CLAY Tl!fDETi~ii REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST-PUBLICATION No. VBO 0129 .OCTOBER. .- .. 1987 ' 0 .*7* ,.,q'g>; -:. I.' >..>~,. ~ ., AUSTRALIA'S BIGGEST SPONSOR ' OF CLAY TARGET SHOOTING M~roku8000 has a host of top features Adjustable , tr~gger patented lnvector Choke system (5 chokes), separated barrels, and that h~gh A comb preferred by most for skeet, f~eld s~mulatedand trap shoot~ngA superbly balanced gun for fast handl~ng Rec Retall Only Grades 2 3 and 4 on all MIROKU guns have GOLD BIRDS in game scene Ask at your Sports Store 'Send $2 for 16 pages full colour comprehensive gun gurde. Includes handlrng & postage. Fuller Firearms Group Pty. Ltd. PO Box 77, Beaconsf~eld,N SW. 2014 An Australian Owned Company MIRi987 To.be conducted at W.A. Shooting Complex, Whiteman Park, Beechborough Rd, Gnangara, Perth, W.A. EVENT 4 - AUSTRALASIAN SKEET THURSDAY OCTOBER 29 CHAMPIONSHIP - 50T Commencing 9.00am Overall - ACTA Medal, Sash & Trophy Grade Winners - AA.A.6.C. - Medal & Trophy STATE .- 50T TEAMS MATCH Grade Placings - (AA.A.6.C SecondlThird) - Medal EVENT 1 - 1st NATIONAL SKEET DOUBLES LadieslJuniorsNeterans - Medal & Trophy CHAMPIONSHIP - 50T Nominations: Open $20, UJIV: $12 Overall - Silver Australia Badge, Sash & Trophy Graded Optional Sweep $3 Grade Winners - AA.A.B.C. - Medal & Trophy Optional Purse OIA $5 Grade Placings - (M.A.B.C. SecondlThird) - Medal Ladies/Juniors/Veterans - Medal & Trophy SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 Nominations: Open $20, LIJN: $12 Commencing 9.00am Optional Purse OIA $2 EVENT 5 - COMMONWEALTH SKEET CHAMPIONSHIP - lOOT EVENT 2 - CITY OF PERTH SKEET Sponsored by A.C.T. Lightning Shot CHAMPIONSHIP - 50T Overall - ACTA Medal, Sash & Trophy Overall - ACTA Medal, Sash & Trophy Grade Winners - AA.A.6.C. - Medal & Trophy Grade Winners - AA.A.6.C. - Medal & Trophy Grade Placings - (AA.A.6.C. SecondfThird) - Medal Grade Placings - (AA.A.6.C. SecondlThird) - Medal LadiesIJuniorslVeterans - Medal & Trophy LadieslJuniorsNeterans - Medal & Trophy Nominations Open: $35, LIJN: $21 Nominations: Open $20, LIJN: $12 Graded Optional Sweep $3 Optional Purse OIA $5 Optional Purse OIA $5 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1 Commencing 9.00am FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 EVENT 6 - 18th NATIONAL SKEET Commencing 9.00am CHAMPIONSHIP - IOOT EVENT 3 - ALL STATES SKEET CHAMPIONSHIP - Sponsored by Olimpyc Targets WIT Overall - Silver Australia Badge, Sash & Trophy Overall - ACTA tierial, Sash & Trophy Grade Winners - AA.A.B.C. - Medal & Trophy Grade Winners - AA.A.B.C. - Medal & Trophy Grade Placings - (AA.A.6.C SecondlThird) - Medal Grade Piacinqs - (M.A.B.C. SecondlThird) - Medal LadiesIJuniorslVeterans - Medal & Trophy LadieslJinioriNeterans - Medal & Trophy Nominations Open: $35, UJIV: $21 Nominations: Open $20, UJIV: $12 Graded Optionai Sweep $3 Optional Purse OIA $5 Optional Purse OIA $5 PERPETUAL - TRADITIONAL & DONOR TROPHIES Overall Hlgh Gun (400t) - Gold Australia Badge & Sash, Cec Herbert Perpetual TrophylMemento. Trophy. Ladles Hlgh Gun (4001) - ACTA Medal & Sash, Nunawading Motor Inn Perpetual TrophylMemento. Trophy donated by ANZ Bank. Junlor Hlgh Gun (400t) - ACTA Medal & Sash, W. (Bill) Attwood Perpetual TrophylMemento. Trophy donated by Winchester Australia. Veterans H~ghGun (400t) - ACTA Medal & Sash, H.R. Melville Perpetual TrophylMemento. Trophy donated by ANZ Bank. Commonwealth Skeet Champ~on- Adrian Hayes Memorial Perpetual TrophyIMemento. Perazz~Trophy. Nat~onaiSkeet Champ~on- A. & E. Pederson Perpetual TrophylMemento. Perazzi Trophy. State Shoulder to Shoulder Team - V.C.T.A. Perpetual TrophylMemento. Ail AustralIan Teams (4001) - Open: Australian Team Badge; Ladies: Australian Team Badge; Veterans: Australian Team Badge. SPECIAL EVENTS OVER 400T 5 Member Club Team - Nomination $5 - F.I.T.A.S.C. Perpetual TrophylMemento. 2 Member (any) Team - Nomination $5 - Adrian Cousens Perpetual TrophylMemento. 2 Lady Team - Nomination $5 - N.S.W.C.T.A. Perpetual TrophyIMemento. Targets will be Olimpyc Black - Nominations include contribution to Discipline Fund - Tournament Director: Clive Shepherd - Shoot Marshal: Tim Catling - Interpretation of the program will be made by the A.C.T.A. Management Committee whose decision shall be final. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - OCTOBER, 1987 Page 1 All shc: Page 2 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - OCTOBER, 1987 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S NOTES As I am writing there is a very hectic few weeks ahead. As mentioned last month, five meetings in Melbourne plus the move from our existing location to a temporary address while awaiting the building of a new National Office. Unfortunately I am not able to advise of our temporary address as there is still a number of matters to be decided before contracts etc. are finally completed. Clay Target One thing, however, that should remain is cur existing telephone numbers as we do not antioipate a change in this area. There will be a degree of difficulty in the changeover. Manufacturers some inconvenience to the office and regrettably some possible inconvenience to you, our members. 12 Rosebery Street, We will do our best to ensure that the diPficulties are Balaowlah. N.S.W. 2093 kept to a minimum. In return, all that is asked is your ~h-one (02) 94 6607 or- understanding of our situation. Between the office and our A.H. (02) 948 8182 (Sergio Zuffo) members we will then be able to maintain what we believe to be the standard of efficiency that we strive to achieve. THE Until next month when we will be occupying temporary INTERNATIONAL STANDARD premises for some four to six months. CLAY TARGET: Good shwting, Alan 3. Maher A.C.T.A. RECORDS REGISTER ... Firs1 in price. First in quality. According to information received to date the following WHY NOT USE THE BEST. THEY COST NO k""Qc scores are recombed- as beinz- the record for the Darticular event Blsek & C AUSTRALIAN RECORD ISU SKEET Bcst score recorded x 2001 - 199 200 - J. Summers 1987 AUSTRALIAN RECORD: SKEET Longesc Break Hecordcd 518 518 - A. Cousens 1985. Longesc Ladics Brcak Recorded 104 104 - M. hke1986 Victoria: Queensland: NATIONAL RECORL): TRAP Mr. N. Quick, Mr Bill Stevens, Mackintosh Team Event - 5281528 - R.J. Smith 1979. P.O. Box 129, 125 Rudyards Street, NATIONAL RECORD: TRAP Rye, Vic., 3941. Richlands. Qld.. 4077 AustlNZ Trap C'ship - 4591459 - T. Catling 1968. (059) 85 441 6 (07) 398 3118 (B.H.) (059) 85 3580 (A.H.) (07) 372 4822 (A.H.) Adelaide: South Australia: South West Freight Mr Kym Holmes, FORWARD EVENTS 1987-88 Cnr. Davis & Francis South West Freight, September 13-19: Training Squad Camp, Canberra Streets, Mt. Gambier, S.A. 5290. September 25-October 4: U.I.T. World Cup, Korea Wingfield. 5013 October 15-25: Central Australian Masters (08) 45 4446 Games, Alice Springs Mt. Gambier: October 29-November 1: National Skeet Champion- Riverina: South West Freight. ships. Perth Wagga Boat & Sports Store, ~~~h~~ ~~~d, October &November 8: World Shotgun Championships, 55 Murray Street, Mt. Gambier, S.A. 5290. Venezuela wassa Wagga. N.S.W. 2650. (087) 25 8800 (B.H.) November 28-December 12: 1st Australian Masters (069) 21 3894 (087) 25 3342 (A.H.) Games, Launceston February 14-21: Oceanic Games, Christchurch, New Zealand *Used Exclusively at Commonwealth Games* March 12-14: New Zealand Pre-Nationals March 14-18: New Zealand Nationals. Christchurch, New Zealand OLIMPYC TARGETS ARE PLEASED TO March 13-19: National Olympic Discipline Champion- ANNOUNCE THAT MINI TARGETS, ships, Canberra April 15: Annual General Meeting, Wagga, N.S.W. BATTUS, AND CLAY TARGET RABBITS April 16-21: National Trap Championship, Wagga, ARE NOW AVAILABLE N.S.W. April 22: Executive Meeting. Wagga. N.S.W. I SAME HIGH QUALITY AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - OCTOBER, 1987 Page 3 GWMPIONS OF OUR SPORT PAST AND ., E"EEESENT GEORGE BIGGS NEWTON THOMAS Newton Thomas is legendary as one of Australia's most outstanding Clay Target shootes and one of the finest duck shwtersI've ever had the pleasure of shooting alongside in the duck swamps of New South Wales when game was really plentiful. His uncanny ability to accurately point the shotgun was nothing short of amazing. I well remember one year we were shooting the International Teams Match on the old Australian Gun Club grounds at East Bunvwd, Newton headed our squad of five shooters and I followed him on lane two with Paul and Speny Marshall from Tasmania on three and four, and for the love of me I can't remember who the fifth shooter was. However, the Inter- nationalMatch that year wrrs 100 targets up with a teamof Melbourne Olympnc Game; of 1956 pravnded an opponunrry lor 20 shooters, four squads of five shooting 25 targets at a Auslral~anshooters lo see .?hat Oiymplc trap shoolmg orscnpr,nes was aN about Ho~vever~ ~ rnstallaLon of sau!omenr etc old ?ore?enf onr8to a visit, five targets from each lane before moving. Apparent. ~. -7~,~ - ~ ~~-~-- - - - .. -. .- - ly something of a record for fast shwr~ngwas cstablistred few Dmblems, one of the little Droblems caliedior the develoomenfoia by the squad when wc lcarned thzt the squad hild been fir- complelel/ new lype 01 cia/ target thar bvoulo .rrthsrano rhe'exrra trust of the Olymprc bap whch would throtv the larger up lo 75 metres ing at Pivc targets cvery 12 seconds. Ncwton wcnt on to tvrtl7out breakrno 11 became Newton s rask as tecnnscal advnsor~~ ~~~ wzrh~ ~ gain High Gun honors that ye- with a perfect scare of 1.C.I. to develo; and test these targets. Photo shows Newton and 3001300 wints. A performance that he rcpented scven Eddie Brenk testing equipment at Laverton R.A.A.F. Base just outside times over the years. Melbourne. Newton's intkrest in shooting began as a boy when he was raised on the family property at Barham in New South learning. He read extensively, and through books and per- Wales. He had been a proficient handler of firearms since sonal observation developed still further his extensive the age of eight, and was widely acknowledged as a better knowledge of the Australian outback.
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