DEP:2\RTMENT OF THE INTERIOR REPORT OF THE GOVERNOR OF HAW All TO THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1924 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1924 CONTENTS Page lntroduct.ion_____________ ~--------- ------------------------------ 1 Hawaiian homes settlement ____ --------------------------- __ --- 1 Bill of rights approved ________ ---- __ - _________________________ _ 2 Equal rights of citizenship____ ---- ___ - __________________ - ______ _ 2 Budget system for the Tei'ritory _____ - __________________ - ______ _ 2 Tourist, facilities _______ - - - - --- - _ --- - - -- _ - ----_____ -----______ _ 2 Hawaii National Park ________________________________________ _ 2 N'ational defense~- ______________ - _· _____________ ----__________ _ 2 Hawaii's strategic harbors __________ -- _______ --------__________ _ 3 Foreign-language school litigation_ - ________________ - ___________ _ Elections ________________________________________________________ _ 4 4 Haw~iian birth registration __________ ---___ ----________ - ____ - ______ _ 8 C!)unty and city and county governments_____________________ .______ _ 10 Fmances ____ - - __________ - _ -- - - __ --- - -- ·- - ----- - - --- - - ---- - - - - - - - - - 10 Territorial bonded indebtedness.___ - - ___ - --- __ -----_ ----_ - ______ _ 11 Receipts and disbursements, general_ __________________________ _ 12 Miscellaneous funds_ - ___ - - - - ---- - - _____ -- _ - -- ____ - ___ - - ______ _ 13 Taxes collected, etc_____ ·-- - - - - __ - - ---- ------- _________ --- _____ _ 14 Sources and distribution of revenues _____ - ______________________ _ 19 Investments by the treasurer _______________________ ~ ___ ~ ______ _ 20 Corporations_________________ _ _________________ . _______________ _ 21 Banks_ _ --- - - ----------- --- - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - ---- ·- - - --- - 22 Insurance -_ _ _ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- - - - --- --- ----- 23 Commerce- __ -------------------------------. ------------------- 24 Imports and exports ______ - _ - ___ - - _____________________________ _ 25 Customs receipts __________ - - - __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ..: _______ _ 27 Arrivals of vessels ______ - --_ ------ ____________________________ _ 27 Hawaii tourist bureau ______ - __ - - ___ - _____________________________ _ 27 Transportation facilities _____ --- - - - ---- __ - ________ - _______ - 28 TrlJ,ffic with the mainland _____________________________________ _ 28 Through service _____________ - ___ -- ___________ - __________ - _____ _ 29 Interisland traffic ____________________________________________ _ 30 Steam railroads _________________ - - ___ -- _____ - __________ --____ _ 31 Street railroads_ _ _____ - - --- - - - - - - - ---- ___ --- _______________ - _ 32 Automobiles___ _ ___ - - - - - - - _ - - - - _________ -- ________ ----- __ -- 32 Lighthouses ________________________________________ ------------- 32 Telegraphs and telephones _____ -- __ - - _ - ___________________________ _ 33 Postal service_____________ - ___ - - _ - _ - _ -- ___ -- _________________ - _____ _ 33 Population and race statistics___ ---- __ - --__________________________ _ 35 Citizens by raciai descent_ - - - - - - - - - - ___ -- ________________ -- ____ _ 37 i~hlffi:!!~~ and labor___ - - - - - - - -- - - - - ---- - _____ ---______ - - - - _____ _ 37 38 Hydrography__________ - - - - -- ____ -- ________ . - ________________ _ 41 43 FarJf!a~fb5a~~-------------------------------------------------- 43 Survey department_ ________ -- _ - ---- _ - - ___ ----______________ - ___ - __ 44 Agricultural experiment station, United States_________________ - _____ _ 47 Agriculture and forestry ____________________ - ____ ------____________ _ Forestry ____________________________________________________ _ 50 50 Entomology ______________ - - ____ - _____ - - _________ • ____ • ____ • __ 51 Plantinspection ____________________________________________ _ 51 A~imal industry __ -.--.- _______________________________________ _ 51 Hawanan Homes Commission___ -------------------- ___________ _ 51 Public works _______ - •• __ - ----- • -- ___ • ___ - - - --- - - __ • - - --- - ----- - - 55 Board of harbor commissioners __ ---------------------------------- 60 Fish and game commission __ -- __ • -- __ - - ____ • _______________ • ______ _ 64 HI IV CONTENTS. :Page- Publie utilities commission _________ - - ___________ ---- __ - ________ - __ _ 64 Industrial accident boards ___________ --- ____________________ - - __ - - __ 66 Public instruction ________________________________________________ _ 68 University of Hawaii_ ____________________________________________ _ 72 Board of industrial schools _________________ ---____________________ _ 72 \"\'."aimano home f.?r feeble-minded _____'_~-~-----------------~-------- 73 L1brary of Hawan ________________________________________________ _ 74 Public archives ___________ ----__________________________________ _ Court __________________________________________________________ _ 75 0 76 · Territorial courts _____ ,_-----________ -- __ - __________ - ____ - - --- _ 76 LandCourt court of domestic __________________________________________________ relations ____________ --________ ----------·---- _ 78 Federal court________________________________________________ _ 79 79 Department of the attorney generaL ____________________ - __________ _ 80 Territorial prison_________ ----- - - --____ --- _________ -----------_ 81 Public health_----- ____________ --- - - - - __ - - - - - _____ - -- __ - _________ _ 84 VitaJ.statistics ________________ ----___________________ ,________ _ 86 Health officer ___ - - - -------· _- - - --- - ------ _--- ----- - __ ---- --- __ .90 Bureau of sanitary engineering________ ---- __________ - __________ _ 90 · Pure food bureau ____________________________________________ _ 91 Sanitary inspectors __ - - - _ ---- - - - --------- - _____ - ----_______ - --_ · 92 Venereal clinic _______________________________________________ _ 94 Tuberculosis bureau __ -------------- - - ------------------______ _ 95 Public health nurses ______________________ - _____ ------________ _ 96 Leprosy ____ - --_______________ -- __ - - · ___ -------______ ,. _______ _ 96 United States Public Health Service________________________________ _ 102 National Guard of Hawaii_ ________________________________________ _ 104 United States Internal Revenue Service_____________________ .__ _: _____ _ Weather Bureau _________________________________________________ _ 107 Appendixes _____________________________________________________ _ 108 109 A. Territorial Register and Directory __________________________ _ 109 B. Laws relating to Hawaii passed at the first session of the Sixty- eighth Congress, Dec. 3, 1923-June 7, 1924_________________ 117 Map of HawaiL _________________________________________________ At end REPORT OF THE GOVERNOR OF HAW All ExECUTIVE CHAMBER, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 12, 1924. The SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR: Srn: The Territory ·of Hawaii continues to enjoy generally pros­ perous conditions. Public health records show gratifying results of safeguards estab­ lished through governmental agencies supported by a splendid spirit of cooperat10n from the people, exercised through philanthropic welfare enterprises. · The sugar crop and the pineapple crop, Hawaii's two main sources of prosperity, were the largest ever produced and marketed at fair figures. It is estimated that the sugar crop for 1924 will be 693,000 tons, representing an approximate value of $85,000,000. The pack of pineapples will be more t~an 6,000,000 cases, valued at ~pproxi­ mately $25,000,000. The yields· from some areas establish new world records and attest the splendid service rendered by the leaders of agricultural industry in the development of scientific management. Public education has maintained the traditionally high standard of Hawaii. The deposits in the savings banks as of June 30, 1924, were $23,238,363.06, the largest in our history. Developing commerce of the Pacific Ocean and the increasing trad_e and travel between ports of Hawaii and of the mainland are evidenced in the increased tonnage-6,899,681 during the past year-entering the harbors of this "Crossroads of the Pacific." The American merchant marine is more de.finitely in evidence on the Pacific than ever before. Combined imports and exports show a gain of 28 per cent over last year's totals. HAWAIIAN HOMES SETTLEMENT Settlement of certain Territorial public lands carried on under the Hawaiian homes law of 1920 has proceeded far enough to warrant the belief ~hat this progra~ of getting the people of Hawaii back to the land gives great pronnse of complete success. Apparently the land speculation is eliminated under this plan, the land will be culti­ vated by citizens, and enough financial assistance is rendered by the government to give the home builder a fair start. Although the number of families placed on the land may appear small, they repre­ sent nearly 300 men, women, and children, and a good share of them have become sufficiently well established to begin making payments <Ai the loans obtained from the revolving fund. If the people carry on as they have begun, this land settlement project will be an out­ standing demonstration that will be helpful toward similar success on the mainland of the United States as well as within this Territory. 1 -2 -4-NNTJAL REPORT OF GOVERNOR OF HAWAII 1924 . ' BILL OF RIGHTS APPROVED The .UPP.r?val of H. R. 412,1 by President C~olidge was a significant
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