Kamil Burkiewicz* Cosmogonic and Anthropogenic Myths in Sui Oral Literature DOI: http://dx.doi.org/1 0.12775/LC.2019.028 Abstract: This article provides a brief and selective introduction to the Sui oral literature, thematically limited to cosmogonic and anthropogenic myths. An essential description is provided of the Sui living in southern China, mainly in rural areas of the southwestern region of Guizhou Province, their society, numbering 400 thousand people many of whom still preserve indigenous customs and traditions, and their language which, as other members of the Kam-Sui branch of the Tai-Kadai family, possess analytic, isolating and tonal features. The description is followed by an explanation of the most popular motifs of the Sui oral literature, many of which are shared with neighbouring ethnic groups. Separate paragraphs are also dedicated to the genres and structural characteristics of Sui oral literature that have a special social function as the repository of people’s collective memory. The literature is exemplified through fragments of two songs recorded in Li Fanggui’s Studies on the Sui Language (1966), accompanied by English glosses and poetic renderings. The latter constitute the first attempt to translate Sui literature while preserving its syllabic structure and rhymes. 183 Keywords: Sui, oral literature, myths 2(30) 2019 * PhD in linguistics; assistant professor at the Chair of Oriental Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His research field concern languages and cultures of ethnic minorities in China, especially the Sui people, and their relations with Chinese language and culture. E-mail: [email protected] | ORCID: 0000-0002-7839-1051. LITTERARIA COPERNICANA ISSNp 1899-315X 183–195 ss. Kosmogeniczne i antropogeniczne mity w literaturze ustnej Sui Streszczenie: Artykuł stanowi szkicowe i selektywne wprowadzenie do literatury ustnej ludu Sui w południowych Chinach, ograniczone tematycznie do mitów kosmo- i antropogenicznych. Przegląd najpopularniejszych motywów, często spotykanych także wśród sąsiednich grup etnicz- nych, poprzedzony jest zwięzłym opisem społeczności Sui, której populacja, licząca około 400 tys. ludzi, zamieszkuje głównie rolnicze obszary południowo-wschodniej części prowincji Guizhou, oraz jej języka, który, podobnie do innych członków gałęzi kam-sui rodziny taj-kadajskiej, charakteryzuje się analitycznością, izolacyjnością i tonalnością. Osobne akapity poświęcono gatunkom i specyfice literatury oralnej. Dla Sui, którzy wciąż pielęgnują tradycyjne zwyczaje i kulturę, pełni ona szczegól- ną funkcję nośnika pamięci zbiorowej. Całość została zilustrowana wybranymi fragmentami pieśni zebranych przez Li Fanggui’a w Studies on the Sui Language (1966). Umieszczone pod nimi angiel- skie tłumaczenia stanowią pierwszą próbę przekładu utworów literatury Sui z zachowaniem orygi- nalnej struktury i rymów. Słowa kluczowe: Sui, literatura ustna, mity 184 2(30) 2019 versions, constituting the first attempt to translate Sui literature while preserving its syllabic structure and rhymes. Key words: Sui, oral literature, myths Brother and sister taking refugePODPIS in a giant ILUSTRACJI gourd during an apocalyptic flood Author: Kamil Burkiewicz FragmentFragment 1: Verses 1: Verses 1- 61 –of6 of the the opening opening song song (Li (Li 1966: 1966: 2). 2). tsaːu4 ttsisaːu5 4 zəntsi1 5 ʔzbənə1n 1 me2 ʔbɕəən1n me1 2 ɕətin61 ti6 begin begincreate create man man skysky NEGNEG become become earth earth Ere man’s dawn, sky stuck on earth. LITTERARIA COPERNICANA Ere man’s dawn, sky stuck on earth. ʔbən1 tsaːu4 tsi5 ti6 me2 ɕən1 ʔbən1 1 4 5 6 2 1 1 ʔbən skytsa ːubegin tsi create tiearth NEGme become ɕən sky ʔbən sky Erebegin sky’s create birth, earth stuckearth on NEG sky. become sky Ere skyme’2s ɕə birth,n1 ʔearthbən1 stuckɕən1 on sky.ʔnam 1 tin2 lan2 NEG CLF 2 1 become sky1 become1 rock1 big2 2 me ɕFormerən sky,ʔb əhugen formɕ ofən rock. ʔnam tin lan NEG becomeʔdaːn3 ʔdau sky1 qu 3 lu3 sjen1become CLFpan 1rock bigsum 3 ɕau3 fu2 ho3 Formerhard sky, hugewheel form deity of divide rock. SUC know wealth poverty 3Hard disk1 split3 3 by god’s1 knock,1 judged wealth3 from3 few.2 3 ʔdaːn ʔdau qu lu sjen pan sum ɕau fu ho ti6 qaːu5 qo3 mi4 ɣo3 fuŋ1 tsən1 hard wheel deity divide SUC know wealth poverty ancient times MODP NEG know word proper Hard Olddisk times split phew, by god none’s knew knock, what’s judged right. wealth from few. ti6 qaːufə5n 1 tən1 qo3 m̥ a1 miɕə4 n1 ɣo3 li6 tshuŋfuŋ13 tskʰaːiən1 3 primordial chaos come become knowledge open ancient times MODP NEG know word proper Tight matter, foresight came through. Old times phew, none knew what’s right. fən1 tən1 m̥ a1 ɕən1 li6 tshuŋ3 kʰaːi3 primordial chaos come become knowledge open Tight matter, foresight came through. 0. At the dusk of the 1930s, after the Republic of China’s military forces once again succumbed to the Japanese invading army and eventually lost control over the important region of Wuhan (武汉 Wǔhàn), all governmental institutions, along with the masses of refugees, were transferred to Chongqing (重庆 Chóngqìng). Since then, the heart of the war-torn state started to beat in its erstwhile southwestern periphery – an area ethnically, culturally and linguistically unfamiliar to the immigrants displaced from the unsteady eastern provinces. Despite the difficult conditions, the academic staff of the evacuated universities was able to partially return to their proper activities. Various so far remote and little known ethnic groups, including those living in Guizhou Province2, henceforth became one of the few accessible research objects for the resettled linguists and other scholars. Among the many local communities on which systematic field surveys were conducted were the Sui people3, inhabitants of the southwestern part of Guizhou Province and its surroundings. It did not take long for the pioneer papers exploring selected aspects of the Sui culture to come out and intrigue academic circles. Cen Jiawu’s article titled “The Books of Sui and the Origin of Sui Ethnicity” provided preliminary insight into the original logographic 2 Guizhou (贵州 Guìzhōu) – a province in the People’s Republic of China, located in the southwestern part of the country. 3 水族 Shuǐzú, [sui³]. Original Sui terms are annotated with superscripted numbers from one to eight, repre- senting the respective tones. versions, constituting the first attempt to translate Sui literature while preserving its syllabic structure and rhymes. Key words: Sui, oral literature, myths Fragment 1: Verses 1-6 of the opening song (Li 1966: 2). tsaːu4 tsi5 zən1 ʔbən1 me2 ɕən1 ti6 begin create man sky NEG become earth Ere man’s dawn, sky stuck on earth. ʔbən1 tsaːu4 tsi5 ti6 me2 ɕən1 ʔbən1 sky begin create earth NEG become sky Ere sky’s birth, earth stuck on sky. me2 ɕən1 ʔbən1 ɕən1 ʔnam1 tin2 lan2 NEG become sky become CLF rock big Former sky, huge form of rock. 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 ʔdaːn ʔdau qu lu sjen pan sum ɕau fu ho hard wheel deity divide SUC know wealth poverty Hard disk split by god’s knock, judged wealth from few. ti6 qaːu5 qo3 mi4 ɣo3 fuŋ1 tsən1 ancient times MODP NEG know word proper Old times phew, none knew what’s right. fən1 tən1 m̥ a1 ɕən1 li6 tshuŋ3 kʰaːi3 primordial chaos come become knowledge open Tight matter, foresight came through. 0. At the dusk of the 1930s, after the Republic of China’s military forces once again succumbed to the Japanese invading army and eventually lost control over the important region of Wuhan (武汉 Wǔhàn), all governmental institutions, along with the masses of refugees, were transferredAt the dusk to Chongqingof the 1930s, (after重庆 the Chóngqìng Republic of) . SinceChina’s then,military the forces heart once of againthe war suc--torn state started tocumbed beat into theits Japaneseerstwhile invading southwestern army and peripheryeventually lost – ancontrol area over ethnically, the important culturally region and linguistically of Wuhan (武汉 Wǔhàn), all governmental institutions, along with the masses of refugees, unfamiliar to the immigrants displaced from the unsteady eastern provinces. Despite the were transferred to Chongqing (重庆 Chóngqìng). Since then, the heart of the war-torn difficultstate started conditions, to beat in its the erstwhile academic southwestern staff of periphery – the evacuated an area universities ethnically, culturally was able and to partially return tolinguistically their proper unfamiliar activities. to the Various immigrants so fardisplaced remote from and the little unsteady known eastern ethnic provinces. groups, including those livingDespite in the Guizhou difficult Province conditions,2, henceforththe academic becamestaff of theone evacuated of the few universities accessible was able research to objects for thepartially resettled return linguists to their proper and otheractivities. scholars. Various so far remote and little known ethnic groups, 1 includingAmong those the living many in Guizhou local communitiesProvince , henceforth on which became systematic one of the field few accessible surveys were conducted research objects for the resettled linguists and other scholars. were the Sui people3, inhabitants of the southwestern part of Guizhou Province and its Among the many local communities on which systematic field surveys were conduct- 185 surroundings.ed were the Sui peopleIt did 2,not inhabitants take long of thefor southwestern the pioneer part papers of Guizhou exploring Province selected and its aspects of the Sui culturesurroundings. to come It did out not andtake longintrigue for the academic pioneer papers circles. exploring Cen Jiawu’sselected aspectsarticle of titled the “The Books of SuiSui cultureand the to Origincome out of and Sui intrigue Ethnicity” academic provided circles. Cenpreliminary Jiawu’s article insight titled into The theBooks original of logographic Sui and the Origin of Sui Ethnicity provided preliminary insight into the original logographic 2(30) 2019 writing system used by the Sui shamans and its role in people’s daily life (1943). At about 2 the Guizhou same period, (贵州 LiGuìzh Fanggui,ōu) – aa renownedprovince in historical the People’s linguist, Republic focused of hisChina, field located works inon the the southwestern part of phonologythe country.
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