Document of The World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized Report No.: 20986 CD PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT Public Disclosure Authorized ONA PROPOSED CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 50.8 MILLION (US$67 MILLION EQUIVALENT) TO THE REPUBLIC OF CHAD FOR THE Public Disclosure Authorized NATIONAL TRANSPORT PROGRAM SUPPORT PROJECT September 29, 2000 Public Disclosure Authorized TransportGroup (AFTTR) Centraland WesternAfrica Africa Region CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of August 17, 2000) Currency Unit = FCFA FCFA 720 = US$ 1.00 US$0.138 = 100 FCFA BORROWER'S FISCAL YEAR: January 1 - December 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AFD Agence Fran,aise de Developpement AfDB African Development Bank CAER Compte Autonome d'Entretien Routier CAS Country Assistance Strategy CISCP Cellule Intenninisterielle de Suivi et Coordination des Projets DR Direction des Routes DTS Direction des Transports de Surface DEP Direction des Etudes et de la Programmation EU European Union FED Fonds Europeen de Developpement FER Fonds d'Entretien Routier IMF International Monetary Fund IMT Intermediate Means of Transport MTPTHU Ministere des Travaux Publics, Transports, Habitat et Urbanisme NMT Non-Motorized Transport NPV Net Present Value PIEU Project Implementation Unit PPF Project Preparation Facility PST2 Second Transport Sector Project RTT Rural Travel and Transport RTTP Rural Travel and Transport Program SNER Societe Nationale d'Entretien Routier SSATP Sub- Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program VOC Vehicle Operating Costs Vice President: Callisto Madavo Country Director: Robert Calderisi Sector Manager: Maryvonne Plessis-Fraissard Task Team Leader: Andreas Schliessler Chad National Transport Program Support Project CONTENTS A Project Development Objective .................................................................. 2 1. Project development objective.................................................................. 2 2. Key performance indicators ................................................................. 2 B Strategic Context .................................................................. 4 1. Sector-related Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) goal supported by the project ....... 4 2. Main sector issues and Government strategy .................................................................. 4 3. Sector issues to be addressed by the project and strategic choices ......................... 10 C Project Description Summary ................................................................. 12 1. Project components ................................................................. 12 2. Key policy and institutional reforms supported by the project..................................... 13 3. Benefits and target population ........................ ......................................... 13 4. Institutional and implementation arrangements ............................................................ 14 D Project Rationale .............. ,15 1. Project alternatives considered and reasons for rejection ............................................. 15 2. Major related projects financed by the Bank and/or other development agencies ...... 16 3. Lessons learned and reflected in the project design....................................................... 17 4. Indications of borrower commitment and ownership ................................................... 17 5. Value added of Bank support in this project ................................................................ 18 E Summary Project Analysis ................................................................ 18 1. Economic ................................................................ 18 2. Financial ................................................................ 20 3. Technical ................................................................ 21 4. Institutional ................................................................ 21 5. Social ................................................................ 23 6. Environmental assessment ................................................................ 24 7. Participatory approach ................................................................ 26 F Sustainability and Risks ................................................................ 28 1. Sustainability ................................................................ 28 2. Critical Risks ................................................................ 28 3. Possible Controversial Aspects................................................................ 28 G Main Credit Conditions....................... 29 1. Effectiveness Conditions ................. 29 2. Other ................. 29 H Readiness for Implementation....................... 30 I Compliance with Bank Policies....................... 30 Annexes Annex 1. Project Design Summary Annex 2. Detailed Project Description Annex 3. Estimated Project Costs Annex 4. Cost-Benefit Analysis Summary Annex 5. Financial Summary Annex 6. Procurement and Disbursement Arrangements Annex 7. Project Processing Schedule Annex 8. Documents in Project File Annex 9. Statement of Loans and Credits Annex 10. Country at a Glance Annex 11. Procurement Capacity Assessment - Summary Annex 12. Summary of Transport Sector Environmental Assessment Maps (2) CHAD National Transport Program Support Project Project Appraisal Document Africa RegionalOffice AFTTR Date: September29, 2000 Team Leader: Andreas Schliessler CountryDirector: Robert Calderisi Sector Manager: Maryvonne Plessis-Fraissard ProjectID: P035672 Sector(s): TH -Highways LendingInstrument: SpecificInvestment Loan (SIL) Theme(s): PovertyReduction; Transport Poverty Targeted Intervention: N Project Financing Data O Loan 1 Credit Ol Grant El Guarantee [ Other (Specify) For Loans/Credits/Others: Amount(US$m): 67.0 Proposed Terms: Standard Credit Grace period (years): Years to maturity: Commitment fee: Service charge: % Financing Plan: _0r L FOn: u _ TOWl GOVERNMENT 24.13 0.00 24.13 IDA 22.44 44.56 67.00 Total: 46.57 44.56 91.13 Borrower:REPUBLIC OF CHAD Responsibleagency: MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS,TRANSPORT, HABITAT AND URBAN DEV. ProjectCoordination Unit (CISCP) Address: N'Djamena,Chad ContactPerson: AhmedNene Tassy, Project Coordinator,Ministry of Public Works, Transport,Habitat and Urban Development. l'el: (235) 52 27 71 Fax: (235) 52 37 09 Email: [email protected] Other Agency(ies): Ministry of EconomicPromotion and Development Address: N'Djamena,Chad Contact Person: Mr. AhmedLa_nine Al, Ministre Estimateddisbursements( Bank FYIUS$M): Anua 1 2ii1 200 2004 200 Annual 22.7 23.6 13.7 4.5 2.5 Cumulative 22.7 46.3 60.0 64.5 67.0 Project implementationperiod: 5 years Expected effectivenessdate: 12/31/2000 Expected closing date: 07/31/2006 OC=PAD F-m R. lh, Z A. Project DevelopmentObjective 1. Projectdevelopment objective: (see Annex I) The overall development objectiveof Chad's National Transport Program is the reduction of poverty and rural isolation, through improved year-round access to markets and services (both social and administrative)especially in the rural areas, where more than 90 percent of the poor live. The National Transport Program is also aimed at improving national food security, a critical issue in Chad, where repeatedfamines have occurred in different parts of the country. Furthermore,reliable access to regional markets within Chad will contribute to a reduction and stabilization of consumer prices for basic consumptiongoods and more stabilizedincomes to farmers,most of whom are vulnerableand poor. The project (National Transport Program Support Project, in French PAProNaT - Projet d'Appui au Programme National des Transports) will directly support the implementationof the Government's National TransportProgram and the underlyingTransport Sector Strategy,which were developedunder the ongoing Second Transport Sector Project (PST2). The National Transport Program was defined and formulated during 1998 and 1999, taking into account the outcomes of numerous participatory consultationsnot only with rural communities,but also across sectors, including mainly health, education and agriculture/ruraldevelopment. The funds provided by the Bank under this project will finance roughly 15 percent of the expenditures programmed under the National Transport Program for the period 2000-2005,the remainder being financed by numerous other donors and the Government. PAProNaT is thus part of a much larger and multisectoraleffort of the Government and the entire donor community active in Chad. However, in response to requestsby the Governmentand various donors, the project will also monitor the overall progressof the National TransportProgram. 2. Key performanceindicators: (see Annex 1) The proposed project (PAProNaT) constitutes an integral part of the much larger National Transport Program 2000-2005. There are therefore two sets of performanceindicators to be monitored, the first set relating to the overall goals of National Transport Program as a whole, and the second set relating to the much more specificand limitedgoals of the PAProNaTto be financedby the Bank. The underlyingjustification of the National Transport Program is that reliable year round access to markets and services is an essential ingredient in the broader effort to reduce poverty and improve food security. Because Chad is a vast country with very limited human and financial resources, the National Transport Plan has been calibrated to ensure a minimum level of transport infrastructureand services that (i) can be sustained with resourcesmostly generatedwithin Chad; and
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