Lok Sabha Debates

Lok Sabha Debates

6HYHQWK6HULHV9RO;;;91R :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU $JUDKD\DQD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 )RXUWK6HVVLRQ 6HYHQWK/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, CONTENTS Or. .tI Ano.;\\·("rs to Questions: ·Starred QUMtions Nos. 229 to 233, 239 and l.p 1--31 \Vriu ~n An'\wM'l to Q,.ie5tiOIU : Starn·d Que.,tions Nos. 234-. 237 and 2tO. 3"" --41 t:ll~!atred Questions Nos. 2193 to 2'101, :2:204 to 22-l0' ;,1.!42 h) l]S(j , 2358 to 2361, 2~l6:l to 2377 and '1379 to 2]9'1. 41 --257 ~lal('m{"nts of Pllhlic ,\('1 'lUlll-; Committt'C' . 265-266 Cnmm;ttee on Private M("'mbr.-~' Uills and Resolutions: Eleventh Report Bwine'S" Advisory Commilte('" Xinth Report • Supplementary Demands for Grants (Gcnr-ral). 1980-8 I -,\"altmml Prllfnftd . 268 l\iatlers undrr rult' 377 '.1' SuspelHion of certain tr,lin services in some area., (If Gujarat due La sh )rtage of coal. Shri J·locibltai R. Chaudl;ari • . ~ii) Railway servict"s in Lakhimpur District of U.P. S:,rimari Usha Verma , . 269-270 (iiii Supply of e~ential raw material., to South~rn Zone Shri K. Arjunan . • • l,iv) Deplorable condition of the employees of Messn. Giovanala- Binny, Ltd., C.ochin due to lock-out . Shri Xav;i'T Arakal '271 - -_. --- ---- ------------_.. _--- *The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicateS that the Question WM actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. {ii) CoLt.: ,..: (v) Need Cor declaring Urdu as a second official language in Uttar Pradesh shri Zainul Bash~,. (vi) Late-running of trains Sh,.i RamQvarar Shastri (vii) R,. Joh and othf"f Tf"S("rvations for Backward Classt"s S"ri Jaipal .\·in~h K:.uhyap J)uhlic Prr.miM·s (E\·jction of Unauthorised Occupants) AUll'udm('"nt Bill - Motion to Con"idn -- Shri Bhishma Narain Singh 274---2-,6 Shri T. R. Shamanna 2~-282 Shrj H. K. L. Bhagat 283--287 Shri Surya !':arayan Singh 2~7-288 Rc-~jJ.tnatinn hy r..1c-mh,.r (SI,r; Ja~al1,.al" P.l/sadia) J\.it1tioll Rf'. Sitlliltillll arisjn~ out of re:-ccnt Communal Riots Shrj H. \'. l)t"sai 289-3':'''2 Shri Ghulam !\{ohammad Khan :)02-311 Shri Mohan Lal Sukhadi.l 3I1-320 Shrj Jyotinnoy Bosll . 320-33 ) Shri J\·falik \f. .\{.. \. Khan . 330-339 Shri Jagiivan Ram . 33 ;-3.;;J ~hri 11. K. L. nha~"'t · 351-359 Shri Era :\'{,lh.11} 359-362 Shri P. :'\am~yal . 362-369 Shrj Ram .Jethmalani 369-375 Shri .. \rif ),{ohaJll1llad Khaft 375-387 Prof: ~tadhu Dandavate · 387-393 Shrj Indrajit Gupta · 393-404 Shrimati Mohsina Kidwai . · 405-412 Shri .Ashfaq Hussain. · 412-41 7 Shri Ram Nagina Misra · 417-421 S'ld J.l ipal Singh Kas.hyap . 422 -42 5 S lui R. S. Sparrow 425-428 Slui Abdul Samad . 42 8--43 l Shri TaM q Anwar 431-434 (iii) CoLUMNS Shri Chitta Basu 434-436 Shri G.M. Banatwalla 438---442 Shri Zainu) Basher . · 442-448 Shri ~tuLaffar Hussain 448~-45 Dr. A.LT, Ai'mi 455--459 Dr. GoJam Yazdani 459---461 Shri jalil Abbasi 461-464 Shri Saminuddin 464~67 Shri Zail Singh 467--478 LOIC SABRA DEBATES 1 MR. SPEAKER: Without the con- WI( SABBA sent of the member I did not do it. I took the consent of the member con- Wednesday, December' 3. 1980/AgTa- cerned whet..'1er he would that it hayano 12, 1902 (Saka) like can also be rtplied by. same other The Lok Sabha met at Eleven 01 the Minister. Ther. I did it. Clock. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Who is LMr. Speaker in the Chair J the concerned member'? MR. SPEAKER: The member COll- OR..4L A~S'VERS TO QUESTIONS (('rned is wh,) has put the question. sHRr JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I am on SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Once Q point of order on the question of th\.· <.l question is tt.bled, it be<:omes the Eusiness of the House. The question:- property of th{. House. Let Us set it relating to t ~e Ministry of Industry right. Once a question is tabled. have been shifted to next week. When It has become the property of the House. the Parliament Session is on, the Mb- ister goes away. No doubt, a cOl'rl- MR. SPEAKER: It is all right, but it t~(:ndum has been issued but all tht, is coming on the lOth. cluestion.::; rel~ting to th; Ministry of l!Jdustry ha\"L' been shifted to next SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Why \', eek, becausc it is inconvenient to the wholesale shifting? Why shoUld not Minister. Is the Parliament subordi- the other Minister reply? (lnteN'Up- r'ate to th~ Minister of Industry? tions). This is too much. (Interrup- tions). Then what happens today is that there is a void. 1oth ther~ :r-.m. SPEAKER: I did it with the ... On (hlterruptions) . will be over-crowding. r MR. SPEAKER: There was no SlIRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU· Whv question of over-crowding, Gld he nOt authorise the other ~iniste~' to allS\\'er them? MR. JYOTIRMOY BOSU: How? MR, SPEAKER: I don't think (In- SliRI KRISHNA CHANDRA HAL- terruptions) , Let us go with the DER: It is a \ cry pertinent question. business, SHRr JYOTIRMOY BOSU: It i~ SHRI JYO'[lIiMOY BOSU, Do not very humiliating. nllow these things; do not m'ake the Parliament subservient to the Prime MR, SPEAKER: There is no qUf~S­ Minister's Secretariat. (lnteTT'Uptions). Han ()f humiliation. This was done on the request and with the consent of MR, SPEAY...ER; No, no, Mr. Jyotir- the member concerned who had put moy Bosu, this is improper. (Inter· the question. ruptions) , This is most improper. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: It is SHRI JYOTIRYOY BOSU: What is most unfortunate. It is a sUl.·render to the practice? The practice is that the bureaucracy. .M.inister who bas to reply a question can authorise the other lIinlste:r to MR. SPEAKER: There is nO ques- reply on his behalf. A whole lot baa tion of surrender, whatsoever. (1,,- been shifted. terruptiou) . 3 DECEMBER 3, 1980 Oral AfIftDerB SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I am stale... ,eat saying 1 have never seen it-th~ wholesale questions have been sbitted IIDpertaJai IUlJestioDs eOIlveyecl &e (lfltermptiona) , State GoYemwents reprc1.iac 1IJU!aI'th- in, Of i111clt aJ'IIIS aDd amm-w. MR. SPEAKER: That does not meEttl that you have not seen it. I am pre, ( i) A small cell may be created in Police Headquarters eXClusively siding, I :lm doing it with my clue the conscience, for tackling the problem of unlicensed manulacture, sale and possession of m'ms, ammunition and explosives; SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: You arc :'dting a new precedent. (ii) All Sub-Divisional Police Offi- cers and all officers incharge of PoIioe MR, sPEAKER: Shri Chandrade<J Stations may be directed to make ! . i asad Verma. special efforts to unearth unlicensed manufacture and sale of fire arms and SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: It is a ammunition; , new precedent. You kindly ask your Secretariat +.() produce one example. (iii) Suitable rewards may be given to police officers for commendable MR. SPEAKER: Yes .. 1 have; I think work done by them in this behalf. ~O. Shri Chandradeo Prasad Verma. Suitable cash rewards may also be given to indtviduals giving informatiOn leading to the recovery of unlicensed 4l1'11lS and exPlosives~ the identity of such persons being kept secret; and "229. SHRI CHANDRADEO PRA- SAD VERMA: Will the Minister of (iv) The queltion of giving amnesty HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: to those who voluntari..Jy surrender unlicensed weapons within a reason- a hIe period of time to be fixed by the (a) whether it is 8 fact that Gov- State Governments may be considered. ernment have asked the State Govern· ments to 1&W:\Ch a sPecial drive aaainat the unlicensed arms and their illegal manufacturer: and .1"~1nm.n :~~, (b) if SO, the details thereo1 and the ~"lt~.ailiT~m reaction of the State GOVUDJDeDts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ f"ff.. ",(Oj with regard thereto. t ~ ifiT ..m- if)( \R ~ ~ ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN ~" fdlrT ~ 1ft ~ '"~ t, T.R& YIfflS'fRY OF HOME AFFAIRS sitt a q"( 1ft ~ -u...iM; ~ t I (SBRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA): (a) ~Qtif\'it~f4'~~ and (b). The state Governments were 1t\' 11)-( W~ ~ iIlT q: WiR 1ft "eel in september-October. 1980 to laundl a special drive to unearth un- ~ fit; ~ ~ it (16'6 l'XlIi'li iRlr i liceosed anna. A stamm.em ~ the _'"( ~ ~ ~ ~ t f¥t tn fR importaD.t auaestiona CQIlveyect to the ~~.ftN~fiR~ State Governments in this reprd is I laid on the Table of the House. The ~~1ft .... t~ ~~~ NP)1es received 80 far indicate that ~~~1lttf J t1Rft'~~ .. StatI!- Qcwemmeata haVe reacted positively to these suOestions. ~ ~ i"' ~ if w 'R lIi.if'" s Oml A~ A~RAHAYANA '12. 1912 (SAKA) O!Gl AftlU)ers .,a;:u~ ~ t ? qt ~ 1!i ~ t, m ,nu4ilfJlifi ER'it 1fi) ~ it; ~ ~ 4i14cttt{l1R ~ ~ (r m t "I~ mtttitit,~~~N;1"., ... ~ ~itq~ml'tl ~ ? ~ m- \4(444~1 it itt ~ ~ ~ ~ it 6M1'~" ~ ~ 'fmt1f 1r .r lI')iill ~r;rr: CfiI4 c4lt' mIi q: 'lAlif fl:1n '1T' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tm ~ ~R"1141i1 ~ ~ ttit ~~~\ifWlT~~~~~ ....'!Ii-.-... <; ___:::. __.,;:." f. ~ <l(r~ ,HtI.'6f ~ "."., ql~1 Cf)+! (COil ~ it m '4 q i 'b't'114 t:i\'( CHiOU r\i(ih 1ft zto tiTo ~ ~ if ~ trf ~ , ~ \fit ~ f'!lfif4fif~ f<1fl1i *~ ~ ~ ttit ~, ~ m ~ ~ ~) ~ t1f smR "'" : lRit ~ it, cp.rr~~t~~~ ~ it ~ "{fIT ~, ~ it 'fill ~ t ~ ~rtr ~ I .•• ~ ~ '(r;ff W ~-ftef'N''1f1 ~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ f.t;lrr tm .m "'~~:~.

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