PC Cut·Off Date PACIFIQ :~:/ )I Renew Membership Near: Feb, 28 ITIZEN in JACL Today M.mbmhl, publlcallon: Jap.nu. Am"l ..n CllI"'" ~'"' ' U rWf~l, ~ .. AII9.Itt, ca 90012 12151 MA ',4471 Publl.h.d Wttkll E.copt Lilt Week 01 thl V. .... ~Clul '0.1111 '"Id al Loo "11911 .., CallI, Vol. 64 No. 5 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1967 EdIt/Bus. Office: MA 8-6938 TEN CENTS New approach on fair housing law detailed PERSPEC~ IN THIS ISSUE Rumford Act doomed because of provisions " GENERAL NEWS New approach to Calif. (all' hous· JACL tour .... ' n" Jaw proposed : 'rule LaKe sHU leased to U.S.. m ay hold unacceptable by majority of California yolers Jerry ~ I u t u r e saboteurs: William l\torutanl admitted to practice BY HARRY HONDA Kennard feels that had Rum· he explains. One dlstinctiOll • Enomoto lI! befo re U.S Supreme Court .. 1 to Japan (Ye Editor's Desk) ford dlstinlluished between separating 1he public markel Nat' l Prtsldent fIl SI S:~.n81!~ t e:e'dm u . 1.~ : ~~ u r:i'~ selling a borne in the public from the private market in compared to Negroes Ln U.S ... 4 A kind of la w to replace market. and disposing of It bousing looms in tne whole ama~ed IIAN JOSE HONORS CalUornfa farm reporter ihe Rumford Fair Housing privately, it might bave made profession concerned with real at Japan 's modcmlred forming dates set Act, which some object to as Sacramento techniques; Anglo poor out­ sense to the general public. estate brokerage as acknowl­ number others In greater South· .. forced bousing law in Cali· edged by law and regulated in The unsellisb. truly Chris­ west area ......... .. ... ...... 8 SAN FRANCISCO - The Na· Rumford Act Probed tional J ACL Tour to J.apan 01 fornia, is proposed by C. V. the public interest. and li­ tian activities of several fellow Kennard, S.J ., of Sacramento, Americans was recognized lasl " NATIONAL-JACL JACL members will be beld Kennard probes into wby the censed by the State under J ACL Tour to Japan dales :sel organizer of the League for Saturday nigbt (J an. 28 ) at this fall Oct. 15-Nov. 5. it wa, Rumford Act went wrong. the watchful eye of tne Real tor Oct. IS-Nov. 5 . ...... ... 1 Decency in Real E state. 1he attractive Carl J . Leinin· announced this week by Na· "Rumford begins with a E state Commission. In his article. "Fair Housing ger Community Center . Kelley tional J ACL Director Masao vague assertion purporting Ul A realtor is a market opera· " CHAPTER-JACL ~owdown in the West", in the P ark. San Jose. Calif. The Satow. Included will be a 13- establish the title under which tor publicly licensed in the D.C. J ACL backs up repeal of Jan. 28 Ame rica magazine, occasion was the installation Maryland anti~mlscege n atlo n day organized tour and eight. the State can prohibit a dis· public interest. Kennard point. Kennard draws dIstinctions, dinner of the San Jose J ACL law; IsseieNlsel success within days for members of I.lle tour criminatory transaction. Dis­ out. As a prolession, it has single IUc.span amazes J apa ­ which be believes, will assure and the honorees were Mrs. nese Embassy oUtdal .. .. .. •1 on their own. The tentative crimination In bousing by rea· upg.raded its standards 01 both the roles of government to Claude Settles. Mrs. Nina Wol­ San Jose J ACL r emembers those itinerary will include Tokyo, son or race, etc., the act say\ practice by seeking regula­ who helped J apan ese; Contra seoure the equal protection 01 ters. and Mrs. Florence Bry· Nikko, KamakUNI. Hakone. EXCHANGE OF GAVEL- Allan Hida (center), accepts is 'agains t public policy', but tions from the St.ate. The pub­ Costa J ACL hears school prob­ tbe laws for all and 01 the a nt. Unfortunat.ely Mr. Settles lems at Insta llation ••... ••• •.. 3 Nagoya. Mikimoto P earl, Kyo­ gavel from Sat Nakahira, outgoing president of Mil­ it does not say wby. The lic cbaracter of tile realtor's individual to discriminate in was ill and unable to at.tend. to. Nara. and Osaka. waukee JACL. Seated is Robert Short reed, who was act's prohibitions are to be profession is stipulated in it.! " COLUMNISTS the use or disposal of his 'deemed an exercise of the Mrs. Ann Peabody Brown and Enomoto: San Jose Honon. This firs t J ACL Tour to Ja· guest speaker at the installation. Code of Ethics : Mr . Lester Harwood were also Masaoka: Rule 22 Failu re. pan was endorsed at the Na· property. oolice power of 1he State for "The realtor Is the Instru· Hosokawa: George Togasaki. -Photo by Gil Furusho Kennard's proposal. which is unavailable. tional Convention last July, 1he protection of the welIare, mentallty through whlch the Bayasako: A Review likely Ul gain attention at the bealth and peace of the peo­ These \\Tere Iolks whose feel· Henry: New Columnist. lollowing which a special Com· land resource of the nation Ings lor justice and lair play Gima: U .H. Enrollment. mittee to look into the Tour State Legislature, says: pie'. yet the State's power to reaches its hig\lest use and Sakamoto· 5 0 S " ~-An y real estate broker were strong enough t.\l.s t they was appointed with Hiro Ma· oller such protection apparent· through whicb land ownersbip Somekawa: P & A Handbook. or salesman licensed by the openly condemned Evacuationl Kumamoto : Someone Cares. yeda of Chicago as cbairman. D.C. JACL backs up Iy does not extend beyond attains its wide; t distribution. and befriended us at a time Obana: Two Replies It is reported that a nucleus State is prohibited from ac· 'publicly assisted housing' and He is a creator of homes, a wben we had lew friends. of 20 active JACLers bave al· cepting any commission or re· apartments ot five or more builder of cities, a developer Upon our return, these people ready indicated tneir interests muneration tor the sale, trade, units." 'f industries and productivo lease or rental of any resi. helped pave the way for us. in going. marriage law repeal farms ... Tule Lake still dential property to whicb is f!'be California Real E state and then stood by us until we Several meetings wjth some leaders in Japan are contem­ (Special to the P acl!ic Citizen) today continue to mar their attached by tacit or express Assn .. cbiel foe of the Rum· "Sucb functions impose obll· got resettled. statute books with this type oj agreement. any restriotive co~· lord Act and advocate of Prop. galions beyond tilose 01 ordi· Sitting between Mrs. Settles plated. and plans also include WASHINGTON -William S. leased to U.S., discriminatory legislation. dition excluding an otherwise 14. bas estimated the Rumford nary commerce. They impose and Mrs. Wolters. we spent a members of I.lle tour to visit J ames CD-Harford ). Presldent "The notoriety recently giv. qualified buyer. trader, lessee Act covered only 32 pct. 01 grave social responsibility and very interesting interlude. their respective Sister Cities, of the Maryland State Senate, en throughout the world to the or renter by reason 01 hi, Calilornia's housing units. a patriotic duty ... These two ladies certainly according to Haruo lshimaru. and Marvin Mandel (l).Balll· says N.Y. writer facl that w\lite Americans are race, color. religion. national This limited coverage. accord· "It is the duty 01 the real· lived the part 01 "Better Chairman 01 the National JA­ more). Speaker 01 the Mary­ TULE LAKE - The Japanese CL Cultural Heritage Commit· land State Senate, and Mar­ denied the right to marry, origin or ancestry. ing to Kennard. concedes the tor to protect the puhli. Americans" in their contribu· Malaysian Americans, inc Iud· "Z-Anyone engaging in sell· State lacked solid jurisdiction against fraud. misrepresenta­ tions to a "Greater America" internment camp at Newell tee. vin Mandel CD-Baltimore), ing natives of our 50th State iog. trading, leasing or rent· over discriminatory sales as tion or unethical practices in 2S years ago. (Modoc County) used during Full details of the tour will Speaker of 1he Maryland of Hawaii and a Unit.ed States ing a residential property that sucb. the real estat.! field. He should A sign 01 the philosopby of World War II to bold 20,000 be available in brochure form House of Representatives. Navy oltieer graduate of An. is now his own residence. or By allowing ttle discrimina· endeavor to eliminate in hi. such people lies in Mrs. Set· Japanese, is 1he subject 01 a shortly. Meantime, those in· were urged by the Wasbing· napolis of Philippine ancestry, in whicb he has not resided tory sale of non·publicly community any practice. tle's reply to my remark about 64-page booklet '·Concentra· terested should con tact Na· ton . D.C. J ACL Chapter to us. was not favorable to Mary.. during. say, the previous year. assisted dwelling througb a li· which could be damaging to our tendency to forget that we tion Camps, U.S.A." just aU tional J ACL Headquarters. their good offices to assure the presses. tha t the bill repealing the la w land and many of us wbo are Is probibited from attaching censed agent as a prIvate act, the public or to the dignity needed belp once. Sbe com· citizens were most embarrass- any restrictive condition ex· Rumford induced a situation and integrity of tne real estate mented that such reactions The author is Charles R. prohibiting white persons from ed and humiliated." eludiag an otherwise qualified that so 10Dg as the owner on profession." were not unique to .
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