39546 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 4, 1973 port on S. 1443, the foreign aid author­ ADJOURNMENT TO 11 A.M. Joseph J. Jova, of Florida, a Foreign Serv­ ization bill. ice officer of the class of career minister, to Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. Presi­ be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo­ There is a time limitaiton thereon. dent, if there be no further business to tentiary of the United States of America to There will be at least one yea-and-nay come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ Mexico. vote, I am sure, on the adoption of the cordance with the previous order, that Ralph J. McGuire, of the District of Colum. bia, a Foreign Service officer of class 1, to be conference report, and there may be the Senate stand in adjournment until Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ other votes. the hour of 11 o'clock a.m. tomorrow. t iary cf the United States of America to the On the disposition of the conference The motion was agreed to; and at 6: 45 Republic of Mali. report on the foreign aid authorization p.m., the Senate adjourned until tomor­ Anthony D. Marshall, of New York, to be row, Wednesday, December 5, 1973, at Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ bill, S. 1443, the Senate will take up tiary of the United States of America to the Calendar Order No. 567, S. 1283, the so­ lla.m. Republic of Kenya. called energy research and development Francis E. Meloy, Jr., of the District of bill. I am sure there will be yea and Columbia, a Foreign Service officer of the NOMINATIONS class of career minister, to be Amb1ssador nay votes on amendments thereto to­ Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the morrow. Final action on that bill is not Executive nominations received by the United States of America to Guatemala. Senate December 4, 1973: contemplated tomorrow. The Senate will DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE resume consideration of the bill on DEPARTMENT OF STATE Charles D Loos, of Indiana, to be U.S. Thursday. Harry G. Barnes, Jr., of Maryland, a For­ m:i.rshal for the southern district of Indiana. eign Service officer of class 1, to be Ambas­ for the term o! 4 yeus. (Reappointment.) Does the distinguished acting Repub­ sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Anthony E. Rozman, of Michigan, to be lican leader have anything to state? the United States of America to Romania. U.S. marshal for the eastern district of Mr. STAFFORD. Nothing further, I Heyward Isham, of the District of Colum­ Michigan for the term of 4 years. (Reappoint­ would say. bia, a Foreign Service officer cf class 1, to be ment.) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ Denny L. Sampson, of Nevada, to be U.S. Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. I thank the tiary of the United States of America to marshal for the district of Nevada for the distinguished Senator from Vermont. Haiti. term of 4 years. (Reappointment.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SENATOR RANDOLPH RECEIVES Members of this body know that Sen­ was elected to the U.S. House of Represent­ RECOGNITION FOR AVIATION ator RANDOLPH is concerned with con­ atives. Working from his Washington office LEADERSHIP structive results in the activities in which with a group of Elkins aviation enthusiasts, he became a dynamic force in a movement he participates. However, on this day in to establish the original Elkins Municipal Elkins there was one activity which had Airport in 1934. HON. TED STEVENS been purposely kept from him by the When the Elkins airport was expanded, the OF ALASKA people of his hometown, his staff, and runways enlarged and the terminal building moved and renovated in 1944, it wa.:i again IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES citizens who were to participate in the program. In addition to the dedication Congrassman Randolph who helped Elkins Tuesday, December 4, 1973 of the new terminal building, the Elkins leaders secure federal financing for the air­ port development. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, on No­ City Council and the Randolph County Elkins was the second city in West Vir­ vember 17 it was my privilege to accom­ Court had voted some time before to ginia to be served by a commercial airline­ pany the distinguished senior Senator designate the airport as Jennings Ran­ Amerlcan Airlines camP. to Elkins in 1934 from West Virginia (Mr. RANDOLPH) to dolph Field in recognition of his work at the urging of Jennin6s Randolph. his hometown of Elkins to participate in the establishment of the airport in And on May 12, 1939, Elkins was one of in the dedication of a new terminal build­ 1934 and the improvements to it since the first cities on the experimental Air Mail that time, and as a tribute to their own Pickup Service route. It was Congressman ing at the Elkins-Randolph County Air­ Randolph who authored the Air Mall Pickup port. With us on that important occasion Senator for his aviation leadership at the legislation. were many nationally known persons who national level. When the Weather Station was termin3.ted have worked and pioneered in aviation Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ in Elkins, he was instrumental in getting it programs over a period of many, many sent that the program for the ceremony reinstated. years. It was fascinating to me to listen to and two articles from the Elkins, W. Va., And always, he is in the forefront to keep these leaders-men such as C. R. Smith, Inter-Mountain be printed in the the vital Federal Aviation Administration's chairman of the board and chief execu­ RECORD. flight service station in Elkins. There being no objection, the material Many, many cities much larger than El­ tive officer of American Airlines; Lt. kins have no scheduled air carrier service. Gen. Pete Quesada, first Administrator was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Sen. Randolph has been influential in the of the Federal Aviation Administration; as follows: continuation of scheduled air carrier service Representative DoN CLAUSEN, president DEDICATION-JENNINGS RANDOLPH FIELD, in his hometown. of the Congressional Flying Club, and ELKINS-RANDOLPH COUNTY AmPORT, NO­ And today, 39 years after the original air­ former astronaut Mike Collins-describe VEMBER 17, 1973 port was built, Sen. Randolph has been a their years of association with Senator A TRIBUTE TO "MR. AVIATION" key figure in obtaining a new airport ter­ "He has led us in aviation ... more than minal building for Elkins. RANDOLPH and his effective efforts in the Emerson Phares, president of the Elkins­ development of aviation and air travel. any other man", said L. Welch Pogue, former chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board. Randolph County Airport Authority speak­ Mr. President, I personally was aware "He's the best friend civil aviation ever ing for officials and citizens, paid this trib­ that the Senator from West Virginia has had", said John Shaffer, former chief of the ute to Sen. Randolph: been deeply involved in almost every Federal Aviation Administration. "Sen. Randolph consistently has been the Both were speaking of U.S. Sen. Jennings strongest single force and advocate of bet­ legislative effort since the early 1930's to ter and improved aviation facilities to serve strengthen and improve aviation pro­ Randolph-known in the field of aviation and in the halls of Congress as "Mr. Avia­ Elkins and Randolph County. He has been grams. Nevertheless, to hear C.R. Smith tion". eager to assert his important office with dis­ state that "when the history of aviation By presenting the first bill in Congress patch when a. need a.rises. Without question, is written there will be a bright shining for federal aid to airports, he helped estab­ we would not have this flne airport, nor golden page there for JENNINGS RANDOLPH lish airports across the nation. would we now be dedicating this new ter­ Back in his hometown of Elkins, there ls minal building if it had not been for Sen. and he will certainly deserve it," brought no greater friend of the local airport than Randolph". home to me and to those present the Sen. Randolph. PROGRAM unique role that Senator RANDOLPH has That friendship started in 1932 when as Flag Raising-West Virginia Highlanders exercised in the realization of aviation a young professor and athletic director at Bagpipe Ba.nd, Color Guard, American Legion progress. Davis and Elkins College, Jennings Randolph Post 29. December 4, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REJ.'1ARKS 39547 Invocation-Dr. Dua.rd H. Estep, Pastor of Visibly touched, the senator said simply, He talked a.bout his pa.rents. "They taught First Baptist Ohurch. "I am grateful. I shall always remember this me to work. What a great thing they taught Master of Ceremonles--Judge Robert E. minute, these 60 seconds, that I've stood me when they taught me that," he said. Maxwell, U.S. District Court of Northern here after learning of this honor. Thank He talked about the two men responsible West Virginia. you very, very much." for causing him to originally run for Con­ Welcome-Mayor James Gladkosky. The senator's friends, once inside the gress: his father and Earl Maxwell, father Remarks-Lt. Gen. Elwood R. Quesada. warm Engine Room at the Tygart Hotel, no of U.S. District Judge Ro·bert E. Maxwell. USAF (Ret.), First Administrator of Federal longer restrained themselves in praises for "Though he never told me, I knew that my Avla.tlon Administration. their friend and colleague. father wanted me to do what he had tailed I n troductlons--James E. Wallace, Elklns­ Lt. Gen. Elwood "Pete" Quesada, who had to do in 1916 and 1918 when he ran !or Con­ Randolph County Airport Authority.
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