Information Guide 2009–2011 Table of Contents Maps .........................................................................................................Inside Front Cover Administration ................................................................................................................... 1 Full-Time Faculty ................................................................................................................ 2 Adjunct Faculty ..................................................................................................................11 Requirements and Core-Course Charts ..............................................................................16 Concentrations—M.B.A. ...................................................................................................18 Master of Science Programs ...............................................................................................23 Joint- and Specialized-Degree Programs .............................................................................26 Courses .............................................................................................................................27 International Exchange Programs........................................................................................46 Admissions and Financial Aid .............................................................................................46 University of Rochester Equal Opportunity Statement ........................................................48 Student Services......................................................................................... Inside Back Cover 2009–2011 Calendar .............................................................................. Outside Back Cover Information in this publication is current as of November 9, 2009 CAMPUS AND AREA MAPS GLEASON HALL, SCHLEGEL HALL AND CAROL G. SIMON HALL L AKE A VE. N. CLINTON A EASTMAN ST . CAMPUS PA UL ST . LYELL AVE. VE. 31 TH ST OR N N TO NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY N. GOODMAN ST INTERCHANGE #47 . COLLEG E. MAIN ST BUFFALO E AVE. GIBBS ST 490 . DOWNTOWN PRINCE ST P O . ROCHESTER . MAIN ST LO UNIVERSITY A W. R E N IN VE. 33 WEST AVE. EAST FORD ST ALEXANDER ST AVE. BARGE CANAL M ON VE. RO E CHILI A AV Memorial Art Gallery E. 33A Cutler Union CHANGE ST RIVER EX GENESEE ST GENESEE CAMPUS 490 . R E . IV 575 LINDEN ST R VE. E A E S TH E 590 U N MT. HOPE O E 685 630 G YM McLEAN ST. 668 CAMPUS 31 . S. PL 692 D R BROOKS AVE. N TO BLVD. LSON . IN 204 WI TO NEW YORK . W E . S V STATE THRUWAY A VE. E P INTERCHANGE #45 O GENESEE H PK. B . LVD. T SYRACUSE SOUTH A S. GOODMAN ST TOWNE M HOUSE 383 ELMWOOD AVE. MT. HOPE PROF. BLDG. EXIT 17 LA T TIM OR STUDENT VD. E CRITTENDEN BL HOUSING R D . TSVILLE RD. BRIGHTON VE. SCOT RD. MEDICAL CENTER KENDRICK Strong Memorial Hospital W CASTLEMAN RD. 390 ES TM School of Medicine and O UNIVERSITY E. HENRIET RE LA Dentistry N PARK D S. CLINTON A D R School of Nursing ADMINISTRATIVE . Eastman Dental Center ANNEX TA EXIT 16A RD. 590 EXIT 15 CENTER FOR EXIT 16B OPTOELECTRONICS AND IMAGING EAST RIVER RD. LAB. FOR LASER RIVER ROAD ENERGETICS RD. BUILDINGS TA HENRIET W. WHIPPLE PARK 15A BARGE CANAL 15 PITTSFORD 390 TO NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY INTERCHANGE #46 THE ADMINISTRATION MARK ZUPAN, RONALD W. HANSEN, the use of standards in managing informa- Dean and Professor of Economics and Senior Associate Dean for Program tion systems, and accounting and financial Public Policy Development; William H. Meckling information systems. His papers have appeared in the Jo­urnal o­f Co­mp­uting, Management Science, Dean Zupan assumed his duties at the Simon Professor of Business Administration; Decisio­n Sup­p­o­rt Systems and IEEE Transactio­ns o­n School on a full-time basis on January 1, 2004. Director of the Bradley Policy Research Co­mp­uters, among other journals. He is responsible for the administrative and Center Prior to joining the Simon School, Dewan academic functions of the Simon School, and Dean Hansen is responsible for Simon’s inter- was a faculty member at Northwestern serves as the leading advocate of the School’s national program development, undergraduate University’s Kellogg Graduate School of faculty, programs and students to the business program and the Technical Entrepreneurship Management. He is a member of INFORMS, community and other external constituencies. And Management (T.E.A.M.) M.S. program, the Association for Information Systems and Zupan served as dean and professor of and serves as area coordinator for the concen- Beta Gamma Sigma. economics at the University of Arizona’s Eller trations of Business Environment and Public Dewan earned a B. Tech. degree from the College of Management from 1997 to 2003. Policy, Health Sciences Management and Inter- Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi; an Among his accomplishments at Eller were national Management. M.S. degree with concentrations in Computers highly successful fundraising efforts, a record He came to the School in 1971 as an assist- and Information Systems and Operations of promoting scholarship, fostering innova- ant professor and became director of the Research from the University of Rochester; and tion in academic programs and enhanced Systems Analysis Program in 1972. From 1977 a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the community outreach. to 1986, he was the associate director of the University of Rochester. Before his appointment at Arizona, Center for Research in Government Policy Zupan taught at the University of Southern and Business, now the Bradley Policy Research DELORES CONWAY, California’s Marshall School of Business, Center. He briefly left the Simon School to Faculty Associate Dean for Master’s where he also served as associate dean of become the first recipient of the Merrell Dow Programs; Visiting Professor of master’s programs. He was a teaching fel- Professorship of Pharmaceutical Administra- Statistics and Real Estate low in Harvard’s Department of Economics tion in the College of Pharmacy at The Ohio while pursuing his doctoral studies at M.I.T., State University (1986–88). Prior to his current Professor Conway focuses on enhancing cor- and he has been a visiting faculty member at Simon School appointment, he served as senior porate outreach and the School’s visibility, two the Amos Tuck School of Business Admin- associate dean for faculty and research for 21 activities that are key toward further improv- istration at Dartmouth College. years. ing the Simon School School. Her research Zupan’s research interests include water Hansen is widely recognized for his scholarly interests include statistics, real estate, health policy, the influence of economics and ideo- research in drug-development policy and in the care management, finance, law and labor mar- logical preferences on the political behavior of regulation of the pharmaceutical industry. He kets. voters and elected officials, industrial organi- helped to establish and collaborates on research Conway is a tenured faculty member at the zation, regulation and political economy. He with the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug University of Southern California (U.S.C.) has received research grants from the National Development. Hansen was on the editorial Marshall School of Business and the direc- Science Foundation and the Center for Inter- board of the Jo­urnal o­f Research in Pharmaceutical tor of the Casden Real Estate Forecast at the national Business Education and Research Eco­no­mics. He was a member of the National Lusk Center for Real Estate. She is widely at the University of Southern California. He Advisory Council on Health Care Technology respected for her research on the commercial is the co-author of two books: Micro­eco­no­mic Assessment (1985–88) and the Committee and residential real estate markets in Southern Theo­ry and Ap­p­licatio­ns (with E. K. Browning), on the Children’s Vaccine Initiative, Institute California and her reports are widely cited. She published by John Wiley and Sons, and of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences is frequently interviewed by the national news Micro­eco­no­mic Cases and Ap­p­licatio­ns (with T. (1992–93). media for her viewpoints and within the last W. Gilligan and A. M. Marino), published by Hansen earned a B.A. degree in mathematics year has been quoted by The Wall Street Jo­urnal, HarperCollins. from Northwestern University, and an M.A. the New Yo­rk Times, Blo­o­mberg, BusinessWeek, Zupan is also the author of numerous degree in economics and a Ph.D. in economics Fo­rbes, the Chicago­ Tribune, the Lo­s Angeles Times, scholarly articles which have appeared in from the University of Chicago. the Washingto­n Po­st, Investo­rs Business Daily, and leading publications including the American the San Francisco­ Chro­nicle, and has appeared on Eco­no­mic Review, Jo­urnal o­f Law and Eco­no­mics, CNN, the CBS Evening News, and CNBC. Rand Jo­urnal o­f Eco­no­mics, Public Cho­ice, and RAJIV M. Dewan, Recently, Real Estate So­uthern CA Magazine list- Jo­urnal o­f Regulato­ry Eco­no­mics. His opinion ed her as one of the “50 Women of Influence pieces have appeared in such outlets as The Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and in Real Estate” in California. Wall Street Jo­urnal, The New Yo­rk Times, the Research; Chairman, Ph.D. Program She is a distinguished faculty fellow at the Financial Times of London, Lo­s Angeles Times, Professor Dewan is responsible for faculty U.S.C. Center for Excellence in Teaching. Arizo­na Rep­ublic, BusinessWeek.co­m, Demo­crat and affairs,
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