THE OPEN UNIVERSITY O F TANZANI A & THE SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSIT Y MASTER O F SCIENCE IN COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN T (2005) PROJECT PROPOSA L FO R LUDALI FARMER S ASSOCIATIO N (LUFAA) ESTER MARIA MGINA-VAN VUGT ii Supervisor Certificatio n I, Mr Felician Mutasa, supervisor o f Ester Maria Mgina- van Vugt, hereby confirm that I have read th e Projec t an d have found it acceptable for review, Signature iii Statement o f copyright No part of this Project may be reproduced, store d in any retrieval system, or transmitte d in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author or the Open University of Tanzania/ Southern New Hampshire University in that behalf. iv Declaration by the candidate I, Ester Maria Mgina- van Vugt, hereby declare that this project paper is my own original work and that I have not submitted this paper in another University for a similar degree. Signature V Abstract The title of this project i s "A Project Proposal "for the Ludali Farmers Association (LUFAA) in Njombe. The organization has been registered a s a NGO i n 2003. In th e context of this project, th e organization requested the autho r o f this project repor t to write a project proposal. As the organization had very few activities and not any programme, i t was agreed t o develop a Strategic Plan for the organization, followed by the preparation of a Logical Framework that will be used in the writing of a project proposal, for a project o r programme prioritized by the organization in the process . The literature review presents the developments i n Community Development in Tanzania from independence (1967 ) until recently, followed by an empirical review and policy review. The Tanzanian rural economy is a non diversified economy dominated by agriculture. Poor support fo r the transformation ha s limited progress i n agricultural intensification an d commercialization. The main constraints ar e constrained exces s t o inputs and credit, transport and marketing constraints, lac k of education, poor governance an d leadership . The results of the need assessment with the members of LUFAA sho w a similar situation. The relevance of the research with LUFAA i s that the collected data during the assessment do apply to the particular area LUFAA operate s in and to LUFAA a s an organization, which has led to a Strategic Plan for the organization. vi Primary and Secondary data were collected during the assessment through questionnaires an d focus group discussions with members, other farmers, district authorities and other stakeholders. Activities facilitated by the author were the development of a vision and mission statement, the conduction of a SWOT analysis, need assessment with farmers, a financial, administrative and governance assessment, a Strategic Planning and Logical Framework analysis. It was agreed that a Strategic Plan is needed before the organization can embark on the writing of a project proposal. The programme s that have been prioritized by the members ar e to start a SACCOS and secondly a "Community Capacity Building Programme" that will involve the facilitatio n of a Community Development Volunteer in 13 villages and to start a Resource Centre with Internet and Library facilities in Njombe. The programme will als o provide seeds materials for income generating purposes. The Community Capacity Building programme is the programme that was selected to write a project proposal for. As soo n as the organization has shown a clear direction, whether or not it is going to implement some structural changes, a proposal will b e written and presented t o potential donors for support. Depending on the direction the organization will choose, two scenarios for a plan of action have been developed. vii Acknowledgement I like to acknowledge the support from Michel Adjibodou, the Course Director of the CED programm e through his lectures in Project Design and Management, Research and Evaluation Methods and Information Management and Presentation and his advice during the course. I like to thank my supervisor Felician Mutasa for his advice and feedback. Also I like to thank Clark Arrington for his input. My appreciation s go to the LUFA A leaders for giving me the opportunity to work with the organization and many open discussions we had and to the members of LUFAA fo r their cooperation in workshops, focus group discussions and meetings. Special thanks go to Frieda, Marg and Mama Steven for their good care, while staying at their house, during the sessions in Dar es Salaam. Last but not least I like to show my appreciation to my husband Walter, to Hendrik, Johan and Franciska, Neema, Maria and my parents. Coby, Sharda, Heidi, Els, Lydia and Maria Shendu and my other colleagues and others I might not have mentioned here, who have continued to support me, while being too busy, trying to combine work, study and family lif e for almost one and half years and being away from home for many weeks and have made sure everything went well. Without them, I would not have made it. Ester viii Abbreviations AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom e CBO Community Based Organizatio n CBI Community Based Initiated Project s CED Community Economic Developmen t FSA Financial Service Association GDP Gross Domestic Produc t HIV Human Immune Virus LU Livestock Unit LUFAA LUDALI Farmer s Association MFI Micro Finance Institutio n MoU Memorandum o f Understandin g NGO Non Governmen t Organizatio n NJODINGO Njombe Distric t NG O PRA Participatory Rura l Appraisal PRSP Poverty Reduction Strateg y Paper SACCOS Savings and Credit Cooperative Societ y SE Standard Error SL Livelihood Approach ix SLA - Sustainabl e Livelihood Approach SME - Smal l Medium Enterprise SWAPs - Secto r Wide Approaches SWOT - Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportunities and Threats TANGO - Tanzani a Association of Non-Governmental Organizations TB - Tuberculosi s WR - Warehous e Receipt X Table of Content s Supervisor Certification i i Statement of copyright ii i Declaration by the candidate i v Abstract v Acknowledgement vi i Abbreviations vii i Graphs: x v Introduction 1 1. Backgroun d 3 1.1 Th e Ludali Farmers Associatio n (LUFAA) 3 1.2 Visio n and Mission Statement 3 1.3 Organizationa l Structure 4 1.4 Activitie s and Programmes 5 1.5 Th e Assignment 6 2. Literatur e review 9 2.1 A theoretical revie w of Community Development i n the rura l area of Tanzania from 196 7 up to 1991 ; 9 2.2 A theoretical revie w of Community Development i n the rural area of Tanzania after 199 1 1 2 2.2.1 Cooperativ e developmen t 1 5 2.2.2 Rura l finance an d Small Medium Enterprise (SME ) developmen t 1 8 2.2.3 Marketin g 2 0 2.2.4 Technolog y adoption an d innovation, land policy issues and institutiona l arrangements 2 2 2.2.5 Rura l infrastructur e provisio n and development 2 3 2.3 A n Empirical review on community developmen t 2 4 2.4 Th e Policy review 3 1 2.4.1 Th e Arusha Declaration 3 1 xi 2.4.2 Th e Community Development Policy 3 2 2.5 Conclusio n 3 4 3. Researc h Methodology 3 7 3.1 Researc h Design 3 7 3.2 Researc h Approach & Strategy 3 9 3.3 Samplin g Techniques 4 1 3.4 Dat a collection 4 2 3.4.1 Primar y Data Collection methods 4 2 3.4.2 Secondar y Data Collection methods 4 4 3.5 Dat a Analysis 4 4 3.5.1 Primar y Data Analysis methods 4 4 3.5.2 Secondar y Data Analysis methods 4 5 4. Finding s and conclusions 4 6 4.1 Visio n 4 6 4.2 Missio n statement 4 7 4.3 SWO T analysis 4 8 4.4 Questionnaire s 5 0 4.5 Focu s group discussion/ need assessment 6 6 4.6 Nee d assessment focused on management, i.e. financial and administrative and governance issue s 6 8 4.7 Questionnair e on impact of loans on the life of people 7 0 4.8 Secondar y data 7 2 4.9 Summar y 7 5 5. Implementatio n 7 8 5.1 Th e Strategic Plan 7 8 5.2 Curren t Status of the project 7 9 5.3 Plan s for Action 8 0 5.4 Th e Community Capacity Building Programme 8 2 5.5 Contribution s and responsibilities of involved parties 8 7 5.5.1 Dono r 8 7 5.5.2 Communit y 8 7 5.5.3 LUFA A 8 8 5.5.4 Th e District Authorities 8 8 xii 6 Reference s 8 9 ANNEX A: Questionnair e for LUDALI member s 9 6 ANNEX B : Community Profile Report 9 9 ANNEX C : Impac t of loans on income in a rural community 10 4 ANNEX D : Financial , Administrative and governance Assessment form 10 7 ANNEX E : Data presentation fro m Questionnaire for LUDALI member s in SPSS 112 ANNEX F : Data presentation fro m Impact of micro-credit questionnaire 11 5 ANNEX G : Strategi c Plan 12 3 ANNEX H : Th e logical framework 15 6 • The Goal 15 6 • The Purpose 15 6 • The Outputs 15 7 • The Activities 15 9 • The Operation and Improvement (O&I) Activities 16 3 ANNEX I : Correspondenc e letters 16 5 ANNEX J: Workpla n 16 8 ANNEX K : Copy of certificate o f registration 17 1 xiii Tables: Table 1 : Result s of SWOT Analysis with LUFAA 4 9 Table 2: Gende r of the main member 5 1 Table 3: Siz e of household 5 3 Table 4a: Available labour inputs 5 4 Table 4b: Average number of labour units available per household 5 4 Table 5 : Occupatio n of th e members 5 5 Table 6: Percentag e of the population above 5 years in Njombe pe r economic activit y 5 6 Table 7: Leve l of income 5 8 Table 8 : Incom e fro m coffe e 6 0 Table 9: Typ e of farming 6 1 Table 10 : Typ e of farming summar y 6 2 Table 11 : Numbe r of Livestock Units 6 3 Table 12 : Motiv e of taking loan 7 0 Table 13 : Impac t of loan 7 1 Table 14 : Experienc e with repayment of loan 7 2 Table 15 : Timefram e fo r community capacity building programme 84-8 6 Table 1 6 : Gender of the mai n member 11 9 Table 17 : Highes t level of education withi n the household 11 9 Table 18 : Occupatio n 11 9 xiv Table 19 : Typ e of farming 12 0 Table 20: Typ e of farming statistica l dat a 12 0 Table 21: Numbe r of loans taken 12 0 Table 22: Purpose o f taking a loan 12 1 Table 23: Change in income 12 1 Table 24: Readiness t o take another loan 12 1 Table 25: Loan amount taken las t time 12 2 Table 26: Impact of loans on the family's living standard 12 2 XV Graphs: Graph 1 : Typ e of farming pe r income leve l 6 5 Graph 2: Occupatio n pe r income leve l 6 5 1 Introduction This report has been in the partial fulfillment fo r the requirements of the MSc CE D programme .
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