/ GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION National Archives and Records Service Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Hyde Park, New York INDEX TO FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS AND MISCELLANEOUS HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS \ / ADA11S, JOHN ALABANA (cont' d) Adams' letter to 400 Conmercial letter of 249 LGeorg~Hammond, N. F. Smith /jer J. British Junister to H. MannJ, Hobile, to the United States, Charles T. Pollard, introducing John }lontgomery,, regarding Quincy Adams, 1794. prices, market con- ditions, etc., written Adams' signature on 401 on printed sheet of patent issued to Merchants' and Planters' Nicholas J. Roosevelt Price-Current, 1850. and James Smallman for self-propelling steam Commercial letter 254 engine, 1798. from D~Ger and Abbot, }lobile, to Eben Chad- ADA}IS, JOHN QUINCY wick, Boston, regard- ing shipments of Whig Party subscrip- 168 cotton, 1851. tion for funds to de- fray cost of printing Bill of sale to John 271 political tracts fmr G. Motly, Tuskegee, the re-election of Alabama, for negro Adams, with list of slave, Jane, 1860. ~, Raleigh, North Carolina subscribers, 1828. ALElCANDER, WILLIA}! see: Stirling, Maj. Gen. Lord 44 Letter of John Adams 400 1778. to George Hammond, , British lunister to fuVIERICA the United States, in- troducing J. Q. Adams, Stanza apparently 380 1794. in handwriting of author, S. F. Smith. ALABA}!A lYndat eil Land grant in Alabama 212 J\}~CAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION to James C. Watson from the United States Letter of N. H. Egle- 346 Government by virtue ston, Secretary, to of the United States Prof. L?JRothrock Treaty with the Creek regarding forestry Indians, signed by and the prevention Martin Van Buren, 1840. of floods, 1894. Letter to J. F. Jackson, 243 Montgomery, from Wash- burne & \'/oodman, Miner- al Point, Wisconsin, offering to buy bounty land warrants, etc. 1848. ANDERSON, JOSEPH AUTOGRAPHS (cont' d) Anderson's statement, 178 Autograph book belong­ 407 as Comptroller, United ing to a resident of States Treasury Depart­ Buffalo, New York, ment, to John Caldwell, containing chiefly Receiver of Public signatures of resi­ M.onies at Shawneetown, dents of central and Illinois, regarding western New York; the latter's accounts, runong them, the sig­ 1831. natures of John Van Buren and Millard Fillmore. [[858-61/ Photostat of Presi- 358 Autogra.ph book con­ 408 dent Theodore Roose- taining signatures of velt's letter to members of Congress Secretary of War, and certain Cabinet Elihu Root regard- members, c. 1864. ing tests for physi- cal fitness for Army Album of mounted cards, 412 officers, increase each bearing signature of horsemanship, etc., of Governor of the 1907. particular state in 1935. ARTHUR, CHESTER!. BAILEY, THEODORUS Arthur's cancelled 325 check to 11rs. William Bailey's character 146 Kingsland, 1874. reference for John Reston, former Pough­ Arthur's check, issued 329 keepsj.e schoolmaster, to Theodore M. Pomeroy, 1818. 1876. BANCROFT, GOORGE AUTOGRAPHS Bancroft's letter to 234 Collection of 73 sig- 258 Elliot C. COl-mn de- natures, letters, clining invitation etc. of certain gover­ to address the Mercan­ nors, cabinet members, tile Library Association Congressmen, assembled of Boston, 1846. bJ Charles C. Kibbee, L1853-5!il BANKNECHT, ~.E. Autograph of Paul 351 Doner of early 19th 404 Du Chaillu, 1899. century account book of a storekeeper at Shrewsbury, Massa- chusetts, 1933. BARTOLOZZI, PI~TRO BEA VEllliIWOK, 1Qill2 (cont' d) Photostat of Barto- 74 Donor of letterLl80Y 402 lozzis I s recei.pt for of James Monroe to painting purchased by unnamed correspondent, Benjamin \rlest, 1789. 1943. BAYARD, SAMUEL Donor of autograph 409 letter and inscription Customs entry certifi- 97 of James Russell Lowell, cate for Bayard, enter­ 1943. ing New York City on the ship, Factor, signed by Donor of letter of 413 Bayard, 1798. James Madison, "Jr." ffindate§ to "Mr." BAYNE, JULIA TAFT Bingham regarding Virginia's method of Letter from Mrs. Bayne 404 electing United States to Harry F. Banknecht, Senators by vote of the mentioning knowing the Legislature, 1943. Lincolns in the l-Thi te House, 1931. BELT., ~ BEAtJR])}ARD, GENERAL PIERRE Q• ..,!. Envelop addressed to 1$5 Smith ThollJEson, franked Fragment of General 293 by Bell, Ll$34-4!7 Beauregard's General , Orders regarding field BENSON, ROBERT conduct of Confederate troops under fire, 1864. Benson's signature on 94 deed of Jonathan, Hamp- BEAVERBROOK, LORD ton Lawrence and Jo- anne Lawrence to Williams Letter from General 396 Ogden, New York City, James Wolfe to "Captain" 1797. Parr, 1759, - gift of Lord Beaverbrook, 1942. BIDDLE, NICHOLAS Letter from William 397 Biddle's longhand signed 384- Pitt, Earl of Chatham, statement on Patriotism, to Robert D'Arcy, - ffindate§ gift of Lord Beaver- brook, 1942. ffiIS}!ARCK ?J Donor of letter Ll79sj 400 Authorization signed 286 of John Adams to George by ffiismarck i7to Hammond, 1943. ?russian M~nister of Finance to grant sum of money and medal to C~ttleib Bley, Berlin lockkeeper. BLAIR, 110NTGOMERY BRUNO, ELEANOll.E Schuyler Colfax's 388 Donor of George Wash- 399 letter to Postmaster ington manuscript General Montgomery L178171eaf from Orderly Blair, introducing Book, 1942. Samuel Ward Francis and his stamp-cancel- Donor of original patent 401 ling machine, LUndated7 L179§7signed by John Adams, issued to BLOUNT, GENERAL WILLIg Nicholas J. Roosevelt and James Smallman, General Blount's order 136 1939. to clothe two Chickasaw Indians visiting Presi- BUCHAN, ~ of dent l1adison, lel~ .• George Washington's 86 BOER WAR letter LFhotostat from British Muse~to Earl Letters from Admiral 349 of Buchan regarding Alvin C. Corry, R. N. establishment of regarding Boer War, federal government, sent to !i'lI'S. Charles early Washington City, Odell, 1900. etc., 1793. BONAPARTE, CHARLES h. BUCHANAN, JAMES Bonaparte's letter to 162 Buchanan's letter to 209 Leroy Bayard and Com- Ross Wilkins regarding pany regarding payment confirmation of Judge of debt, 1826. Blythe as Collector of Port of Philadelphia BRAHANY, 'l'HOMS Yi" and other political news, 1840. Diary of Brahany, 411 commenting on Wilson's and BURBRIDGE, BRIGADIER GENERAL S'l'EPHEN G. 2nd. inauguration, 411a war legislation, and General Burbridge's 297 events immediately letter to Abraham Lin- preceding and follow­ coln, from Lexington, ing United States Kentucky, on conduct of entry into World War I, Captain T. E. Hall, etc., with descriptions of 1864. President Wilson at work on his War Hessage, BURLINGAME, ANSON 4 Harch - 24 April 1917. Autograph of Burlingame, 321 United States Hinister to China, 1868. WIDNSIpE, GENERAL AMBROSE §. BUSINESS, l>lAT'l'E1IS (co nt' d) Burnside's endorsement 280 Correspondence of IS of Colonel ll. R. Daniel Park Custis, Martin's recommendation York River, Virginia, for appointment of Lt. with Thomas Knox, Thomas B. Oakley as Bristol, England, re­ ArmY Postmaster, 1861. garding tobacco and LPhotostaY other merchandise shipped by Custis, --BURR, ---AARON 1754. Burr's letter to iilfj,ul.0,374 Niscellaneous merchant 19 Foxcraft, written fr~ papers of Christopher # 3 Wall Street, New Champlain LChamplinl, York Cit~, February l4,tl'\'2cU Newport, Rhode Island, _,q:i~a:6out rent of [i760-l80Y. a horse. Account owed to Thomas 21 BUSINESS MATTERS Vernon; Newport, Rhode Island, by William Receipt of John Leddel 12 Munnford, 1762. (Leodel?), attorney for estate of Samuel Fitch, Letter of Titus and 23 to John Pintard, 1729, Willets, New York, and affidavit of John regarding shipments Pintard regarding of food, 1764. estate of Samuel Fitch, witnessed by Robert Bill to Titus and Lurting, Nayer, New vli11i8 ffiilletsYfor York, 1733. beef from Henderson and Ewing, 1765. Niscellaneous American 15 merchant papers, in­ Lease, issued by Paul 26 cluding correspondence, and Anne Pickersgill bills of lading, in­ to George Baynos, for voices, receipts, etc., land at Crakehall, 1741-1844. Bedale Parish, York­ shire, England, 1766. Niscellaneous mercantile 16 papers of Samuel and Niscellaneous papers William Vernon of New­ of William Channing, port, Rhode Island, New York merchant, li746-l78Y· [i766-18orj}. Draft from Robert 17 Leaf from ledger of 28 Montgomerie, to S&~uel Farmar, New York Abraham Hillhouse, merchant, sho>zing ac- London merchant, 1753. count of Archimedus George, 1767. BUSIW..;sS MATTERS (cont' d) BUSINESS MATTERS (cont' d) John and Thomas 29 Miscellaneous merchant 52 Burling's bill for papers of Terrason flour bought by Brothers and C~any, Capta.in Tanner, 1767. Phila.delphia, 1781- l78if}. Receipt to Archabl 31 George, from Joshua Typewritten copies of 58 De St. Croix, Newport, business letters Rhode Island, 1770. written from New York to Dominic~ Lynch in Two leaves from ledger 34 Ireland, 1783-1784. of unknown Phi1adeluhia merchant, Ll77l-l80~. Bill of Henry Nash and 59 Company, New York Receipt for wine paid 35 against Philip Mack- on account of Archi- swain, for wine, 1783. medus George, signed by Will Stepple, 1771. Letters of Nathan 60 Leavenworth, Washington, Edward Winslow's order 36 Connecticut, from his to Elisha Ford for dry- son Henry, William goods, 1773. Carter, and Samuel Hinkson, [f.784-l80J}. Receipt of Gabriel W. 38 Ludlow, to NiCholas Bill of sale from John 64 Quackenbos for purchase Vanemburgh, to John W. of a negro slave, 1773. Nachbane for whaler, Betsy, 1786. Promissory not,e of 41 Hugh Wallis to Patrick Innkeeper's license 66 Walker, New York, 1776. issued to William Corwin by James Duane, ltiscellaneous merchant 43 Mayor of New York, 1786. papers of Stephen and Ge01'e Deblois, Ll777- Receipted bill of 71 1787 • Walker and Robert Nichols to "Mr" Peter- Letters of Joseph Wood- 46 son for tea, New York, bridge and others to 1787. Dudley i'loodbridge re- garding mercantile Thomas Allen's receipt 76 matters, Ll778-l7817. to Samuel Freebody for fee for binding books, Mercantile papers of 51 New York, 1789. George and William Deblois, New York, 1781.
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