BIBLIOGRAPFIY I. Primary Sources (All the materials of the Maharashtra Legislature are published by the Legislature Secretariat, Council Hall, Bombay/Nagpur.) (A) Legislature Debates (All Debates in Marathi) Fourth Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Debates 1975 : VolAS to Vol. he Fourth Maharashtra Legislative Council Debates 1975 : Vol. to Volo ^6 Fourth Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Debates 1976 : Vol. ^7 to Vol. ^9 Fourth Maharashtra Legislative Council Debates 1976 ; Vol. U-7 to Vol. ^9 Fourth Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Debates 1977 : Vol. 50 to Vol. 52 Fourth Maharashtra Legislative Council Debates 1977 : Vol. 50 to Vol. 52 Fifth Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Debates 1978 : Vol. 53 to Vol, 55 Fifth Maharashtra Legislative Council Debates 1978 : Vol. 53 to Vol. 55 Fifth Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Debates 1979 : Vol. 56 to Vol. 57 567 568 Fifth Maharashtra Legislative Council Debates 1979 : Vol. 56 to Vol. 57 Fifth Maharashtra Legislative Assetnbly Debates 1980 ; Vol. 58 Fifth Maharashtra Legislative Council Debates I98O : Vol. 58 (B) Maharashtra Legislature Comcaittees* Reports and Other Government Publications (i) Reports of Comtaittee on Public Accounts Reports of Committee on Public Accounts 1975"76: Seventh Report, August 1975 Eighth Report, July 1975 Ninth Report, March 1976 Tenth Report, March 1976 Reports of Committee on Public Accounts 1976-77; Eleventh Report, July 1976 Twelfth Report, July 1976 Thirteenth Report, November 1976 Seventeenth Report, April 1977 Reports of Committee on Public Accounts 1977-78: Nineteenth Report, July 1977 Twentieth Report,Part I, November 1977 Reports of Committee on Public Accounts 1978-79: First Report, July 1978 569 Second Report, October I978 Third Report, March 1979 Fourth Report, March 1979 Sixth Report, April I979 Reports of Committee on Public Accounts 1979-30t Seventh Report, August 1979 Eighth Report, August 1979 (ii) Reports of Committee on Estimates Reports of Committee on Estimates 1975~76; AndaJ Samiti (1975-76), Solava Ahawal, December 1975 (in Marathi) Seventeenth Report, December 1975 Eighteenth Report, December 1975 Nineteenth Report, December 1975 Andaj Samiti (1975'-76) Bavisava Ahawal, December 1976 (in Marathi) Report of Estimates Committee on Budget Estimates 1976-77% July 1976 Report of Committee on Estimates 1976-77: Twenty Third Report, August 1977 Anda.1 Samiti 1977-78: Sawisava Ahawal, November 1977 (in Marathi) Reports of Committee on Estimates 1978-79: Second Report, April 1979 Fourth Report, April 1979 570 Anda.1 Samltlcha Arthasankalplya Anda.iavarll Ahawal 1979-80. July 1979 (ill) Reports of Committee on Public Undertakings Reports' of Committee on Public Undertakings 197'?-76t Thirteenth Report, December 1975 Fifteenth Report, March 1976 Reports of Committee on Public Undertakings 1976-77: Sixteenth Report, July 1976 Seventeenth Report, December 1976 Nineteenth Report, March 1977 Report of Committee on Public Undertakings 1977-78: Twenty Sixth Report, November 1977 Report of Committee on Public Undertakings 1978-79: Sixth Report, March 1979 Reports of Committee on Public Undertakings 1979-80: Seventh Report, July 1979 Eighth Report, August 1979 (Iv) Reports of Committee on Government Assurances Report of Committee on Government Assurances 1978-79: Aswasan Samitl (Vldhan Sabha), Second Report, December, 1978 (In Marathi) 571 Report of Committee on Governtiient Assursinces 1979-80: Aswaaan Saniiti (Vidhan Sabha), Sixth Report, August 1979» (in Marathi) (v) Reports of Committee on Subordinate Legislations Reports of Committee on Subordinate Legislation 1975-76t Tenth Report, September 1975 Twelfth Report, November 1975 Reports of Committee on Subordinate Legislation 1976-77: Thirteenth Report, July 1976 Fourteenth Report, November 1976 Fifteenth Report, Mea*ch 1977 Report of Committee on Subordinate Legislation 1977-78; Seventeenth Report, October 1977 Report of Committee on Subordinate Legislation 1978-79: Second Report, November 1978 Report of Committee on Subordinate Legislation 1979-80: Fourth Report, July 1979 (vl) Reports of Committee on Panchayati Raj Reports of Committee on Panchavati Ra.1 1976-77: Eighth Report, December 1976 Ninth Report, March 1977 572 Reports of Committee on Panchavatl Ra.1 1978~79t Sixth Report, May 1978 (in Marathi) t (vii) Reports of Committee on Employment Guarantee Scheme Ro.1gar Haml Yo.lana Samiti 197‘?»76; First Report, December 1975 (in Marathi) Second Report, May 1976 (in Marathi) Ro.igar Kami YoJana Samiti 1977-78: Fifth Report, October 1977 (in Marathi) Sixth Report, November 1977 (in Marathi) Ro.1gar Hami Yojana Samiti 1978-79: First Report, June 1978 (in Marathi) (viii) Reports of Committee on Petitions Vidhan Sabha Vinanti-Arja Samiticha Ahawsil, April 1976 (in Marathi) Vidhan Sabha Vinanti-Arja Samiticha Ahawal, March 1977 (in Marathi) Vidhan Sabha Vinanti-Arja Samiticha Ahawal, April 1978 (in Marathi) (ix) Reports of Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes, ^heduled Tribes, Vimukta Jatls and Nomadic Tribes Reports of Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes. Vimukta Jatis and Nomadic Tribes, 197B-B0; First Report, June 1978 573 Second Report, December 1978 Third Report, Novetnber 1978 Fourth Report, March 1979 Fifth Report, January I98O (x) Government Reports and other Government Publications Annual Report on the Administration of Scheduled Areas in Maharashtra State for the year 1976-77. Social Welfare Department, Bombay, Government of Mahargishtra Publication, 1980 Annual Administration Report 1979"30, Department of Agriculture, Bombay, Government of Maharashtra Publication, I98O Outline of Activities. 1975-77« Bombay, Government of Maha­ rashtra Publication Outline of Activities, 1977-79. Bombay, Government of Maha­ rashtra Publication Outline of Activities, 1979-Bl, Bombay, Government of Maha­ rashtra Publication Report on Reorganisation of Maharashtra Administration, Vol.I & II by Heble M. N., Bombay, Government of Maharashtra Publication, 1972 Report on State Administration, Administrative Reforms Commi­ ssion, Government of India, 1969 Report of the Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled and Scheduled Tribes for the year 1978-79, Twenty Sixth t Report, Past I & II, New Delhi, Government of India Publication, I98O (xi) Legislature Rules, etc. Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Rules, Fifth Edn,, Bombay, Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, 1972 Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Rules, Sixth Edn., Bombay, Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, 1979 Maharashtra Legislative Council Rules, Fifth Edn., Bombay, Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, I98O Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha,Sixth Edn., New Delhi, Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1977 Parliamentary Topic, Bombay,Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, 1967 Lectures on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure, Fourth Series, Bombay, Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, 1968 Maharashtra Legislature Manual, Seventh Edn,, Bombay, Maha­ rashtra Legislature Secretariat, 1978 Background Note on Question Hour : How to make it more effective, Bombay, Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, I983 Maharashtra Vldhan Sabha Adhiveshane Kam.ka.lacha Sankshlpta Ahawals 1975-1980, Bombay, Maharashtra Vldhan Bhavan Sachivalaya Organisation of Government in Maharashtra, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Maharashtra Regional Branch, Bombay, 1965 The Constitution of India, Delhi, aovernraent of India Publica­ tion, 1978 575 (C) Election Manifestos Handbook of Election Manifestos« Bombay, Commerce Research Bureau, 1971 Bharatiya Jana Sangh Nlvadnook Jahlrnama 1972 Bharatiya Shetkarl Kamgstr Paksha, Nlvadnook Karyakram 1972 Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Party Documents : 1951-1972. Vol.No,1, New Delhi, Bharatiya Jana Sangh, 1973 Bharatiya Shetkarl Kamgar Paksha, Nlvadnook Jahlrnama 1977 Agaml Vldhan Sabha Nlvadnook Jahlmama 1980 Bharatiya Janata Paksha Vldhan Sabha Nlvadnook Jahlrnama 1980 Shetkarl Kamgar Paksha^ Nlvadnook Jahlrnama 1980 (D) Interviews Shrl D. K. Deshmukh (Independent, MLC) Shrl G, A, Deshmukh (PWP, MLA, Former Minister for Agriculture) Shrl K. T. Girme (Congress, Former Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly) Shri R. S. Gavai (RPI-Gavai Group, MLC, Former Chairman, Legislative Council) Shri R. R, Jadhav (Congress - I ), MLA) Shrl Manohar Joshi (Shiv Sena, MLC) Shri K. K. Kadam (Congress - S), MLA) Shri Arvind Lele (BJP, MLA) Shri Motiram Lahane (BJP, MLC) Shri Harish Mandhana (Congress - 1 ), MLA) Shri N. R. Mate (Congress - Former MLA) 576 Shri T. N, Matade (Independent, MLC) Shri Datta Meghe (Leader of the Opposition, Legislative Council and Former Minister of State, Employment, Manpower, Tourism, Tech, Education) Shri Ram Meghe (Congress - 1 ), MLA and Former Leader of the Opposition, Legislative Council) Shri T. D. Memjade (Congress, Former MLA) Shri D, N. Rajbhoj (Former M.P., and MLC) Shri D. N. Patil (PWP, MLA) Shri R, A. Patil (Janata, MLC, 'P'ormer Rural Development Minister) Shri S* G, Pawar (Congress-s^MLA, Former Chief Minister, Maha­ rashtra State) Shri G. P. Pradhan (Janata, MLC) Shri Mahadeo Shivankar (BJP, MLA) Shri Ram Manohar Tripathi (MLC, Former Minister of State for Urban Development) Shri Bhai Vaidya (MLA, Former Minister of State for Home) (E) Newspapers Kesari (Daily), Pune Marathwada (Daily), Aurangabad NavashaJcti (Daily), Bombay Nava Kal (Daily), Bombay Free Press Journal (Daily), Bombay Indian Express (Daily), Bombay Times of India (Dsdly), Bombay 577 % II• Secondary Sources (A) Books , Aggarwala, R.N, Financial Committees of the Indian Parliament. Delhi, S. Chand Co,, 1966 Agor,
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