_ 60 - Territoires infectés à la date du 4 féirier 1960 — Infected areas as on 4 February 1960 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire Notifications received under the International Sanitary international concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou Regulations relating to infected local areas and to areas les territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was a été signalée (voir page 9). reported (see page 9). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 • = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, S et 9 a notified under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a) A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each m aladie. disease. ^ La date indiquée est celle de la fin de la semaine pendant laquelle ^ The date shown is that of the cad of die week in which the last notified survenu le dernier cas notifié« case occuned. PESTE — PLAGUE Océanie Oceania Madhya Pradesh, State FIEVRE JAUNE 17.1-4.n Bilaspur, District .... m 30JH.S9 YELLOW FEVER Mandsaur, District . ■ 2.IX.59 HAWAÏ - HAWAH Raigarh, District .... ■ 30.in.S9 8.XI-4.n Afrique — Africa Roisen, District .... m 23JX .59 Hawaii Island, Co. Sehore, District .... a 23JX .S9 CONGO BELGE Hamakua, District . ■ 14.V.57 Shajapur, District . a 20.VH.59 Afrique — Africa BELGIAN CONGO ANGOLA .................... a 27.V.59 Madras, State Nord-est de Blukwa North Arcot, District . a 30.XI.59 CONGO BELGE Chefferie de Libi Tiruchirappalli, District . a 28.1 Bikwa............................... B 9.1 BELGIAN CONGO G o l a ............................... B 3.1 CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Tenitoiie situi au nord du Kwelo ........................... B 3.1 Mysore, State 10“ S. — Territory North N d ja b u ........................... B 3.1 of UPS............................. a ll.Xn.S6 17.I-4.H Bangalore, District . a 18.X n.59 Dharwar, District. B i9 .x n Mandya, District .... B 2.1 ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA Asie — Asia Asia — Asia Gojjam Provìnce .... A 30JQ BIRMANIE — BURMA Orissa, State GAMBIE — GAMBIA . a 1.X.56 Irrawaddy^ Division Balasore, District. a 21.rV.56 Pyapon, District .... B 3 1 .x INDE — INDIA Bolangir Patna, District a 15.IV.58 GHANA ....................... a LX.56 Cuttack, District .... a 8.n.58 Kayak State Calcutta (PA) * ............... ■ I7.in.56 Ganjam, District .... a 7 .V in .5 6 NIGÈRIA — NIGERIA. a LX.56 Kayah State, Rural . B 3I.X Kalahandi, District . a 15.IV.58 Koraput, District .... a 3.IX.59 Skan, States Andhra Pradesh, State Puri, District................... a 7.V m .56 SIERRA LEONE . a 1.X.56 Southern Shan, State Chittoor, District. » . ■ 16.xns9 Sundergarh, District . a 7 .ra.5 8 Taunggyi, Town .... B 3 .x East Godavari, District . ■ 28.Xn'.S9 SOUDAN — SUDAN Guntur. District .... ■ 31.xn.59 Pondicherry, State Territoire situé au sud INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Krishna, District .... ■ 27.VHI.59 du 12® N. — Territory Nellore, District .... ■ ie.xn.s9 Yanam, District .... a 20.1 South of 12® N ................. a 17.Xn.56 Djawa Tengah, Province Visakbapatnam District . ■ 24.XI.S9 Kedu Residency West Godavari, District . ■ 27.vm.59 Tripura, State . a 25.V.59 Magelang, Regency . ■ 7.Xn,59 Amérique — America Wonosobo, Regency . ■ 7JOI.S9 Uttar Pradesh, State Bihar, State COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Surakarta Residency Rae Bareilli, District . 15.VI.59 Bhagalpur, District . ■ 19.XI.S9 a Bojolali, Regency . ■ l.ni.S9 Caqueta, Intendencia Darbhanga, District . ■ 13.vni.59 Florencia, Municipio Gaya, D is tric t................ ■ 25.VI.59 West Bengal, State Hazaribagh, District . ■ 13.VIII.59 Bankura, District. Anaya ........................... A 9.XI a 27.IV.59 El D o ncello................... Monghyr, District . , ■ 28.V.S9 Burdwan, District . , a e .n .S 8 A 16.XI PESTE DES RONGEURS Falamau, District .... ■ 6.vn.59 Hooghly, District .... El Paujil ....................... A23.XI B 19.XH El S a la d o ....................... A 20.XH RODENT PLAGUE Patna, D istrict............... ■ 6.VH.59 Howrah, District .... B 26.X1I Saran, D istrict............... ■ 1.IX.59 Malda, District............... G uadalito....................... B 2 2 .x B 2 6 .X n La A re n o sa ................... A 11.XI Shahabad, District . ■ 18.Vn.59 Midnapur, District . B 16.1 3.i-4.n Puerto R ico ................... Murshidabad, D istrict« . a 17.XI.58 A 2o .x n Nadia, District............... a 7.IV.58 Puerto Rico, Mun, Bombay, State 24-Parganas, District , , Afrique — Africa B 2 6 .x n Esmeraldas....................... A30.XI Sorath D istrict................ ■ 25.XI.59 Purulio, District .... a 22.V n.59 CONGO BELGE VENEZUELA BELGIAN CONGO ^ A Pexclusion de la circonscription PAMSTAN Cojedes, Edo. Province Orientale de Paéroport de Dum>Dum — Excluding Pao, Dto. Nord de Blukwa .... B26.XH local area of Dum Dum airport. East Pakistan B 16.1 Cano Benito................... A 13.XI - 6 1 - VARIOLE — SMALLPOX LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . « IS.HI.SS Âmériqoe — America ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR 3.I-4.II Azuay, Province MALI ARGENTINE — ARGENTINA Cuenca, Canton Afrique — Africa Soudan Entre Rios, Province Cuenca, Pair.. • . • . • A 9.1 VaEe, Pair........................ B 2.1 Bamako, Cercle................A 21.1 T a l a ............................... B 2.1 Dioia, Cercle................... A 21.1 AFRIQUE-OCCIDENTALE Giron, Canton FRANÇAISE Mopti, C e rc le ................ B 31JOI Santa Fe, Province Niafunke, Cercle .... A 21.1 Giron, Pair.......................A I6.I FRENCH WEST AFRICA Niger (O ffice)................A 21.1 P iam o n te....................... B 20.XH Bolivar, Province Voir/See: Côte d’ivoire, Dahomey, Guaranda, Canton Haute-Volta, Mali (Soudan), Niger, NIGER BOLIVIE — BOLIVU Guaranda, Pair. .... A 9.1 Agades, C ercle................A 28.1 Potosí, Opto. Julio Moreno, Pan*. B 2.Ï Doutchi, Cercle .... A 14.1 Santa Fe, Pair.................. A 16.1 CONGO BELGE Konni, C e rc le ................A 28.1 Charcas, Province BELGIAN CONGO Madaoua, Cercle , , . , A 28.1 Toracari Saucini .... B 3I.Xn Cañar, Province Maradi, Cercle............... A 28.1 Azogues, Canton Equateur, Province . A 9.1 Niamey, Cercle............... A 21.1 Kaaal, Province .... A 9.1 Azogues. P a r r ................ B 19.XI1 Tahoua, Cercle ..... A 21.1 BRÉSH — BRAZIL Katanga, Province . A 9 1 Tessaoua, Cercle .... A 21.1 Kivu, Province................ B 2.1 Zinder, Clercle............... A 14.1 Fortaleza (P ).................... B 30.IV.59 Carchi, Province LéopoldviUe, Province . B 26.XII Manaus ( P ) ................... B 30.IV.59 Tulcan, Canton Orientale, Province . A 9.1 Porto Alegre (PA). B 30.1V.S9 Tulcan, Part...................... A 16.1 Ruanda Urundi , , , B 2.1 NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA a 6.U.57 Recife ( P A ) ................... B 30.IV.59 Rio de Janeiro (PA) . A 9.1 Chimborazo, Province Salvador ( P ) .................... B 30.IV.59 Colta, Canton COTE D ’IVOIRE — IVORY COAST OUGANDA — UGANDA Sao Luis (P )................... B 30.IV.59 Cajabamba, Pair.............. A 16.1 Abidjan, Cercle .... A 28.1 Kampala, Mun. (A ). , . B 26.XH Sao Paulo ( A ) ................ B 30JV.59 Bassam. C ercle................A 28.1 Guano, Canton Bouaké, Cercle................A 14.1 Bugandoy Province Minas Gerais, Edo» Penipc, Pair..................... B 19.XH Daloa, Cercle................... A 28.1 Mengo, District .... B 2.1 Belo Horizonte................ B 7.VIII.59 Dimbokro, Cercle . A 28.1 Cotopaxi, Province Gagnoa, Cercle . , , , A 28.1 Eastern, Province Latacunga, Canton Grand-Lahou, Cercle . A 21.1 Parana, Edo. Jinja, Municipality . B 26.XII l.atacunga. Pair. .... B 26.XII Man, Cercle................... A 28.1 C uritiba........................... B 30.1V.S9 Séguôla, C ercle................A 7,1 Teso, District................... ■ 31.X.59 Esmeraldas, Province Northern, Province Piaui, Edo Esmeraldas, Canton DAHOMEY Acholi, District............... ■ 5.XH.59 Teresina........................... B 30.IV.59 Muisne, Pair..................... A 9.1 Lango, D istrict............... a 7.II.59 Abomey, Région .... A I2.I Imbabura, Province Abomey-Calavi, Région . A 12.1 Western Province Adjohoun, Région . A 12.1 COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Ibarra, Canton Portonovo, Région . B 29.XH Ankole, District............... A 9.1 Lita, Parr........................ B 19.XH Savalou, Région .... A 12.1 Bogota ( A ) ................... B 20.Xn Tumaco ( P ) ................... B 27.X1I Zagnanado, Région . A S.I Otavalo, Canton RHODÉSIE ET NYASSALAND Quichînehe, Part.............. A 16.1 RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Antioquia, Dpto. ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 Antioquia, Mun................ B 13.XII Northern Rhodesia Segovia, Mun................... B 27.X1I Loja, Province Turbo, Mun...................... B 13.XII Loja, Canton GHANA Western, Province . A 9.1 Loja, Pan*................. A 9.1 Malacates, Parr................ B 19.XH Ashanti, Region Nyasaland Bolivar, Dpto. Mampong, District . • 25.1 Achi, Mun........................ B 13.XH Central, Province .... A 30.1 Paltas, Canton Southern, Province . A 30.1 Chaguarpamba, Parr. A 16.1 Caldas, Dpto. GUINÉE — GUINEA Southern Rhodesia Quimbaya, Mun............... B 13.XII Los Rios, Province Babahoyo, Canton Dabola, Région................ B 2.1 Western, Region .... A 23.1 Kissidougou, Région , . a 25.IV.59
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