s£ , ~rcgreologital ~nstifutt of ~mtrira. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS. ( Bitb tbe hteports of CHARLES WALDSTEIN, PH.D., LITT.D., L.H.D., Director, AND S. STANHOPE ORRI.S, PH.D., L.H.D., Annual Director. J CAMBRIDGE : JOHN WILSON AND SON. mnillttSit!! :@tess. ~ttgreologiral ~nstitutt of ~mtrira. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT O F THE lVIAN AGING COMMITTEE OF TH E AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS. Bitb tbe ltrports of C HARLES WALDSTEIN, Pn.D., L ITT.D., L.H.D., D in rtor, A N D S. STANHOPE ORRI S, Pn.D., L.H.D., Auuunl Dh·rrtor. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON . AND SON. l'llni'oersitg '@rtss. 1890. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS. ( ... --- ;il:J!lanaging (!i;ommittee. 1889-90. A THOMAS D. SEYMOUR (Chairman), Yale University, New Haven, . { Conn. H. M. BAIRD, University of the City of New York, New York c, y. I. T. BECKWITH, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. FRANCIS BROWN, Union Theological Seminary, 1200 Park Ave ., New York City. J\lliss A. C. CHAPIN, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. MARTIN L. D'OoGE, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. HENRY DRISLER, Columbia College, 48 West 46th St., New York City. 0. M. FER NALD, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. A. F. FLEET, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. BASIL L. GILDERSLEEVE, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. I WILLIAM W. GoODW IN, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. I ' WILLIAM G. HALE, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. J ALBERT HARKN ESS, Brown University, Providence, R. I. WILLIA.VI A. LAMBERTON, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. !\Irss ABBY LEAC H, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. SETH Low (ex officio : President of the Arch<eological Institute of America), Columbia College, New York City. THOMA S W. LUDLOW (Secretary), Cottage Lawn, Yonkers, N.Y. RI CHARD H. MATHER, ' ~ Amherst College, Amh erst, Mass. * Died Apr il 16, 189:J. I ) 4 AMERI CAN SCHOOL A T ATHENS. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT. 5 AUGUSTUS C. MERRIAM (Chairman of Committee on Publicatio11s), Columbia Coll ege, 640 Madison Ave., New York City. 119irrction of tbr .School. CHARLES ELIOT NORTO~, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. S. STANHOPE ORRIS (ex o/.ficio: Annual Director of the School), Col­ 1882-1883. lege of New Jersey, Princeton, N.J. Director: WILLIAM WATSON GooDWIN, Ph. D., LL.D., D. C. L., Eliot FRANCIS W. PALFREY,* 255 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Professor of Greek Literature in Harvard University. BERNAD01TE PERRIN, Adelbert College of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. 1883-1884. FREDERIC J. DE PEYSTER (Treasurer), 7 East 42d St., New York City. D irector: LEWIS R. PACKARD, Ph. D., Hillhouse Professor of Greek in Yale University. WILLIAM M. SLOANE, College of New Jersey, Princeton, N.J. FITzGERALD TISDALL, College of the City of New York, New York City. 1884-1885. J AMES C. VAN BENSCHOTEN, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Director: }AMES CooKE VAN BENSCHOTEN, LL.D., Seney Professor CHARLES WALDSTEIN (ex o/.ficio: Director of the School), Cambridge, of the Greek Language and Literature in Wesleyan University. England. 1885-1886. WILLIAM R. WARE, School of Mines, Columbia College, New York City. D irector: FREDERIC DE FoREST ALLEN, Ph. D., Professor of Classical JoHN WILLIAMS WHITE, H arvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Philology in Harvard University 1886-1887. D irector: MARTIN L. D'OOGE, Ph. D., LL.D., Professor of Greek in the University of Michigan. J.Exccutibr (!tommittre. 1887-1888. 1889-90. D irector : Au GUSTUS C. MERR IAM, Ph. D., Professor of Greek Archre­ THOMAS D. SEYMOUR ( Clzairman) . ology and Epigraphy in Columbia College. WILLIAM w. GOODWIN. 1888-1889. THOMAS W. LUDLOW (Secretary). D irector: CHARLES WALDSTEIN, Ph. D., Litt. D., L. H. D., Reader 111 CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. Archreology at the Universi ty of Cambridge, England. FREDERIC J. DE PEYSTER (Treasurer). A nnual D irector : FRANK BrGELOW TARBELL, Ph. D., Instructor 111 WILI.!Al\'I R. WARE. H arvard University. * Died December 5, r889. 1889-1890. D irector: CHARLES WALDSTEIN, Ph. D., Litt. D., L. H. D. Annual D irector: S. STANHOPE ORRIS, Ph. D., L. H. D., Ewing Pro­ fessor of the Greek Language and Literature in the College of New Jersey. NiNTH ANNUAL REPORZ: 7 6 AME RICAN SCHOOL AT ATHENS. Q!:o ,opetating (!];ollegess. .Stubents:>.* 1889-90. LOUIS BEY! ER (•882-83), t ADELBERT COLLEGE OF W ESTERN TRINITY COLLEGE. · U N IV ERS ITY OF THE CITY OF NEW Associate Professor _in Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N.J. RESE RVE UN IVERS ITY. YORK. WALTER RAY BRIDGMAN (•883-84), AM H ERST CO LLEGE. ( Professor in lVliami University, Oxford, Ohio. BROWN UN IVERSITY. UN IVERSITY OF 1\II CHIGAN. COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF Nt::W YORK. UN IVERSITY OF MISSOURI. CARL DARLING BUCK I •887-89), Student 111 the Umversity of Leipzig. COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY. UN IVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. VASSAR COLLEGE. N. E. CROSBY (•886-87), WESLEYAN UN IV ERSITY. Instructor in th e \Vestminster School, Dobbs Ferry, N . Y. CORNELL UNI VERSITY. WELLESLEY COLLEGE. J OHN M. CROW (•882-83), DART~IOUTH CO LLEGE. Professor in Iowa College, Gri nnell, Iowa. Died Sept. 28, s8<)0· WILLIAMS COLLEGE. HARVARD UN IVERS ITY. YALE UNIVERSITY. W ILLIAM LEE CUSHING (•885-87), J OHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Head Master of th e \V estmmster School, Dubbs Ferry, N . V. 1IORT!MER LAMSON EA RLE (•887-88), Inst ructor in Columbia Co\le1,;e, New York City. TI-IO~ l AS H . ECKFELDT (•884-8;), i!ttus:>tees> of tbe .Scbool. Principal of the Friends' School, New Bedford, Mass. A. F. FLEET (•887-88), J AMES RUSSELL L OWELL (President). Superintendent of the Missouri Military Academy, i\ 1 exico, 1\'1 issouri. EDWARD J. LowELL ( 11·casurer) . HAROLD NORTH FOWLER (•88z-80). Professor in Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. 1-1 . Wn.. LIAM W. GooDWIN (Secretary). HENRY T. H ILDRETH (• 88s-86), MARTIN BRIMMER. Instructor in the Parish School, Boston, ~la ss. H EN RY DRISLE' I IV. JNV!NG HUNT ( o889-9o), BASIL M. GILDERSLEEVE. Tutor in Greek, Yale Unive rsit y, New Haven, Conn . HENRY G. MARQUAND. GEORGE BENJAM IN H USS EY (•887-8R).t lnstructor in the \·Ve ~ tern Re ~e rve Academy, Hnd ~o n, Ohio. CHARLES EuoT NoRTON. FRA:-.I CIS DEMETRIUS KAL.OPOTHAKES l o888-89), fREDERIC J. DE PEYSTER. S tndent in the Universit y of P. erli n H EN RY c. POTl'ER. ' J OSEPH Mc KEEN LEWI S (o88;-Sil· WILLIAM M. SLOANE. D ied April 29, 1887. J OHN \ VILLIAMS WHITE. GONZALEZ LODGE I >888-89).! A ssociate Professor in Bryn 'i\Tawr College, Bryn Mawr, P:t. WALTER MILLER (188s-86), Student in the U niversity of Lc ip1.ig. WILLIAM J . McMURTRYI•886-87), JEI£cutibe <!tommittre of tbe l!rrus:>tws. l'rofessor in Yilnkton College, Yankton, South Dakota. J A:l iES RussELL LowELL. • The year of residence at the School is placed in a parenlhesis after the name. l1a lics indicate students of th e year J889- 90· vVILLIAM \~l . G ooDWIN. t Not present during the entire year. CHARLES E u oT NoRTON. 8 AMERiCAN SCHOOL AT ATHENS. ,, Miss EM I LY NORCROSS, ( o888-'9), Instructor in S mith Cullege, Northampton, Mass. Miss ANN IE S. PECK ( o88; -86), 865 North Main Street, Providence, R.I. NINTfi ANNUAL REPORT DAN IEL QUI NN (I 887-89), Professor in Mt. St .l\'lary's College, Emmitsburg, Md. J OHN CAREW ROLFE (o 888-89), Assistant P rofessor in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE WILLIAM J. SEELYE (I 886-87), Professor in Parsons Coll ege, Ga rfi eld, Iowa . OF THE I JOHN P . SHELLEY (t889-9o), Professor in Grove Co llege, Grove Ci ty , P<1 . AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS. PAUL SH OREY (I 882-83 ), Associate P rofessor in Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. I MISS EMILY E. SLATER (I888- 89). lnstru ctor at Science Hill, S helbyville, Kentucky. ( ] R. S ITLINGTON STERRETT (t882-83), To the Council of the Ardueologica! Institute of America:- P rofessor in the Universit y of Texas, Austin, T exas. FRANKLIN H. TAYLOR (1882- 8.1). GENTLEMEN,- I have the honor to submit to you Tutor in Wesleyan U niversity, Middletown, Conn. the Report of the Managing Committee of the Ameri­ OLIVER J OS. THATCHER (t88 r88), Professor in Alleghany Theological Seminary, Alleghan y, Pa. can School of Classical Studies at Athens, for the year S. B. P. TROWBRIDGE (1 886- 88), from October I, I889, to October I, 1890; and also Architect, New York City. HENRY STEPHENS WASHINGTON (1888- 90).t the Reports of the Director, Dr. Charles Waldstein, JAMES R. WHEELER (t882-83), and of the Annual Director, Professor S. Stanhope Professor in the Universi ty of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. Orris. ALEXANDE R M. WILCOX (t883 -84), Profe ssor in the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. During the past year the follmving persons have FRANK E. WOODRUFF ( t882-83).t Professor in Bowdoin College, Brunswick, M e. been enrolled as members of the School : - THEODORE L. WRIGHT (t886- 87), ·' - W. Irving Hunt, A. B. Yale, Soldiers' Memorial Fellow of Professor in lleloit College, Beloit, \V isconsin. Yale. John P. Shelley, A. B. Findlay. HenryS. Washington, A.M. Yale. r Of these, Mr. Washington had also been connected with the School during the previous year. Mr. John F. Gray, Harvard, Mr. Herbert D. Hale, A. B. Harvard, of the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Paris, 10 AMERICAN SCHOOL AT ATHENS. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT. I I and Mr. Charles W. Washington, A. B. Yale, were ad­ for the furnishing of the building.
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