CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 Sl!RIES--13 NAGALAND Paper-I PI~OVISIONAL POI>ULATION TO"I'ALS DANIEL KENT of the Indian Frontier Administrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, NAGALAND, 1971 CONTENTS PAGE 1. Preface V 2. Figures at a glance VI 3. Introductory Note 1 4. Statement showing a comparative picture of the population of State/Union territories of India 2-3 5. Charts & Maps: (i) Pie-chart showing the comparative Population size of the Districts, Nagaland 7 (ii) Map of Nagaland showing Decennial Population Growth Rates 1961-71 9 (iii) Explanatory note to the map of Nagaland showing Decennial Population Growth Rates 1961-71 11 (iv) Explanatory note to the map of Nagaland showing Density of Population 12 (v) Map of Nagaland showing Density of Population 13 6. Provisoinal Population Tables & Analysis of Figures: (i) TABLE-I Distribution of Population, Sex Ratio, Growth Rates and Density of Population by Districts 16-17 (ii) TABLE-II Decadal Variation in Population since 1901 18 (iii) TABLE-III Rural and Urban composition of Population 19 (iv) TABLE-IV Population of Towns 21 (v) TABLE-V Literacy 22-23 (vi) TABLE-VI Distribution of Population by Workers and Non-Workers 4 (vii) TABLE-VII DistributioB of Working Population by Agricultural & Other Workers 25 PREFACE-- AT A GLANCE as pre<:ented in this P<.Iper-I are some ofth:! basic par.ticulars.of the population of 1\l;:'tg3hnd, the 16th Stat\! of the Indian Union. The figures are still crude -and p~ovisional having "J:lo'('n compiled basing on counts from the records mad::- av'~ bIe by teams of Census workers \,.'llg'ged during the entire operation. The d~ta here h3" tl-tei .. r11lit-ti,~ .',:nd <;ubject to v"1riation 3t later stages "'hen t1}~ proce";> of TabulHion is tak('n up. In this issue I would like to expr~ss .n.)' grJtitud~ to Shri J. C. D:'utta, Stati.,tic_!l A>!:i~t"int, Shri D. C. Pathak, Computor and Shn 1. Raj Baruah, Draug1_-tt~'1l.an, they along with other members of my !>taff have spared no pains to com,?lete and enSUl..! t Ie j,n"umpt release of this Pro,>isional Population Totals of the 1971 Census of the St"\te of Nagah-u.d. The last but not the least my personal than1... i to the Deput)" Commissioner:., the Sub-divisional Officers, the Extra A~sist nt C'~m'nissi Joers anJ Circle Officers who along with their te:lIJlS of Enu­ merators and SupervisJrs irdd \" it'! s~nse of duty Qn~ great enthu-siasrn came forward to take acting part in this gigantic task and PC'£' _' ,t n S'lcce"" inspite of the very many odds and challenging cir­ cumstances pre"ailing in 0Ui- ~ a DANIEL KENT. I.F.A.S_ Kohima Director of Census Operations, 29th April, 1971 Nagalaud FIGuRES AT A GLANCE (Census of India 1971 -Provisional Population Totals-Nagaland State) A. POPl Lt\TION OF NAGALAND Total 515,561 Males 275,359 F' male~ 240,202 B DE(· 1\:1\1\...1:'\1 POPL L:'\TlC N G: JVlTH RA. rE (1961 71) 39.64 Per c, nt C D- "S]T" uF POl-lLATION PI-- Sfll ARF KTlOMETRl: 31 P(~rsOllS D ~_. R .T10 PFR 1,000 MALES 872 FeT 'ales E. PROPORTION Oi- uRBAN ,POPU- L t\TION TO TOTAL POPULATION: 9.91 Per cent F. LITERACY RATE Total 27.33 Per cent Males 34.42 Per cent Females 19.21 Per cent G. WORK PARTICIPATION RATE (i. e. PROPORTION OF ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE WORKERS TO TOTAL POPULATION) Total 52.0~ Per cent Males 56.16 Per ceRt Females 47.,B Per cellt INTRODUCTORY NOTE ,--___J The particulars pertaining to the State o f Nagaland as presented in this P aper-I of 1971 Cen- ' sus have been compiled and tabulated from the Charge Abstracts and District Abstracts furnished by the ('.-barge Superintendents and Dist rict Census Officers of the respective district. It is needless to mention that these data are crude and purely provisional. The final population figures will be· made available only after the Schedules duly filled in by the Enumerators are processed systematically from the Tabulation Office. 2. In this Publication we have presented Dist rictwise figures only. But in the Primary Census Abstract the Census figures will be made available down to the village level in rural areas and Enu­ m erator's block in urban a reas a part from presenting. the data by sex, educational level, broad agt)ot group etc. in the subsequent publications. 3. The tables and maps presented in this P ublica tion have been briefly analysed. 2 STATEMENT SHOWING A COMPARATIVE PICTURE OF THE POPULATION QF STATES/UNION TERRITORIES OF INDIA (1971 CENSUS-Provisional Figures) TOTAL POPtJLAT,lON • Decennial Growth Rates Indiru'States and Union __Percentage Density of po- , Territories Population it! Population in pulation 1971 1961 and Rank 1971 and Rank 1951-61 1961-71 per Sq. Km. 2 3 4 5 «I IN D I A 439,235,082 546,955.945 + :2i.64 + 24.57 182 STATES 1. Andhra Pradesh 35,983,446 43,394.951 j_ 15.65 + 20.60 157 (4) (5) -I- 35.06 149 2. Assam ]1,872,772 14,857314 , " 33.51 (14) (13) 3". Bihar 46.455,610 56,387,296 -,- 19(f/7 + 21.38 324 (2) (2) ? 4: Gujarat 20,633,350 26,660.929 + 2~.(~8 + 29.21 136 (9) (9) 5: Haryana 9,971,165 + 33.79 l-- 31.36 225 (I 5) 6. Himachal Pradesh 1,351,144 3,424,332 + 17.87 + 21.76 62 (17) (I 8) 7. Jammu "& Kashmir 3,560,976 4,615.176 + 9.44 + 29.60 (15) (16) 8. Kerala 16,903,715 21,280,397 + 24.76 + 25.89 541 (13) (12) 9. Madhya Pradesh 32,372.408 41,449,729 + 24.17 + 28.04 9' (7) (6) 10. Maharashtra 39,553,718 50,295,081 + 23.60 + 27.16 1611 (3) (3) fi. Mysore 23,586,772 29,224,045 + 21.57 + 23.90 15! (8) (8) 12. Nag.land 369,200 515,561 + 14.07 + 39.64 31 (21) (23) 13. Orissa 17,548,846 21,934,827 + 19.82 + 24.99 141 (12) (11) 14. Punjab 20,306,812 13,472,972 + 21.56 t- 21.00 26& (10) (14) 15. Rajasta8 20,155,602 25,724,142 + 26.20 + 27.63 11 (11) (10) 16. Tamil Nadll 33,686,953 41,103,125 + 11.85 + 22.01 316 (6) (7) 17. Uttar Pradesh 73,746,401 S8,299,453 + 16.6' + 14.73 300 (1) (1) 3 STATEMENT SHOWING A COMPARATIVE PICTURE OF THE POPULATION OF STATES/UNION TERRITORIES OF INDIA-cone/d. ( 1971 CENSUS-Provisional figures) TOTAL POPULATION Decennial Growth Rate India/States and Union Population in Population in Percentage Densityof po- Territories 1961 and Rank 1971 and Rank 1951.61 1961-71 pulation 1971 per Sq. Km. 2 3 4 S 6 18. West Bengal 34,926,279 44,440,095 + 32.80 + 27.24 S07 (5) (4) UNION TERRITORIES 19. Andaman & Nicobar 63,548 115,090 +105.19 + 81.11 14 Islands (24) (27) 20. Chandigarh 256,979 J56,979 +394.13 +114.36 2,254 (26) (26) 21. Dadra and Nagar 57,963 94,165 + 39.56 + 27.95 l~l Haveli (25) (28) 22. Dehli 2,658,612 41,044,338 + 52.44 + 52.12 2,723 (16) (17) 23. Goa, Daman & Diu 626,978 857,180 + 5.14 + 36.78.1 225 (20) (22) 24. L.M. & A Islands 24,108 31,798 + 14.61 + 31.90 994 (26) (29) 25. Manipur 780,037 1,069,555 + 35.04 + 37.12 48 (19) (20) 26. Meghalaya 983,336 + 25.97 + 32.02 44 (21) 27. N. E. F. A. 336,558 444,744 + 32.14 (23) (25) 28. Pondicherry 369,079 471,347 + 16.34 + 27.71 982 (22) (24) 29. Tripura 1,142,005 1;556,822 + 78.71 + 36.32 149 (18) (19) CHARTS AND MAPS CHART SHOWING THE COMPARATIVE POPULATION SIZE OF THE DISTRICTS NAGALAND (1971 CEN SUS - PROVISIONAl ) '" .. , ~' ..... :' : : : : '. : : 0 . ., t--- »0 ---+------4 . NAGAL AND~ :::::::::::E: ::::'. 5,15,561 - --- NAGALAND DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATES 19~1-71 • PROVISIDN~L 20 10 20 30 !ILOIo£TftES MILES 10 I~ 20 BOUKOAN' , INTERNATIONAl SlUE. OISTRICT OISTRICT HEADQUARTERS OCCEliNIAL POPUUTlON GROWTH 1%1-11 IPC-30P.C )IPC-M?C I ABOVE 60PC p u ,11 DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATES ]961-71 .( ;Explanatory Note) Purpf)~e : The maR ,presents the districtwise decennial population groytll ef Nagala.t. ,Methptf : The percentage of population growth in each district for-the decade 1961-11 js~tnl'at'by Choropleth method. The percentage growth of population hss b~D grouped into three- ..categories and is shown by different shades for different districts., :'1. l ):,,; Salient During this decade tli~ total population b>ls increll')ed from 369,200 to 515,561 i.e. th. Feature. : population has increased by 39.64 per cent over 1961 Census Population in Naga'alld. Spectucalar itlcrease of population is recorded in Kohima district ('0.)8% ).\ The population of Mokokcbung district has increased by 33.86 per cent aDd Tuensallg district by 28.08 per cent. 12 DENSITY OF POPULATION (Explanatory Note) The map presents the districtwise density of population of Nagaland. Method: The density~ of population in each district is shown by Choropleth method. The density of population has been grouped into three categories and is sho\vn by different shades for different districts.
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