The Parish of Louth and Deanery of Louthesk Weekly notes and information for 19th July 2020: 6th Sunday after Trinity www.teamparishoflouth.org.uk In all we do, we seek to live out Jesus’ command to draw close to the love of God in worship, and to share this by loving our neighbour Collect Prayer at Daily Prayer during the week O GOD, who hast prepared for them that love thee such good things as pass man's understanding: Pour into our hearts such love toward thee, that we, loving thee above all things, may obtain thy promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Our churches: opening as places for prayer and reflection in our communities The Parish Church of Louth St James will be open for private prayer between 10am and 4pm every day from Monday to Saturday Please see page 4 for details of other churches that are open for private prayer across the Deanery of Louthesk 1 DIARY OF PRAYER & WORSHIP THIS WEEK… Services marked * are streamed via www.facebook.com/louthchurch Sunday 19th 9 30am Fulstow open for private prayer until 11am 6th Sunday after Trinity 10am Morning Service at North Thoresby 10am EUCHARIST at St James’ (Nave)* Psalm 129.1-11 Missa simplex Plainsong Gen 28.10-19a;Romans 8.12-25; Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43 10 30am Morning Service at Grimoldby 11 15am Eucharist at Legbourne 12noon Baptism (Trixie Everton) at St James’ (Nave) 2pm Legbourne open for private prayer until 4pm 3pm Fotherby open for private prayer until 5pm 6pm PLAINSONG EVENSONG at St James’ (Nave)* Plainsong Responses Psalm 67 Plainsong Canticles 1 Kings 2.10-12; 3.16-28; Acts 4.1-22 Before the ending of the night Plainsong Monday 20th 9 15am MATINS at St James’ (Nave)* Psalm 126; 1 Samuel 5; Luke 20.41-21.4 10am St James’ open for private prayer until 4pm 12 noon Funeral (Janet Grundy) at Louth Cemetery 7 30pm COMPLINE at St James’ (Nave)* Tuesday 21st 9 15am MORNING PRAYER at St James’ (Nave)* Psalm 132; 1 Samuel 6.1-16; Luke 21.5-19 10am St James’ open for private prayer until 4pm 11am HOLY COMMUNION at St James’ (Nave)* 11 30am ‘Praying with… …the Imagination (Ignatian)’ Go to: www.zoom.us/join or ‘phone 0203 481 5240, and enter the Meeting ID: 847 0617 4009 and Password: 562604. 1pm Manby open for private prayer until 3pm 7 30pm COMPLINE at St James’ (Nave)* Wednesday 22nd 9 15am MATINS at St James’ (Nave)* Mary Magdalene Psalm 30, 32, 150; 1 Samuel 16.14-end; Luke 8.1-3 10am St James’ open for private prayer until 4pm 10am Shine Drop-in at Trinity Centre 1pm Grimoldby open for private prayer until 3pm 7 30pm COMPLINE at St James’ (Nave)* Thursday 23rd 9 15am MATINS at St James’ (Nave)* Psalm 143; 1 Samuel 8; Luke 22.1-13 10am St James’ open for private prayer until 4pm 10am Nth S’cotes open for private prayer until 12noon 2 7 30pm COMPLINE at St James’ (Nave)* Friday 24th 9 15am MATINS at St James’ (Nave)* Psalm 144; 1 Samuel 9.1-14; Luke 22.1-13 10am St James’ open for private prayer until 4pm 1pm Manby open for private prayer until 3pm 7 30pm COMPLINE at St James’ (Nave)* Saturday 25th 10am St James’ open for private prayer until 4pm James, Apostle 11am Marshchapel open for private prayer to 12noon 12 30pm MIDDAY PRAYER at St James’ (Angel Chapel)* Sunday 26th 9 30am Fulstow open for private prayer until 11am 7th Sunday after Trinity 9 30am Morning Service in Gt Carlton Churchyard Patronal Festival of 10am Morning Service at North Thoresby St James 10am EUCHARIST at St James’ (Nave)* Psalm 126 Missa simplex Plainsong Acts 11.27-12.2; 2 Corinthians 4.7-15; Matt. 20.20-28 Christ is made the sure foundation Plainsong 10 30am Morning Service at Grimoldby 11 15am Eucharist at Legbourne 2pm Legbourne open for private prayer until 4pm 3pm Fotherby open for private prayer until 5pm 6pm PLAINSONG EVENSONG at St James’ (Nave)* Plainsong Resp. Ps. 94 Plainsong Canticles with antiphons Jeremiah 26.1-15; Mark 1.14-20 The eternal gifts of Christ the King Plainsong DETAILS OF CHURCHES OPEN FOR PRAYER DEANERY OF LOUTHESK: CHURCH OPENING TIMES IN JULY 2020 Binbrook: Please ‘phone the keyholder on 07778 316486 for access Fulstow: 1st Weds of the month, 10am to 12noon; every Sunday, 9 30am to 11am. Fotherby: Sunday, 3pm to 5pm Grimoldby: Wednesday, 1pm to 3pm Legbourne: Wednesday, 1pm to 2 30pm; Sunday 2pm to 4pm Louth, St James: Daily from Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm. Ludborough: Please ‘phone the churchwarden on 01472 840505 for access. Manby: Tuesday and Friday, 1pm to 3pm Marshchapel: Saturday, 11am to 12noon. North Somercotes: Thursday, 10am to 12noon North Thorseby: Please ‘phone a churchwarden on 01472 840582 or 840160 for access. 3 COMING TO CHURCH: WHAT TO EXPECT… We are now beginning to resume public worship in some of our churches – beginning with St James in Louth this Sunday. This is a quick idea of what to expect and is based on present guidance. It is important that if you have, or suspect you may have, any of the symptoms of COVID-19 you DO NOT ATTEND CHURCH – instead you should follow the government advice to self- isolate with other members of their household, and follow government advice. What to bring with you • Hand cleanser, yourself, and as little else as possible! • You may also wish to wear a face covering to help protect others in case you are an asymptomatic carrier of COVID-19 Entering the church • The doors will open about 10-15minutes before the service is due to start. If you need to wait outside, please make sure you maintain social-distancing between you and those who you talk to. • Before you come in, you will be asked to confirm your name and a means to contact you in case we need to contact you as a result of an infection. • Seating will be limited to less than 10% of our normal capacity, and we will try to maximise how many people can be seated safely. The verger will show you to a seat. Seats are marked out for one or two people to sit with each other, with appropriate distancing between each group (there is limited accommodation for slightly larger household groups in the aisle (which will still have a clear view of the altar!). Please be understanding of the fact that this means there is not the normal freedom to choose our seats! • If you wish to make an offering to support the work of the Church, there will be an opportunity to do this as you enter or leave the church. During the service • A copy of the Weekly Notes, including an order of service will be in your place. Please use this, and then take it with you at the end of the service. • You are asked to remain in your place throughout the service, unless the person leading the service gives different instructions. • Congregational singing is not allowed, as this presents a potential risk of transmission by aerosol spray. Until more investigation has taken place, any sung parts of the liturgy will be sung on behalf of all by a cantor in the chancel. • We ask people not to share the peace or greet each other with physical gestures. After the service • Please take your copy of the Weekly Notes with you – do not leave it in your place! If you do not wish to take it home with you there will be a box to put it in as you leave (it will then be kept for 72 hours before possible reuse). • Please leave the church building as directed. At present there will be no refreshments and people are asked not to socialise after the service – if the weather is good and you wish to greet others outside, please do remember to maintain social-distancing. For those who do not wish to come to church, we will continue streaming services as before.. 4 An Order of Service for the Eucharist this Sunday • We open our hearts to God, that we might be transformed by his love • We listen to God’s Word, and seek to find out how we may grow to understand God’s will for us more fully • We gather around the table to share a symbolic meal, a meal that joins us with our brothers and sisters throughout the world; the saints who have lived in all times and places • We pray that we go out as lights that shine with God’s love wherever we might go The Gathering The GREETING and PREPARATION In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Together we pray… Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen. As the Ministers enter, organ music may be played or a psalm sung. Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and also with you. The PRAYERS OF PENITENCE A Minister introduces the Prayers of Penitence. [My brothers and sisters, as we prepare to celebrate the presence of Christ in word and sacrament, let us call to mind and confess our sins:] Father eternal, giver of light and grace, we have sinned against you and against our neighbour, in what we have thought, in what we have said and done, through ignorance, through weakness, through our own deliberate fault.
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