REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF COM!,IISSIONERS,GLYNN COUNTY GEORGIA, HEID THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 5, L992, AT 8:30 A.M. PRESENT: Chairman Rev. E. C. Tillman Vice Chairman Robert H. Bob Boyne Commissioner William E. Dismer Commissioner Jack Hardman Commissioner Karen Moore Commissioner Joe Smith ABSENT: Commissioner W. Harold Pate ALSO PRESENT: Administrator Charles T. Stewart County Attorney Gary Moore Openinq Ceremonv. Chairman Tillman opened the meeting by cal I ing on Commissioner Boyne for the invocation, foI iowed by pledge of allegiance to the fIag. Award from Georgia Recreation and Parks Association. Recreation Director Cynthia Williams presented an award received by the Glynn County Recreation Department from the Georgia Recreation and Parks Association, which she planned to have framed so it could be put on display in the Court House. Resolution Proclaiminq "Ducks Unlimited Month. " Chairman Tillman called on Commissioner Boyne to read the f oI I owing resolution designating November as "Ducks Unl imited I'lonth" in Glynn County. Commissioner Boyne then presented a framed copy of this resolution to Gene Strother who was present on behaif of the GIynn County Chapter of Dueks Unlimited. A R.ESOI-['T I ODT R"ECC)GFITZT$TG E)ITCKS T'DTI. I}4I TED }4OAITIjT 9IHEREAS, Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is a unique organization well known throughout the United States and Canada for the promotion of sportsmanshipi and I{HEREAS, Dueks Unlimited is also recognized for its commitment to programs which are designed to promote the growth of nesting areas for wetlands fowl; and I{HEREAS, they have purchased many acres of wetlands in various I ocations throughout the Country for the purpose of preserving the natural habitat of ducks and other fowl; and 9iHEREAS,this outstanding group of citizens have earned the respect and admiration of conservationi.sts who appreciate their efforts to preserve and protect our environment. NOI{, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBYRESOLVED, bY the Glynn County Board of Conunissioners, in official Meeting held this Sth day of November, 1992, that we commendthe activities of the Glynn County Chapter of Ducks Unlimited by proclaiming the month of November, L992, to be "Ducks Unlimited llonth" in Glynn County. *** Mr. Strother thanked the Commission for supporting this special event, and he presented "Ducks UnIimited" caps to Commissioners and Statf as a show of appreciation for their support. Beg-Alglj pn Presentedl*e S!".-_Ei!0eng_gtrarnbeg-_aAd-!fi- l dred Wi I cox .. Chairman TiIlman calIed on Commissioner Moore to read the following resolution and present a framed copy to st. Simons Island Chamber of Commerce representatives Mildred Wilcox, CarI Paschal and Edwin Fendig. A R.ESOf..tr1r I ODI I{(}SIC)R. I I{(3 TTI:IE S1T . S II4OATS I Sf.Af\TD CIIAS4BER. C)F CO!4}4ER.CE I{HEREAS. or May 12, L992, the citizens of Glynn County enjoyed a once in a Iifetime opportunity when they welcomed the Spanish replicas of the historic seagoing vessels the Nina, Pinta and Santa Haria to The Golden Isles of Georgia; and WHEREAS, the opportunity of sharing in the 500th celebration of Christopher Columbus, and acknowledging the Spanish heritage and presenee in the early history of the State of Georgia and the County of Glynn presented a unique educational opportunity for young students, adults and visitors; and I|HEREAS, The St. Simons Island Chamber of Conunerce, under the expert leadership of Uildred Wilcox did an outstanding job of orchestrating this event and making it, an occasion that GIynn County wiII long remember. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners, GIynn County, Georgia. this 5th day of November, 1992, that we present this Resolution to l,tillie Wilcox and the st. $imons Island Chamber of Conunerce, for efficiently staging this historic event which was enjoyed by a tremendous number of citizens and visitors of The Golden Isles. *** Ms. Wilcox's mother, Mildred Huie, a well known local artist, presented a framed painting of the Historic Court House to the Commission as a gift. Mrs. Iluie commented that she was born the same year the Historic CourL House was constructed, and painting this beautiful structure for the Commission was a labor of love. Consent Aqenda Items Approved: A motion was made by Commissioner Boyne and seconded by Commissioner Moore, approving the following Consent Agenda Items recommendedby Staff. Consent Agen-da l!enn__n9,__1. Execution of Cooperative Firefighting Agreement with City of Brunswick authorized. Consent Aqenda Item No. 2. Speed Zone Ordinance updated as listed beIow, and application for update of Speed Detection Permit authorized. RESOLUTIONAMENDING SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Glynn County Board of Commissioners, this the 5th day of November, L992, that the Code of Ordinanees, Glynn County, Georgia, Section 2-15-3 Speed Limits: schedule be and is hereby amended to read as follows. Section 2-15-3 Speed Limits - Schedule The governing authority hereby determines, orr the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that the maximum vehicle speed permitted under state law is greater than is reasonable and safe under the conditions found to exist upon the following streets or highways, or parts thereof, and hereby determined a reasonable and safe maximum vehiele speed Iimit thereon to be as follows: 1. That segment of roadway on State Route 25 beginning from the CamdenCounty Line continuing north for 2.6 miIes. Posted 55 l'{PHspeed zone. That segment of roadway on state Route td begl;ning-at the end of 55 mph posted speed limit for 1.1 miles. poited 50 mph posted speed zone. 3. That segment of roadway on State Route 25 beginning at end of 50 mph posted speed zone for a distance of 4.4 miles. ii Traveling north. posted 55 mph speed zone. ti i:;l !i ti 4. That segment of roadway on State Route 25 beginning at the ti end of the !i 55 mph speed zone continuing northerly on State II Route 25 for a distance of 3.7 miles post ll to mile 12. il Posted 50 MpH speed zone. :i li 5. That segment of roadway on state Route zs beginning at mile post L2, continuing northerly for a distanci of 0.5 miIes. Posted 45 l'{pH speed zone. 6. That segment of roadway on State Route 23 beginning at 45 mph posted speed zone for a distance of L,7 miles to the Holiday Inn. Posted 40 MpH speed zone. 1 That segment of roadway on State Route ZS beginning at the Holiday Inn continuing north for a distance of 3.g miles to Sea Harvest. Posted at 45 mph speed zone. 8. That segment of roadway on state Route 2s beginning il at sea ;l Harvest continuing north for a distance of Z.+ mites to the ;i Mcrntosh county Line. posted 55 MpH speed zone. ti il .l It 9 ' That segment of roadway on state Route zs spur beginning at !i Cate Road continuing south to Altama Ave. for a distanct of it posted 3.6 miles. 50 tlpH speed zone. il il 10. That segment il of roadway on state Route 2s beginning at ii AItama Ave. continuing south for a distance of 1.G miles. Posted i; 45 MpH speed zone. ll it a! 11. That segment of roadway on state Route 27 (us 341) rl (Newcastle) beginning within the Brunswick City iimit" ri. the intersection with r street , continuing no-rtherl y on state Route 27 into Gtynn county limits, for a distance of 3.5 miles. posted 45 MpH speed zone. 12. That segment of roadway on state Route 27 beginning 3.5 miles north of the intersection with I streetl continuing northerly on state Route 27, for a distance of 0.g miIe. Posted 35 l.{pHspeed zone. 13. That segment of roadway on state Route 27 beginning from the end of the 3S MpH speed zone (ca. iOS, i 9s interchange) continuing northerly on state Route 27, for a distance of 0.3 mile. posted ss MpH speed zone. 14. That segment of roadway on state Route 27 beginning near mile post 15, continuing northerly on State noute 27, for a distance of 0.4 mi1e. posted so lapH speed zone. .! {l 15. That segment of roadway on state Route 27 beginning at the end of il the s0 MpH speed zone north oi mile post ls il continuing northerly on state Route 27, for a distance of it 2.5 miles. posted 55 MpH speed zone. r6. That segment of roadway on state Route 27 (us 34I) beginning at mile post Lz, continuinq northerly for a distance of r.3 miles. posted 50 MpH speed zone. 17. That segment of roadway on state Route 27 beginning near the 10.5 mile post, continuing northerly on stal.e Route 27 to the wayne county line for a dislance of 11.4 miles. Posted 55 l,lpH speed zone. 18. That segment of roadway on state Route 32 beginningr at the Brantley county Iine, continuing easterly on state Road 32 for a distance of 2.2 miles. polted 55 MpH speed. zone. 19. That segment of roadway on state Route 32 begi.nning near the 2.2 mile post, continuing easterly, in thilmannl for a distance of 0.9 mile. posted s0 I*{pHspeed zone. 20 That segment of roadway on state Route 32 beginning just east of Thalmann, continuing easterly on state Route 32 to the intersection with state Route 27 , for a distance of g.3 miles. Posted 55 MpH speed zone. 2L. That segment of roadway on state Route gg beginning at the intersection with state Route 92, continuing southerty to the intersection with state Route 5zo (us g2), for a distance of 4.8 miIes.
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