j7—C≠~- I~1 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 7/20/17 Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator State of Illinois Application for 9-1-1 Consolidation Plan iSP 7-302(5/16) INTRODUCTION The following document provides the application for submitting a 9-1-1 Consolidation Plan that will supply the Department of State Police (Department) the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). the Statewide 9- 1~1 Advisory Board (Advisory Board) and the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator (Administrator) with the INTRODUCTION Teflovving document provides thoappication forsubrnrltinga9-I-t Modification Planihat wf I supplytne Department of State Potce tDepartnioriti. the MUncie Commerce Commission tICC). the Statewide 9-1-I Advisory Boaw tAdvnory Board) and the Statewide 9-i-I Adn,inrstrator (Adminlsiratori with the necessary information atiout your proposal to modiiy your 9-1-1 system. AU moditted plans must comply with 83 Mi. Aura Code Part 325 ~Q.tW_EP.E~MQPIEJ.E~.9*ifbN.1 The following 9-1-1 system changes require Administrator approvaL 1) Changing boundaries that reQuire art intergovernmental agreement between local ooverrtmentat entities tO exclude or include residents wtthrn the 9-1-1 junsd~cton 2) Changing or add;ng a 9-1-I system provider 3) Changes in nelwtrlt contiguratlon. except as provideo for rn subsection 1325.200th;. li.o ~ ot a Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-l-il systeml 4) Change of Backup PSAP arrangement The Modified Plan must include tie tellowtng documents. General Information Contact and 9-i-i System iniormaiicn. Verification Notarized statetltcnl of truth regarding information p~ouided rn Inc fran Letter of Intent Letter that is sent to the 9-1-1 System Prowoer wrih a copy 01 the olan Plan Narrative A summary of the changes of the proposed systems operation Financial Information A summary ol anticipated plementaton costs and annual operating costs of the moditied 9-1-1 system that are directly associated with 9-1-1 as well as tne anticipated revenues 5-Year Strategic Plan A detailed plan tot implenient000n and linancial prolectrons. Communities Served A list of all communities that are served by the 9-1-1 System Participating Agencies A list of public safety agencies (Police. File. EMS. etc.) who are dispatched by the 9-1-1 System Adjacent Agencies A list ol public salety agencies (Police. Fire, EMS. dc.) that are adjacent to the 9-i-f Systems unsdrctionat boundaries. Afrachrp.qn~s gfapplica~l?); Ordinance Any local ordnances vjh~ch dissolve an efisting ETSB or cmaies a new ETS13 Intergovernmental Any intergovernmental agreements or MOlts creating a 1o~nt El SB or any ether Agreement agreements pertlrie°t to the 9-i-i system. Contracts Contractfsl with a 9-l-t system provider or for NO-C-I-i service. pack-up PSAP Establishes back-uo and overflow services between PSAPs. Agreement Network Diagram Provided by the 9-I-i system p~ov;dor showing trunk routing and backup conliguration. Call Handling Call handling agreements shall describe the primary and secondary dispatch rnelhed Agreements lobe used by requesting parties withri their respective jurisdrctions. Aid Outside Aid outside normal jurtsdictional boundaries agreements shall provide that once an Jurisdictional emergency unit is dispatched in response to a request tnrough the system. such unit Boundaries shall render its service to the requesting patty ttithorit regard to whetner the unit is Agreements operating outsidc its normal jurisdictional boundaries. 2 911 GENERAL INFORMATION DATE: 09/11/2017 Type of Change: IXlConsolidatior within an ETSB Djoint ETSB ~Unserved consolidation Cut rent System Name: Population Served Land Area in Sq Miles ~~tton~Burnham ETSB 27,536 6.41 5 00 Lynwood 36777 1141 System Name after ConsOlidatIon’ Central Dispatch ETSS PSAP EFFECTED: ConsoHdation/ Decommission? Primary Secondary Lnh~tb0n Plans Only) Remain Open Close — Qoitonlsurnham ETSB xxxxxxxnxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Lynwood-Central xxxxxxxxxxxxx --—~—-- EF ~ - 911 System Contact: S Pete McCain - Chairman ETSB Street Address 14022 Parl Ave City, State and Zip Code: Dollon, Illinois 60419 Office Telephone 08 849-2145 Cellular Telephone. 708 825-5692 Email PMcca [email protected] Wireless Coverage for Consolidated System: Please check if applicable: 100 % Phase II compliant X NG9-1-1 capable t~a% Phase I compliant _______ Receive 9-1-1 Text Receive 9-1-1 Video 4 Boundaries abet render tts service to tne reqtiestlng party without regard to whether the unit 5 Agreements operating outside as normal jurrsdicttonai boundaries Carrier Listing A list of e€cb came’ telephone companyts). exehangefst pre xtest ano the various 9-i-I System con gurations that will be used in the proposed system Test Plan The 911 Systems o~eralt pian de~ailing how and to enat extent the network and data base wilt be tested These consolidation Plans must be led electronicalty on the Departments website at blIp vW~v is tvs!S1aw!dP9nL5i5tfya~U~iln1 where you wilt see the box below to submIt your plan The Department and the CC have 20 days to complete the lecnn~cal re•view 0? your otan An Adm~nisflatlve Law Judge ~ALJj will then have 20 days to hold a hearrng and moire a recononlenoatinn to the Advisory Board From that point the Advisory Board has 20 days to hold a public hearing on the plan and provide a recommendation to the Administrator Upon receipt of the Advisory Boards recommendation the Admrn:stratOr will have 30 oays to provrde a written decision to the applicant Consotrdations Plans de ned under category 3) above do not need lobe submitted electionlcally on inc Department~5 website The 9-1-1 Authority must provide written notr cation to the Aeminstrator at 911 tech supportr&sp state ii us at least 10 business days pnor to making the following changes pursuant to Section 1325 200(h) Alter review the Administrator will provide a letter 01 acknowledgment The toltowing documents must be included in this notr cation General Information Contact and 9-1-i System intormatron Plan Narrat~ve A detailed summary of the changes in the proposed systems oeralron Attachments (if applicable) Network Diagram Provided by tne 9-i-i system provider showing trunking routing and backup con guration Call Handling Call nandling agreements shall describe the primary and secOnoary dispatch method Agreements to be used by requesting parties within their respective jurisdictions. 3 ,.-.. en — 2: D* -j C 0 ~w ~- °o~E ~ ~ u cc -) -u C, 23 :2. — :2 ~ ~‘ CT CTOCO 9~ —. (U (p Ct) — C’ -a ~%ci C ~ I) U) z w ~ D <$ r ~ a —. a C) (fl C) - Ic’ ~‘ I”\—jc~0 ~ bsg i~ — \•‘~ C C ~ a tIl IH;.. 1[~.3~IC)C0 p3 CD — C (p w ~. S!. C) In , cn C, Ic-’ N~ - — -J n .-CDU) — SE. ~ D ~ C) — 3 U) m ~— B ~0 o m 0 CD -, 3 ~ D =~0 C, ~ t p —. 3 C C ‘ :2 3D) U)~ 0 C ~: (I) — Ca -U 0~ 0) D C) ~ ag9~D ~ Y CD a~ffD~ ~ . CD ~W r” ~- D U) ~ ~ ~ CD ~ ~ ~ ~u ‘ U) ç ci Cr) CD — — — C 3 CD — ( 9-1-1 SYSTEM PROVIDER LETTER OF INTENT ~p~ember 11.2017 ____— (Date) Lisa Wirtanen ___________ (9-1-1 System Provider Company Representative) AT&T ~- 1 Sys~mPitviderCornPaflYNafl1e) 4918W 95th St _____ (Street Address) Oak Lawn, illinois 60453 (City. State Zip Code) Dear Usa Wirlanen This letter isto confirm our intent to consolidate our 9-1-1 System with (Name all 9-1-1 authorities that will be involved). Enclosed is your copy of our consolidation plan to be tiled with the Department of the Illinois State Police for approvaL Thank you for your assistance in this matter Sincerely, 0/’Qer’H7 t f enclosure: Consolidation Plan 6 PLAN NARRATIVE Please answer the questions below, and provide a. detailed narrative to assist the Statewide 9-1.1 Advisory Board and the Statewide 9-1-1 AdministratOr with an understanding of the plan as it applies to tIlls application. Please use additional sheets if necessary. Do all of your PSAPS meet all of the requirements defined in 1325.415 and 1325.515 END~ Yes 2. Type at RadiofTeleCommUnications systems compatible with ~ STARCOMM21 participating and ad1acent agencies. ~ STARCOMM21 ITTP channels only ~ Other, explain below Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Network (Division 24) Cook County Suburban TelecommuincatiOns Network (CRPSN Cook County Suburban Telecommunications Network (Net 3) - 3. Will all PSAPs remaining after consolidation direct dispatch all emergency calls pursuant >< Yes to section 1324.200b)3)? No - 4. Have you included maps to show the territory ~ Yes covered by the system? L] No Plans submitted without this documentation will be rejected. 5. Have you included a listing of all telephone >< Yes companies? No Plans submitted without this documentation will be rejected. 6 H~vs you included a copy of the >< Yes intergovernmental agreement~ ordinance. No resolution and/or contracts? Plans submitted, without this. documentation will be rejected. ..-. 7. Have you included a list of participating and >< Yes adjacent agencies? No Plans submitted without this documentation will be rejected. 8. Have you included financial information? >< YesNo Plans submitted without this documentation will be rejected~ 9. Public education. This is an unserved county that will require public education. (See attachment.) >< This is an existing 9-1-1 system(s) and does not require oublic education. ountythatwlt~ ~j This is an existing 9-1-1 system(s) and does not require internal training/similar/ongoing training for any 015 annexation or change of policy from agencies served. 11. Use of TTYs and Training ~ This is a unserved county that will require training. (See attachment.) This is an existing g•i-i system(s) and does not require internal training/similar! ongoing training for any 015 annexation or change of policy from agencies served.
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