June 7, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF. REMARKS 1832i Upon the disposition of the Jackson cordance with the previous order, that Jeremiah J. Donahue Demetria F. Aspiras amendment, any rollcall votes ordered on the Senate stand in adjournment until Kenneth F. Dalton Carl D. Maddy Dale W. Croteau Howard E. Hall the Kennedy-Cranston amendment the hour of 10 a.m. Monday next. Thomas J. Jozwiak Norman L. M. would occur. The motion was agreed to; and at 4: 30 Donald E. Sapp Peleholani At the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. on Tues­ p.m. the Senate adjourned until Mon­ Charles R. Blanar Lonnie L. Hyatt day, the so-called ceiling amendment day, June 10, 1974, at 10 a.m. William W. Arrington Richard E. Rainville will be called up by Mr. HUMPHREY, on Eugene Lister James A. Irwin which there is a time limitation of 1 Robert C. Jacobson John C. Leith III hour and 15 minutes. NOMINATIONS Robert L. Ferguson Larry H. Oliszewski Dennis G. Johnson Thurman G. Upon the disposition of the Humphrey Executive nominations received by the Junius S. Clemmons Fogelstrom amendment the Senate will proceed to Senate June 7, 1974: William J. Gural Denis J. Mayberry vote on the final passage of the military IN THE COAST GUARD Robert S. Tekesky Ronald E. Curtis procurement bill. That will also be a The. following officer of the U.S. Coast Donald A. Perillo Norvie S. Gillikin rollcall vote. Guard for promotion to the grade of lieute­ Kenneth R. Land Gary L. Perry Upon the disposition of that bill, in the nant (junior grade): Jack E. Voss Carl L. Ditmll,rs event action has not been completed on John S. Calhoun Phillip R. Mell Samuel G. Cottrell, Jr. the energy appropriation bill action Richard A. Eppley Darold W. Smith The following Re~erve officers of the U.S. John W. Mullaney, Jr. Larry M. Conard would then be resumed thereon. Coast Guard to be permanent commissioned Richard w. Collins Walter J. Hanson Other bills which may be called up on officers in the Regular Coast Guard in the Clarence W. Parker Kent W. Kramer Tuesday and subsequent , thereto are­ grades indicated: Elson C. Brittle Ronnie L. Kunz but not necessarily in that order-S. 3523, Lieutenant commander Jesse O. Rowe Dennis C. Dougherty a bill to establish a temporary national James F. Brodie, Jr. Gerald D. Kerns James R. Stith commission on supplies and shortages; Garran C. Crow Carl w. Feil Jack B. West s. 585, a bill to amend section 303 of the Joseph A. Petit Henry L. Riebel Lieutenant Frederick M. William E. Richardson Communications Act of 1934; H.R. 8217, William G. Fisher Hal W. Cohoon Harrison Robert G. Hunter an act to exempt from duty certain Larry J. Balok Peter B. Fontneau Charles E. Kelly Norman A. Swanson equipment and repairs for vessels oper­ Robert W. Cathey Johnnie L. Johnson Leonard J. Edward F. Nuzman ated by or for any agency of the United James C. Arritt Roger D. Chvalier Antoszewski Nich V. Swanson States-a so-called tax bill. Of course, Charles E. Hughes Carl D. Main Victor H. Huck, Jr. Marion C. Parker there are other measures on the calendar Michael F. Peter T. Isaksen Charles J. Cannon, Jr. Noel E. Crowley which will be cleared for action by next McCormack David L. Crede James P. Contratto Patrick J. O'Hara. week. Conference reports may be called Lieutenant (junior grade) David E. Clark Frank H. Legate Daniel L. Farr Robert L. Sturgis James J. O'Brien up at any time and yea-and-nay votes Donald J. Dokken Alice T. Jefferson can occur thereon. The following temporary officers of the U.S. William R. Garinger Russell R. Griffin The debt limit bill will come along be­ Coast Guard for promotion to chief warrant Angel M. Lopez Robert T. McLaughlin fore the end of June. The House is ex­ offi.ce1•, W2: Charles A. Brinson Librado Torres pected to complete action on at least Milton D. Moore, Jr. Frederick R. Hill Grodon L. Pierce William Heelan eight appropriation bills, plus perhaps a William A. Dickerson, Robert E. Drake Dale R. Wilkins Michael J. Monroe continuing resolution by the end of June, III James E. Andrews Jose G. Jimenez Bernard A. Kincaid so Senators are informed that several ap­ Charles W. Belsky Charles E. Isgett Terry 0. Gallaher propriation bills will be cleared for ac­ The following temporary chief warrant of­ Thomas J. Hickey Harry R. Bishop ficers, W2 of the U.S. Coast Guard to be tion by the Senate Committee on Appro­ perman~nt chief warrant officers, W2: priations and will be on the calendar and Howard F. Wirt Charlie C. Brogdon ready for floor action by the end of June. Richard E. Chris M. Percival CONFffiMATION Friday sessions may be expected from D'Entremont Fred Dombek, Jr. Executive nomination confirmed by the now on. Rollcall votes can be expected to William M. Roney John W. Littleton, Jr. Senate June 6, 1974, not listed in RECORD occur daily. John W. Warren, Jr. Robert D. Tate That is about it. Desmond B. Connolly David K. Winchester of June 6: Robert L. Joubert Victor H. Henkel, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Gary E. Hodge John M. Terrell J. William Middendorf II, of Connecticut, ADJOURNMENT TO 10 A.M. MONDAY Milton H. Meekins Llewellyn D. Midgatt to be Secretary of the Navy. John W. Massey Richard F. Edwards, (The above nomination was approved sub­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. Presi­ John R. Cotter Sr. ject to the nominee's commitment to respond dent, if there be no further business to Walter D. Moulton Ralph Skonieczny to requests to appear and testify before any come before the Senate, I move, in ac- George C. Tureman Roland M. Bowen duly constituted committee of the senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HERB HOFFMAN-A DEDICATED I joined hundreds of others who bade mittee on the Judiciary, succeeds Donald E. PUBLIC SERVANT-RETIRES him farewell at a reception in the Deputy Channell, who :for the past 17 years served as Attorney General's office. director of the Association's Washington of­ Now: Herb is leaving the committee fice. Channell, who recently resigned to en­ HON. PETER W. RODINO, JR. staff and retiring from Government serv­ ter private practice in Washington, will serve OF NEW JERSEY as a legislative consultant to the ABA. ice. However, I am pleased that the Hoffman's appointment was announced IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American Bar Association has seen flt here by Bert H. Early, ABA executive direc­ Thursday, June 6, 1974 to avail itself of Herb's talents as di­ tor. Under Hoffman's leadership, Early said rector of its newly created governmental the American Bar Association will expand its Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, after 30 relations office. I congratulate the ABA public service efforts with the Congress and years of public service, Herb Hoffman, on its choice, and wish Herb every suc­ with the· federal agencies. He added that the counsel to the Subcommittee on Crimi­ cess in his new career. ABA's office here also will provide a wider nal Justice of the House Judiciary Com­ range of governmental information services mittee, is retiring. The ABA release which announced the to state and local bar associations and to I first came to know Herb when ''he appointment follows: other affiliated bar groups. headed the Legislative Office in the De­ AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION NAMES HOFFMAN As the ABA's highest staff officer in Wash­ DmECTOR OF GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS ington, Hoffman will direct the Association's partment of Justice, and through the OFFICE years came to respect his legal judg­ liaison with the three bra'1ches of the fed­ WASHINGTON, D.C., May 28.-The American eral government. The headquarters of the ments, boundless energy, and dedication Bar Association today appointed Herbert E. 180,000-member ABA is in Chicago. to the public interest. Hoffman, of Arlington, Va., as director of !ts Hoffman, a native of New York City, was When my predecessor as the chairman newly named Governmental Relations Office graduated from New York University with a of the Judiciary Committee enticed Herb here. bachelor of science degree in 1937 and re­ to join· the committee staff '3 years ago, Hoffman, who is counsel to the House Com- ceived his law degree there in 1939. He prac· 18322 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 7, 1974 ticed law in New York City for two years be­ Il. His brother Joseph was reported miss­ To achieve this goal, Jim Hooker not only fore World War II and for two years after. ing in action at that time, but was fortu­ carries out his Federal functions J.n a fair, During that war, he served as a chief war­ nately spared and retmned to Buffalo. humane, and understanding way, but bas ex­ rant officer and for two years as an assistant Another brother, Michael, was wounded panded his talents to the community in the division judge -advocate, 11th Airborne Divi­ field of youth activities, the West Side Boys sion. His work took him to the South Pacific in the Philippines, but refused to allow Club, the Front Park Hockey Club, to men­ and Japan. a recommendation for a Purple Heart tion a few, and all of these added efforts di­ Hoffman joined t he legislative section, Of­ for fear of further distressing his mother. rected at making better citizens and a better fice of the Deputy Attorney General, in 1948 In April 1973, our office was able to assist community and a better life.
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