香港特別行政區排名名單 the Precedence List of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港特別行政區排名名單 the Precedence List of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

二零二一年九月 September 2021 香港特別行政區排名名單 THE PRECEDENCE LIST OF THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION 1. 行政長官 林鄭月娥女士,大紫荊勳賢,GBS The Chief Executive The Hon Mrs Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS 2. 終審法院首席法官 張舉能首席法官,大紫荊勳賢 The Chief Justice of the Court of Final The Hon Andrew CHEUNG Kui-nung, Appeal GBM 3. 香港特別行政區前任行政長官(見註一) Former Chief Executives of the HKSAR (See Note 1) 董建華先生,大紫荊勳賢 The Hon TUNG Chee Hwa, GBM 曾蔭權先生,大紫荊勳賢 The Hon Donald TSANG, GBM 梁振英先生,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Hon C Y LEUNG, GBM, GBS, JP 4. 政務司司長 李家超先生,SBS, PDSM, JP The Chief Secretary for Administration The Hon John LEE Ka-chiu, SBS, PDSM, JP 5. 財政司司長 陳茂波先生,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, MH, JP The Financial Secretary The Hon Paul CHAN Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP 6. 律政司司長 鄭若驊女士,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, SC, JP The Secretary for Justice The Hon Teresa CHENG Yeuk-wah, GBM, GBS, SC, JP 7. 立法會主席 梁君彥議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The President of the Legislative Council The Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen, GBM, GBS, JP - 2 - 行政會議非官守議員召集人 陳智思議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Convenor of the Non-official The Hon Bernard Charnwut CHAN, Members of the Executive Council GBM, GBS, JP 其他行政會議成員 Other Members of the Executive Council 史美倫議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Hon Mrs Laura CHA SHIH May-lung, GBM, GBS, JP 李國章議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP Prof the Hon Arthur LI Kwok-cheung, GBM, GBS, JP 周松崗議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Hon CHOW Chung-kong, GBM, GBS, JP 羅范椒芬議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Hon Mrs Fanny LAW FAN Chiu-fun, GBM, GBS, JP 黃錦星議員,GBS, JP 環境局局長 The Hon WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP Secretary for the Environment # 林健鋒議員,GBS, JP The Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung, GBS, JP 葉國謙議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Hon IP Kwok-him, GBM, GBS, JP # 張宇人議員,GBS, JP The Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan, GBS, JP # 廖長江議員,GBS, JP The Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong, GBS, JP 任志剛議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Hon Joseph YAM Chi-kwong, GBM, GBS, JP # 身兼立法會議員/Concurrently a Member of the Legislative Council - 3 - # 葉劉淑儀議員,大紫荊勳賢,GBS, JP The Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee, GBM, GBS, JP 湯家驊議員,SC, JP The Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah, SC, JP # 黃國健議員,GBS, JP The Hon WONG Kwok-kin, GBS, JP 羅致光議員,GBS, JP 勞工及福利局局長 Dr the Hon LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP Secretary for Labour and Welfare 陳帆議員,JP 運輸及房屋局局長 The Hon Frank CHAN Fan, JP Secretary for Transport and Housing 陳肇始議員,JP 食物及衞生局局長 Prof the Hon Sophia CHAN Siu-chee, JP Secretary for Food and Health 邱騰華議員,GBS, JP 商務及經濟發展局局長 The Hon Edward YAU Tang-wah, GBS, JP Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development 林正財議員,SBS, JP Dr the Hon LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP 黃偉綸議員,JP 發展局局長 The Hon Michael WONG Wai-lun, JP Secretary for Development 楊潤雄議員,JP 教育局局長 The Hon Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung, JP Secretary for Education 聶德權議員,JP 公務員事務局局長 The Hon Patrick NIP Tak-kuen, JP Secretary for the Civil Service # 劉業強議員,BBS, MH, JP The Hon Kenneth LAU Ip-keung, BBS, MH, JP # 張國鈞議員,JP The Hon CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP # 身兼立法會議員/Concurrently a Member of the Legislative Council - 4 - 薛永恒議員,JP 創新及科技局局長 The Hon Alfred SIT Wing-hang, JP Secretary for Innovation and Technology 曾國衞議員,IDSM, JP 政制及內地事務局局長 The Hon Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, IDSM, JP Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs 徐英偉議員,JP 民政事務局局長 The Hon Caspar TSUI Ying-wai, JP Secretary for Home Affairs 許正宇議員,JP 財經事務及庫務局局長 The Hon Christopher HUI Ching-yu, JP Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury 鄧炳強議員,PDSM 保安局局長 The Hon TANG Ping-keung, PDSM Secretary for Security 8. 其他主要官員 Other Principal Officials 白韞六先生,SBS, IDSM 廉政專員 Mr Simon PEH Yun-lu, SBS, IDSM Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption 蕭澤頤先生,PDSM 警務處處長 Mr SIU Chak-yee, PDSM Commissioner of Police 朱乃璋先生,JP 審計署署長 Mr John CHU Nai-cheung, JP Director of Audit 鄧以海先生,SBS, CDSM 海關關長 Mr Hermes TANG Yi-hoi, SBS, CDSM Commissioner of Customs and Excise 區嘉宏先生,IDSM 入境事務處處長 Mr AU Ka-wang, IDSM Director of Immigration - 5 - 9. (a) 終審法院常任法官 Permanent Judges of the Court of Final Appeal 李義法官 The Hon Mr Justice RIBEIRO 霍兆剛法官 The Hon Mr Justice FOK 林文瀚法官 The Hon Mr Justice LAM (b) 終審法院非常任法官 Non-Permanent Judges of the Court of Final Appeal 司徒敬先生,GBS, JP Mr Frank STOCK, GBS, JP 包致金先生,大紫荊勳賢,JP The Hon Syed Kemal Shah BOKHARY, GBM, JP 陳兆愷先生,大紫荊勳賢 The Hon Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM 鄧楨先生,大紫荊勳賢,SBS, JP The Hon Robert TANG Ching, GBM, SBS, JP 賀輔明勳爵,GBS The Rt Hon Lord HOFFMANN, GBS 紀立信先生,GBS, AC Mr Murray GLEESON, GBS, AC 廖柏嘉勳爵,GBS The Rt Hon the Lord NEUBERGER of Abbotsbury, GBS 華學佳勳爵,GBS The Rt Hon the Lord WALKER of Gestingthorpe, GBS - 6 - 郝廉思勳爵 The Rt Hon the Lord COLLINS of Mapesbury 范理申勳爵 The Rt Hon the Lord PHILLIPS of Worth Matravers 甘慕賢先生,AC Mr William GUMMOW, AC 范禮全先生,AC Mr Robert FRENCH, AC 韋彥德勳爵 The Rt Hon the Lord REED of Allermuir 麥嘉琳女士 The Rt Hon Beverley MCLACHLIN 岑耀信勳爵 The Rt Hon Lord SUMPTION 賀知義勳爵 The Rt Hon Lord HODGE (c) 高等法院首席法官 The Chief Judge of the High Court 潘兆初法官 The Hon Mr Justice POON 10. 其他立法會議員 (見註二) Other Members of the Legislative Council (See Note 2) 石禮謙議員,GBS, JP The Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-him, GBS, JP 黃定光議員,GBS, JP The Hon WONG Ting-kwong, GBS, JP - 7 - 李慧琼議員,SBS, JP The Hon Starry LEE Wai-king, SBS, JP 陳克勤議員,SBS, JP The Hon CHAN Hak-kan, SBS, JP 陳健波議員,GBS, JP The Hon CHAN Kin-por, GBS, JP 梁美芬議員,SBS, JP Dr the Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-fun, SBS, JP 謝偉俊議員,JP The Hon Paul TSE Wai-chun, JP 田北辰議員,BBS, JP The Hon Michael TIEN Puk-sun, BBS, JP 何俊賢議員,BBS, JP The Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, BBS, JP 易志明議員,SBS, JP The Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming, SBS, JP 姚思榮議員,SBS The Hon YIU Si-wing, SBS 馬逢國議員,GBS, JP The Hon MA Fung-kwok, GBS, JP 陳恒鑌議員,BBS, JP The Hon CHAN Han-pan, BBS, JP 梁志祥議員,SBS, MH, JP The Hon LEUNG Che-cheung, SBS, MH, JP 麥美娟議員,BBS, JP The Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuen, BBS, JP - 8 - 郭偉强議員,JP The Hon KWOK Wai-keung, JP 張華峰議員,SBS, JP The Hon Christopher CHEUNG Wah-fung, SBS, JP 葛珮帆議員,BBS, JP The Hon Elizabeth QUAT, BBS, JP 潘兆平議員,BBS, MH The Hon POON Siu-ping, BBS, MH 蔣麗芸議員,SBS, JP Dr the Hon CHIANG Lai-wan, SBS, JP 盧偉國議員,GBS, MH, JP Dr the Hon LO Wai-kwok, GBS, MH, JP 鍾國斌議員 The Hon CHUNG Kwok-pan 吳永嘉議員,BBS, JP The Hon Jimmy NG Wing-ka, BBS, JP 何君堯議員,JP Dr the Hon Junius HO Kwan-yiu, JP 周浩鼎議員 The Hon Holden CHOW Ho-ding 邵家輝議員,JP The Hon SHIU Ka-fai, JP 柯創盛議員,MH The Hon Wilson OR Chong-shing, MH 容海恩議員,JP The Hon YUNG Hoi-yan, JP - 9 - 陳沛然議員 Dr the Hon Pierre CHAN 陳振英議員,JP The Hon CHAN Chun-ying, JP 陸頌雄議員,JP The Hon LUK Chung-hung, JP 劉國勳議員,MH, JP The Hon LAU Kwok-fan, MH, JP 鄭泳舜議員,MH, JP The Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun, MH, JP 謝偉銓議員,BBS, JP The Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP 11. 總領事* Consuls-General* (*代表名義排名 Signifies courtesy precedence) 匈牙利 Hungary Mr Pál KERTÉSZ (Doyen) 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 Mr JANG Song Chol Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 瓦努阿圖 Vanuatu Mr Andrew LEONG 哥倫比亞 Colombia Mr Yobani VELÁ SQUEZ QUINTERO 緬甸 Myanmar Mrs Myat Thuzar Than 西班牙 Spain Mr Miguel BAUZÁ MORE 捷克共和國 Czech Republic Mr Jan JUCHELKA 愛爾蘭 Ireland Mr David COSTELLO 意大利 Italy Mr Clemente CONTESTABILE - 10 - 芬蘭 Finland Ms Johanna KARANKO 法國 France Mr Alessandro GIORGINI 葡萄牙 Portugal Mr Paulo Jorge SOUSA DA CUNHA ALVES 科威特 Kuwait Mr Salah Hamdan ALSAIF 智利 Chile Mr Osvaldo Patricio ALVAREZ PEREZ 馬來西亞 Malaysia Mr YAP Wei Sin 印度 India Mrs Priyanka CHAUHAN 美國 USA Mr Michael Hanscom SMITH 比利時 Belgium Mr Peter Willem B ROBBERECHT 俄羅斯 Russia Mr SAGITOV Igor 哈薩克斯坦 Kazakhstan Mr Rashid YERISHEV 菲律賓 The Philippines Mr Raly L TEJADA 土耳其 Turkey Mr Ahmet Peyami KALYONCU 波蘭 Poland Mr Aleksander DANDA 奧地利 Austria Mr Karl ERNST 希臘 Greece Mr Konstantinos KATTOULAS 泰國 Thailand Mr Tull TRAISORAT 瑞士 Switzerland Mr Rolf Urs FREI 印度尼西亞 Indonesia Mr Ricky SUHENDAR - 11 - 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia Mr Hamad Mohammed Suleman ALJEBREEN 巴基斯坦 Pakistan Mr Bilal Ahmad BUTT 委內瑞拉 Venezuela Ms Ana Dubraska GARCIA 伊朗 Iran Mr Alireza ESMAEIL ZADEH 巴拿馬 Panama Mr Jaime Andrés CAMPUZANO MELÉNDEZ 瑞典 Sweden Mr Per Arne AUGUSTSSON 蒙古 Mongolia Mr GUNDEGMAA Jargalsaikhan 荷蘭 The Netherlands Mr Albertus Johannes VAN DEN BERG 澳大利亞 Australia Ms Elizabeth Harcourt WARD 埃及 Egypt Mr Amr Wafik Mohamed ELHENAWY 韓國 Korea Mr BAEK Yongchun 新西蘭 New Zealand Mr John Denis RILEY 尼泊爾 Nepal Mr Udaya Bahadur RANAMAGAR 多米尼加共和國 Dominican Republic Mr Eduardo Pelagio ALVAREZ HERNANDEZ 老撾 Laos Mrs Khanhxay PHOLSENA 巴西 Brazil Mr Manuel Innocencio DE LACERDA SANTOS JUNIOR 越南 Vietnam Mr PHAM Binh Dam 柬埔寨 Cambodia Ms PECH Puthisathbopeaneaky - 12 - 秘魯 Peru Mr Enrique Carlos CARDENAS ARESTEGUI 墨西哥 Mexico Mr Pablo MACEDO RIBA 文萊 Brunei Darussalam Ms Ainatol Zahayu MOHAMMAD 新加坡 Singapore Mr ONG Siew Gay 英國 United Kingdom Mr Brian John DAVIDSON 德國 Germany Mrs Stefanie Renate Maria SEEDIG 阿根廷 Argentina Mr Gonzalo Javier SABATE 孟加拉 Bangladesh 懸空 Vacant 加拿大 Canada 懸空 Vacant 以色列 Israel 懸空 Vacant 日本 Japan 懸空 Vacant 尼日利亞 Nigeria 懸空 Vacant 卡塔爾 Qatar 懸空 Vacant 羅馬尼亞 Romania 懸空 Vacant 南非 South Africa 懸空 Vacant 阿拉伯聯合酋長國 United Arab Emirates 懸空 Vacant 津巴布韋 Zimbabwe 懸空 Vacant 歐洲聯盟駐香港辦事處主任 Mr Thomas GNOCCHI Head of Office of the European Union to Hong Kong - 13 - 12.

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