Aurecon New Zealand Limited T +64 9 520 6019 Level 4, 139 Carlton Gore Road F +64 9 524 7815 Newmarket Auckland 1023 E [email protected] PO Box 9762 W aurecongroup.com Newmarket Auckland 1149 New Zealand 2020-02-17 Louise Wilson Team Leader – Resource Consents Far North District Council 5 Memorial Ave Kaikohe 0405 Dear Louise, Following the pre-application meeting which was held with both Far North District Council and Northland Regional Council on 14th November 2019, please find attached a Notice of Requirement and an Outline Plan of Works waiver to alter the designation for State highway 10 at Kaeo, and to replace the existing single-lane bridge with a two-lane bridge. During the pre-lodgement meeting the following matters were covered: Project Scope Discussion of the effects of the project on the existing and surrounding environment, and how these effects can be avoided, remedied or mitigated so that the effects are less than minor Establishment that there are no affected persons, except for those properties within the proposed designation footprint with whom property purchase discussions are underway. It is recommended that the Notice of Requirement is limited notified to the land owners within the Notice of Requirement boundary. For your information, a resource consent application for this project (application number APP.041470.01.01) is being lodged with Northland Regional Council concurrently with the Notice of Requirement. It is being recommended that the resource consent application is non-notified, as for resource consenting purposes, the relevant environmental effects on persons within and near the project area are less than minor. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Claire Cunningham Manager, Environment and Planning Aurecon Project 254914 File NoR cover letter Kaeo Bridge 2020-02-17 Revision 0 Page 1 SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project - Assessment of Effects on the Environment SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project Assessment of Effects on the Environment Prepared by: Aurecon New Zealand January 2020 VERSION 3 NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY January 2020 1 SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project - Assessment of Effects on the Environment This report has been prepared for the benefit of the NZ Transport Agency (the Transport Agency). No liability is accepted by this company or any employee or sub-consultant of this company with respect to its use by any other person. This disclaimer shall apply notwithstanding that the report may be made available to other persons for an application for permission or approval or to fulfil a legal requirement. DOCUMENT CONTROL Report title SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project – Assessment of Effects on the Environment Document ID 254914-3000-REP-NN-0001 File path Client New Zealand Transport Agency Client contact Jane Price Version Date Revision Details Author Reviewer Verifier Approver December Draft for client B. Linkhorn 1 T. Hurdley K. Lepoutre 2017 review P. Wilkinson E. Sparrow Draft for client 2 August 2019 Claire W. Adam review Cunningham E. Sparrow 3 January 2020 Final W. Adam R.Black N. Holman C. Cunningham APPROVAL Author signature Approver signature Name Claire Cunningham Name Nigel Holman Title Manager Title Associate NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY January 2020 2 SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project - Assessment of Effects on the Environment Table of Contents 1 Introduction 9 Purpose of the report 9 Background 10 Project overview 11 Benefits of the SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project 11 Approvals required 12 2 SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project Description 13 Project description 13 Road carriageway 13 Bridge works 13 Hydrology management and stormwater treatment 14 Earthworks, vegetation removal and reestablishment 15 Network utilities 16 Site establishment and site compound 16 Landscaping 16 Construction programme and sequencing 17 3 Description of the existing environment 18 Physical environment 18 Human Environment 23 Planning Environment 25 Summary 26 4 Consultation 27 Approach to consultation and engagement 27 Consultation and engagement undertaken 27 Summary 28 5 Assessment of Effects 29 Positive effects 29 Noise and vibration effects and mitigation 29 Landscape and visual effects and mitigation 31 Traffic effects and mitigation 32 Archaeology effects and mitigation 32 Cultural effects and mitigation 33 Contamination effects and mitigation 34 Coastal processes effects and mitigation 35 Erosion and sediment effects and mitigation 38 Flooding effects and mitigation 39 Stormwater quality effects, mitigation and assessment of alternatives 41 Ecology effects and mitigation 41 Summary of Project mitigation 43 5.1 Conclusion 44 NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY January 2020 3 SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project - Assessment of Effects on the Environment 6 Reasons for Resource Consent 45 Introduction 45 Reasons for resource consent 45 7 Notice of Requirement - Assessment of Reasonable Necessity and Consideration of Alternatives 58 Reasonable necessity 58 Assessment of alternatives 60 Conclusion 65 8 Planning Assessment 66 Introduction 66 New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 66 National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health 66 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 66 Regional Policy Statement for Northland 67 Regional Coastal Plan for Northland 68 Regional Water and Soil Plan for Northland 69 Proposed Regional Plan for Northland 70 Far North District Plan 71 Summary 73 9 Statutory Assessment 74 Introduction 74 Legislative framework 74 Land Transport Management Act 82 Government Roading Powers Act 1989 82 Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 82 Reserves Act 83 10 Conclusion 84 Appendices Appendix A – Records of Titles Appendix B – Drawing Set Appendix C – Assessment of Acoustic Effects Appendix D – Assessment of Landscape Effects Appendix E – Integrated Transport Assessment Appendix F – Assessment of Archaeology Effects Appendix G – Contamination Assessment Memorandum Appendix H – Assessment of Coastal Effects Appendix I – Hydraulic Modelling Technical Specialist Report Appendix J – Stormwater Design Report Appendix K – Assessment of Ecological Effects NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY January 2020 4 SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project - Assessment of Effects on the Environment Figures Figure 1: Kaeo Bridge Project Location (source: topomap.co.nz) 10 Figure 2: SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project area and surrounds 18 Figure 3: SH10 Kaeo River catchment 20 Figure 4: Archaeological features identified in 2017 field surveys and historic features recorded from land plans (Geometria Ltd, 2019). 25 Figure 5: Far North District Plan Map 21 - Zone 26 Figure 6: Far North District Plan Map 21- Flooding 26 Figure 7: Flood level check locations. Numbered green dots are properties in or near the Project area 40 Figure 8: Potential detour route around SH10 Kaeo Bridge 59 Figure 9: Project Business Case long list alignment options (Opus 2016) 61 Figure 10: Modified 2016 alignment options re-evaluated in 2017 63 Figure 11: Option 5 evaluated in 2017 64 Tables Table 1: Terms and definitions 6 Table 2: List of abbreviations 7 Table 3: Notice of Requirement property information 23 Table 4: Regional Water and Soil Plan for Northland reason for resource consent - land use 45 Table 5: Regional Water and Soil Plan for Northland reason for resource consent – water permits 47 Table 6: Regional Water and Soil Plan for Northland reason for resource consent – discharge permit 49 Table 7: Regional Water and Soil Plan for Northland - permitted activities 49 Table 8: Proposed Regional Plan for Northland reason for resource consent – Land Use 52 Table 9: Proposed Regional Plan for Northland reasons for resource consent - Water Permit 54 Table 10: Proposed Regional Plan for Northland reasons for resource consent - Discharge Permit 54 Table 11: Proposed Regional Plan for Northland reasons for resource consent - permitted activities 54 Table 12: Notice of Requirement being lodged with FNDC 80 NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY January 2020 5 SH10 Kaeo Bridge Project - Assessment of Effects on the Environment Table 1: Terms and definitions Terms Definitions Amenity values As defined in section 2 of the RMA, amenity values means those natural or physical qualities and characteristics of an area that contribute to people’s appreciation of its pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational attributes. Archaeological As defined in the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014, site archaeological site means, subject to section 42(3),— (a) any place in New Zealand, including any building or structure (or part of a building or structure), that— (i) was associated with human activity that occurred before 1900 or is the site of the wreck of any vessel where the wreck occurred before 1900; and (ii) provides or may provide, through investigation by archaeological methods, evidence relating to the history of New Zealand; and (b) includes a site for which a declaration is made under section 43(1) Best As defined in Section 2 of the RMA, best practicable option, in relation to practicable a discharge of a contaminant or an emission of noise, means the best option method for preventing or minimising the adverse effects on the environment having regard, among other things, to— (a) the nature of the discharge or emission and the sensitivity of the receiving environment to adverse effects; and (b) the financial implications, and the effects on the environment, of that option when compared with other options; and (c) the current state of technical knowledge and the likelihood that the option can be successfully applied Designation Defined in Section 2 and Section
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