

Dhananjayarae Gadgil Library :.I~U~ UIIIII~lnDmll mDlml 'tlPE-PUNE-O, 1784' Ra'Y~, s e-cntrT) 'GAZ ETTE El~, OJ!' 1'UE :BOl'IBAY ipRESIDE'NOY. VOLUME. XI. KOLA'BA' AN'n JANJIRA. ... " ...."' ... """~"'''''''''''''~''''''''''''''~,,'\o,,''''''''' ... '''_ Unda.,. GOJ,Jernment Orders. ~cmbitu: . PRINTED AT TRm GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS// '.11$1':1,. .. · CONTENTS.--- KOLA'BA. Chapter I. - Description. PAGE Position and Area i Boundaries; Sob-divisions j Aspect 1·4 Hills; Rivers j Reservoirs . 5 ·12 Geology; Hot Springs; Climate .. , 13·15 Chapter II. - Production. Minerals; Forests.; Trees 16 - 30 Domestio Animals, ; Wild Animals; Snakes; Birds; Fish. ..• 31 • 3.9 Chapter III.-Population. Census Details -... 40-42 . Brahmans; Writers; Merchants 43- 50 Hosband~n ; Craftsmen ... 51·66 Musicians;. Servants; Shepherds; Fishers; Labourers 67-7,'" Unsettled Tribes; Depressed' Classes j Beggars... 71- 73 ........ Musalmans ..• 74.84 Boni-Israels j Christians j Par~is 85.86 Communities j Movements . ... 87-88 Chapter IV.-Agriculture. Soil; Arable Area; Salt Lands; Irrigation j Holdings I Aboriginal Tillage j St'ock; Field Tools; Tillage 89-94 Crops j Hnsbandmen ; Bad Seasons .... 95 ·100 Chapter V.-CapitaL Capitalists; . Currency; Bankers; E,x.chn.nge Bills; $aving Classes; Investments j Moneylenders j Interest; Borrowers j Land . Mortgage; Labour Mortgage; 'Wages j Prices'; Weights; Measures ••• 101·110 Chapter VI.~Trade . Old ROutes; Roads ; Hill Pasaes; Tolls; Bridges j Piers, ; Steam Ferries; Rest.houses; Post Offices, ...111.117 Trade Centres; Fairs j . Markets; Shopkeepers; Carriers; Imports; E,x.ports . ,. • ~~. .. •. 118.123 Vessels; Life-boats; Light-house; Ports; Sea Trade ... 124.129 Crafts... ... ... 130.135 ii CONTENTS. Chapter VII. - History. Early Hindu period to about A.D. 1300; The Musalmans (1800-1500); ThePort.uguese (1507-1660) j The Marathas (1650-1690) .•. 186-144 The Angrias (Hi90-1840); The British (1818-1882) -... 145 -158 Chapter VIII.-Land Admilililtl'ation. Acqnioition; Changes; Staff; Tenures ... 159 -167 Early Land System ... 168-174 British System; Surveys; Settlement Results; Season Reports ... 175 - 2140 Chapter IX.-J'ustice. Under the Angrias; Slavery; Forced Labour ".215 - 216 Present System;' Judicial Staff; Civil Courts; Registration; . Magistracy; Police; Offences; Jails' ... 217 - 222 Chapter X.-~venue IiJld Finance. Balance Sheet; Local Funds; Municipalities ... 223 -229 Chapter XI.-Instruction. Schools; Cost; Staff; Instruction; Private Schools; Progress; Girls' Schools; Readers and 'Writers; Pupils by: C8St~; School Returns; Towu Schools; Vil1.. ge Schools; Libraries; Newspapers ... 230 - 235 Chapter XII.-Hea.lth. Climate; Diseases; Dispensaries; Infirmities; Vaccination; Cattle Disease; Births and Deaths ,0,236 - 239 Chapter XIIL-Sub-Divisions. Boundaries j Area; Aspect; Climate; Water j Soil; Holdings; Rental; Stock; Produce; People... .., 240 - 252' Chapter XIV.-P1aces ofInterest ... 253 - 398 ' JANJIRA. Description; Production; Population; A'griculture; Capital j Trade; History; Admjnistration; Places of Interest .. , 401- 467 Appendix , .. 469 - 492 INDEX ... 483 -493 :(NDEX. A.,. siege of Ghena, 152.154; quarrelll in 155.156; Bivalk!'r's ·influence and th4 Abhbni: erop share system, 183 pote- 3, 184, of the family, 157 -158; territorial excha . 185. 1840), '159 and note 2 ; lapse, of hit · Aboriginal tillage: 93. (1840),-159 and note 2, 190; revenue Abyssinian.: see Sidis. the eighteenth century, 171·172: rev. Account books: 103, 426. 1839), 175 note 4"; in(lollveuien<!e caw Achalblig : stream, 9.. years by the division of jurisdiction Acquisition: (1756·1840). 159 andnbte 2 ~90. British, the Fant Sachiv of Bhor, and tJ Adhika.ris: hereditary revenue officers,172 note 1 of Alibag, 1'17 and note 2 ; British Ian 178. ' , Pen mixe<j. with Angria's villageS (I ·Administra.tion: see Land A<iInhll~tion. 179 note 1; revenue system and asSt Administrative history: see Hi,story. his "lands before their lapse ~1840, I African slaves: 433 and note 1.· . changes, .190.196; (1690·~840), 145.15 Agris : husbandmen, 51·54, 412. Antora: port, 265. Akshi.: village, 253. ,Antonio do Porto: Ih~ciscan mal" ( Ala-ud-din :. BaJutumi ruler (1347 -13581'. 273. and note 1. Alibag : village exchanges with itS_ chief (181S' Arable area: 90. 1840): its lapse to the British (1840), 159 and Aravi: town, 460. note 2, 190; two kulkarlli fam..ilies in charge of 1. large groups of aa,lt rice villagea, 177 note 4 j.con­ Area: Ashtami: village, 265. dition, revenue system, cost and profit of rice .. Aspect: 2.5, 401·402; tillage, garden assessment, British changes, amey and assessment, of garden and salt rice lands Assessed taxes: 225. (1840·1852), 190-196; their effect (1856), 196; Assessment: low cash ~ntal ill Sanks low INrvey rates introduced (Revdaooa 1"857 and 174; Khapdoji Jadhav raised the Underi 185S), 176, 198-201; revision of salt rice Kondvi in MaMd 100 per cent (1810: lands or khdrdpdt (1872),-176, 210- 211: Sub.· suIt of the irregular managementand.d divisional details:, boundaries, area, aspect, the eighteenth century, 1'14; assessme climate, "..ter, $oil, holdingS, rental, stock, pro­ about twenty,su·p,er cent (f837), n duce, people, 1, 240·242: Town, appearance, note 1 ; high and uneven a.sselisment b climate, harbour, trade,, 253-255: 179 ;"'grain rental, 175, ISO and note 3 water works, holUlell, people, history, objects, note 4, 190; reduction found nece 256.259; Hir&kot, Kolaba fort, 260·265,469. ' Mr. Davies appointed to examine, tl system in Sankshi RajpUrI and Rayg Allen Shuttleworth : ~he, a life.boat, 125. 182; his reports, Mr. Gibsrne's and Mr Amba.: river, 7·8. Bon's remarks, and Government orde · Ambar ! Sidi governor of Janjim (1621), 435. 182.189; Alibag grain and cash ratE Ambenal, pass,-1l4. c1!anges, survey 8!ld revision' in. ga.roe, · Anandib8.i I Angria's mother (1793), 155-156, 260, , 265. rice lands (1840-1852), 190-196 t re­ vey (1854·1866), 176, 198.209; revet hdhrabhrity1l.a: Shlotkami kings" (A.D. 16~), 137 and note 4. ' revision in salt. ri~e lands 01" kMrci} -Angri8.s i their origin. 145 ; Ka,ilioji I. (169S~ 210-211; survey results (1855.1878), ~ - 1731), 8Upreuiacy' of fleet, piracies; death, and 'Aungier : (1673);Depnty Gilvernor'of Bo oLMlIctI!r,146.149; Sakoji and M&lu\ii I. 150·151; ,438. INDEX. lla : perhaJA Cheul, 270 note 2- llirvadi: fort, 144, 267 ·2.G9, 445. )ort, 265. :Socarro : Portuglle8e chrOllicler (l6;4), 282. ;ad : fort, 265·267, 445. ' llohor!s: traders, 83· 84. ,moue of AlibAg salt rice tillage, 19~. llombay; Sidis 1n, 438.441; attacked by Sidi Kasim (1689), 442_ B. llorrowers: l(l.l·10S, V: SiD(lia's general'{1793-1813), 155.156, lloundaries t 1, 402. , i5. lld.hmani: 43-46, 411; in Constantinople and sonl: 99:100,425-426. JAva (A.D. 24·57), 138 note 1. l-din : 8ee Sank"hi. llridges: 116, 351, 353. lant Pingle PeSh'Aa: (l7l:l), 146. llritish: managt'ment (1818·1882), 17S·2U. See Ii : l\[usalnul.n ruIolrs (1:147 -, 1489), 142- Land Administration. pis: musicians, 67. // lluddhists : Bettlement of, 137. s: religious k,'<;arii, 4.15. nchandra: Mr., 146 notAl 2, 150 note 1. c. - rishvanat.h Peshw cl : (I7l3 - 1720), 146, Capitalists: 101. ;7, Carriers: 120- I'll, 430. I sheets: 223, 227, 228. Castle: Cheul Portuguese, 291.292, trenm, 9. Cathedral: Cheul Portuguese, 272. LS : M:\lkhet RAthods (!), 2iI. Cattle-disease: 238. ia ofSa.chin:' (1791),448. Caves: 254, 299, 301,302, S16, 332·342, 345·349, Kasarl : bangle-makers, 63, 131. 'I 3n, 385. I: 101. Census details: 40.43,409, - : fort ceded by the Peshwa (I75G), 159. ! Cessel: Iii, 172 and note 3,173 and note 2, 182 ,: traveller, (1514), 142 Dote 10, 2;5, 435 and note 7, 183 ~ote 2, 184 and notes Sand 5, , and 461 and note 4- I 185 and note 3, 187 and note I, ISS &lid note 1. I : 289, 462, 466, 470·4'71. I 191, 196. 453· 456. (l5W), 2:'9, naval, at Cheul (1508): 274; , Cevul: Cheu!, 273. inderi (I6'9), 325, 396; at Korlai (1594), I Chambhli.ra: 64, 414 J pass, 115. --- !9. Champa.vati: traditional name of Cheul, 269,270 I: 73-74,415. nota 1. '. : atone' masons, 63-64,415. I Chandragad : fort, 269. ~iela : 85·86, 421. I Chivre: pastl, 11S, a.f: culti'l"ation of, 97. Chembur: wby not Symulls, 2.0 notll 5. Wnl: cultivation of, 97 -98, 425. Chemul: why Chen!, 2';0 notes, l : Mr. W. G., 1611()te I. 'Chemuli: Cbeul, 272.· ,riS: palm-juice drawers, 70, 412. I Cheul: 142 143; Cheut or JivaJ; 143, 144, 146, s : scavengers, 73. , 151, ISS, 156; position, varioue spellings of the lis: traders, 47. name, 269 and Dote 1 ; hil!tory, traditiunaJ, early is : b(>gg.irs, 73. Hindu, Ptl>l.emy (150), KAnheri inscriptions (130) i la : traders, 47. Periplue (24.), Koemas (525), Hiwen Thsang (642), ' musicians, 67. , Arab travellers, Masndi (915), Mnhalhil (941), l bhav:. an old oommutation rate knoW». AI Istakhri (950), Ibn Haukal (976), Al Bironi Rajpuri, 183- (1030), Alldriei (1130), 270-2i2; Devgiri ndav. early tribe, 71. (1312). Yijaynagarkings (1336· 1587}, Bahmanis : streAm, 7. (1347-1490), Nikitin'll acCount (1470). V&rthema'a pa,s, lUI. account (1503·1508), PortugUese appearanca at hvari or llhoga.vati: stream, 7. (1505), battle at, betweeB the Portngueee And fisbers, 68. MusaImAue (1508), Barbosa's account (1514), Por­ village exchanges wuh' ita ohlef the Pant tuguese factory at (1516), first M)lsalman fort at r (1818-1840), 159 and il()te 2, In and nota 2- Korle (1570), Portuguese Cheul besieged (1571), I: fort, 267. ' Linschot's account (15S3), second successful 169 and nota 3, 170 and notes 3 and 4, li3, M usaJmAil attempt to fortify Korle (1592), battle 84. at Kode &lid success of the Portuguese (1594), 36- 37,407,474-'s (1602·1608) account, De!la Valle'.

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