ALUMNUS SUMMER 1975 u.. President Robert Leclerc: Past President Ron Boucher: THE YEAR THE YEAR AHEAD: IN REVIEW: Some Questions That Problems, Solutions, Need Answers Accomplishments In 1965 I graduated from Loyola If I may, being the oldest active College along with two hundredother member on the Board, I would like to people, all but a few of whom were go back to lend my experience to re­ young men. This year, ten years later, viewing the Board's ups and downs. four times this number will graduate In the past, our Association has had from the Loyola Campus of Concordia may problems. I can remembei- past University with a significant portion Presidents such as Brian Gallery say­ of these comprising female students. ing that we would have to "look at The total day enrollment in the 1964- the alternatives available to theAsso­ 65 academic year was less than eight­ ciation so that the graduates both een hundred. It now amounts to3,947 young and old will come to see that and when one adds the l 0,479 eve­ their Association is something in which ning students (fall and summer), the they should take an active part and of total student population is a number which they can be truly proud". And not dissimilar from the total student Bill Pelton stating that " the problem population of McGill University ten we face is apathy; apathy from years ago. our members, apathy from our stu­ The growth of Loyola College stu­ dents, apathy within the community. dents taking university as opposed to We have had to cope with the inde­ CEGEP courses has increased at a finite future status of Loyola; we have rate which is much more pronounced financial problems; we have underta­ than has been the case with McGill ken to redefine our role so as to University. The total student popula­ make a fuller contribution to Loyola". tion at what is now known as Con­ And more recently Des Lartigue, refer­ cordia University amounts to 9,407, ring to the amalgamation of Loyola an astonishing number when one ••••••••••••••••• and S.G. W.U., saying that "living in looks back ten years. The statistics • • this vacuum has not been easy" and are more significant when one reaches • Party Scheduled • also stating that "this year o planning back twenty, thirty or forty years. I • • committee was established, comprised recall that when I graduated most of • for Class of '50 • primarily of Post Presidents of the the Alumni whom I knew indicated • • Association to give some thought lo they were surprised at the large num­ • Marc Brault and organizing com­ • (a) the need for a Loyola Alumni ber of students at Loyola and they • mittee members, Rudy Dollfus, Paul • Association and (b) the future of the had never dreamed it would become e Gallagher, Gerry McCarthy, Jim • Association". such a big institution. How strange • O'Shaughnessy, Marcel Sicard and I believe this Board has gone a long that remark seems to-day! • Earl Wynands have made plans to • way lo solving many of these conten­ The question we have to consider • hold a cocktail party and dinner on • tious issues. First and foremost, our is whether and in what form our As­ • Friday, September 26, in Montreal financial structure is now on a sol id sociation should continue lo exist. Cer­ for the Class of '50 and wives. • basis due to the help and efforts of tainly it would be a waste and deple­ • For further information on price • Stirling Dorrance and Al Ferrari. tion of human resources to attempt • and location contact Marc Brault at • The amalgamation of the two Uni­ to justify our continued existence on • 255-7741, local 263. • versities has taken place and your purely nostalgic grounds. This is not • Any other class years planning to • Association not only will continue lo to be confused with having a program • hold reunions are invited to write or • exist but will, with your continued that includes golf tournaments, oyster • call the Alumni Office, 482-0320 local • support, contribute to an even g realer parties, fashion shows and other • 402. We supply class lists and pro- • degree to the Loyola Campus. We events which are solely of an enter- • vide mailing of notices. • still have apathy, however, I think cont'd. ••••••••••••••••• - cont' d . Boucher - cont'd. this Board came to the conclusion that we will always have a majority of our members who want to be led. So the challenge in the coming years is Leadership. I believe that your new Board will have even greater opportunities to contribute lo this Loyola Community because all of the members have ,,: demonstrated I eadership. Honorary degrees Doctor of Laws were conferred on (left lo right) Myer Pollock, In closing, I would like lo thank the Reverend Patrick G . Malone, S.J. and Tony Walsh at the Convocation of the members of this Board and the many Loyola Faculty of Aris and Science, Concordia University. The three recipients friends who helped us during my are pictures with Dr. John O'Brien, Rector. (2nd lo the left). Presidency. I would like lo sing I e out Six hundred and ten Bachelor of Loyola Campus. Mrs. Janice Deveau for the great Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees contribution she has made in keeping The Dean of Arts and Science is Dr. were conferred al the first Spring us all informed. Without her, we Russell W. Breen, former Loyola Dean Convocation of Concordia Univer­ would not have been as successful. of Aris. sity's Faculty of Aris and Science, It is also my duty and indeed a privilege to review the 1974-75 Leclerc - cont'd. Board's activities: McCann as Vice President, Frank Mc­ Nally as Secretary and Bob Bourgault tainmenl nature, I do not consider as Treasurer. They had a very busy that the Association should have lo make a determination today as lo The first event was our Golf Tourna­ and successful year with the All Star ment which was very successfully Team finishing· second in the two out­ what its form will be five, ten or twenty years henc;e. Surely, even chaired by Bob Led ere and assisted side tournaments they entered. Con­ Loyola Alumni are ready lo accept a by Garry Brown. For the first lime gratulations lo all of you and thanks. bit of future shock. in memory, we made money. I know we can count on your contin­ The Special Fund Draw was chaired ued support and enthusiasm. As I 5ee ii the Alumni Association by your soon-lo-be Past President and Bernie McCallum retired from the should be seeking to serve the Uni­ again through the able assistance of Association last summer, and on De­ versity academically and econo­ Mr. Jim Wilson and many others, we cember 17th, 1974, we had a reception mically. We have taken some strides were able to supply the Association and presentation at my home for him. in academic and para-academic with sufficient funds to underwrite all At that lime he was presented with circles; economically we have not social events as well as the Annual a colour television set and many of done our job - Loyola Alumni are, General Meeting. his friends were able lo personally and have been, by and large, notor­ The Oyster Party was chaired by wish him much continued success. iously poor givers. Dick Riendeau and although we had The Past Presidents reception was The task of gelling Alumni involved a deficit, ii was certainly not through held on May 8th, of this year at the is not easy lo discharge especially lack of effort on his part and the other Jesuit Residence and I would like to in the first years after graduation members of the committee namely take this opportunity of thanking Fa­ when presumably graduates are most Bob Bourgault, Christina Murohy, and ther S. Dubas for having hosted this energetic. There are other commit­ Richard Stock. I am confident that this fine reception as well as Father Car­ ments which interfere:- family,finan­ year's party will attract a substantial roll for the first class refreshments cial, professional and leisure commit­ ments and concerns have a way of number of Alumni. as usual. gelling priority over Alumni Asso­ The Bridges Series which is the Our 1975 Fund Campaign Chair­ ciation activities. There is also a great matching up of undergraduates with man is W. H. Wilson jr. Although the tendency to assume that the old business people, that will hopefully mail has been slow, you have received school will always be there and will your first request for donations lo give them some insight into their function and flourish although a grad­ your favourite cause al Loyola. You chosen field, was chaired by uate may be less than energetic and can expect that Mr. Wilson will see Frank McNally. He was very ably as­ less than devoted to do the job for to ii that you all give to the maximum sisted by Maggie Abony and Richard the Alumni Association and for the of your ability. Stock. All in all, a very satisfactory University. I would like lo think that The Wine&Cheese Party this year program which I believe could be in the next year we can devote more was cancelled due to a misunderstand­ greatly improved (in numbers only) time and effort to gelling our grad­ ing between the Association and the if the various undergradiate groups uates involved academically and Campus Centre as well as the spiral­ were to pitch in.
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