INVASIVEINVASIVE DECAPODSDECAPODS LOVELOVE THEMTHEM oror HATEHATE THEM?THEM? DavidDavid HoldichHoldich TheThe intentionalintentional oror accidentalaccidental introductionintroduction ofof invasiveinvasive speciesspecies isis secondsecond onlyonly toto habitathabitat destructiondestruction inin causingcausing thethe globalglobal lossloss ofof biodiversity.biodiversity. AquaticAquatic systemssystems presentpresent fewfew barriersbarriers toto thethe spreadspread ofof invasiveinvasive speciesspecies onceonce theythey becomebecome establishedestablished (Cook(Cook && Clark,Clark, 2004).2004). However,However, littlelittle emphasisemphasis hashas beenbeen putput onon thethe considerableconsiderable impactimpact thatthat decapoddecapod crustaceanscrustaceans cancan havehave onon inlandinland waters.waters. Global Strategy on Invasive e.g.e.g. Global Strategy on Invasive AlienAlien Species.Species. McNeelyMcNeely etet alal.. (2001).(2001). IUCNIUCN Gland,Gland, Switzerland,Switzerland, andand Cambridge,Cambridge, UK,UK, inin collaborationcollaboration withwith thethe GlobalGlobal InvasiveInvasive SpeciesSpecies Programme.Programme. OneOne briefbrief mentionmention ofof invasiveinvasive decapods,decapods, i.e.i.e. crayfishcrayfish escapingescaping fromfrom aa LondonLondon fishfish market!market! ApproximatelyApproximately 10,00010,000 speciesspecies ofof decapoddecapod crustaceans,crustaceans, whichwhich includeinclude thethe prawns,prawns, shrimps,shrimps, lobsters,lobsters, crabscrabs andand crayfish.crayfish. ManyMany havehave aquaculturalaquacultural oror fisheriesfisheries potentialpotential andand havehave beenbeen intentionallyintentionally movedmoved outsideoutside ofof theirtheir homehome rangerange toto newnew countries,countries, e.g.e.g. freshwaterfreshwater crayfishcrayfish.. OthersOthers havehave beenbeen movedmoved accidentallyaccidentally outsideoutside theirtheir homehome range,range, e.g.e.g. crabscrabs inin ballastballast waterwater.. WhenWhen established,established, bothboth intentionalintentional andand accidentalaccidental introductionsintroductions oftenoften dodo betterbetter inin newnew environmentsenvironments thanthan atat home,home, e.g.e.g. NorthNorth AmericanAmerican andand AsianAsian speciesspecies inin EuropeEurope.. WhetherWhether youyou ‘love’‘love’ invasive invasive decapodsdecapods oror ‘hate’‘hate’ themthem dependsdepends onon ifif youyou are are interestedinterested inin themthem becausebecause ofof thethe impactimpact theythey havehave onon thethe aquaticaquatic environmentenvironment oror fromfrom aa commercialcommercial pointpoint ofof view.view. PositivePositive featuresfeatures ofof invasiveinvasive decapods:decapods: e.g.e.g. actualactual oror potentiallypotentially valuablevaluable cropcrop oror aquariumaquarium tradetrade species;species; additionaladditional foodfood sourcesource forfor predatorspredators suchsuch asas fish,fish, birds,birds, otters,otters, andand gourmets.gourmets. CommercialCommercial harvestingharvesting andand preparationpreparation ofof thethe redred swampswamp crayfishcrayfish LargeLarge industryindustry inin LouisianaLouisiana (native),(native), ChinaChina (introduced)(introduced) andand SpainSpain (introduced)(introduced) NewNew exportexport market,market, e.g.e.g. fromfrom SpainSpain toto ScandinaviaScandinavia -- muchmuch cheapercheaper thanthan nativenative crayfishcrayfish speciesspecies AustralianAustralian yabbiesyabbies for for dinnerdinner inin SwitzerlandSwitzerland MusselsMussels ++ TurkishTurkish crayfishcrayfish ++ chipschips inin thethe SouthSouth ofof France!France! Aquarium-Aquarium- ornamentalsornamentals trade,trade, e.g.e.g. redclawredclaw and and marbledmarbled crayfishcrayfish CootCoot eatingeating aa signalsignal crayfishcrayfish –– new new foodfood sourcesource NegativeNegative featuresfeatures ofof invasiveinvasive decapodsdecapods OutOut competecompete nativenative speciesspecies forfor resourcesresources InvasiveInvasive rr-selected,-selected, nativesnatives tendtend toto bebe K-selectedK-selected CarryCarry diseasesdiseases PolytrophicPolytrophic DamageDamage toto ricerice cropscrops DamageDamage toto banksbanks byby burrowingburrowing AbilityAbility toto escapeescape andand movemove overlandoverland MortalitiesMortalities ofof nativenative crayfishcrayfish causedcaused byby crayfishcrayfish plagueplague fungusfungus DamageDamage toto riverriver banksbanks causedcaused byby crayfishcrayfish andand crabscrabs SignalSignal crayfishcrayfish circumventingcircumventing aa weirweir andand escapingescaping fromfrom aa containercontainer withinwithin secondsseconds ofof itit beingbeing openedopened InvasionsInvasions byby decapodsdecapods intointo EuropeanEuropean inlandinland waterswaters havehave beenbeen onon twotwo fronts:fronts: 1.1. Estuarine Estuarine crabscrabs accidentallyaccidentallyintroduced introduced viavia ballastballast tanktank water,water, e.g.e.g. a.a. ChineseChinese mittenmitten crab,crab,EriocheirEriocheir sinensissinensis,, fromfrom SESE AsiaAsia toto GermanyGermany inin 1912.1912. b.b. DwarfDwarf mudmud crab,crab,RhithropanopeusRhithropanopeus harrisiiharrisii,, fromfrom thethe USAUSA –– introduced introduced fromfrom NorthNorth AmericaAmerica toto thethe NetherlandsNetherlands inin 1874.1874. NowNow widespreadwidespread inin NorthernNorthern Europe,Europe, includingincluding thethe Baltic.Baltic. VeryVery smallsmall andand notnot yetyet aa problem.problem. c.c. BlueBlue crab,crab,CallinectesCallinectes sapidussapidus,, fromfrom thethe USAUSA toto thethe NetherlandsNetherlands inin 1932.1932. SimilarSimilar lifelife historyhistory toto thethe ChineseChinese mittenmitten crab.crab. NotNot yetyet aa problem.problem. 2.2. FreshwaterFreshwater crayfishcrayfish intentionallyintentionallyintroduced introduced intointo WesternWestern EuropeEurope forfor stockingstocking andand aquacultural aquacultural purposes:purposes: Spiny-cheekSpiny-cheek crayfish:crayfish:OrconectesOrconectes limosuslimosus(USA-1890)(USA-1890) Narrow-clawedNarrow-clawed crayfish:crayfish: Astacus Astacus leptodactylusleptodactylus (Eastern(Eastern Europe-late1800s)Europe-late1800s) SignalSignal crayfish:crayfish:PacifastacusPacifastacus leniusculusleniusculus(USA-1960s)(USA-1960s) RedRed swampswamp crayfish:crayfish:ProcambarusProcambarus clarkiiclarkii(USA-1970s)(USA-1970s) Yabby:Yabby:CheraxCherax destructor destructor(Australia-1983).(Australia-1983). InvasiveInvasive decapodsdecapods FutureFuture threats threats from from crayfish,crayfish, e.g. e.g. Cherax Cherax spp. spp., , ProcambarusProcambarusspp.andspp.and OrconectesOrconectes spp. spp. CRABSCRABS ReasonsReasons forfor thethe successsuccess ofof introducedintroduced crabscrabs areare thatthat theythey areare euryhaline,euryhaline, eurythermal,eurythermal, polytrophic,polytrophic, andand somesome areare ableable toto migratemigrate longlong distancesdistances upup riversrivers andand movemove acrossacross land.land. CrabCrab developmentdevelopment involvesinvolves thethe productionproduction ofof thousandsthousands ofof free-livingfree-living larvaelarvae –– very very differentdifferent lifelife cyclecycle toto crayfish.crayfish. e.g.e.g. ChineseChinese mittenmitten crabcrab isis catadromouscatadromous – – lives lives inin freshwaterfreshwater butbut movesmoves toto estuariesestuaries toto breed.breed. LarvaeLarvae developdevelop inin estuaryestuary andand thenthen youngyoung crabscrabs movemove backback upup river,river, sometimessometimes veryvery longlong distances.distances. TheThe ChineseChinese mittenmitten crabcrab supportssupports aa $1.25$1.25 billionbillion perper annumannum aquaculturalaquacultural industryindustry inin China.China. LocalLocal andand internationalinternational marketsmarkets areare suppliedsupplied withwith livelive animals.animals. AtAt presentpresent therethere isis notnot muchmuch callcall forfor itit asas foodfood inin EuropeEurope exceptexcept amongstamongst immigrantimmigrant ChineseChinese peoples.peoples. LiveLive specimensspecimens areare soldsold inin ChineseChinese supermarketssupermarkets inin somesome countries.countries. MayMay fetchfetch 1818 euro/kgeuro/kg inin LondonLondon inin season.season. However,However, therethere isis somesome potentialpotential -- in in 19361936 242242 tonnestonnes werewere caughtcaught inin GermanyGermany alonealone (4.4(4.4 millionmillion individuals)!individuals)! EriocheirEriocheir sinensis sinensis-- Chinese Chinese mittenmitten crabcrab 66 cmcm carpacecarpace length length TheThe KingKing andand QueenQueen ChineseChinese mittenmitten crabscrabs worthworth 21,00021,000 euros!euros! ChineseChinese mitten mitten crab crab – – invasion invasion of of Europe Europe (from(from Herborg Herborg et et al., al., 2003, 2003, 2005; 2005; Karaman Karaman & & Machino, Machino, 2004) 2004) 19121912 – – R. R. Weser, Weser, Germany Germany 19141914 – – R. R. Elbe, Elbe, Germany Germany 19271927 – – Baltic Baltic via via Kiel Kiel Canal Canal 19271927 – – Austria Austria via via Germany Germany (R. (R. Danube Danube drainage) drainage) 19331933 – – Russia Russia and and Finland Finland 19271927 – – Denmark Denmark 19301930 – – Northern Northern France France 19311931 – – Netherlands Netherlands – – most most rivers rivers by by 1936 1936 19321932 – – Czech Czech Rep. Rep. via via R. R. Elbe Elbe (700 (700 km) km) 19321932 – – R. R. Rhine Rhine (512 (512 km) km) 19331933 – – Belgium Belgium 19341934 – – Poland Poland via via R. R. Oder Oder (446 (446 km) km) 19541954 – – southern southern France France (Atlantic) (Atlantic) 19591959
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