BANK/GA/201707/INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRY/E&H/02 CLASS WORK SHEET LECTURE-02 INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRY ( Hkkjrh; cSfdax m|ksx ) Q.1. Which of the following pair is/are True? fuEufyf[kr tksfM+;ksa esa ls dkSu lk@ls lR; gS@gS\ (1) State Bank Group - Pure banking nothing else; With you all the way LVsV cSad lewg & I;ksj cSafdax ufFkax ,Yl foFk ;w vky n os (2) Allahabad Bank - A tradition of trust bykgkckn cSad & fo'okl dh ,d ijaijk (3) Andhra Bank - Much more to do, with YOU in focus vka/kzk cSad & ep eksj Vw Mw] foFk ;w bu Qksdl (4) Bank of Baroda - India’s international bank cSad vkWQ cM+kSnk & Hkkjr dk varjkZ"Vªh; cSad (5) All are correct / lHkh lgh gS Q.2. The headquarter of Allahabad Bank is located in--------------. bykgkckn cSad dk eq[;ky; &&&&&&&&&&& esa fLFkr gSA (1) Pune/ iq.ks (2) New Delhi/ ubZ fnYyh (3) Chennai/ psUubZ (4) Kolkata/ dydÙkk (5) Bengaluru/ csaxyq: Q.3. Who decided the interest rate on saving bank account? cpr cSad [kkrksa ij C;kt nj dkSu fu/kkZfjr djrk gS\ (1) SEBI/ lsch (2) RBI/ vkjchvkbZ (3) Individual Banks/ O;fäxr cSad (4) Government of India/ Hkkjr ljdkj (5) None of these/ bues ls dksbZ ugha Q.4. What is the tag line of Bank of Baroda? cSad vkWQ cM+kSnk dh VSx ykbu D;k gS\ (1) Good People to Bank with/ vPNs yksx vPNk cSad (2) A Name you can Bank Upon/ Hkjksls dk izrhd (3) India’s international bank/ Hkkjr dk varjkZ"Vªh; cSad (4) A tradition of trust/ fo'okl dh ijEijk (5) None of these / bues ls dksbZ ugha Q.5. CASA is the abbreviation of-/ CASA fdldk laf{kIr :i gS& (1) Current Account and Saving Account (2) Currency Authority and Smart Account (3) Cumulative Account and Smart Account (4) Current Association and Saving Account (5) None of these/ buessa ls dksbZ ugha Q.6. Which one combination is not true? dkSu lk ,d feyku lR; ugha gS\ (1) Punjab National Bank - New Delhi/ iatkc us'kuy cSad & ubZ fnYyh (2) State Bank of India - Mumbai/ LVsV cSad vkWQ bafM;k & eqacbZ (3) Syndicate Bank - Manipal/ flaMhdsV cSad & ef.kiky (4) Union Bank of India – New Delhi/ ;wfu;u cSad vkWQ bafM;k & ubZ fnYyh (5) United Bank of India – Kolkata/ ;wukbVsM cSad vkWQ bafM;k & dksydkrk Q.7. Which of the following is/are true regarding banks and their taglines? fuEu esa ls dkSu lk@ls cSadksa vkSj muds VSxykbu ds ckjs esa lR; gS\ (1) Axis Bank - Everything is the same except the name/ ,fDll cSad% ,ojhfFkax bt n lse ,DllsIV n use (2) Bank of Rajasthan - Dare to dream/ cSad vkWQ jktLFkku% Ms;j Vw Mªhe (3) Catholic Syrian Bank - Support all the way/ dSFkksfyd lhfj;u cSad% liksVZ vky n os (4) Centurion Bank of Punjab - To rejoice working, join us/ lsapwfj;u cSad vkWQ iatkc% Vw jstksbls ofdaZx] Tokbu vl (5) All of the above/ mijksä lHkh lR; gSA www.mahendraguru.com 1 LECTURE-02 BANK/GA/201707/INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRY/E&H/02 Q.8. What is the tagline of United bank of India? ;wukbVsM cSad vkWQ bafM;k dh VSxykbu D;k gS\ (1) A Name you can Bank Upon./ vkidk Hkjkslsean lkFkh (2) Your faithful & friendly financial partner / vkidk oQknkj o fe=or foÙkh; lk>hnkj (3) Honours Your Trust. / vkids fo'okl dk lEeku (4) Good People to Bank with. / vPNs yksx vPNk cSad (5) The Bank that begins with U./ vki ls 'kq: gksus okyk cSad Q.9. ‘Together we can’ is slogan of which Bank? ^Vwxsnj oh dSu* fdl cSad dh VSxykbu gS\ (1) Corporation Bank/ dkWjiksjs'ku cSad (2) Union Bank Of India/ ;wfu;u cSad vkWQ bafM;k (3) Canara Bank/ dsujk cSad (4) Bank Of Baroda/ cSad vkWQ cM+kSnk (5) Indian Bank/ bf.M;u cSad Q.10. Which of the following is/are true?/ fuEu esa ls dkSu lk/ls lR; gSa@gS\ (1) Bank of Maharashtra - One family one bank / cSad vkWQ egkjk"Vª & ou QSfeyh ou cSad (2) Canara Bank - Together We Can / dsujk cSad & Vwxsnj oh dSu (3) Central Bank of India - Build A Better Life Around Us/ lsaVªy cSad vkWQ bafM;k & fcYM v csVj ykbQ vjkmaM vl (4) Corporation Bank- Prosperity for All/ dkjiksjs'ku cSad& çksLisfjVh QkWj vky (5) All are true/ lHkh lR; gSa Q.11. Headquarter of Indian Overseas bank is situated in which city? Hkkjrh; vksojlht cSad dk eq[;ky; fdl 'kgj esa fLFkr gS\ (1) Kolkata/ dksydkrk (2) New Delhi/ ubZ fnYyh (3) Mumbai/ eqacbZ (4) Bangalore/ caxykSj (5) Chennai/ psUubZ Q.12. “The Nation banks on us; Pure Banking Nothing Else; With you all the way.” Is the slogan of which of the following banks? ^^ns'k ds Hkjksls dk cSad 'kq) cSafdax vkSj dqN Hkh ugha gj eksM+ ij vki ds lkFk** fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl cSad ds ukjs gSa\ (1) Bank of Baroda/ cSad vkWQ cM+kSnk (2) Union Bank of India/ ;wfu;u cSad vkWQ bafM;k (3) State Bank of India/ Hkkjrh; LVsV cSad (4) Indian Bank/ bafM;u cSad (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q.13. What is the tagline of HDFC bank?/ ,pMh,Qlh cSad dh VSxykbu D;k gS\ (1) World's Local Bank/ fo'o dk LFkkuh; cSad (2) Trusted Family Bank/ ifjokj ds Hkjksls dk cSad (3) We Understand Your World/ ge le>sa vkidh nqfu;k dks csgrj (4) Good People to Grow With/ vPNs yksx vPNk cSad (5) India's International Bank/ Hkkjr dk varjkZ"Vªh; cSad Q.14. Choose the option, which is most appropriate regarding banks and their head offices? fodYi dk pquko dfj, tks cSadksa rFkk muds eq[;ky;ksa ds lanHkZ esa lcls mi;qä gS& (1) Vijaya Bank - Bangalore/ fot;k cSad & cSaxyksj (2) Punjab and Sindh Bank - Hyderabad/ iatkc ,.M flU/k cSad & gSnjkckn (3) UCO Bank - New Delhi/ ;wdks cSad & ubZ fnYyh (4) PNB - Mumbai/ ih,uch & eqEcbZ (5) All are correct/ lHkh lgh gSA For more questions visit stportal.mahendras.org www.mahendraguru.com 2 LECTURE-02 BANK/GA/201707/RESERVE BANK OF INDIA/E&H/03 CLASS WORK SHEET LECTURE-03 RESERVE BANK OF INDIA / ( Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ) Q.1. How many languages are written on a note? fdruh Hkk"kk,sa ,d uksV ij fy[kh jgrh gSa\ (1) 18 (2) 16 (3) 17 (4) 20 (5) 19 Q.2. What is full form of LOLR? LOLR dk iw.kZ :i D;k gS\ (1) Lender of Last Resort (2) Lender of Lost Resource (3) Lender of Last Resource (4) Lend of Lost Resource (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q.3. Who pays the cost of deposit insurance with DIGCC ? MhvkbZlhthlh ds lkFk tek chek dh ykxr dk Hkqxrku dkSu djrk gS\ (1) Account Holder/ [kkrk /kkjd (2) Central Government/ dsUæh; ljdkj (3) Insured Bank/ chekd`r cSad (4) RBI/ Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q.4. National Housing Bank is a subsidiary of- jk"Vªh; vkokl cSad] vuq"kaxh gS& (1) Nabard/ ukckMZ (2) HDFC/ ,pMh,Qlh (3) RBI/ Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad (4) ICICI/ vkbZlhvkbZlhvkbZ (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q.5. A bank which is entrusted with the functions of guiding and regulating the banking system of a country is known as its ___________. ,d cSad ftls ,d ns'k dh cSafdax ç.kkyh ds ekxZn'kZu vkSj fofu;eu ds dk;Z lkSais tkrs gSa] dks mudks &&&&&&&&&&& ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gSA (1) Regulating Bank/ fofu;eu cSad (2) Special Bank/ fo'ks"k cSad (3) Central Bank/ dsUæh; cSad (4) Controlling Bank/ fu;a=d cSad (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugh Q.6. Which of the following statements regarding Clean Note Policy is not true ? Dyhu uksV ikWfylh ls lacaf/kr fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu lk lR; ugha gS\ (1) Not to staple the banknotes/ cSad uksaV dks LVsiy uk djsa (2) Not to write on the banknotes/ cSad uksaV ij uk fy[ksa (3) Not to put rubber stamp on the banknotes/ cSad uksV ij eksgj uk yxk,¡ (4) All are true/ lHkh lR; gSa (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugh Q.7. Which of the following bank is authorized to act as an agent of Reserve Bank of India at all places where there is no branch of Banking Department of Reserve Bank of India ? fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk cSad mu lHkh LFkkuksa ij Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds ,tsaV ds :i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, vf/kd`r gS]tgka Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds cSafdax foHkkx dh dksbZ 'kk[kk ugha gS \ (1) Lead Banks/ yhM cSad (2) State Bank of India/ Hkkjrh; LVsV cSad (3) Any Scheduled Bank/ dksbZ Hkh vuqlwfpr cSad (4) Presidency Banks/ çslhMsalh cSad (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha www.mahendraguru.com 1 LECTURE-03 BANK/GA/201707/RESERVE BANK OF INDIA/E&H/03 Q.8. As per Section ___ of RBI Act 1934 ,RBI has the right to issue bank notes. Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad vf/kfu;e 1934 dh /kkjk &&& ds vuqlkj] Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad dks cSad uksV tkjh djus dk vf/kdkj gSA (1) 2 (2) 20 (3) 22 (4) 24 (5) 26 Q.9. The Definition of 'Banking' is given in .............. *cSafdax* dh ifjHkk"kk &&&&&&&&&&&&&& esa nh xbZ gSA (1) Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881/ ijØkE; fy[kr vf/kfu;e] 1881 (2) Indian Contract Act, 1872/ Hkkjrh; vuqca/k vf/kfu;e] 1872 (3) The Banking Regulation Act, 1949/ cSaddkjh fofu;eu vf/kfu;e] 1949 (4) RBI Act, 1934/ Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad vf/kfu;e] 1934 (5) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q.10.
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