Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines INTERIM GUIDANCE 16 NOVEMBER 2020 Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines INTERIM GUIDANCE 16 NOVEMBER 2020 WHO/2019-nCoV/Vaccine_deployment/2020.1 © World Health Organization 2020 Some rights reserved. This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/igo). Under the terms of this licence, you may copy, redistribute and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes, provided the work is appropriately cited, as indicated below. In any use of this work, there should be no suggestion that WHO endorses any specific organization, products or services. The use of the WHO logo is not permitted. If you adapt the work, then you must license your work under the same or equivalent Creative Commons licence. 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Contents Acknowledgements .................................................................... v Abbreviations ........................................................................ vi About this guide ..................................................................... viii Target audience .....................................................................ix Objectives of the guidance document ...................................................ix Organization and scope of the guidance document .......................................ix Role of WHO SAGE on immunization .................................................... x Key assumptions informing this guidance ............................................... x 1. Introduction ......................................................................... 1 1.1 Objectives of this chapter ........................................................ 2 1.2 Background ................................................................... 2 1.3 Coronavirus disease 2019 ........................................................ 2 1.4 COVAX and COVID-19 vaccines.................................................... 2 1.5 Considerations for COVID-19 vaccine introduction .................................... 4 1.6 Coordination with other health programmes or sectors ............................... 5 2. Regulatory preparedness .............................................................. 6 2.1 Objectives of this chapter ........................................................ 7 2.2 Establish emergency regulatory procedures ......................................... 7 3. Planning and coordination ........................................................... 10 3.1 Objectives of this chapter ....................................................... 11 3.2 Establish or adapt a COVID-19 vaccine deployment and vaccination coordination mechanism .................................................................. 11 3.3 Activate the national immunization technical advisory group ......................... 12 3.4 Establish a chain of reporting and management structure ............................ 13 4. Costing and funding: ensuring funds reach the point of delivery ........................... 15 4.1 Objectives of this chapter ....................................................... 16 4.2 Identify budget inputs and the responsible budgetary units .......................... 16 4.3 Estimate funding needs (costing) ................................................. 16 4.4 Assess and align costed plan within available resources .............................. 17 4.5 Assess need for changes in budgetary and public financial management processes ....... 18 5. Identification of target populations .................................................... 19 5.1 Objectives of this chapter ....................................................... 20 5.2 Global allocation of COVID-19 vaccines ........................................... 20 5.3 Define and identify target populations ............................................ 20 5.4 Estimate size of targeted populations ............................................. 21 5.5 Assure equity in distribution .................................................... 21 6. Vaccination delivery strategies ........................................................ 24 6.1 Objectives of this chapter ....................................................... 25 6.2 Vaccination strategies .......................................................... 25 7. Preparation of supply chain and management of health care waste ......................... 28 7.1 Objectives of this chapter ...................................................... 29 7.2 Prepare supply chain for vaccine deployment ...................................... 29 Contents iii 7.3 Strengthen supply chain human resource capacity .................................. 30 7.4 Assess vaccine, logistics and cold chain capacity needs ............................... 30 7.5 Ensure supply chain system functionality .......................................... 31 7.6 Manage and track vaccines effectively ............................................. 31 7.7 Prepare for COVID-19 vaccine requiring ultra-cold chain (UCC) storage temperature ...... 32 7.8 Manage reverse logistics ........................................................ 33 7.9 Manage health care waste ...................................................... 33 8. Human resource management and training ............................................. 35 8.1 Objectives of this chapter ....................................................... 36 8.2 Identify human resources needs ................................................. 36 8.3 Design and plan trainings ....................................................... 36 8.4 Decide on training methods ..................................................... 37 8.5 Enhance supportive supervision ................................................. 38 8.6 Access key resources from WHO and other partners ................................. 38 8.7 Prepare for unique scenarios .................................................... 38 9. Vaccine acceptance and uptake (demand) .............................................. 39 9.1 Objectives of this chapter ....................................................... 40 9.2 Initiate demand planning ....................................................... 40 9.3 Understand and act on the drivers of vaccine acceptance and uptake ................... 41 9.4 Develop an integrated demand approach.......................................... 42 10. Vaccine safety monitoring, management of adverse events following i mmunization (AEFI) and injection safety .............................................. 45 10.1 Objectives of this chapter ....................................................... 46 10.2 Address vaccine safety and pharmacovigilance challenges ............................ 46 10.3 Key vaccine pharmacovigilance considerations and the WHO COVID-19
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