INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT POLICY ON THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR PROGRAM FOR ENERGY By YAYAN FIRMANSYAH ID No. 016201000071 A thesis presented to the Faculty of International Relations, Communication and Law President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations Specialization in Diplomacy 2014 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “Indonesian Government Policy on the Iranian Nuclear Program for Energy” prepared and submitted by Yayan Firmansyah in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations in the School of International Relations, Communications and Law, President University, has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense. Jakarta, Indonesia, January 25th, 2014 Thesis Adviser _______________________________ Dr. Muhammad A.S. Hikam, M.A DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis entitled “Indonesian Government Policy on the Iranian Nuclear Program for Energy” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Jakarta, Indonesia, January 23th 2014. _____________________________ Yayan Firmansyah PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET The panel of examiners declare that the thesis entitled “Indonesian Policy on Iranian Nuclear Program for Energy” that was submitted by Yayan Firmansyah majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Business and International Relations was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on (February 17th 2014) Hendra Manurung, MA. Chair – Panel of Examiners Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita Ph.D. Examiner DR. Muhammad A.S. Hikam, M.A Advisor ABSTRACT Title: Indonesian Government Policy on the Iranian Nuclear Program for Energy. This thesis attempts to analyze Indonesian position on Iranian nuclear program for en- ergy and to explore in detail the Iranian nuclear program itself. This thesis is significant in providing detailed information on the Indonesian government policy on several is- sues: 1) Iranian nuclear program, 2) the statement of Indonesian government about nuclear program of Iran, 3) Historical background of Iranian nuclear program and its development and 4) the other perspectives about Iranian nuclear program. It takes the timeframe from the very beginning of Iranian nuclear program until it’s development in 2010 because of Iranian nuclear most active programs and remain unclear are im- plemented in the said time. This descriptive and analytical study uses the method of Library Research which is analyzing historical records and documents of Iranian nu- clear program and the Indonesian government policy about Iranian nuclear program, to gain more answer about the Indonesian position on Iranian nuclear program, the purpose behind the support and to find out the opinion about what actually Iranian nuclear program is, because this issue is remain unclear. Indonesia as one of Islamic countries give it support for Iranian government on developing it nuclear energy. In- donesia’s policy about the support is as long as the nuclear energy is for peaceful pur- poses, however other countries such as U.S. doesn’t believe that Iran would not build their nuclear system for weapon if Iran developed their nuclear program. This means Indonesia would be having another perspective about this situation. This study also explain the perspectives of Indonesia in case of what is the real program running by Iran government. i ABSTRAK Judul: Peraturan Peremrintah Indonesia Terhadap Program Nuklir Iran untuk Energy. Skripsi ini ditujukan untuk menganalisa posisi Indonesia terhadap program nuklir Iran untuk energi dan untuk menyelidiki lebih mendalam tentang program nuklir Iran tersebut. Penelitian ini sangat penting dalam memberikan informasi rinci tentang kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia mengenai beberapa isu, seperti 1) program nuklir Iran, 2) pernyataan pemerintah Indonesia tentang program nuklir Iran, 3) latar belakang sejarah program nuklir Iran dan perkem- bangannya dan 4) perspektif lain tentang program nuklir Iran. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, penulis akan membahas dari awal mula pengembangan program nuklir Iran sampai di tahun 2010, karena sebagian besar program nuklir Iran yang masih aktif dan masih belum jelas ada pada masa tersebut. Deskripsi dan analisa penelitian menggunakan metode Penelitian Pustaka untuk menganalisa sejarah, dan dokumen program nuklir Iran dan kebijakan pemerintahan Indonesia tentang pro- gram nuklir Iran untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak jawaban tentang posisi Indonesia terhadap program nuklir Iran, latar belakang tujuan tersebut, dan untuk menemukan pendapat tentang apa sebenarnya program nuklir Iran, karena permasalahan tersebut masih tidak jelas. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara Islam memberikan dukungan terhadap pemerintah Iran dalam pem- bangunan dan pengembangan energi nuklir, Indonesia akan mendukung program tersebut selama energi nuklir yang dikembangkan oleh Iran adalah untuk tujuan damai, tetapi negara lain seperti US tidak percaya bahwa Iran tidak akan membangun sistem nuklir mereka untuk persenjataan apabila Iran mengembangkan program nuklirnya. Ini mengartikan bahwa Indo- nesia akan mempunyai sisi lain tentang situasi tersebut. Pembelajaran ini juga menjelaskan sisi penilaian dari Indonesia, apa program yang sebenarnya sedang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Iran terhadap program nuklirnya. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Working on a long piece of work like a thesis has been a meaningful, it is a very mem- orable and challenging, it gives a lot of experience both personally and professionally. In doing it, it gives us a lot of sense about what we've gained during the study, and what is not, so that we can pursue and seek answers. It is very challenging, how to make a complicated matter, be answered and find a solution. How we think, and how we resolve a problem itself. Nevertheless, considering a thesis as a result of merely one’s hard-work is one of the most untrue statement of academic life. Even the motivation to dye the blank white page with its very first words is more often than not, came externally. The people and entities I would like to toss heartfelt and uplifting gratitude include: 1. Dearest God up there. Thank you for your blessings and share of troubles. Thank you for always give me the spirits and health so I could finished my thesis. Thank you for always give me one way or another to find the answers of how it used to be. Thank you for caring me anytime, and for all of the loves you gives, for the people surrounding me who loves me, I am sure that without all of your work, I would be nothing. Also convey my regards to Your Prophet, Prophet Muhammad, the one who has been guiding and showing the right path so that we could get in the future is bright and beautiful. 2. Mr. Muhammad A.S. Hikam as my thesis mentor. Thank you for taking your time, to guide and direct where we are heading so that what is planned to be running seamlessly. That what has been started can be ended immediately and get the best. Not much we can do, other than thank you and wish the best for you. iii 3. Other President University lecturers, especially for Mr. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Mr. Eric and Mr. Hendra Manurung, thank you for responding to the low quality questions of a confused student. I was able to ditch out crazy and ineffective ideas because of your comments. 4. Directorate of International Security and Disarmament, Mr. Andi and Mr. Rama for answering my questions related to my study. It gives me another way to solve the problem of my case study and gives a light for it. Thank you very much for that. 5. My Parents. Especially my Mum, the first best women I’ve ever have. Thank you for always taking care of what I need for the study and for finishing this final project. For always give me a wise comment and advices, for always give me her pure love to makes me strong and stand still. 6. My second best woman I’ve ever had, Putri Iqlhima, for always give me spirit for finishing my thesis and always think I can do it well, while I got lost the spirit and thought that I would not be able to finish it. Thank you very much for that. 7. My friends. All International Relations students. Especially for Denisa, thank you for always answering all my question regarding to my thesis problem and keep my spirit up. Isma R. Ramadhani, Rezly Eskarlita S, Afdhalul Khair, for always cheering me up when I get lost. Suastia Widyati, the one who is give me a spirit to finishing my thesis in hurry because she already finished it. Rifky Refinaldi, for always giving me a lift at the time of consoling, also for remind me about the deadline. Senny Oktarina, for gave me some information about the Directorate of International Security and Disarmament. Rizqi Fauziyah, the iv one who is always with me when looking for some books or literatures in li- braries. Edwinardo Hutomo, for helping me out in one way or another. Carinna Linanta, for always helping and answering my question regarding on how the thing is. Also last but not least, Grupara Inc. Crew, especially for Lolabox team, for always support me. 8. Bang TJ, I thank to you for always give me a reminder about the thesis consul- tation time and other stuffs regarding to this consultation things. 9. Douglas Kaleta. My new friend who is helping me out editing my grammar mistake and give me some advices about paper work. Thank you so much for that. 10. Last but not least, my President University’s friends. Especially for Interna- tional Relations 2010. Thank you so much for everything, for every laugh we made, for every moment we had, for every story we created and for everything.
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