of dark times ahead and our inevitable judgment day. How should a modern-day disciple and steward respond to these VHHPLQJFRQWUDGLFWLRQV".HHSWKLVTXHVWLRQLQPLQGDVZH take a look at the Word of God presented to us this week. The First Reading, from Daniel, describes a time “unsurpassed in distress since nations began” and warns that “many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some shall live forever, and others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace.” The Second Reading, from Hebrews, speaks of Christ who “waits until his enemies are made his footstool.” Even the Gospel Acclamation is ominous: “Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to stand before the Son of Man.” In the Gospel passage, from Mark, Jesus describes a time of tribulation after which “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” Sobering messages indeed. It’s enough to make you lose your appetite for that second piece of pumpkin pie. But IRUDFRPPLWWHGGLVFLSOHRI&KULVWWKHVHPHVVDJHVDUHVLPSO\DKHDOWK\ DQGYLYLG UHPLQGHURIZK\RXUILUVW priority is God Himself. For when we have firmly established for ourselves as individuals, as a family and as a parish that we will give to God the first and best portion of our Time, Talent, and Treasure, the warnings we read in the Scriptures today need not cause us alarm. In fact, we can receive them as an encouragement — to “Keep Calm and Steward On,” no matter what comes our way. One of the blessings of a stewardship way of life is this: In challenging times, whether in our homes or workplaces, or even our beloved Church itself, we can take great comfort in knowing we have a concrete plan to keep our priorities in right order. And when we put God first in all aspects of our lives, we will experience the peace that He gives that surpasses all understanding. &RS\ULJKW²&DWKROLF6WHZDUGVKLS&RQVXOWDQWV,QF 2QWKH:D\+RPH In today’s Gospel, we look forward to the day of Jesus’ second coming. We do not know the day or the hour of his coming; only God knows.
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