FOREWORD PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESIDRP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 21ST – 23RD MARCH 2019 Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје ii ENGLISH STUDIES AT THE INTERFACE OF DISCIPLINES: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје Proceedings of the ESIDRP International Conference: English Studies at the Interface of Disciplines: Research and Practice (ESIDRP) (March 21-23, 2019, Skopje, R. N. Macedonia) Зборник на трудови од меѓународната конференција: Студии по англистика – Интердисциплинарност во Истражувањата и практиката (ЕСИДРП) (21-23 март, 2019, Скопје, Р. С. Македонија) Skopje/Скопје, 2020 iii PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESIDRP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 21ST – 23RD MARCH 2019 Издавач/Publisher Универзитет ,,Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје Филолошки факултет ,,Блаже Конески“ Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Blaze Koneski Faculty of Philology Уредник/Editor-in-chief Проф. д-р Анета Дучевска, Декан Prof. Aneta Duchevska, Dean Меѓународен одбор/International board of Reviewers: д-р Ричард Феј (Richard Fay), Велика Британија д-р Џој Егберт (Joy Egbert), САД д-р Стивен Фолк (Steven Foulke), САД д-р Нина Лазаревиќ (Nina Lazarevic), Србија д-р Рајна Кошка-Хот (Rajna Koshka-Hot), Р. С. Македонија д-р Анжела Николовска (Anzhela Nikolovska), Р. С. Македонија д-р Калина Малеска (Kalina Maleska), Р. С. Македонија д-р Елени Бужаровска (Eleni Buzarovska), Р. С. Македонија д-р Анастазија Киркова-Наскова (Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova), Р. С. Македонија д-р Борис Наимушин (Boris Naimushin), Бугарија д-р Даг Ливингстон (Doug Livingston), Канада д-р Људмила Арчимавичене (Liudmila Arcimaviciene), Литванија Уредници/Editors: д-р Мира Беќар/Mira Bekar, PhD д-р Зорица Трајкова/ Zorica Trajkova, PhD д-р Милан Дамјаноски/Milan Damjanoski, PhD д-р Анета Наумоска/ Aneta Naumoska, PhD Лектура/Proofreading: Biljana Naumoska-Sarakinska, PhD Aneta Naumoska, PhD Дизајн на корица/Cover design: Matthew Ager Компјутерска обработка/Graphic design and online print: Matthew Ager iv ENGLISH STUDIES AT THE INTERFACE OF DISCIPLINES: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................ v Предговор/Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... vii Section 1: Plenary Talks ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Joy Egbert: Task Engagement As A Facilitator Of Achievement In (Language) Learning ....................................................... 2 Richard Fay: Languaging And Epistemic Injustice: English At The Intercultural Interface .................................................... 14 Section 2: Linguistics (Theoretical Inquiry, Applied Linguistics, ELT, Translation and Interpreting) .................................... 35 Silvana Neshkovska & Zorica Trajkova: Hate Speech On Social Media Over The Macedonia Naming Dispute .................... 36 Elena Ončevska Ager: Power Relationships And Learning To Teach: Insights From Discourse Analysis ............................... 52 Tea Duza: From Small Data To Big Impact: Sentiment Analysis As A Stepping-Stone In Predictive Analytics ...................... 65 Katerina Vidova: English Absolute Participle Clauses And Their Macedonian Equivalents ................................................... 77 Biljana Naumoska-Sarakinska: Exploring Efl Assessment Through Learners’ Perceptions ................................................... 92 Michael B. Hinner: Identifying Potential Curricula Contents To Reduce Ethnocentrism, Stereotypes, And Prejudices ....... 106 Mira Bekar & Aleksandar Takovski: “While The Ball Is In The Air”: Metaphors And Humour In The 2018 World Cup Commentaries ..................................................................................................................................................................... 125 Section 3: Literature, Translation and Culture ................................................................................................................ 139 Ana Kečan: Irvin Yalom – Literature, Philosophy, Psychotherapy ....................................................................................... 140 Vasko Talevski: To Room Nineteen: A Psychoanalytic Analysis Of Susan Rawlings ............................................................ 149 Jonathan McCreedy: James Joyce And Experimental Music In Zurich And Paris: The Modern ‘Sirens’ Fugue, Acoustic Harmony Theory And Stravinsky’s The Rite Of Spring ........................................................................................................ 159 Kalina Maleska: Coexistence Of Incongruous Worlds In Game Of Thrones ........................................................................ 176 Ivana Trajanoska: Breaking Traditional Narratives And The Patriarchal Culture Through Music And Silence: Dorothy Richardson Vs Virginia Woolf ............................................................................................................................................. 189 Dragana R. Mašović: A Portrait Of The Terrorist: Where Fiction Ends And Non-Fiction Begins ......................................... 203 Iskra Tasevska Hadji Boshkova: The Familiar Letter And Its Generic Boundaries ............................................................... 219 Bojan Međedović: The Symbolism Of Trees In George Macdonald's Phantastes: Ash, Alder And Beech ........................... 233 Rumena Bužarovska: Translating Lewis Carroll’s Alice In Wonderland Poems Into Macedonian ...................................... 245 Tatjana Srceva-Pavlovska: Female Madness As A Sub-Element Of Gothic And Fantastic Literature ................................. 257 Slavica Srbinovska: What Does It Mean To Write About Humanity In The Field Of General And Comparative Literature?268 Hristina Madjirova: Adaptations Of Shakespeare’s Works As A Teaching Aid ................................................................... 284 Elena Damjanoska: Adaptation Of The Novel Into Different Media Through The Works Of Mo Yan And P. M. Andreevski ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 298 v PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESIDRP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 21ST – 23RD MARCH 2019 vi ENGLISH STUDIES AT THE INTERFACE OF DISCIPLINES: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Предговор/Foreword Welcome to the second volume of the ESIDRP Proceedings which contains papers from the international conference English Studies at the Interface of Disciplines: Research and Practice (ESIDRP). The conference, organised by the Department of English language and literature, took place in March 11-13th, 2019, at Blazhe Koneski Faculty of Philology, Ss. Cyril and Methodus University in Skopje, R. N. Macedonia. The focus of this conference is interdisciplinarity, and it encourages scholars to present work that combines academic disciplines in order to understand better complex matters explored from various perspectives. The conference participants presented work combining disciplines such as linguistics (theoretical and applied), culture, intercultural education, literary theory, media studies, ethnography, foreign language teaching, sports, artificial intelligence, music, and philosophy. Besides scholars, the conference organisers invited practitioners who work in high schools, private language schools or have valuable experience teaching languages and literature to present their teaching practices. The session in which students presented posters with current research was impressive and inspired beneficial discussions. Interdisciplinary collaborations are complex and usually the explorations focus on the English language and Anglo-centered literature raising the possibility of preferred academic dominance. Many of the authors presented in the Proceedings questioned what happens when ideas from one discipline are brought into another through the use of English. Specifically, the following issues and concepts were addressed: task engagement in foreign language teaching, epistemic injustice, hate speech, power relation in teaching, artificial intelligence and machine learning, EFL assessment, music, female madness, ethnocentrism, Game of Thrones and Alice in Wonderland. We would like to thank the Organising Committee chaired by prof. Kalina Maleska, the Faculty of Philology and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University for providing all the needed support, funding and facilities. Through the Fulbright Exchange Program and The Embassy of the United States we were able to invite a Fulbright scholar to give a plenary talk. Without student volunteers conferences are hard, even sometimes impossible, to be organised. Their developing devotion to academic activities, along with their growing professionalism should be counted as another positive outcome of the conference and the Proceedings. vii FOREWORD As editors we are pleased that we have managed to compile this volume during difficult times marked by COVID-19. That is one of the main reasons why this year the Proceedings are published online online. All the papers included underwent blind review by members of the international editorial
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