UKRAINIAN SURNAMES IN CANADA A '-L'nesr_s Presented to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Universitv of Manitoba In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts by Luba Fedorkiw March, L977 ,'UKRAINiAN SURNAMTS IN CA¡IADA'' by LUBA FEDORKII^I A dissertution sub¡ttitted to the Faculty of Graduate Stt¡tlics of the University of Munitobl in partirl fulfillment ol'the rcquircments of thc' dcglee ol' I4ASTTR OF ARTS @ 1977 Pennission hits l¡eett glurttccl tr¡ tlto LlBlìARY Oþ'I'llI tlNlVUll- SITY Ot tulANlTOllA tc¡ lc¡d or sclt copies of this tlissertittiott, to thc' NATIONA L LItsRA l{Y Of' (:ANAt)A to ¡lticrotilm tltis dissertatio¡l and to lend or scll copics of the l'ilnt, untl UNIVURSI'tY MICROI'ILMS to publish utl abstruct of this dissertution. The authol reserves other ¡rtrblicatittn rigltts, a¡rd neithcr the dissertatiolt nor extcnsive cxtrilcts fronr it nuy be printed t¡r t¡ther- wise reprotlrrcetl w itltot¡t t hr: lrtt hol's writtc¡t ¡rcrltt issiotl. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ABBRE\IÏATIONS TRANSLITERATÏON TABLE INTRODUCTION Page The Problem- 1 Present State of Research and Bibliographical Survey ii Importance of the Stud.y. X Sources Used -xi Method of Procedure. -xi Organization of the Thesis . xiii PART ONE Background and Development of Ukrainian Family Names (Surnames) CHAPTER I. The Development of Early Slavic Personal ' and Family Names I CHAPTER IT. Types of Ukrainian Family Names. 10 A. Surnames of Rel-ationship. I2 1. Patronymics. I2 2. Matronymics. 19 B. Occupation, Trade and Profession. " 22 c. DescrlPtive Surnames 27 D. Toponyms. 34 E. Others. " 40 Chapter III. Documentation of Ukrainian Familv Names. 4B Chapter IV. Conclusions. 60 Chapter V. Classification of Ukrainian Surnames in Canada. 62 A. Surnames of Relationship 1. Patronymics. 63 2. Matronymics. oq 3. Family Relationships . 100 B. Occupation, Trade and Profession. 101 1. Objects and Household Implements - 113 C. Descrlptlve Characteristics Internal and External Characteri stics 116 Parts of the Body. LzL 3 Local- and Foreign Origin . L22 4 Flora. 125 5 Fauna. I29 6 Humorous . 138 7 Abstract Terms . 141 Food . L43 9- Verbs. 14s 10. Religious Connotations . I4B 11. Calendar/Natural Phenomena . 149 D. Toponyms. 151 1. Topo-hydro designation,. 157 2. Domicile Derivations from Fauna. 160 3. Domicile Derivations from Proper Names r61 E. Others 1. Non-Ukrainian Elements 163 2. Surnames of Dubious or Uncertain Origin 172 PART TV'IO Canadianization of Ukrainian Surnames Chapter I. A. Canadianization L75 B. Surname Changes r77 Involuntary L79 Voluntary tB3 Reasons for Changes tB7 Conclusions 189 Chapter II. Onomasti c,/ringuístic Analys is 192 Patterns of Surname Changes. 195 A. Full Assimilation t97 Partial Assimil-ation. 198 1. orthographical and Phonological Adjustments. 199 2- Final Shortening (apocope) . 203 3. Medial Shortening (Syncope) . 204 4. Initial Shortening (aphaeresis) . 204 5. Combined Shortening. 205 C. Hybridization 205 D. Slavic to Sl-avic. ,. 206 Chapter IfL Conclusions and Tasks for Future Research 208 Chapter IV. Dictionary of Ukrainian-Canadian Surname Changes. ; - 2L0 1. Futl Assimil-ation . 2TL A. Incidental . 211 B. Translation.. - 2L8 2. Partial Assimilation. 2r9 A. Orthographical Change. - 2L9 B. Phonological Change.. , - 222 C. Orthographical and. Phonological ^1--^*-^^\-r.r.o.rr9 E J . 226 D. Initial Shortening . 227 E- Medial Shortening . 228 F. Final Shortening - 232 " c. Combination of Shortenings - 237 3. Hybridization. 238 A' Syncrettcec'en."'on"on"t" e., 2)E ' -8. Ccngloneratlve.-. o c o.. c e :. 2!+l- 4- Slavic to S1avic. 247 BIBLIOGRAPHY 250 INÐEX OF NAMES 267 ABSTRACT UKRAINIAN SURNAMES IN CANADA. by Luba Fedorkiw This th-esis presents a stud.y of Ukrainian surnames in Canada, their retention and patterrrs of change. The introduction is chiefly concerned with the si-gnificant literature on Ukraínian anthroponymy and the princi-pIes laid down for this work Part One is divided ínto five chapters. The first chapter surveys the background and development of early Slavic personal and family names (surnames). The second chapter elaborates upon the types of Ukrainian family names, categorizing them into 1) surnames of relationship; 2) oc- cupation, trade and. profession; 3) d.escrlptlver characteris- tics; 4) toponyms; and two categorie.s of non-Ukrainian ele- ments and surnames of dubious or uncertain origin. The third chapter is devoted to the documentation of Ukrainian surnames prior to their transplanting to Canada. This is followed by the fourth chapter, which contains the conclu- sions of this thesis. The fifth chapter provides a selec- tive semantic classification of Ukrainian surnames found in Canada, excerpted from F. Bogdan's Dictionary of.Ukrainian Surnames in Canada, with- correct English transliteration, Ukrainian spelling and accents. It is through this speci- fic classification that the cultural heritage of Ukrainian surnames in Canada is expl-ained. Part Two examines the Canadianization of Ukrainian surnames. Thj-s section is divided ínto four chapters. The first chapter discusses Canadianization as an important process involved in surname modification. It presents the types of changes and reasons responsible for these altered Ukrainian surnames. The second chapter provides insight into the onomastic and linguistic analysis of over 2,000 Ukrainían surname chanses excerpted from the Manitoba Gazette (vo1s. B6-105), and compiled into dictionary form in the fourth chapter under the following typological scheme: 1) ful-l assimilation, 2) partial assimilation, 3) hybríd.iza- tion and 4) Slavic to Slavic. It is evident from the compiled surname changes that the majority of people who changed their surname \^/ere concerned mainly with adapting the original surname to the new host language system, ,rather than completely modifying ir. The concluding chapter attempts to assess the sig- nificance and need for further researcll ín Ukrainian anthro- ponymy in Canada. The Appendix lísts approximately 4,700 surnames found in this thesis, in alphabetical order- ABBREVIATIONS abbr. abbreviation a.m. o. and many others a. o. and others Ar. Arabic A. S. Anglo Saxon a. s.o. and some others aug. augmentative Bg. Bulgarian IJ-LJ(. Balkan c. city Dan. Danish Uç!Ã^, . derivative dim. diminutive Dut. Dutch aà edition E. Sm. East Semitic Fr. French gen. genitive Gae. GaeIic Gk. Greek Grm. German Hbr. Hebrew Hg. Hungarian Huc. Hucul ït. ftalian Jew. Jewish Jap. Japanese Lat. Latin LF author - Luba Fedorkiw MHG Midd1e High German 01. Fr. OId French 01. Nor. Old Norse 01. s1. Old Slavic pl. pIuraI Po. Polish q. v. quod. vide (see there) r. river Rm. Rumanian Rus. Russian s. singular Sc. Scandinavian Tk. Turkic Tt. Tartar Ukr. Ukrainian \7 viJ-lage (dash) changed to *For the purposes of this study, the terms "family name" and "surname" are used interchangeably. rHE UKRAINTAN ALPzuÞET Ukralnlan Eng1l sh Lette_rs Transll_tergr-t-l9n Appro xlnate Pronuncl atlqa .¿L e. Aa a ln sre -bo Bb b ln baby BB l,I w ¡¡ 1n was fr Hh þ 1n how II Gg glngo À¿ Dd" $ 1n !o- Ee Ee S ln tglt Ug ïe ye e ln ¿gs ïtx Zh zh S ln pleasure Uó Zz Z Ln gero Vrr ïy t ln country fi --- YL YL Yy ! 14 o!1 Ii T1 ! ln machlne t_r T1 yl ¿ ln ¿ear Kx KK E ln klnd- JI rI LI ! ln last lri u Mm m 1n man rl.hr Nn 4 1n not 0o Oo g ln Lgrd. ilr Pp .p ln past P Y'\ Rr I ln goad. Ss g 1n Same TT Tt t 1n town Vlr Uu g ln rule oÕ Ff Ë ln flve Xx Kh kh Kh 1n kÞan TI TT Îs ts Ig ln tsetse Ch ch 9! ln church III n Sh sh Srr rn kagþa Eq Shch shch Shch ln fresh cheese I0 ¡o Yu yu ïu ln Yukon fl.s Ya ya Ig 1n ¿grd DÐL No sound. ÏNTRODUCTION The study of Ukrainian Canad.iañ =rrt.r.*"=l (prizvyshsche) 2 is a paramount process encompassing the fields of history, religion and the social sciences. Just as the Ukrainian surname in the Ukraine foIlowed. similar patterns of development into.all Indo-European languages' so too, thousands of Ukrainian surnames exposed to the English speaking milieu of Canada, experienced some t'ype of modification or change. This process of surname modifica- tion resultecl from the direct contact with a new language system, quite unfamil-iar to the Ukrainian immigrant- The Problem. The present study seeks to investi- gate the degree of retentiveness and modification of Ukrainian surnames in Canada, dealing specifically with surnames used among the general population. The study rvill be conducted in an onoma'stic and linquistic frame of reference. The lwebster's Third New International Dictionary, êd. in cfrief ditorial Staff (Springfield, Mass.: Merriam Company Publishers r 1.97l-) p. 230. Surname refers Lo: "a family name as d.istinguished from a given or Christian name; last name; a name or epithet added. to a person's given name; agnomen." This surname is received at birth and in marriage and is legally passed on to progeny. 2*-r. Khudas n, "z istoriyi formuvannya i stanovl-ennya ukrayins'kykh prízvyshch," "From the History of the Origin and Êormation õt Ukiainian Surnames" Movoznavstvo (Philology) no. 2 (Kyjiv, L969) , 37. i rl_ aims of this thesis will be: (1) to provide a general survey of ,the development of the Ukrainian family names (surnames). i' with reference to their early documentation; (2) to classify the main types of Ukrainian surnames found in Canada, with correct English transliteration, Ukrainian spel1ing, accents and meaningsr âs presented in the Table of Contentst (3) to provide historical- and cul-tural backgrounds for the Ukrainian surname in Canada, with reference to early Ukrainian immigra- tion and possibl-e circumstances involved in name changing; (4) to examine Ukrainian surnames, which because they had been written in the Cyril.lic script, thereby lacking'córres- ponding equivalents in the English alphabet, have been par- ticularly vulnerable to modifications or deformation through transliteration; (5) to present- and discuss linguistii''treñdÉ"- and processes involved in the retentiveness or modification and change of Ukrainian surnames i rc) to supplement the study Canadianization of Slavic Surnames bv Robert B.
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