JANUARY 18, 1963 VOLUME XXXI TEVET 22, 5723 NUMBER 17 YOUNG MARRIEDS TO MEET FEBRUARY 3rd The Young Marrieds Group of Con¬ She ^J\el i tall gregation Kehilath Jeshurun will hold jeshurun Sisterhood its next meeting on Sunday night, Feb¬ ruary 3rd, at 8:00 o'clock, at the home its of Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Nadler, 430 East cordially invites members and friends 86th Street. Members have all received to to invitations this meeting and they are attend its urged to return the response card to the synagogue office so that our hosts should know to expect them. Open oLuncheon Wieetin The highlight of the evening will be a discussion on the subject "Jewish This Music — Past and Present". The leader Monday afternoon, January 21st of the discussion will be Dr. A. W. Binder, a worshipper in our congre¬ in the Social Hall gation. Dr. Binder is one of the foremost authorities in the world on Jewish litur¬ Guest gical music. He is a composer of re¬ Speaker nown and a professor of Jewish music MR. FREDERICK PIKET at the Hebrew Union College. He is also the Director of the Music Depart¬ ment at our neighborhood Y. M. H. A. Topic Members are urged to reserve the "Jewish date and to plan to be with us at the Music, Sacred and Secular" meeting on time. We would like to con¬ clude the meeting at a reasonable hour • inasmuch as it is a Sunday night. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock JUNIOR CONGREGATION ATTENDANCE CONTINUES TO BE GRATIFYING Pearl Borger Gail Linden We would like to remind all mem¬ The Junior John Fischer Congregation over the Nancy Linzer bers of the Junior Congregation that past few weeks has continued to main¬ Richard Gelfand Naomi those Markson who maintain a attend¬ tain regular the it Richard ance strong attendance which had Kahn Sidney Moskowitz throughout the season will be developed during the first few months Francine Klein Sari invited to of Scheinberg participate in a special treat the season. Because of the unusual at Leonard Klein Alvin the conclusion of the season. Parents 1 Smilow turnout of children, we had to increase are Melanie Klein Marilyn Smilow urged to begin sending their child¬ I the supply of attendance books on ren Ted Krulwich Charles Sub regularly from this Sabbath morn¬ ■; hand. ing on. The service begins at 10:15 Philip Lerner Elliot Taffet We are happy to list below the and concludes simultaneously with the names of those Simon Lerner Lewis Trencher children who have close of the regular synagogue service. been regular in their attendance dur- ] ing the past two months. They are: Arthur Aizer Rabbi Steven Aizer Joseph H. Lookstein will preach this Sabbath at 11:00 o'clock Marvin Binstock "THE Samuel Blumenthal RELUCTANT MOSES - WHAT MAY WE LEARN FROM HIM?" KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN THE WEEKLY PORTION A POST FEDERATION APPEAL WITHIN OUR FAMILY REMINDER SHEMOTH Birth - Jeshurun ob¬ "Building for Leadership" Congregation Kehilath We extend a hearty Mazel Tov to served its annual Federation Sabbath Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Kaufman upon We are all familar with the story of in thte Synagogue last Saturday. An the birth of a son last week. Similar the birth of Moses which appears in orrtrsuaTly large number of worshippers wishes are extended to the grand- H this week's portion from the Torah. The braved the driving rain to attend serv¬ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kauf- \ child was brought up by his mother as ices and to their demonstrate support man. the agent of the daughter of Pharaoh. for the work of the Federation of Jew¬ We read in the Bible "And the child ish Philanthropies. May the new additon to the family matured and she brought him to the be a source of joy and "nachas" at all daughter of Pharaoh and became her While we are most gratified with times. the son .... And it came to pass in those generosity of those who attended, days that Moses matured and he went there are no doubt many worshippers Birthdays — who could not be with us because of out among his brothers and he saw Many happy returns of the day to j the inclement weather on their travails." Saturday, but Mrs. S. Lawrence Brody, Elmer G. who would nevertheless want to do Our sages remark that the child Engel, Leon Fromer, Dr. Isadore Givner, their part to support matured first in the home of his mother the philanthropic Samson Gordon, Abraham R. Kirshon, 1 work of Federation. We invite all who and then* again in the home of Phara¬ Mrs. Leo Ritter, Mrs. J. Wm. Rosen-* have not as yet pledged or contributed oh's daughter. This would indicate that bluth, Louis W. Yohann and Robert FL > to do so by means of the special form Zessman. his early development was supervised which appears below. by his mother. It comes, therefore, as Anniversaries — no surprise that upon his complete Federation helps everyone in the maturity he went out among his broth¬ community. It is the duty and obliga¬ Warmest greetings to Mr. and Mrs M. H. ers and "he saw their travails". tion of every member in„the com¬ Berkson, Mr. and Mrs. Maks L.J munity to fill Birnbach, Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Chap- : It would appear that the training help Federation^.Please out the enclosed form and man and Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Scheidt. which he received in his mother's home send your ) check or your pledge to Federation rendered him capable of feeling the Welcome Home c/o the anguish of the Children of Israel. It is Synagogue Office. We are to welcome back by no means natural for a child to be pleased I Miss Naomi Lebowitz, sympathetic to the problems of others. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lebowitz, who This is an acquired characteristic. It FATHER AND SON MINYAN has,] just returned from an extended must be learned by the child and it AND TEENAGE GYM NIGHT stay in Israel. ) must, therefore, be taught by parents. SUSPENDED FOR EXAMINATION The ideal method for teaching such PERIOD concern is for the parents themselves The to show concern for others. This meth¬ regular Sunday services of the Father and Son JUNIOR CONGREGATION od was epitomized by Moses' mother Minyan will not be held on who was, as we read in this week's January 20th and 27th because of SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1963 the examination portion, the mid-wife for the Jewish period. The next serv¬ Cantors ice of the Minyan will be on People at that time. It was she who Sunday Elliott Taffet saved morning, at 9:30. countless children from being February 3rd Alvin Smilow cast into the sea by the officers of The Teenage Night in the gymna¬ Philip Lerner Pharaoh. sium will not be held on January 22nd Torah Reader Parents can learn from the and 29th. The next evening for the example David Kahn of Moses' mother. If in their discussions teenagers will be held on Tuesday at home they evince concern for the evening, February 5th. welfare of the Jewish people, their children will catch their concern from them. If they support the United Jewish Appeal, the Federation of Jewish Phi¬ lanthropies, and other I would like to share in the support of the 1 16 hospitals, health and wel¬ 1 *'er philanthropic I imi organizations which help our fellow fare 1 agencies of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies which serve our 1 nef Jews, their children will develop a sense of the importance of charity and community. rendering help to those in need. Enclosed herewith is my contribution/pledge in the amount of $ . "And the woman took the child and she nursed him." From all that we Moses we know of must assume that Name he was nursed not only on the milk which sustains life but the milk of kindness human which makes life Address worthwhile. H.'L. 3 auspices of the Law faculty of the SUMMER CAMP IN ISRAEL HEADLINES OF Hebrew University and the Institute of FOR TEENAGE BOYS Jewish Studies. We are JEWISH INTEREST in receipt of an announce¬ The foremost task of the institute ment from the Rabbinical Council of Because will be the of the newspaper strike compilation of detailed in¬ America about a new American dices of camp which has brought about a blackout of legal material contained in in Israel which will be Rabbinic operated for all the news including news of Jewish Responsa, codes (Posekim) the first time for six weeks and during interest, we devote a other Rabbinic ordinances (taka- larger portion in July and August of 1963. The camp, noth). The Institute will this week's bulletin to a review of serve, as one Camp "Daromah", will be conducted of its items of Jewish interest which might purposes, as a basis for the under the auspices of the Rabbinical Legislative have come to our reader's attention Department of the Ministry Council of America and will be housed were the of Justice with the aim of regular New York papers basing Israel on the grounds of the Yeshivat Hado- publishing daily. Parlimentary Law on the principles of rom. Jewish Law. The total Figures on a new Jewish census cost for the season, includ¬ ing all transportation charges, will be According to a survey compiled by $875. Two age groups will be ac¬ the World Jewish Congress, there are Exemptions for American Investors cepted, a Bar Mitzvah now 12,915,000 Jews in the World, in Israel group (ages 13-14) and a senior living in 122 lands.
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