ACCESS By Heart Land Ferry Okushiri From Sapporo to Esashi Island! Esashi Port Ferry Terminal Sapporo ➡ Yakumo Yakumo ➡ (Go to Ubagami-cho Ferry-mae, and walk Hokkaido for approx. 5 min.) Approx. 4 hr. Esashi Sapporo ➡ Esashi Port Ferry Terminal Approx. 4 hr. 30 min. Hakodate From Hakodate to Esashi Otaru hi Sapporo us ri Esashi Port Ferry Terminal k Hakodate ➡ (Go to Ubagami-cho Ferry-mae, and walk for Approx. 2 hr. approx. 5 min.) O Hakodate ➡ Esashi Port Ferry Terminal Approx. 1 hr. 30 min. Chitose IslandIsland New Chitose Airport Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto ➡ Esashi Port Ferry Terminal Approx. 1 hr. 15 min. Kikonai ➡ Esashi Port Ferry Terminal Approx. 45 min. Oshamambe Datemombetsu Noboribetsu Yakumo Muroran Okushiri Island Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto From Esashi to Okushiri Island Esahi Hakodate Airport Esashi Port Ferry Terminal ➡ Okushiri Port Ferry Terminal Hakodate Approx. 2 hr. 20 min. Kikonai Hokkaido Shinkansen Great trip, great day! Heart Land Ferry Co., Ltd. Esashi Esashiko Kita Futo, Esashi, Hiyama-gun Sapporo Kita 3-jo Bldg. 12F, Kita 3-jo Nishi 3-chome 1, Head Office Chuo-ku, Sapporo Branch Office Tel.: 0139-52-1066 / Fax: 0139-52-4035 Tel.: 011-233-8010 / Fax: 011-233-2783 Okushiri Aza Okushiri 309-banchisaki, Okushiri, Okushiri-gun Wakkanai Kaiun 2-7-1, Wakkanai Branch Office Tel.: 01397-2-3131 / Fax: 01397-2-3160 Branch Office Tel.: 0162-23-3780 / Fax: 0162-23-6730 ● Reservations exclusively for the Rishiri and Rebun routes: Tel.: 0162-23-8010 ◆For timetables and reservations, please visit the website. LINE Official Account www.heartlandferry.jp for ferry operation information Ŷ$YDLODEOHLQIRUPDWLRQŶ Heart Land Ferry Search ・ Ferry cancellation ・ Ferry service suspension ・ Extra ferries *No information is posted when operating normally. 2020.3 Enjoy the slow-life “island time.” Okushiri Island is rich in nature, and about 80% of the island is covered in greenery. The clear sea referred to as Okushiri Blue is lined with oddly shaped rocks created over a long period of time. This is the natural habitat where sea urchins and abalone grow up. Why not revel along in the natural blessings of Okushiri Island? Contents 3 Heart Land Ferry’s Recommended Highlights of Okushiri Island 5 The Charm of Okushiri Island 7 Fun Activities to Enjoy on Okushiri Island 9 Events & Food to Enjoy More of Okushiri Island 10 Okushiri Island Map Best shot 11 Okushiri Area MAP 12 Miyatsu Area Map Beautiful Okushiri Blue sea 13 Outline of the Calanthe Okushiri Ship This photo was taken in the Kamuiwaki area on the west side of Okushiri Island. ➡ p. 4 Best shot t Land F Recommended ear erry Footpath Route H )RRWSDWKURXWH .DPXLZDNLDUHD Kamuiwaki )LVKLQJ area Art and Hot Spring Course Highlights of 683VHDND\DNLQJ 2NXVKLUL3RUW )URPWKHIHUU\WHUPLQDOPRXQWDLQSDWKNPDSSUR[PLQFRDVWDOSDWKNPDSSUR[PLQ KDQGVRQH[SHULHQFH 'ROSKLQZKDOH $PRQJ YDULRXV DYDLODEOH IRRWSDWKV +HDUW /DQG )HUU\ ZDWFKLQJ (VDVKL3RUW± UHFRPPHQGV WKH $UW DQG +RW 6SULQJ &RXUVH LQ WKH 2NXVKLUL3RUW .DPXLZDNL DUHD 7KH DUHD LV NQRZQ IRU SDUWLFXODUO\ 2NXVKLUL%OXH EHDXWLIXOYLHZVRI2NXVKLUL%OXH 7XQQHO (DV\FRXUVH (VWLPDWHGWLPHKUPLQ NP %\REXWDWH5RFN + /HLVXUHO\FRXUVH (VWLPDWHGWLPHKU NP Start and goal $EDORQH1XUVHU\&HQWHU .DPXLZDNL2QVHQ Try “SUP”! .LWDRLPLVDNL3DUN .DPXLZDNL)LVKLQJ3RUW Beginners can enjoy it too. 6SDFHFUHDWHGE\ZRUOGUHQRZQHG 6XNXQDKLNR6KULQH VFXOSWRU 0DVD\XNL 1DJDUH ZKHUH 683 VWDQG XS SDGGOHERDUGLQJ LV D QHZ W\SH RI QDWXUHDQGVFXOSWXUHVEOHQGWRJHWKHU .DPXLZDNL5LYHU DFWLYLW\RIVWDQGLQJRQDERDUGDQGXVLQJDSDGGOHWR =XERUD&DYH %LJVWRQH SURSHO\RXUVHOI:K\QRWHQMR\SDGGOHERDUGLQJRQWKH 6FXOSWXUHVDW.LWDRLPLVDNL3DUN =XERUD&DYH 2NXVKLUL%OXHVHD" .LWDRLPLVDNL3DUN &DSH.X]XUH Vineyard 2NXVKLUL:LQHU\ .LWDRLPLDNL 6DNLPRUL .DPXLUX .RLQR7VXJLPH /LWRUH3DUN*ROI&RXUVH 2NXVKLUL:DWHU3ODQW Ɣ'LVWDQFHIURPWKHIHUU\WHUPLQDONP .LWDRLPLVDNL3DUNLQJ Ɣ3HULRGODWH$SU±HQGRI2FWƔ7LPHUHTXLUHGKU Ɣ&RQWDFW2NXVKLUL*XHVW+RXVH³LPDFRFR´7HO +DJXUHGRUL 7RPLQQR7DPHQR Kaitengahara <RNXNLWDVD Enjoy fishing 6KLPDKHWFKR .DPXLZDNL2QVHQ 2NXVKLUL:LQHU\ in front of the 2NXVKLUL Island 7KLVKRWVSULQJIDFLOLW\LVSRSXODU 7KHJUDSHVJURZQRQ2NXVKLUL Esashi IRUWKHZRQGHUIXOORFDWLRQRILWV ,VODQGDUHULFKLQPLQHUDOVDQG Okushiri Port EDWK ZLWK D YLHZ ) DQG WKH PDQ\ ZLQHV DUH FUHDWHG E\ H[FHOOHQWVSULQJTXDOLW\ SURGXFHUV¶ FRPPLWPHQW <RX Ferry Terminal ƔPoint where there is a FDQSDUWLFLSDWHRQDWRXURIWKH high probability of seeing Ɣ7HO dolphins and whales Ɣ)HHDGXOWV\HQFKLOGUHQ\HQ IDFWRU\E\PDNLQJDWHOHSKRQH Ɣ+RXUV UHVHUYDWLRQE\WKHGD\EHIRUH :KHUHYHU\RXGURSWKHOLQHLVDJUHDWILVKLQJSRLQW Ɣ&ORVHGVWDQGUG7XHRIWKHPRQWK 1RY±0DU $SU±2FWQRKROLGD\V $IWHUWKHWRXU\RXFDQVDPSOH (QMR\ YDULRXV W\SHV RI ILVKLQJ IURP VXUI ILVKLQJ WR Visit Okushiri Island while %\REXWDWH5RFN VRPHUHFRPPHQGHGZLQHV Ɣ7HO ERDWILVKLQJDQGFDVWLQJ)LVKLQJJHDUFDQEHUHQWHG watching dolphins and whales 6KHHU URFN OLNH D IROGLQJ VFUHHQ Ɣ+RXUV± DW 2NXVKLUL 3RUW )HUU\ 7HUPLQDO +DYH D VLPSOH H[WHQGVXQGHUWKHZDWHUFUHDWLQJ Ɣ&ORVHG6XQ 1RYPLG$SU Rental fishing gear :KDOHV DQG GROSKLQV FDQ EH VSRWWHG IURP ODWH 0LG$SU±2FWLUUHJXODUO\FORVHG ILVKLQJH[SHULHQFHLQDOLWWOHELWRIIUHHWLPH PDJQLILFHQW VFHQHU\ 6PDOO ILVK 0D\WRODWH-XO\<RXPD\VHHGROSKLQVVZLPPLQJ FDQEHVHHQKHUHDQGLWLVDOVR Ɣ&RQWDFW+HDUW/DQG)HUU\&R/WG2NXVKLUL%UDQFK2IILFH7HO DORQJVLGHWKHIHUU\RUMXPSLQJLQWRWKHVN\ SRSXODUDVDGLYLQJSODFH Mt. Tamashima Observatory The 369.3-meter-high Mt. Tamashima is located in the northern part of the island. Seen through From the observatory, 360-degree panoramic Photos The of Okushiri Island views can be enjoyed. Cherry blossoms along the Sakuragisen town road Japanese Beech Forest Cherry blossoms can be enjoyed along the Sakuragisen (Rehabilitated Forest) town road leading to Mt. Tamashima. Okushiri is the northernmost island Okushiri raccoons Nabetsuru Rock with Japanese beech trees in Japan. Most mountains and forests are You may see raccoons covered and filled with beech trees. from summer through This is Okushiri Island’s symbol. Views of the Guided tours are also available. late autumn. illuminated rock can be enjoyed at night. Unimaru Monument A monument in the shape of kitamurasaki sea urchin, a highly delicious seafood representing Okushiri Island. Miyatsu Bentengu Shrine The “god of fortune” is enshrined here. It makes an extremely impressive sight - even from a distance. Yamasedomari Bathing Beach Okushiri Island's only sandy beach for bathing. You can enjoy Muen Island and sunset swimming and camping here. This pyramid-shaped uninhabited island is located off the west coast. A view of the island also makes for a beautiful sunset. (crab fishing) Beach activity Campsites Recommended! 3HULRG0D\±2FW Crabs can be caught anywhere on the beach. On Okushiri Island, you can also <DPDVHGRPDUL%HDFK&DPSVLWH catch young goby called “godanpe´%UHDN the shells with a stone and use the meat This campsite is fully equipped with Ɣ/RFDWLRQ$]D7DPDXUD2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ as bait for godanpe changing rooms, leisure rooms, a kitchen, %HDFKLQWKH<DPDVHGRPDULDUHD fishing! showers and toilets. Ɣ3DUNLQJDSSUR[FDUV IUHHRIFKDUJH Ɣ)HH)UHHRIFKDUJH Such a starry sky .LWDRLPLVDNL3DUN&DPSVLWH +R\DLVKL%HDFK cannot be seen Nice job! I caught a crab! from the city. Ɣ/RFDWLRQ$]D<XQRKDPD2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ Ɣ/RFDWLRQ$]D<XQRKDPD2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ ,QVLGH.LWDRLPLVDNL3DUNLQWKH.DPXLZDNLDUHD Ɣ)HH)UHHRIFKDUJH Ɣ3DUNLQJDSSUR[FDUV IUHHRIFKDUJH Ɣ)HH)UHHRIFKDUJH Starry sky watching 6DLQRNDZDUD3DUN&DPSVLWH 0XHQMLPD%HDFK Ɣ/RFDWLRQ$]D,QDKR2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ Ɣ/RFDWLRQ$]D<XQRKDPD2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ ,QVLGH6DLQRNDZDUD3DUNRQ&DSH,QDKR Islanders recommend places like Mt. Tamashima, Ɣ)HH)UHHRIFKDUJH Magatama jewelry making Ɣ3DUNLQJDSSUR[FDUV IUHHRIFKDUJH Sainokawara and West Coast for star watching. Ɣ)HH)UHHRIFKDUJH A beautiful starry sky can also be seen from the Ɣ3ODFH,QDKR)XUHDL7UDLQLQJ&HQWHU 2NXVKLUL3RUW)HUU\7HUPLQDO You can make your own unique jewels Ɣ3HULRG0D\±2FW from design through manufacture and Ɣ2SHQThu., Sat. (negotiable on other days) decoration. Ideal for mementos and Ɣ+RXUV± souvenirs! Ɣ3ULFH0DJDWDPDVHW\HQ *Chojigashira Magatama discovered at the Aonae Ɣ7LPHUHTXLUHGDSSUR[PLQ Site in 1976 is on permanent display at the Ɣ&RQWDFW2NXVKLUL7RXULVP$VVRFLDWLRQ Okushiri Tsunami Museum. 7HO FunActivities Enjoy safe cycling! to Enjoy on Okushiri Island Playing in the sea is fun! Sea kayaking You can also enjoy sea kayaking on the EULOOLDQW2NXVKLUL%OXHVHD Recommended! Beach activity (sea bathing) Cycling Surfing <DPDVHGRPDUL%DWKLQJ%HDFK 5LGH D ELNH OHLVXUHO\ DW \RXU RZQ 3HULRG0D\±2FW SDFH/DQGVFDSHVIORZHUVVRXQGV± you can enjoy nature. The spot recommended by island surfers This is the only sandy beach that is LV0DWVXH S ZKLFKLVNQRZQIRUD suitable for bathing in Okushiri. You +RURQDL%DWKLQJ%HDFK reef point where you can enjoy fun waves Ɣ&RQWDFW2NXVKLUL7RXULVP$VVRFLDWLRQ7HO FDQ IXOO\ HQMR\ WKH 2NXVKLUL %OXH VHD Ɣ/RFDWLRQ$]D+RURQDL2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ when there is a southwestern swell. %LF\FOHUHQWDOLQIRUPDWLRQ Ɣ2NXVKLUL5HQW$&DU7HO ZLWKDYLVLELOLW\RIP You can enjoy both shortboard and Ɣ)HH±\HQ Ɣ/RFDWLRQ$]D7DPDXUD2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ longboard surfing. ,QIRUPDWLRQRQF\FOLQJLQVRXWKHUQ+RNNDLGRDQG2NXVKLUL Ɣ3DUNLQJDSSUR[FDUV IUHHRIFKDUJH 0XHQMLPD%DWKLQJ%HDFK *Surfboard rentals are not available on Okushiri Island, Ɣ&RQWDFW +L\DPD2NXVKLUL&\FOH&UXLVH Search &\FOH7RXULVP6RXWK+RNNDLGR Search so please bring your own surfboard. 2NXVKLUL*XHVW+RXVH³LPDFRFR´7HO Ɣ /RFDWLRQ$]D<XQRKDPD2NXVKLUL2NXVKLULJXQ Late August Inaho Fureai Training Center Nabetsuru Festival NPDSSUR[PLQ 1DPHG DIWHU 1DEHWVXUX 5RFN WKH WRXULVW V\PERO RI 2NXVKLUL 3RWWHU\ VWRQHZDUH DQG ROG IRON LPSOHPHQWV Inaho area Island, this most spectacular event on the island
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