Negroes Wage Bus Boycott in Albany, Georgia ALBANY, Ga., Jan. 23 — Ne­ groes in this South Georgia city MILITANT were asked tonight at mass meet­ ings that overflowed two churches, Published in the Interests of the Working People to boycott the city’s buses and downtown stores. The boycott call Vol. 26 - No. 6 Monday, February 5, 1962 Price 10c was made by leaders of the Albany Movement — the group that ini­ tiated the anti-segregation demon­ strations in December in which 700 persons were arrested. The U.S. Won Hollow “ Victory” city commission today rejected a request that city officials live up to the agreement that halted those demonstrations. Over Cuba at OAS Parley [A Jan. 28 New York Times re ­ port says that a check made after By Harry Ring the meetings showed the bus boy­ State Department handouts and and economic sanctions against it cott to be effective and that pro-administration newspape'r by all Latin American govern­ “scores of automobiles packed headlines to the contrary, Wash­ ments. with Negroes passed the intersec­ ington won itself a dangerously This “tough” stand was moti­ tion checked. Some of them were hollow victory when it jammed its vated by two considerations: driven by volunteers in a car pool, anti-Cuba resolution through the When the CIA led the invasion of which was organized by the Al­ meeting of the OAS council of Cuba last year it was painfully bany Movement with the help of foreign ministers. apparent that the U.S. was com­ Charles Jones, a field worker for The resolution itself is a truly pletely alone in that act of the Student Nonviolent Coordinat­ obscene piece of hypocrisy. It criminal intervention. It now seeks ing Committee.” ] brands the Cuban government — to create the appearance of pop­ Negro leaders had asked the which smashed the Batista dicta­ ular hemispheric support for fu­ city to end discrimination in pub­ torship that the U.S. kept in power ture aggression against Cuba. In lic facilities, to honor the ruling fo r long years — as a th re a t addition, the Kennedy adminis­ of the Interstate Commerce Com­ to “the freedom of man.” It fur­ tration felt the urgent need to re­ mission desegregating bus stations, ther asserts that Cuba’s liberating but charges from the domestic and to return money paid by socialist revolution endangers ultra-right that it’s incapable of Albanians for bail during the mass “peace” and “democracy” in the smashing the Cuban revolution. arrests in December. hemisphere. This from a govern­ Neither aim was accomplished at Appearing before the city coun­ ment that uses guns and dollars to Punta del Este. cil with the request were Albany maintain dictators in at least a Six Latin American govern­ Movement president Dr. W. G. half dozen Latin-American coun­ ments — representing nearly 150 Anderson, Executive Secretary tries; a government that flouted million of Latin America’s 200 Natalia Trotsky Marion S. Page, Slater King, and all existing law — including the million people — refused to go 7882-7962 Attorney C. B. King. Also present statutes of the OAS — by organ­ along. And it was all too clear was James Foreman, Executive izing the armed invasion of Cuba. that their refusal to do so was Secretary of the Student Non­ A single brief news dispatch motivated not by any sympathy violent Coordinating Committee. completely exposes the degree of for the Cuban revolution but by At the mass meetings, SNCC concern for democracy there fear of major domestic repercus­ "A Heroic Woman" Field Secretary Charles Sherrod is among those who partici­ sions if they openly yielded to asked the Negroes to “remember pated in the brutal gang-up on the dictate of U.S. imperialism. Miss Ola Mae Quarterman when The resolution had to be pared By George Lavan Cuba. Dated Jan. 29, it was a you think about riding a bus.” Reuter’s dispatch from Guatemala down to one that calls upon the oretician, had an important circle Natalia Ivanovna Sedova, Leon (Continued on Page 2) which is ruled by strongman council of the OAS to affect the Trotsky’s widow, who died at of students into which I had the Ydigoras, fervent U.S. ally in pre­ “exclusion” (even the word “ex- good fortune to be introduced by Corbeil, France, on Jan. 23, was serving “the rights of man.” The (Continued on Page 2) born in Romni, a small town in a young militant of the Iskra Justice — How it Works dispatch said: “The newspaper the Poltava region of the Ukraine, group, of which Lenin was one Prensa Libre said today the lead­ in the year 1882. She was one of of the moving spirits . The Down in Georgia, USA ers of all opposition Guatemalan six children of Ivan Sedov and Russian Social-Democracy, not yet political parties were exiled from Canadians to Back Olga Kolchevsky. Her mother was split into Mensheviks [minority] S A V A N N A H , Ga., Jan. 26 — the country yesterday.” of the minor nobility; her father, and Bolsheviks [majority-], had The NAACP announced this week Needless to say, there was no of Cossack stock, managed a fac­ groups — in Geneva, Paris, Lon­ that it will file a formal com­ comment from Dean Rusk. He was Monroe Defendants tory owned by relatives. From don and Brussels — which were plaint with the U.S. Department wrapped up in what various press JA N . 30 -— C anadians are p la n ­ the age of eight when she was studious, enthusiastic and fra­ of Justice for a full investigation dispatches called “frantic” and ning to picket the U.S. Consulate orphaned, Natalia was raised by te rn a l.” of the police killing of an un­ “hectic” efforts to line up the in Toronto on Feb. 19 to protest The principal object of the armed Negro. relatives. governments of Latin America for the framed-up “kidnap” trial Geneva study circle was to pre­ Chatham County Patrolman C. Natalia’s rebelliousness mani­ a concerted attack on “totalitari­ scheduled to open that day in pare members for participation in L. Goolsby was cleared in police fested itself early. In boarding an” Cuba. Monroe, North Carolina. underground work in Russia. At court here last week of the slay­ But Rusk achieved far less than school in Kharkov she helped Canadians feel a particular in­ the age of 19 Natalia successfully ing of Arthur James Jan. 6 in the he aimed for at Punta del Este. with secret collections of money terest in the case because Robert carried out her first assignment of Safari restaurant. Goolsby and of­ And in securing what little he to aid political prisoners, urged F. Williams, NAACP leader from this type — transporting illegal ficer C. L. Diffenberfer said did, the U.S. was further exposed her fellow students to read “sub­ Monroe and one of those who literature from Switzerland into James was armed with a stool versive” literature, and reputedly before the people of Latin Ameri­ faces the “kidnap” charge, was Russia. After this secret mission when they entered the restaurant. ca as an arrogant imperialist organized a classroom demonstra­ the object of an intense manhunt she went to Paris and there was power bent on destroying the one tion. This followed an incident outside in Canada last September before active in the Iskra group. Among during which, they said, James government on the continent he escaped to Cuba where he has Student Movement other duties, she headed the com­ which puts human rights before stood up for another Negro. been granted political asylum. mittee whose duty it was to wel­ From Kharkov she went to the Eight witnesses who were in the property rights. In a sermon last month at the come newcomers, find them lodg­ The State Department had University for Women in Moscow restaurant testified that James First Unitarian Church of Toronto, ings and orient them in the city. where she joined a Social-Demo- had his hands over his head and originally demanded that the Rev. John H. Morgan told of a This was how she met the man cratic student group. Thereafter was retreating when the officers meeting expel Cuba from the OAS conversation he had with W il­ and impose mandatory diplomatic she continued her education (Continued on Page 3) fired one shot each. liam s in the sp rin g o f 1961. abroad. Here is how she once “As I sat talking with Robert briefly summarized it: Williams,” he said, “I thought of “It was during my adolescence, the long, sad story of struggle for in the last years of the past cen­ human freedom all around the tury, that I became acquainted Castro’s Views on ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ world . and of the unsung with ‘revolutionary ideas,’ which, heroes who have laid down their Fidel Castro was interviewed of the Cuban revolution who Another aspect of the question in old Imperial Russia, often were lives for their persecuted brethren. Jan. 16 by newspapermen from think differently were lost. What is that our politics are not the only those of Western liberalism. It is to this band of leaders that is your opinion of this . .? politics of sectarianism. On the I was at boarding school in various parts of the world attend­ a m an such as R o be rt W illia m s ing a Havana meeting of the In­ contrary, we maintain open arms Kharkov. We organized some eve­ Answer: . the revolution is belongs, and I am chagrined that ternational Organization of Jour­ of friendship — not only to the ning get-togethers of students and aided by all sections of the left any Canadian investigative agency Communist parties, but to all the there I met young people already nalists.
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