TOWN OF HINTON HINTON Atk1a c Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting Held April 24, 2018 Committee Room Present: Mayor Marcel Michaels, Councillors Trevor Haas, Ryan Maguhn, Dewly Nelson, Albert Ostashek, JoAnn Race, Tyler Waugh Administration in Attendance: Denise Parent, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Carla Fox, Interim Director of Corporate Services, Laura Howarth, Director of Community Services, Gordie Lee, Director of Infrastructure Services, Wendy Jones, Director of Planning & Development, Emily Olsen, Communications & Strategic Advisor, Todd Martens, Fire Chief / Protective Services Manager, N. Hope, Human Resources Manager, Wendy Anderson, Executive Assistant Also in Attendance: Richard Tombs, ISL, Mark Hildebrand, RMRF Refer to the Standing Committee Meeting Agenda package for April 24, 2078 for detailed background information. ORDER Deputy Mayor Ostashek called the Standing Committee meeting to order. The time was 4:03 p.m. ADOPTION OF AGENDA RACE - That the Standing Committee Meeting Agenda of April 24, 2018 be accepted as amended: • Maguhn — Switch Action Items #1 and #2 • Michaels — Add In Camera Policy Item #2 under FOIP Section 23 Carried Unanimously 7-0 CITIZENS “MINUTE WITH COUNCIL” The following individuals spoke regarding the Animal Control Bylaw #1119 Jane Dresdan represents service dogs, no consideration was given to service dogs in training. She also represents the Great Dane and Gentle Giant Club which is 100 strong and indicated that a dog park is not safe for a large group of giant breed dogs, she is asking the golf course, the area next to golf course, Thompson Lake and Cache Percotte remain off leash. Ms. Dresdan spoke to hybrid breeds; there is no consideration given to wolf mix dogs as their vaccinations are not fully effective. Debby Raabel asked Council if Cache Percotte and Jack’s Trail are they part of the Town of Hinton. She feels that Cache Percotte would be the only place she could run her dog; it is a wildlife area. She Initial Town of Hinton Standing ëornmillee Meeting Mniutes— April 24, 2018 Page 12 has not had a lot of issues with off-leash dogs and pointed out that the attacks which occurred have happened on the streets and not on the trail system. Ms. Raabel requested the on-leash areas as stated in the current bylaw remain the same and under effective and immediate control. She spoke to the online petition that has currently gathered 283 signatures and read out a number of the online posts. Jodi Archibald addressed Council and read a letter from Dianne Watson who was the owner of the dog that was killed in an attack last fall. Ms. Watson would like to see the bylaw go through as proposed. Ms. Archibald is concerned with the potential loss of the off-leash areas. Maria Mitchener spoke to Council and feels this bylaw has caused a divide in the town; owners would like to allow Bylaw to have the ability to enforce the bylaw but good owners should not be penalized. Nicole Naef feels the proposed bylaw is punishing good dog owners and asked Council for their consideration to leave off-leash areas as they are. She also stated that every pet owner who trains their dog to run with them while on a bike should not have an issue. Kris Raabel suggested that if all dogs are on-leash, wild animals will move into town; he feels off-leash dogs keep animals at bay. Alana Larson has a small dog that is well trained oil-leash. She feels dogs should be on-leash on sidewalks and likes off-leash in bush areas. When meeting other dogs, she put hers on a leash. Her dog is trained to stay close while she rides her bike. Ms. Larson feels the bylaw seems restrictive and would like to keep oft-leash areas as is. Morris Archibald questioned how citizens can recognize when they are within Town boundaries. He also stated that it has not been mentioned that the dog attacks that have occurred were with three dogs. Raylene Brown spoke to Council and stated that when they were looking for a home, they saw lots of bag receptacles for dog feces. She runs on the Thompson Lake trail regularly with her dog and asked Council not to blanket the on-leash requirement. In the last three years she has had one instance with another dog and spoke to the owner directly. Ms. Brown feels there are responsible dog owners out there, a lot of times it’s the human behaviour not the dog behaviour. ACTION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Economic Development Strategy Scope of Work NELSON - That Council direct Administration to proceed with a Request for Proposals process to hire a consultant to develop an Economic Development Strategy, based on the attached Scope of Work. Consensus Achieved 7-0 NELSON - That Council direct Administration to engage a sub-group comprised of Hinton and Region Economic Development Coalition Members, and Town of Hinton administration to assist in the development of the Economic Development Strategy. Consensus Achieved 7-0 RACE — Amendment to include Mayor and one Councillor for sub-group. Initial Town of Hinton Standuig Committee Meeting Minutes— Apiu 24, 2018 Page 3 Consensus Not Achieved 3-4 For: Race, Maguhn, Ostashek Against: Waugh, Nelson, Haas, Michaels RACE — Amendment that the sub-group come back to Council on a regular basis to update their progress. Consensus Achieved 4-3 For: Race, Maguhn, Ostashek, Haas Against: Waugh, Nelson, Michaels 2. Draft Animal Control Bylaw #1119 NELSON - To seek consensus that section 3.3 be removed. Consensus Achieved 7-0 A break was called at 5:28 p.m. The Standing Committee meeting resumed at 5:40 p.m. NELSON — To seek consensus to add the wording “up to” in Section 3.2 in line 4 after “Exhibitor to keep” Consensus Achieved 7-0 NELSON — To seek consensus to add a section in Schedule “C” for consent of Adjacent Property Owners containing Name, Address, Phone Number, and Signature. Consensus Achieved 7-0 MAGUHN — To seek consensus that the words bird, reptile, and amphibian are dropped from Section 52.2. Consensus Achieved 6-1 For: Race, Waugh, Maguhn, Michaels, Nelson, Haas Against: Ostashek NELSON — To seek consensus that the wording in subsections 4.4.1, 4.4.2, and 4.4.3 be changed to match the wording from Schedule “C”. Consensus Achieved 7-0 NELSON — To seek consensus that the wording in subsection 5.1.4 c) be changed from “three (3) months” to “four (4) months” pending Provincial compliance. Consensus Achieved 7-0 NELSON — To seek consensus that sections 5.0 and 6.0 Licensing Requirements be merged into a single section pending Provincial compliance. Consensus Achieved 7-0 MICHAELS — To seek consensus that no more than one dangerous animal be allowed per dwelling within this bylaw. Consensus Achieved 7-0 Initial Town of Hinton Standuig Committee Meetuig Minutes— April 24, 2018 Page 4 MAGUHN — To seek consensus that upon losing a license an owner of a licensed animal shall request a new tag from the Protective Services Department according to the Fee set out in Schedule “A” of this Bylaw upon the owner producing their Government issued ID. Consensus Achieved 7-0 Councillor Race left the meeting. The time was 7:11 p.m. NELSON — To seek consensus that the wording in section 15.1 “in a Park or portion of a park” be replaced with “in any area”. Consensus Achieved 6-0 MAGUHN — To seek consensus that off-leash definition include: all non-hard surfaced trails within Town limits. Consensus Achieved 6-0 NELSON — To seek consensus that in subsection 15.1.2 the term “designate” be removed. Consensus Achieved 6-0 MICHAELS — To seek consensus that dogs on leash are allowed on school grounds, playgrounds and cemeteries. Consensus Achieved 6-0 MAGUHN To seek consensus that the owner of a dangerous animal shall ensure that such dog does not enter or remain in or on at any time a school ground, playground or cemetery. Consensus Achieved 6-0 HAAS — To seek consensus that Section 18 be removed. Consensus Achieved 6-0 A break was called at 8:07 p.m. The Standing Committee resumed at 8:16 p.m. NELSON — To seek consensus that Section 19 be changed to reflect that the animal’s well-being is considered and that public access will not be impeded. Consensus Achieved 6-0 MAGUHN — To seek consensus that Section 32 ensure that no dangerous animal shall be left unattended while tethered. Consensus Achieved 6-0 MAGUHN — To seek consensus that Section 32 ensure that no dangerous animal shall be left unattended while in a motor vehicle. Consensus Not Achieved 7-5 For: Maguhn Initial Town of Hinton Standing Comniittee Meeting Minutes— ApnI 24, 2018 Page 5 Against: Waugh, Ostashek, Michaels, Nelson, Haas MICHAELS — To seek consensus to postpone the Animal Control bylaw to the next Standing Committee. Consensus Achieved 6-0 Public feedback received after the agenda was published is included in the minutes as Attachment 1. MAGUHN — That the meeting be extended beyond four hours. Carried Unanimously A break was called at 8:37 p.m. T. Martens left the meeting. The Standing Committee resumed at 8:43 p.m. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Urgent Matters from Council NELSON — To seek consensus that, pending confirmation from Yellowhead County, the Mayor send a letter to our Premier as well as to our MLA and MP regarding the toxic waste being discarded in private landfills near the community of Hinton. Consensus not Achieved For: Maguhn, Michaels, Nelson Against: Waugh, Haas, Ostashek MICHAELS — To seek consensus that the Mayor send a letter of support on behalf of Council for the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion Project to the Federal Government.
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