• • 111!1111'-.IPI•----- Is ecology a middle class and rich nation "cop-out"? Si erra Club posters of unspoiled beaches and lush national fores ts don't speak to the "ecological concerns" of slum dwellers: malnutrition, over-crowding, lead poisoning, rats, garbage, urban transportation. Worse, ecology or "environmental protection" can be ex­ cuses for exclusionary suburban zoning. Similarly, to an East Paki stani refugee or an Angolan under the rule of Portuguese colon­ iali m discussion of the "environment" is not a high priority item. Poor nations such as Egypt still find DDT's protection against di seases worth the cost in environmental pol­ lution, but production of DDT has almos t c ased in th states. NEEDED: A view of the whole picture. Environmentalists who are also social justice types, nationall y and internati onall y. A POSSIBLE MODEL: The Boston Industrial Mission ( BIM ), a non-profit corporation funded by several reli gious agencies, including the National Division of the United Methodist Board of Mi ssions. Ti ev. Norman Faramelli, associate director of BIM and author of Teclmethics, says that people "concerned with environmen tal protection and thos involved in poverty and urban problems will have to become allies, not opponents." Through BIM, urban and suburban groups in the Boston area got together on just such a common cause: noise pollution. The coalition of housin g, ecology and anti-freeways groups tas ted victory when the Massachuse tts governor halt d ex pansion of Logan Air­ port, fi led legislation to curb airport noise and call ed a me ting of area governors to con­ sider high-s p ed rail transportation. PREDICTION: More church and community task forces in the seventies will fo llow BIM's lead integrating the ecology movement and the environm ntal needs of urban dwellers, as well as integrating ethics and tec!mology in business school and seminary curriculums. THINGS TO WATCH: Mainline Protestant denominations will continue to push ecol­ ogy and social justi ce at annual corporation stockholder meetings, as w ll as through the courts and legislation. The public hearing b y six churches on th e proposed Puerto Hi can mining ve nture of Kennecott and AMAX co pper companies was successful in raising is­ sues and possibly postponing the mining. On an internati onal scale, environmentalists and social justi ce acti vi ts may easil y become allies, though for different reasons. Both see the need for decreased consumerism in wealthy societi es. A World Council of Churches study group noted recently that "justice will require wealthy societi es to moderate, halt or even reverse their rates of consumpti on and pollution in order that other societi es may accelerate growth." But the curr nt effort of one wealthy socie ty, th e U.S., to overcome economic doldrums by spurring consumer buying raises unhappily th e questi on whether a technological so­ ciety can ever reverse this trend. E.C. & C.E.B. 11111 New Series Vol. XXXll No. 2 • Whole Series Vol. LXI No. I 0 • October, 1971 Letters 4 Editorials 5 Science Is Changing the Rules of the Came David P. Young 6 Technology and Religion Ma rshal L. Scott 11 The Flintstones in Recife Harvey Cox 16 Will Business Cet Better? Thomas F. Hinsberg 22 The Role of the Churches Now J. Edwa rd Carothers 25 Man Is a Technological Animal Daniel Ca ll ahan 28 Humanity and the Future Roger L. Shinn 30 A Radical Change in Our Notion of Pro.,ress L. Harold DeWolf 31 The Breakdown of Schools Ivan Ill ic h 32 Ministering in a Korean Steel Mill George Ogle 38 Books 43 The Moving Finger Writes 45 COVER Lahore : Pakistan, United Mission Hospital Toge Fujihira, from United Methodist Missions Editor, Arthur I. Moore, Ir.; Managing Editor, Charles E. Brewster Planning and Coordination, Stanley I. Rowland, Jr.; Associate Editor, Ellen Clark Art Director, Roger C. Sadler 475 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10027 Published Monthly by the Board of Missions of the Un ited Methodist Church, Joint Commis­ sion on Education and Cultivation, in association with the Commission on Ecumenica l Mission and Relations of the United Presbyterian Church, USA. Second-class Mail Privileges Authorized at New York, N.Y. Additional Entry at Nashville, Tennessee. Copyright 1971 by Board of Missions of the United Methodist Church. No part of new/World Outlook may be reproduced in any form without w ritten permission from the Editors. Printed in U.S.A. Subscriptions in the United States and Possessions , Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay: One year $3.00 (combination with response, $5.00). Single copies 35 cents. Canada : one year $3.25 (combination $5.50 ). All other foreign countries: One year $4.00 (combination $6.40 ). Report any change of address directly to new/World Outlook rather than to the Post Office. With your new address be sure to send also the old address, enclosing if possible an address label from a recent copy. A request for change of address must reach us at least thirty days before the date of issue with which it is to take effect. new/World Outlook editorials and unsigned articles reflect the views of the editors and signed articles the views of the authors only. PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDITS P. 9 Diane Koos Gentry ; Pp. 11 , 24 (top), 34, 35 (left ) Three Lions; P. 12 Alex Noel Watson; P. 13 Shelly Rusten; P. 14 Hildenhagen/ foto-present ; Pp. 15 (top ), Re ligious News Service; P. 15 (bottom ) Tokyo; P. 19 Ravemcco; P. 19 (bottom ), 20 (top), 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33 , 35 (right) Toge Fujihira, from United Methodist Mi ssions; P. 20 (bottom ) " Them People"; P. 22 Japan Tourist Office; P. 38 Ea st-West ; P. 40 Yong-bock Kim CHOKED ON EDITORIALS 1.etters 32-34, Matthew 6: 19-21, Matthew 6:24-34, I had not got beyond the editorials of the Matthew 8 :20-22, Matthew 10:37-39, Matthew August issue before I choked! How can one 10:9-10. claim to be objective and yet be so clearly We as Christi ans have crosses to carry. If blind to everything but what one wants to see? the leaders want foam rubber crosses whv For example, Stanley J. Rowland, Jr.'s mis­ shouldn't we lay people have the same? · siongram: Third paragraph describes China of D ANIEL H . J ORDAN early 19th century-but then to skip Sun Yat pep rally doesn't appeal to me either, but maybe MifBintown, Pennsylvania Sen and the Boxer Rebellion and the U.S. aid to memorizing and repeating the Apostles' Creed Chinese students and write "Finally the Chinese doesn't appeal to some of the young people HYPOCRITES people rose under the leadership . ." etc. who have been accustomed to expressing thei r You carried an editorial (sarcastic in nature) How anybody can see Mao Tse-tung as one devotion at football games. I think we need on the use of the United Clergyman's Interna­ Pri1 who delivered China from oppression and dis­ new forms of worship; for football is a part of tional Discount Card. Your criticism was valid tra! loyalty leaves me cold. Following Rowland's the establishment as well as Rotary or Ki wanis in my estimation. Yet you carried an advertise­ anc clubs; but if these fo rms help in the true wor­ philosophy I suppose we ought to honor Lenin ment for such a card, thereby promoting its a I ship of God , then they are good. and Stalin for their 6ne considerate attitude in use. pril disposing of the Tsars. Isn't it possible to even I was attracted to the sticker " Honk if you Not only are you inconsistent, you are hypo­ love Jesus" because it opens up lines of com­ fid acknowledge Chiang Kai-shek-and the debili­ crites. I guess money is still most important to roll tating influence of the Japanese occupation? munication. Even if we don't know the people even Mission magazines. This is most diabolical And then the sneer in the editorial "East or ever talk to them, there is some kind of since Christian integrity is so urgently needed Jes: Pakistan Disaster" : "Still, one has a sneaking mystical union there from God's Spirit that can and so obviously lacking. pe1 suspicion that were these people white . ." go on to something greater. ( R E v .) CALVTN W . M OORE tho etc. In the light of American aid-both national When you spoke of how people are intro­ Wenatchee, Washington rau and Church to peoples of the world without re­ duced to Jesus, you weren't very explici t as to hat gard to race, this statement is at best uncalled what you mean by a universal medium. Is it ARTICLES ON THE WAR he1 for and at worst pure demagoguery. You men­ Love? I think it is, and Jesus is the fulfillment Thank you for printing the two articles in of Love. The young people are turning to anl tion Nigeria-but not a word about the out­ the July New World Outlook on the war-a fa r pouring of American charity both during and Jesus, loving Him and following Him; and it is personal experience in Paris ["In the Arms of since the war. Before accusing others of cyni­ wonderful to see! We can all become Jesus peo­ the Enemy"] and a report about the meeting in "R1 cism and expediency, take a careful look at ple if we follow Him. Canada with the Vietnamese and Cambodian dai your own outlook.
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